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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1913)
St ere ', ff, piMtlM wlwi fei ffc- TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., JULY i r9i, No. 46 Jjwrtft patte Mr Rice and Dore Carnival Opens. The Rice and Dore water carnival company arrived from Grand Island Sunday evening and early yesterday 'morning the work of erecting the tents for the various attractions began and was prosecuted with such vigor throughout The day that by ovoning . everything was in readiness for recoiv ipgtho people. This carnival company is by far the largest that has visited North Platte, eight or ten cars being required to transport thecquippage and the employes. Nearly two hundred men and women ate connected in one way or another with the company. Thoro are sixteen attractions which charge admission and three that are free. The various shows are located principally on 'Fifth, Sixth and Locust streets, Dewey being kept clear of attractions except one at the U. P. hotel, a Ferris wheel between Front and Sixth and a merry-go-round at Fourth. The tank for the water nymphs and the ihclosure for the wild west show occupy opposite corners ' at Fifth and Locust. Inaddition to'.theso show places, there are a largo number of booths for concessionaires who have 'different classes of wares for sale. With all these tents nnd stands, the streets present a truly carnival .ap pearance. Among the attractions offered by tho company are the Motordome, where motorcyclists dash around at a thrilling pace; Princess Electra and Prof. Dorsi, who tame electricity; Booger Kid's wild west show, with its bucking branchos, and cowboy feats-, the con gress of fat people, where you find mountains of huminity, the Palace of the Orient, the house of the dancers; "the congress of wonders, whore strange and curious people are seen; Bo Bo's Minstrels, vaudeville show, the flea circus, the Ferris wheel, the ocean wave and the steam swine and last but by no moans least, the Fjather Neptune and his nymphs, thosnow including7 the high dive. '' ' : The carnival drew out a large crowd on the streets last evening, but the at tendance'at tho shows other thasat the motordome, the water nymphs and the merry-go-round was not large. Evi dently tho people weregettingvthp "lay of the land" and will begin the real sight seeing tonight. Until Friday tho shows will not be open in tho afternoons. The crowd on tho stroet last evening was orderly and was not inclined to get "smart." Tho fact that tho shows arc spread out over a wido scope, prevents tho congestion of any one stroQt. Bungalow For Sale. I offer for sale the new six-room bungalow I am building at the corner of Twelfth anjl Locust street, in my newly laid off addition. Full basement and all modern except heat. For prico and terms apply to I. L. Miltonberger. At a meeting of tho directors of the building and loan association Saturday evening a majority of the directors voted to purchase tho Payne corner opposite tho postoffice building for a site for an office building. The tract to bo purchased is 44x132 feet and the prico is $8,000. The tentative plans call for a two-story building 41x80 feet, supplied with steam heat and safety deposit vaults pn both floors, and with arenways on the cast and south so as to provide light for every room. Tho building will cost about $20,000. Six room house, bath, water and electric lights, goon barn, lawn and fine trees, located on West 8th St. Up for quick tale and is a good bar gain. Prico $3,000.00. See C. F. Temple. Mrs. George LeDioyt won the Buick automobile in tho contest offered jointly by the Davis company and the Daily Telegraph. Mrs. LeDioyt led her near est competitor Mrs. Jensen by over a million votes. Tho car was turned over to Mrs. LeDioyt Sunday morning and she and her husband took the full measure of enjoyment out of it that day. For bargains, in choice residences see Buchanana & Patterson's bargain list in another column. tf Fred Elliott has completed the census of the.North Platte school district and found about fifteen hundred children of school age, an increase of nearly two hundred over last year. Mrs. Sam Carson, of Hastings, who was called here recently by the illness of her daughter Mrs. Henry Simon, re turned home last evening. Automobile insurance, Woodhurst's nsurance Agency. 42-8 Miss Antonetto Landgraf returned this morning from a short visit in Omaha and will visit her parents for a week or more bofore returning to Ogden whore she has resided for a number of years. Miss Florence Iddings, who is attend ing school at Bryn Mawr, a suburb of Philadelphia, arrived homo this week. Following the closing of the school year Miss Iddings attended a houso party at u classmate's homo in the east. Temple is agent for Cody's Second, Taylor's and Dolson'p Additions. See him for vacant lots. We are promised two games of ball on the Fourth, the former Humboldt team trying conclusions with the Sidney team. Manager Cummings is busy every day secuiing dates for games, and hopes to hayo a well filled schedulo for July and August. Mrs. Joseph L. Roddy returned this morning from . Washington, D. C..,a where, she went a month ago as a local delegate from Jho Ladies Auxiliary of; the B. of L. F. and E. to the National' Convention. The delegates were roy ally entertained by tho different organ? izations of the city with balls, concerts, moonlight excursions on the wator and were guests at an afternoon reception giyen by President and Mrs. Wilson at the White House. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Donehower, o Peforia, formerly of this city were among tho delegatos. M $10.00 Cash Prizes will be paid by Bratt & Goodman as follows: $5.00 will be paid for the best sample of winter wheat. $5.00 will be paid for the best sample of rye. "" To be delivered at our office not later than 3 jp. m., July 4; 1913. There must not be less than 50 nor more than 100 heads in each bundle, neatly done up and labeled. Mr. Snyder of.the state experimental farm will be the judge and the money will be paid to the winner on his award. Bratt & Goodman. Fourth of July ecials Af Sf Dresses One lot of Linen unci Rati no wash suits, reg ular $8.50 to $10.00 values, special One lot of colored wash dress es in Xinens3 Ginghams, Per cales,, $3.00 values, special if White dresses in Lingeries and, Voiles, beautifully em- VlitQJclei'ed or lace trimmed, regular up to flJCS f I $10.00 values special this week Jv W J THE STORE FOR SHIRT WAISTS New lot of washable Silk waists in plain White or Bulgarian trimmedtf C regular $2.00 values, special J)l 9Q White Lingerie or Voile waists, em broidered or lace trimmed, reg- AQ ular values up to $2.00, special 7OC Remember, Everything New at the New Store "The Best Equipped Laundry in the West :' ' t? $ mjEnsVisssssMsisVw.ofam-J a M IHhMkHHIffitf&xvi irSAMmmr TrATTNrra?Y CftiNOfciH Hatte Hesr! ' UwiT fSAHjnfy fSitrjr& tUMiMp 4 WEI. TWIi'M iD -. v-ob B& """ "H& iBeNMmaMAwiMUMMNasK ti".Tiw tvzTPjAaui3tJima. -t'' . -i a V Interior View of Our Irohihg Room An Economical Laundry WHY - .We have spent thousands of dollars in m.kin our plUiit ' one..6f -the most?' complete in the west, but because we haye done this we are Hpt' d6mpelled to ; charge an exorbitant price for our work, as we .have spent this-.- money! putting in the latest labor saving machines. W&q -ncfr usStffaie hard' city waterjj ,bu have wells of our own from which we pump thd hVi . ".'".' ' :' '' " Purest SoiYlfaUr ' " : for the entire plant. We not on a meter system, so are not, compelled to be careful of water, but on the contrary we change the rinse water- seVcrril -"times, probably twice more than we would or could if we werepdying for' wlter bv the METER SYSTEM. "'- J ' The Empress Theatre. ProRrnm for tho Free Matineo afternoon and for the initial opening torifght. " this Biograph "The Ranchero's Re venge." Kalem presents "The Terror of Con science." A story of real life. Tho littlo street singer, though 111, is com pelled to follow her daily vocation. "Silence for Silence." part of the county and In the north east part. Up to dat'o the crops in tho county, generall speaking, arc report ed in good shape. Wheat and ryo Is ripening rapidly land in somo sections tho harvest will begin the latter part of this weoj; Dr. Babcock,of Julesburg, Colo., has tuken delivery of hisG-cylinder Mitchell runabout, recently purchased, of the Jv S. Davis Auto Co. ' ' - ' Mrs,. Volford, ot Angola, who. was. the. guest of her nephew E. E. Moody roturned home Inst evening. Miss Mildred Wbru turned to Den ver this morning after n threo weeks' visit with her. aiinfc,Mri; Charles Weir. For bargains in choice residences see Buchanan & Patterson's .bargain list in another column tf Fourth of July Weather. As North Platto is planning a big celebration, naturally we are all inter ested as to the weather wo will have on that day. The accommodating officer at tho weather bureau, Mr. Shilling, has lookwd up the records of tho office for thirty nine years past, and finds that on sixteen of the thirty-nino Fourths wo have liad rain,' tho hoavlest having occurred on July A, 1897. Last year wo had about one-fourth of an inch. Ho finds tho hottest Fourth wo have over had was in 1877, when it registered 102, and Bill McDonald and Bill Woodhurst, who were thon boys, say it was so hot that the collection of fireworks, which were recklessly exposed to tho sun's rays, wore ignited and exploded in a heap thus robbing the poople of tho ex hibition at night. Tho coldost Fourth was in 1903, when tho tomporaturo dropped to forty-seven degrees. Of course you can't tell to a certainty what the weather will bo next Friday, but from tho records of the past it will bo either hot, temperate or cool and either dry or wet. Real Estate Loans. Buchanan & Patterson have plenty of money on hand to make real estate loans on farms, ranches and city prop erty. Loans closed promptly, no delay Rates and terms the most favorable. mmmmmm bm, iiiwBMawiwwiiwwM; mtomwmwi THE CITY'S ONLY WOMEN'S STORE wmmmHmmmHmmmuKsmsmmmammmmmmmmmmmmammmm Tho extreme heat and tho strong hot wind which swupt over us for three days terminated Saturday night. Thurs day thu temporaturo rose to ninety- j eight and Friday it went one dogreo Higher. Saturday was not quito no warm, on Sunday it was eighty-nine and yesterday was a pleasant summer day. About one o'clock last night a thundor storm came up and twenty eight ono hundredths of an inch of rain foll. Tho hot weather and wind of last week had somo effect on small grain nnd especially oats, in somo parts of tho county. Sunday aftomoon rain fell in tho section east of Bignoll, on the Jack Morrow flats, in the south Features of the North Platte Chautauqua which Opens Saturday, July 12th. IT JssHr'ssRj(n'IOrell5HBlHrfc(iSS?Sl V2X& 'X:. iilS14.'JTfHfniAAfi! TnWrrffw-sWfBffi 1 & HHhHsHsSsHHssSmSIssSsHSiHsHHBsU& f f- wWlWsBrwiniiiWisMsr iffiBBIBsssffTnfTHHBsisWi' ' u wStmiBB wssBl 9E9sBsBlsBsbHHsRHBPMIsHsssHlsHlsHMi B i vHH 1 isH P9bb11;:vHKv1sss1:71 h S39v 't'.ssHLAsssV.9i:ssasS S"sssHr'S -S r MILITARY GIRI. IsIBsssssHhHIsb8sIssHHHBSiSB9BB! BMNNI3TT QUARTETTE. tiiii r r - " -ii-.C. tHJi