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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1913)
IS THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LIIA L. UARD, Publisher. THIIMS, $1.25 IN ADVANCE. NORTH PLATTE, . NEBRA3KA Dainty Designs for the Young "Smart Set" of Paris Society A man's slna find him out ovcntual ly, but his wife usually bents them to it. DEBTKDH Mrs. WInlow .foothlng Syrup for CblldrMl teething, noftciiK the gum , reduce lnflmm Uou,nlljy pBtccuraa wlud colkMSa a bottleJU WA jA.f, fll VayN. TAOA M nS jotcjsub5 - , lA'Z. Ill ""- " a ? i T-Tf IV V A I I D- IK" ' I ( IS- V m ;ljj M 1 HABIT OF THINKING. "Una tbo old-fashioned habit of tblnklng passed out of practice?" nsks a mngnzlno writer In discussing tbo Increasing tendency toward im .pulslvo and restless action on tho part of tho American people. It would bo unfair and untruo to an swer tho question comprohonslvoly nnd say cither yes or no, says tho Pittsburgh Qajictto-Tlmcs. Tho writer of tho mngnzlno article Is clearly pessimistic, and scorns to favor tho nffirmatlvo sldo of tho question, and suggests many national Ills that flow from tho too prevalent disposition to act first nnd think, If at all, after ward. Tho arguments ho adduces In support of his unhappy contention aro largely generalizations from Iso lated facts. Careful, deliberate thought as a preparation for action In all tho affairs of Ufa Is still In ex istence Wider opportunities for tho training of tbo mind In youth ban doubtless Increased tho number of "thinkers" among tho workers of tbo world. What Is true, however, and may bo very Justly used as a text for sermonizing Is that tbo swift ac tion that life requires these days and the whirligig of ovonts Into which one Is plunged on the very threshold of responsible endeavor Is destructive of the old methods of meditation nnd self-communing that developed tbo minds and judgments of our grand fathers. Investigations Just made by pbysl slclans prove that tbero Is an appre ciable harm from nolso, and serious harm, too. It Is no doubt truo that a normal norvous system can appar ently adjust Itself to all sorts of ad verse circumstances. Wo couldn't ex ist otherwise Nevertheless, tho In imical agents inako tin Impress, nnd, llko wnter dropping on a atono, can overcomo resistance In time. These Investigators havo found many ab normal nervous conditions In those who haro long been lmniorBod In loud noises utterly unawaro that any harm was being dono. Tho building operations In progress In 45 principal cities In nil parts of tbo country, reported to tho American Contractor, published In Chicago, show n falling off of 3 per cent, for March, 1013, ns compared with tho corresponding month a year ago. Some icltlcs, however, show improve ment, nnd among tho foremost of thoso Is Milwaukee, whoso estimated outlay for that month was $055,889, compared with $430,987 a year ago, gain of 52 per cent. When tho nttontlon of a Gotham maglstrato was called to tho mUtako ho mado In a marlrago cormony In requesting tho bridegroom to obey his wife, tho maglstrato rotorted that It mndo no difference, ns ho would hnvo to obey bur anyhow. Outsldo of mili tary Ideal men, tho American hus band Is tho most obedient croaturo on earth and accepts his wlfo'u prom ise to oboy him with tbo character lstlco American senso of humor. Chicago Judgo having ruled that Oc cupants of a city flat can tango or mako Just ns much nolso as thoy wont to In any other way, In splto of other flat occupants, reminds us that tbo prnctlco has been of such long duration thnt tho common law seemed to have covered tho polut In volved. Dr. Sargent of Hurvard says that tbo Hpoctator at a ball gamo gets moro excltomont tbnn Is good for him. Dr. Sargent Is evidently a person of strong individuality yho does not caro for tho plaudits of tbo multi tude, Tho Ohio Stato Journal says "Di rector Uargor BUBpcndod a pollcomnn for not hearing tho awful din of n muf for on a mnchlno going by. That Is right." Columbus automobiles must bo appallingly noisy If oven tho muf flora on thorn mako an awful din. Uncle Sam makes enough papor notes each year to roach twlco around tho world, yot that doesn't keop Bomo of us from walking nlmoBt as far around In order to dodgo tho milkman. Daldhcadcd man nearly fell over n balcony rati in a theater nnd tho pa per telling o; tho incident uncon sciously reports thnt ho had a hair breadth escape I Young women of n Chicago church congregation havo found themselves unablo to agrco on tbo ideal man. Hut this Is as It should bo. If all agreed on ono ideal, what clmnco would tho rest of Imperfect mascu linity havo? Ono of tbo reasons why tho pruno Is not moro popular is thnt It 'takes no prldo in Us personal appearance, A dish of prunes looks about ns Inviting ns a dish of chestnut coal. -4$ms x Tables Were Turned for WASHINGTON- Scnntor Luko Lra of Tennessee It congratulating himself upon having turned tho ta bles on his colleaguo, Senator William It. Wobb, When Mr. Webb found himself suddenly lifted from tho presi dency of a disciplining school for boys to a seat In tho greatest legislative body In tho world ho sent for Mr. Lea, who, while still n young man, al ready 13 a veteran In legislation. He wanted ndvlco from tho man of Wash ington exporlonco as to bow he should conduct himself upon his llrst appear anco In tho nenate. Mr. Lea complied moat willingly, tolling tho ptofesBor-Hcnator that ho should wear a Prince Albert coat, fasten bin necktie down in the back, allow himself to bo escorted to the pre siding officer's desk by his colleague, and bow, then, he must shake hands with tho president pro tempore. "That," snid Mr Lea by way of final remark, "is tho formula for becoming Rolls' of the Immortal Orators Are Still Unclouded DO tho boys still "speak pieces" Friday afternoons In Bchool? Do thoy ntlll Bhattcr tho atmospbero with such diabolical oratorical dynamics ns aro created when tho schoolboy mind 'grasps the full power of "Somebody to tho Gladiators?" Do they still re clto "Abou Ben Adhcm?" Is "The Helmet of Navaro" Bt 111 held up as tho orlllammo of a host of mailed bat-tlo-axo artists upon the pleasant lands of Franco? Is Webster's reply dead? Aro tho rolls of the Immortal orators of, a nllk-hat generation clouded over with the dust of nn unnppreclntivo Bchoolboy generation? Or do they declnlm as wo used to while that grandest of teachers, Charles Bedford Young, looked on? UecauHo If they do hero's a piece from a real orator. It fell from tho lips of ono of the most Interesting men In congress, Judgo Adamson of Uoorgla. Ho is the man who Is said to havo dressed In a whirlwind nnd novor to havo rearranged his toilet, but tho typhoon Interfered not a whit ivlth his wit or speech. Just lmaglno you aro a schoolboy, tho prize spenkor of that Friday afternoon class In ora Jory, tho punch and ginger, couldn't you tear tho air If you hud this? Try It. "If maledictions moan hatred tho fierce denunciations of the dual nnd clamorous minority In this houso would dofitroy every pntrlot hero and Seeing the Wheels of i wouuA LIKE TO ? qUy two ONE CiHX STAMPS NK of tbo big hotels was crowded with women and girls. It was ono of the numerous excursions which sweep down on Washington In the spring, In tho summer, In tho nutumn and in tho winter. Theso excursions aro a great cducationnl aid to tho ex cursionist. Thoy sro tho wheels of government eo round, thov exorcise their proprietary rights In tho na tional cuy, inoy goi a oeuer balanced Idea of the magnitude of tho American government and of tho machinery of government, and thoy Btrongthon their prldo In Washington. Hut, whllo ono, and also many, of thu hotels were packed tight with theso woman excursionist, and whllo tho clerks behind the office counter woro boutonnlors and happy smiles, talked their Bwcotest and showed their best manners and their best clothes, thu young man at tho cigar Capital Wayside Signs NB of tho changes that has como ' over tho roads around Washing ton Is tho decline In the number of wnysldo Blgns tho ndveitlnomcnts of tobacco, clothing, lumber, etc . which it was onco tho custom to tack on foncoa nnd trees Onco upon a tlmo roadsldo trees woro tagged with tin Blgna announcing thnt It was ten miles to John Doe's store, tho be i plnco to buy hats, cups, shoos, shawls, overalls, lumbor, limo nnd hardware Coming Into tho city a mile farther on you would boo tho snmo character of sign announcing that It was now nine miles to John Doe's storo. Of course John Doo'b Btoro wub not tho only Btoro advertlsod by thoso mile Blgns on tho trees and fences Many other stores woro thus advertised, and thon a grent deal of goneral advertising thnt Is, of nou-locnl establishment! occupied the treoB and fences, and urged Investment In many kinds of j&. m m &m( 4 I HiJGSM J -of m a ,-tfs. r c"3&on ij rJK w &S I I 5h U. S. Senator Luke Lea I a senator after you got to WaSlllng- Mr. Webb was profuse In his thanks. Indeed his thanks partook ol tho nature of an apology. "You would not apologize to mo if you only knew waht delight you have given mo," responded tbo younger man. Then ho told his now colleaguo how during all tho years of bis school life bo had lived In dread of being sent to tbo Wobb school. "It iu one of tho best schools In the south," ho said in explanation, "nnd tho professor has the reputation of being the finest dlsclpllnurlan fn the country for boyB. When I was a youngster I wns not looking especially for discipline, but my father had dif ferent vlows, and many times was on the vorgo of Bonding mo to Professor Webb to be straightened out. This fato was the dread of my life. "And that," he added, '1h tho rea son why I felt so delighted to aid him with a bit of advlco about his initia tion into the senate. When It really came to tho point of his sending for mo and asking mo to Instruct him I knew thnt at last 1 had reached tho period of life where 1 need not longer stand In fear of being sent to Profes sor Webb for discipline. I had the best of him. and I felt really meanly triumphant." permit the letum to power of that horde which has held high carnival of misrule discrimination nnd robbery with short Intermissions and slight hindrance for fifty years. That gal lant old king, warrior, priest and poet, tho Psalmist David, Bald In his wrath, 'AH men aro liars.' As it was easy for him to get forgiveness," I havo no doubt he wns forgiven for that un kind remark, but If ho had lived In this day and familiarized himself with tho jargon of protection apologists hv would have been able to concludo li. his sober Judgment that sorao men' In high places are careless 'about their Information nnd reckless about their statements. Ho might havj been tempted to sing in tho sweetest strains of sacred verse his religious opinions about tbo hotorophemy of discredited politicians, tho dissensions of divided political camps quarreling over tho method of their destruction while railing at tho victors and in dulging in the wildest flights of hyper bolical language, Selah." the Government Go Round and newsstand looked pensive nnd un occupied. "You don't seem to bo selling mnny nickel clgnrn for 10 cents this even ing?" said tho Rambler. "Man, tho ladles may havo ndopted many manly trnlts and notions, but they havo not yet ns a clasB become heavy smokers. I havo somo sensa tional newspapers on my stand which publish Sunday articles about how wo men havo become enslaved to tho cig arette nnd to Lady Nicotlno nnd nil that, but If I depended on their trado I would be as hard up as those gentle men who sit around this hotel oluco ovcry evening and discuss million-dollar deals. With this houso full of fair guests my trado Is confined to tho salo of United Stntos postago stamps and one-cent stamps, nt that. You porhtips know that tho profit on tho sale of postago stamps la not large. "Tho ladles God bless 'em -do not even buy from mo tho post enrds on which they put the stamps. Theso ex cursionists get loaded up with Wash ington post cards on tho trains coming Into Washington. When thoy reach hero they havo nothing to do but write on these cards '1 wish you were here,' nddross a bunch of them, buy tho stamps from mo. and Incldontnlly got all my aninll chango." WW Are Fast Disappearing 110 Murs TO !Km HAT 3TOKE tent medlclnos. chewing und smoking lotmci-o nnd red liquors. I It usod to be qulto a buslnos8, tho tacking up of theso signs. Mon and ""sunn uiivuiuu up nnu uown mo country roads carrying, on this work. Thoy not only tacked up signs for ono buslnoss concern, but would carry "sidu linos," as it woio. or a wagon load of tin Blgns advertising other, though not computing, wares. This work Is going on todny, but in a much Buuuior way, 1JI htanwuK: -fT-tr I w sib Two fashionable members of the younger Parisian "Smart Set" wear ing elegant lingerie and lace dresses with ribbon bows and parasols to match. PROPER COLORS FOR WALLS Always a Few Rules That Are Well to Keep in Mind When Dec orating. If wo redecorate in a thorough way our first puzzle is tbo choice of a col or. A few rules aro useful. Blue, green, brown, and gray are excellent colors for sunny, well-lighted rooms. If tho room is on tho north sldo of tho houso or Is Ill-lighted we may need to ubo yellow or yellow tan on the walls in order to produce tho sunny appearance tho room otherwise lacks. Tan Is a good all-around color and Is usable In well-lighted or poorly light ed rooms. All theso colors aro best If BOfL For example, a sago green wall Is much moro pleasing than a bright green or a leaf green wall; a Copen hagen bluoMs better than a vivid bluo; tho most agreeable gray for walls is brownish gray in tono. Tan in a great variety of shadeB is always a favorite. , Bright red should never be chosen. It is crude in color and tiresome to live with. A soft mulberry red is Boietlmos a desirable color, and a brownlBh or Indian red is also in good tasto. As a wallpaper always looko dark er when hung on tho wall than it does In tho sample, wo must take caro to solect medium or light shades, If wo want cheerful rooms. EXQUISITE BRIDAL COSTUME Model of white liberty catln with draped and slashed skirt and pointed train. Deep square decollete corsage wlthsdrapery of rhlnestones. Japanese Crepe for Children. Among tho nowest dreasos for chil dren aro thoso mado of Japnncso cropo. Tho ubo of Japanese crepe Is directly In accord with tho current faahlon for materials of n cropy char actor. Moreover, tho JapancBo varloty is decidedly superior, both in durabil ity of effect and In quality, to tiny other cropo, becauso it is woven by band and tho cropo feature Is pro duced In tho weaving, whllo In sorao other instances it is brought about by a process of shrinkugo. m 14 v J! m If iML ! ; 91 vl I! f h - A, , - 4 rH - J$a. V T?Y - v J ?.. -j- 4 -m SAVES TIME AND TROUBLE Case for Delicate Centerpiece Not Hard to Make, and Is Especial ly Valuable. It is sometimes a difficult matter to keep centerpieces from becoming crushed after laundering, so mnny women mako a case in which to roll them. Purchase a piece of crotonno one and a quarter yards long and at one end turn up a hem- wide enough to cover a pole an Inch in diameter and in length a trifle shorter than tho width of tho cretonne. When choos ing tho material select a dainty de sign showing alternate stripes of flow ers nnd a delicate color. Bind tho threo sides with haJMnch washable ribbon, stitching it neatly either by hand or on tho machine. Attach three pieces of ribbon to tho end. These are used to tie tho case when tho centerpieces are rolled In place. This is an especially useful article, and should bo added to tho linen chest, and there will never bo any need of pressing a centerpiece beforo It is fit to place on the dining table. It requires only a short tlmo to mako an attractive case of this variety, and you will never ceaso to sing its praises when It has1 saved you much inconvenience. Now that you havo supplied a caso for tho centerpieces, provide llko ar ticles for tho doilies of your luncheon set. From cardboard cut two circular pieces an Inch wider than tho plato dollle3 and two others nn Inch wider than the diameter of the tumbler dollies. Cover these with cotton wad ding and sprinkle with lavender. Using Cretonne to match tho cen tcrpleco case, cut circular pieces enough tp cover tho top and bottom of the disks. Allow a half Inch for turning In dll around, and neatly whip stitch the two together or baatc rough ly and bind with tho half-Inch ribbon. At threo places attach pieces of rib bon with which to tio tho cases shut when tho dollleo aro placed between tho two sections. A set of cases for a luncheon Bet would mako a most acceptable gift to a prospective brldo or to the systematic housewife who likes a place for everything. Dainty Garments for the Newcomer All tho best layettes consist of sim ple garments mado entirely by hand. Tho expectant mother who knows how to do neat sewing mny prepare I for her baby a layetto good enough for a prlnco, and of tho samo materi als as would bo used for any littlo royal highness. The fabrics chosen for littlo slips and dresses aro lino, sheer linen or cotton woavo. Whore considerable dainty hand ombroldcry Is to bo used, linen would best bo chosen, as it is durable enough to make tho work worth whllo. It has tho advantage also of keeping perfect ly whlto after much laundering and irons smooth without starch. Lawn, cither llnon or cotton, in fine qualities, sheer nainsook and French bntlsto arc proforred for making tho baby'a drocoj and petticoats. From an Old Raincoat. An apron with a bib can bo inadq for wash day, or when you glvo tho baby a bath, A bathing cap, and bag to carry your bathing suit, and littlo utility cases dear to tho suitcase of travolers, may bo mado from a dis carded raincoat. Starch for Laces and Muslins. Mix a small quantity of corn flour smoothly with cold water. Thia will, bo found excellent for lightly stiffen ing all dcllcnto and lacey fabrics, in cluding veils and neckwear of sheer, materials. The Logical Situation. "Here, some fellow says that tho suf fragists aro women who haven't got husbands" "Then I suppose ho holds It Is tho antlB who get the uncles." You're Out tv--EflEWa If you have not perfect digestion, liver activity and bowel regularity. These should be daily functions in order to maintain health. flosfeftfefs will help you when those organs become weak and lazy. We urge -a trial to day. Insist on Hostetter's. mmEmmmms, London and Its Lumber. London is the "most conservative city In Europe, if not in tho world. It loves its lumber. You may still see thoso notices attached to lamp posts which announces "Standing for Four Hack ney Carriages," or whatever tho num ber may be, though for ten years (In ono case, to my own knowledge for twenty-five) no vehicles of any kind have stood there. Perhaps it Is as well that these relics should remain; thoy are a tiny part of our social history. They will probably remain when wo aro flying to dinner or the theater In omnl-aeros. By that time people won't know what "hackney carriage" meant, and there will bo discussions in tho "Notes and Queries" of the porlod. For each generation hands down to the next certain nuts to crack. England's Oldest Bowling Green. Which Is our oldest recreation? There aro not wanting archeollglsts who profess to be able to trace refer ences to football and baseball on Egyptaln moral tablets. However,' ) when it comes to actual records, tho fine old English game of bowls would appear to be as7 old as any. Southampton, Eng., has records showing thnt one of the local bowling greens wnsln existence In 1299. Mnny interesting customs aro asso ciated with tho gamo on this historic green.t Every summer a "Are Jack" competition is held, and an order of knighthood is conferred on the win ner, who kneels in the center of tho green while tho other players gather round hlra and the master touches him with a sword and dubs him "sir." For the Ironing Board. Pad the honing board' with a thick quilt or old blanket, then lay tho board on tho table and cut a piece of heavy muslin so It will fit the board lposely. Seam it up, leaving tho slip open nt each end. Make two of these slips and chango them frequently, Bays Mother's Magazine. Thus tho Ironing board is always clean, and tho padding will not have to bo changed for months. Its Species. "Ttiat petition Is certainly a bird." "Of course. Isn't It a round robin?" Please the Home Folks By serving Post Toasties. They are among the good things to cat, but not in the cook book, because they require no cooking. Toaslies are always crisp and appetizing ready to eat direct from the pack age. You save heaps of time and avoid hot work in the kitchen. Some rich cream sugar if you want it or cool fruit juice, with these fluffy bus of corn and you have a dish that is fascinating for any meal of the day. Toasties are sold by grocers everywhere. A