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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1913)
M ' n I I' M it' I fi"'" olumbia the Gem of the Ocean doesn't sbow,her age though she has long since passed, the century mark. She is still dazzhngly beautiful, bat not n bit more so than the gems and jewels to be seen in our cases. If you have a gift to make to some fair daughter of Columbia or -want some adornment for your own use, this jewelry shop is the place to find th prettiest and best. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. We want your repair work The High Cost of Town Living Two business men were talking over the high cost of living in North Platte a ffw cvenlnps auo. and after consider able discussion and the free use of ! Local and Personal Mrs. Groff, of Fairbury, is expected next week to visit her daughter Mrs. H. C. Brock. Mr. Miller, of district 120, transacted business at the county superintendent's office Wednesday. Miss Hazel Minshal! who had been I ppneils, arrived at tho conclusion that teaching in Liucoln, closed her school . the cost oi tne necessities oi me, otner1 this week and returned home yester i WJiUI meillH, WHS iiul IJIUtll fcieaici mull if ff-ttmaa-jaa-jf-f-t-j-si & .vU th PHONE 4 OR 8 Your Drugs. Orders De livered promptly. REXALL and NYAL DRUG STORES ?Masfrm-ji m m ft m t i Mrs. Charles Ell left Tuesday evening for Sidney to be a gueit at a house party at the RatcIifT home. Mrs. E. A. Calling, of camo Tuesday evening to visit hr friend Miss Gertrude Baker. Itussell Bedell who went to Grand tele- west 20 to Islam! recently to work for the phone company, has returned. ' Daisy Sawyer sold the south .quarter of Sec. 11, Iwp. 10, R, l 0. H. Thoelecke a few days ago. Bankers Life Insurance, Woodhurst's Insurance Agency. 42-8 George and Raymond Lannin J Tuesday evening for Ogden and Lake to spend a couple of weeks. .irs. nay Langroru and sons are ex pocted home today from a in I'leasanton, la., with relativos. left1 Salt Local and Personal. Mr3. Austin Taylor returned the first of this week from Denver. Jay Smith left yesterday for Omaha where he will accept a position. Mrs. Fry, and daughter, of Suther land, are visiting friends in town. Mrs. Chas. Lierk, Sr. this week with friends Joseph Schatz transacted business Sidney the early part of this week. Joo Puffine left Wednesday for South Dakota to spend two weeks or longer. Mr.' and Mrs. Edward Rebhausen Homer Hall returned to Grand Ul.n.l wno ' ia" wee lor umaha are ex after visiting in town for several days. ten or more years ago. the high cost of living, they figured, applied more to ( the use of thorfe things which were lux uries rather than necessities, and for i these luxuries (which, of course the I users figure go to make life more pleas i ant) the pleople of North Platte ex-. pend annually a quarter of a million do larf. These items, 33 handed to The Tribune man included liquor, I tobacco, automobiles, picture and other I shows, ice cream and confections, gum and soft drinks. The expenditures for I those rank as above enumerated, linnnr Gothenburg, i first, tobacco sjcond. autos third and shows fourth, the liquor bill leading handsomely and the auto and tobacco bills running close together. Ten years ago picture shows and au tomobiles were unknown in North H'latte; now we are expending about 326,000 a year for the former, and the upkeep and depreciation of the automo biles owned in North Platte, figuring the number at 150. is conservatively es timated at S-lO.t'OO per year; we are smoking more and better cigars per man than we did ten years ago, and our bill for these and tobacco foot up an nually about $50,000. The liquor bill I will exceed $90,000 annually; last year day. Mrs. M. F. Gray, of Giltner, who , was the guest of her sons I. L. and ! Arthur Gray, returned home yesterday I morning. I Miss Hattie Martin, of the Leader, will leave next week for Baird and Wallace to spend her summer vacation with relatives. . The Post building; is being moved from Front street to the corner of 2nd and Walnut, where it will be repaired and remodeled. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hayden and daughter Florence, of Wallace, who spent the first of the week in town, left yesterday morning. Mrs. Fred Elliott and son Ben left Wednesday evening for Omsha where the latter has accepted employment in he McKeen shops. A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. J I Clyde Giddeon tendered them a surprise party last evening in honor of their first wedding anniversary. A pleasant 1 evening was spent by all and nicely i 1 prepared refreshments were served. i Mrs. Lester ANalker entertained a ' . .. Z v$ Stability, Efficiency and Service llitvo hacn the I'natovs in the growth oT tlic First National Bank, -ol- 2SOIZTJ1 1LATTJ2, XISMtASKA. CAI'r.lI. AXD SLrItIJL.US: One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. is Spending I leave earlv in .hilv for Rnnldpr Cnin in Omaha. to spend a couple of weeks fishing. in , J. E. May, of the Grand Island Tele phone Company, spent yesterday visit ing Uruce Hown of the local office. Northport, spent in town on busi- gone to for ten Claude Delany, of the first of this week ness. Miss Mildred Wright bfcs Lodgepole to visit relatives .days. Mrs. Orra DeFord has returned from Omaha where she visitad for several days. The Junior Normal students are hold ing a picnic at the Experimental Station today. Mrs. J. S. D&vfs will leave next week for Denver to visit relatives for two weeks. Robert Dickey went up the branch Wednesday to spend a couple of days on business. Wm Peter went to Brady Wednesday morning to spend several days n business. pected to return the first of next week. Wanted First class experienced chambermaid at the Vienna, no other need apply. Attorney James Keefe returned Tues- I day from Sioux City where he visited relatives and attended a class reunion. Mr and Mrs., Clarence Garman are contemplating a trip to Ohio in the near future, to visit relatives for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Turpie and child ren will leave this week for Merintro. J la., to visit relatives for a couple of weeks. Miss Alfa McKinley, ef York, re turned home Wednesday afternoon after spending four weeks with Miss Lillian Hendy Woodhurst's Insurance Agencv. Every known kind of insurance. North PInttc, Neb. 42-8 Colfax Encampment No. 23, I. O. 0. F. Will httVO Rovnl Pllrnlw n.nrrnn nnrl Earl Carpenter, of Omaha, spnt a J lunch Friday, June 27, at 8 p. m. All few days here this week whllo enroute i members please be present. month's visit ( fifty eight carloads of beer were shipped scre of ' 1" the early part of alativos I 'nto North Platte, about 15 per cent of this week in honor of her niece Miss I vcKr-h wua ru.hinnAl m, i. wfcnin.aio Dorothy Goodwill, of Minden. La. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood intend to Honiara Uir nr nmo nr ton nlnnon i After spending a couple of hours in at which ice cream, soft drinks and con-' games the guests were served with a i fections are handled, and for these we , nlce 'uncn. ' expend annually riearly one-half the monthly pay-roll of the Union Paeihc at North Platte. , These figures are here produced not as a criticism of the growing extrava gance of our people, but rather to in dicate "where" the money goes. We are a town of about 6,000 people, we live well, dress well and take all the en joyment out of life we can; but while flnincr thift 1nt' hnnpstlv rnnnirlpr whv living is high; does it not mean the cost '"? ii uuiaun was lenuereu a of high living rather than the high I surprise party Monday evening in honor cost of living. 1-of fier fifty-third birthday by sixty ' neighbors and friende. In remembrance I :t, lnT, W,U: of the day she received a 300 Victrola Lierk-Jonnson Wedding. from her husbnnd and a 8et of Hnen In the presence of the immediate ' napkins from the guests. The evening relatives was solemnized the marriage was enjoyably spent in games, music of Chas. .Lierk 0f this cityjind Maymc i and contests and prizes were awarded Johnson of Brady at the bride's home I to Mesdames Andrew Scharman and south of Brady at noon Wednesday of , Fred Thompson. An elaborate lunch this week. The decorations wpre i was served an small tables which were modest and in perfect keeping with the I decorated with pink and white carna humble spirit of the bride and the dc-' tions. cassion. The wedding march was I , played by ono of bride's nieces and nn- Protect your cows and horses from flies during the summer months by using Dr. Hess Fly Chaser. This pre- paration has been subjected to the severest test before offering it for sale 1 and we know positively that there is nothing on the market that will equal Dr. Hess Fly Chaser. For sale b$ Schiller & Co., The Leading Drug Stores. and 4th of July Celebration Benefit North Platte Military Band All Week, Starting Monday Night You have never witnessed any thing like it "Adelaide" the Water Queen to Sidney. Earl Stamp morning from a Grand Island. Miss Gallaeer. early part of thii ujoyt lamlly. Hail Insurance on growing Woodhurst's Insurance Agency. returned Wednesday short business visit in of Porter, came the s week to visit the Li- crops, 42-8 ' MisrEthel Posey returned Wednesday nftettiwrt from Omaha where she vistted friends. Miss Stacla Grace, of Chicago, is ex pected soon to visit v her sister Mrs. W. L. Richards. Undertaker Malonoy was called to Sutherland Tuesday afternoon on pro fessional buinesa. W. O. Wade will leave shortly fo northern Indiania to spend a couple of vfecfcs with relatives. Ray C. Langford will leave early in July for Rochester, N. Y. to attend the B. i', O. E. convention. Jill Hendy returned Wednesday morning from Omahu where he spent several days on business. Mrs. Edward Walker and Miss Ger trude Walker left yesterday morning for Glenburnie to visit the former's husband who is employed there. Buy a Rapid Fireless Cooker now. I can make you a special price at 12.85 for n thiee compartment cooker for a short time only. Mrs. M. V. Mitchell, Phone Red 104. Platto'Valley Lodge has been Invited to participate'rnvt;hr ceremonies of lay ing the corner stone of the new Daw son county court house at Lexington July 1st. and quite a number of the members will accept the invitation. For bargains incqice residences see Buchanan '& Patterson's bargain list in another column. tf The experimental substation shipped three cars of fat cattle and hogs to South Omaha Monday. This shipment included the sixty-five calves which had been in experiments since Nor. 1st. Those caWo9 were about fifteen months old and weighed nbout 900 pounds each. The rosults of feeding calves during the past three winters will bo published in bulletin form during the summer. otner was tne ring Dearer, the ser-: vice was simple and reverently en- j gaged in. After the ceremony a nice and liberal dinner was served with the good old fashioned hospitality. Mr and Mrs. Lierk spent the afternoon and evening at home and left Brady on No. ' 4 for Fremont, where they expect to live for the present. There were no formal invitations issued but the rela-1 tives and near friends who hannened to ' know, presented some beautiful and usbful gifts. Among them Was a che"51 lor ijuu irom the bride s lather and another of $50 from her uncle and other smaller amounts in rash from other members of the family. Mr. anij Mrs. Lierk hive host3 of friends, in fact there are none who knows them but what speak in highest word of praise apd bespeaks for them a most happy and prosperous future. H I Shoes Repairing . Men's Half Soles 75c Men's Half Soles and Heels 1.00 Women's Half Soles 60c Women's Half Soles and Heels 80c Children's Half Soles 60c Children's Half Soles and Heels 90c ft Full Rubber Heel ', ' , 40c Full Leather Heels 40c ALdi -WORK GUARANTEED. A. F. FINK. P. & S. Hospital Notes. Mrs. C. M. Reynolds, of Sutherland, is a patient at the hospital. Peter Burke, of Maxwell, is taking treatment for a badly infected foot. Mrs. A. G. Shivers, of Gothenburg, 13 ding nicely after her severe illness. Miss May Youngman, of the nursing staff, is at Brady on professional busi ness. Miss Isabolle Sc,hworer. of Republi can City is taking treatment at the hospital. Mrs. Emma Brownell returned home yesterday after three weeks' treatment in the hospital. Mr. nnd Mra EVnntr SiIiii(t nf Qnn FFraricisco, who spent a month with the I lormer s parents, leu yesterday after- r.oun. THE MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION.' The assets of this association exceed the sum of half a million dollars. The reduction of the rate of interest to bor rowers has increased the demand for loans; and in order to meet this demand the association will issue a limited amounted of its PAID UP STOCK. Money invosted in this paid up stock draws six per cent interest, payable semi-annually, and may be withdrawn at any time upon thirty days notice, such notice being waived where there are funds in the treasury to meet the withdrawal. T. C. Patterson, President. Samuel Goozee, Secretary. "a p nr7 ? j ,i iSL- vm J j$Nk Wvs r-rrzTZ& THE WAY WE DO IT impresses most people with the way we have the implements and the ''know how" when it comes to repairing automobile. Hurry up orders is what we like, and wo keop enough men to repair your car in record time. Your orders please. J. S. Davis Auto Co. C. A. Landholm, of Warsaw, Neb., who purchased a tract of the Buchanan & Patterson land south of Hershey was here this week looking over his purchase. He expects to move to Lincoln county next spring. E. A. Burnett, dean of the college of agriculture of the University and direc tor of the experiment station, spent a few days at the experimental sub-station this week. He had with him the blue prints of the office and laboratory building which is to be erected as soon as bids have been secured and contract let. While here Dean Burnett discussed the plans and location of the dairy barn which is to be erected this summer. i The sixteen young ladies who took Bart in tho Japanese drill during the degree of Honor convention wero en- tertained Wednesday by Mrs. Magnolia Duke. During the afternoon they were served with summer dainties at the Dickey parlors nnd photographed at the Brooks studio. In the evening a theatre party was held at The Pat. Mrs. Duko was voted an ideal entertainer by all. Those who attended wero Misses Elva Dav, Hazel Smith, MarySchaffer, Vera Golf, Evangeline Golf, Gladys Bird, Gladys Foster. Either Schwaiger, Erma Barraclmigh. Lucile McFarland, Nina i Elder. Fay Elder, Mnrje Martini, Flor me Lucas, Iniin Huffman and Mav , Wilson. J Card of Thanks, We wish to express our appreciation and thanks to the kind friends and neighbors who tondered unto us their sympathies and help during the sickness and death of our loving wife and mother. J. T. Listen and daughters. iMonsier Oak I The Bewildering Sen- d&&ffifc M sation of the hour .flBHlKUbl!! I Rice & Do're HP I Water Circus liNl , fll K 525,000 Marine Spectcale HHk3 V Bfl BBSSSSSBrBSSSSJSx "v.. I Neptune's Daughters jF$tfi& JrL. W or "A Trip to the Bot- &S i(HiLifl!w& 1 torn of the Sea." ffllvjEjHKMHW x I IJfllflDfe 1 30 Aquatic Stars 30 m-LtmMmttBmMM& Male and Female m. K&KmSSKiB"i H Fancy Swimmers and mt .HTiHHaniiHHk! High Divers. Log M WU Wft&igl9H9l 1 H Rolling experts, Water mk BW HEIfIHJIiH ufe m Walkers, Diving amr P0 t?P? &3BHkK M Horses. "Doc' the WsW MtfltfitiB t 1 Fishermen's Dcg Wmml Ja7illIMl llf 1 Mystifing HHHHKffiBraHHlLBl WM k Water iHIBEHHHEMRHIiHHHB ISP M Spectacle JHBHHHf9i w I FHmq fi JBt v Special Added Feature Attraction TORDROME DEATH WHIRL Carnivaldom's Plost Hazar dous Spectacle ihree Kinetic Demons Presenting an Act Which Pinches the Heart and Chills the BloocL Fifteen Other High Class Feature Attractions, SUPERB SUBLIME mxmsszESsssiBia M. E. Church A special musical program will bo rendered at tho M. E. church .Sunday ! evening. This will be an hour in story and song with the blind poet and hymn 1 writer, Fannie Crosby. This will be an I interesting program consisting of storios, solos, ducts, quartets and a i piccolo solo by Vemo Powell."' Remem ber the hour p. in. Sunday morning the pastor will preach ! on "Tho Relation of tho Church to the PresontAge." It is desired that every member be prosont, 11 a.m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m.. Junior league 2:80 p. m.. Epworth league G:15 p. m. All aro , welcomed. wm l.lljlaBMM MMUM ! !! !! IIW1 II I I ,11 Wll MIIIM , I WamnM , I W W Crisp Appetizing Toast You won't know how good toast can be, until you use the jNew 'Fernet ion Oil Cook-stove a toasts better because it is clean no smoke or soot; roasts, broils and bakes just as well. Cheap, convenient, clean, cool and quick. The Perfection Cookrstove copks a whole meal at once with the least .trouble and expense. Indicator shows just how much oil is io.thc font. Made with t, 2, 3 and 4 burners. lJW'M",,,,,," s (NEUHASI1A) . I Omaha H Perfection Oil gives the best results Standard Oil Company !