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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1913)
KING AND KAISER RIDING TOGETHER BOILED EGGS BETRAY THEM Nationality of Diners la Shown Their Various Method of Eating. In ,SW2 , Photographs have been received In this country illustrating the incidents attending the- wedding or Princess Victoria Louise, only daughter of tho emperor of Germany, and Prince IJrnest Augustus of Cumberland. This one shows King George of England and tho kaiser riding together afkr the ceremony at Potsdam. GIRLS QUIT SCHOOL it- Government Looks Up Cause for Their Non-Attendance. Investigation Shows They Do Not Abandon Opportunity for Educa tion and Go to Work Becauoo Parents Need the Money. Washington. The idea that chil dren leavo school to go to work be cause their parents need the money, is vigorously combatted in a bulletin issued by the United Slates bureau of education. The authors of the bulle tin have mado a careful study of trade nnd labor conditions among girls in Worcester, Mass., preliminary to the establishment of a trade school for girls. They find that from one ' half to three-fourths of tho girls at work in tho factories could have had further schooling if they had wanted to or if their parents had cared to in sist upon it. The survey showed that the num Der of girls between 14 nnd 1C years of age who leave school is constantly increasing. During the past five years many more girls between those ages left tho Worcester schools than can bo accounted for by increase in popu lation. Only about 17 per cent, of them had finished tho grammar schools; most of them left in the sixth and severth grades. Why did tho girls leavo school? Various reasons wore assigned by the girls themselves. Some 30 girls said they "did not like school;" "could not get along with the teacher;" "were not promoted," or "wanted to go to work." Two wero working to help pay for a piano. One of these jvas a cash girl of 14 years, who had left the ninth grade to go to work In a de partment store for $2, later $2.50 a week. Another was a girl of 15 from tho eighth grade, who went to work in a corset factory for $1 and rose to $1.82. Still another girl was taking music lessons and contributing to tho payment on tho piano. Twenty-seven girls were found at homo. In somo cases they had left to help in housework, while a few had left nt a time of temporary stress and then had not returned to school. Four girls had changed places with tho mother, who worked in a corset fac tory, laundry, or some such place, whilo the girl whose wnge-earnlng pover was small kept house for the mother of the children. Curious differences as to what the parents thought they could afford wero discovered: Tho mother of a family of eight children, living in ap parently direct poverty, would have been glad to have sacrificed and pinched still further to have hud her daughter stay in school longer 1 she ' would. The mothor of another fam ily of six, living in a comfortable apartment house, with hardwood floors, piano, nnd other luxuries, said her daughter wished to stay in school longer, but tho burden of supporting tho family was too heavy for the fath er to bear alone; so the girl was ta ken out of school to go to work. A visit to a Swedish family revealed a carpenter and his wife, a washerwo man, who had Just built and owned a now three-story apartment house. Vet tho lG-yoar-old daughter with a sev-cnth-grado education had been sent to work In a paper goods factory nt $2 a ' week. "Tho question 'Why did you leavo school?' was put to tome 330 more maturo workers in the corset trade. Nlnoty-ono per' cent, of those women had left school between the nges of 111 nnd 1G, and fully CO per cent, because of their dislike of school or because thoy wanted to go to work. Of 74 workers In a clothing factory 85 per cent, had left school between the ages of 13 and 1G, 25 per cent, of their own 'volition." In the opinion of the authors of the bulletin, conditions such as wero found in Worcester emphasizes tho j imperative need for special training i of a practical sort for girls between the ages of 13 nnd 15. In tho main tho children left school simply be- causo they disliked the school work. Not getting the kind of training they ' might have liked and would have proilted by, they blindly joined tho army of shifting, inellicinnt. discon tented girls that go from ono monot onous factory Job to another, and, be cause of their lack of training, rarely rise above tho class of low-paid, un skilled workers. MAN VICTIM OF BAD DREAM Attends a Fire, Flght3 a Monkey and Dog, Breaks Three Toes and Then Wakes Up. Kansas City. Tho alarm rang sharply, the time was 4 o'clock In the morning and the Blgnnl showed tho fire was in ono of Iho packing Iiouhcs. Woman Solon Senator Helen Ring Robinson Says Feminine Voters Don't Drink or Stuff Ballot Boxes. New York. Having vacated her seat in the Colorado legislature just long enough to make a flying tiip east. Senator Helon R. Robinson of Denver mado her first public appear ance here when she addressed a meet ing of the Equal Suffrage league, in the ABtor hotel. Every woman there rose and saluted the only woman sen ator In the United States. "All these stories you read In tho ladles' lingerie Journals are false," declared Senator Hoblnfcon. "Our U-MaMMt!ltfBSggg't. ' 'SSS"? ; " ,.,' $ . . '.KXf' "O Senator Helen Ring Robinson. women are not created In the image of man and our femlnlno voters nnd office holders do not havo faces like vinegar Jugs Neither do they drink cocktails nud highballs and stuff bal lot hoxos as the 'antls' say thoy do. "If tho men over tried to take the vote away from tho women In Colo rado thoro would bo things doing K. sf. wJv-vs Jit rV tJTI v r . v . LtiTi i 3 i Capt. J. F. Pelletler of tho Insurance patrol, rolled from his bed into his clothes, slid down the polo into tho apparatus room and within n few minutes was leading his squad against tho flames. Finally tho flames wero subdued, and tho captain Btood watch ing the smoldering ruins. He heard a growl and a whining yelp. A dog was chasing n monkey down Central avenue. Tho monkey saw tho captain, so did tho dog. and Immediately they forgot their mutual disregard and attacked him. Tho cap tain's right foot shot out and tho monkey went" sprawling through tho ulr The foot kicked out ngain and tho captain woke up in his room on tho second floor of tho patrol building on Charlotte street, near Eleventh. His foot pained him On examina tion he found It covered with blood. Threo toes had been mashed nnd It was five minutes before ho discovered he had been kicking tho wall besldo his bed In his dream. 13,000 Miles for Trousseau. San Francisco On n Journey of 13, 000 miles tlint she may purchase a wedding trousseau to her liking Mls3 Margarot Kestnricl., daughter of JJlsh op H. H Uestarlck, of Honolulu, nr rived here en route to Hoston The wedding will occur in Honolulu. Defends Sex -- thcre that would make little old Lon don look like Sleepy Hollow, Some persons say that voting takes such a lot of time. I voto Just around tho corner from homo and It takes on nn avcrngo of twenty minutes a year to cast my ballot. SometlmoB 1 stny n little longer to chat about new nillll nery fashions with a friend." In her soft blue silk costume and hat which matched her eyes Senator Robinson looked decidedly feminine JUST ESCAPES BEING EATEN Lion Springs on Woman In Cago, but Is Killed by Owner Almost at Once. Altoonn, Pa. With tho hot brcnth of a Hon fanning her check nud his roar mingling with her screams for aid as ho stood over her In an Iron bound cage, Mlfo. Florence, a woman animal trainer of the Ferari Carnival company, faced death by being eaten alivo here. Mllo. Florence had forgotten, her whip In tho cage. As she went to re cover It the beast sprang through the air, lnndlng with full weight on her shoulders. Realising that his sharp fangs would sink Into her flesh. Col Francis Ferari. who chanced to be nearby, ncted almost instantly. With two Jumps ho was at the cagn with a Colt revolver. He uent a stream of bullets Into tho lion's hldn at such short range that a burn sur rounds every bullet holo. The revo! ver did its work and tho king of to Jungle foil dead with his claws n tangled in the clothing of tho .woni.m She was saved but severely scratched The animal was worth 55.000. Twins Postpone Slander Suit. Scranton, Pa. Sets of twins de'lv ered In ono nifcht to Mrs. Ell n O'Boyle, Mrs. Hannah fioyd and Mr, Margaret Stanton of Scuth Scrant -i. caused tho postponement of a slim l r suit brought by Mrs. Joseph Siivup' against Mrs. Joseph Slldago. 'I in inothorn visited by -the stork woro irn portant wltnosses. y Fined Over Telephone. Vonkors, N Y. E P. Robinson, f Newark, testified ovor thu telephone from home and paid a fine of $10 fur automobile speeding Tho fine was ta ken out ot his bail. Sherlock Holmes might havo figured this out, but ho did not t Tho uverngo Englishman will al ways demand IiIb egg boiled Just threo minutes, then he places It in an egg cup, Just largo enough to lmvo th9 egg fit It, taps! tho iop of the shell, and romoves tho broken shell with his fingers. Tho egg Is eaten a spoonful nt n time. A Frenchman, much like tho Eng lishman, likes his eggs of three min utes, oxnctlti Ho then "peels" them, places them In a glass, stirs and mhos well together with salt, peppor and butter. Ho makes a prnctlco of dipping bread Into tho mixture, nnd eating it along with tho eggs. A Spaniard wouldn't think of lotting his egg boll moro than ono mlnuto. Ho thou breaks it, nnd lotB tho con tents run Into n glnss, and consumes 11 as It ho wero drinking a glnss of wine. An egg is only fit In nn Italian's estimation when it has been placed In cold water, and removed just as the water beings to boll. Ho then brenks it, pours it on a plato, nnd proceeds to nop It up with bread Tho Gormnn, llko tho ltnltan, de mands IiIb eggs as noar the liquid state ns possible. Ho breaks his eggs in an unsightly cup, and scoops tho liquid out ns If it were soup. Tho American is about tho only ono who prefers his eggs boiled hard When they are Bcrvod up to him, ho knifes thorn in half, romovos tho con tents Into n glass, after which ho adds a plontlful supply of popper, but ter nnd salt. He then minces tho eggs fine, mixing them woll with tho spices, und ents them with his toast. ITCHING AND BURNING Iberia, Mo. "I was troubled with scalp eczema for about flvo years and tried everything I heard of, but nil of no avail. Tho doctors told mo I would havo to havo my hend shaved. Being a woman, I hated the idea of that, I was told by a friend that tho Cuticura Remedies would do mo good. This spring I purchased two boxes ot Cuti cura Ointment nnd one enko of Cuti cura Soap. After using ono box of Cuticura Ointment I considered tho cure permanent, but continued to uso it to mnko euro nnd used about ono half tho other box. Now I am entirely woll. I also used tho Cuticura Soap. "Tho disease began on tho back of my head, taking tho form of a ring worm, only moro severe, rising to a thick, rough scale that would come off when soaked with oil or warm water, bringing a few hairs each time, but In a few days would form again, lnrgor each time, and spreading until tho en tire hack of tho head wns covered with the scale. This was accompaniod by a terrible itching nnd burning sensa tion. Now my head Is completely well and my hair growing nicely." (Signed) Mrs. Geo. F. Clark, Mnr. 25, 1912. Cuticura Soap nnd Ointment sold throughout tho world. Samplo ot each free, with 32-p. Skin Rook. Address post-card "Cuticura, Dopt, L, Boston." Adv. New York's New Postofflce. New York's now $0,000,000 'post offlce building, a masslvo pllo of pink granite five stories In height and two blocks long, facing tho roar of tho Pennsylvania station, is tho greatest building of Its kind in thoi world. From tho curb to tho topmost picco of cranito is 101 feet. Thoro nro ICG,-' 000 cubic feet of granite, 18,000 tons of steel. 7,000,000 brlckB und 200,000 square feet of glasB in tho building. Tho main corridor, corresponding in length to tho outsido eoloniuido, is a combination of buff marblo, whlto plaster nnd glnss, two stories high, 29 feet wldo and 280 feet long. Thoro nro 400,000 square feet of working space within tho building. Populur Mechanics. Red Cross Rail Blue given double vnlue for your money. Roes twice ns fur as nny other. AeIv your grocer. Adv. A Difficulty. "Thoro Is ono bnd thing about bo ginning a Joy rldu." "What is that?" "You aro apt to end on tho trouble wagon." Smokers find LEWIS' Single Binder Bo lipur better quality than moat 10c cigars. Adv. Her Birthday Anniversary. "I hoar you had n blowout nt your nouso last night," said Ricks. "Yes: a little birthday party," re plied Hicks. "It wns tho eloventh an niversary of my wifo's twenty-llfth birthday " EKiajZEUJ.JBBIAIJj Save the Babies. NPANT MORTALITY is Bomethinj,' frightful; "Wo can hardly realize that of all tho children born in civilized countries, twenty-two per cent., nr nonrlv ojiii-nnartt-r. din boforo thnv rcneh ono vnar ; thirtv-siivtm percent., or moro than ouo-thlrd, boforo thoy aro five, and ono-balf boforo they nro fifteen I "Wo do not heoltnto to Hay that a timely ubo of Cnatorla would oavo a majority of tlieto precious livoa. Neither do wo bonltato to nay that many of these infantile deaths aro occasioned by tho ubo of narcotlo preparations. Drops, tiuctures and soothing Byrupu sold for children'. complaint. contain moro or less opium or morphine. Thoy uro, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In nny qunntity, thoy stupefy, retard circulation und lead to congestions, eicknesd, death. Castoria operates exactly tho reverse, but you must oco that lb bears tho slgnaturo of Chas. II. ilelcher. Castoria causes tno uioou to circuinto properly, iHjruB vi me uuin unu uiiuys lever. ticnulne Castoria always bears taooIgnaturoofW:azctSi' PUTNAM FADELESS BYES ColarmorcBoodsbriBhterandfiistercolorBlhannnyotherdye. One 10c psckairecolorsall fibers They dye in cold watcrbrtterlhcnanvotherdve You ran dye any garment without tipplnie apart. Write to insure complete success take along a case of f&A The oatisfying beverage in field or iorcst; at home or in town. As pure and wholesome as it is temptingly good. Delicious Thirst - D Demand the Genuine Refuse substitutes. Send lot Vnt Booklet. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. J. OCXS ALSWORTH seoctart and head hoc silesmxn South A Close Call. A train hit n truckload of dynamite at Dallas, Ore, tho othor day but did not cause tho stuff to explode. Whon tho passenger train collided with tho truck, tho latter was carried moro than 100 foet on tho pilot of tho englno, nnd tho drlyer saved his Ufa by Jumping before tho engine struck. Closely Occupied. "That man Is always kicking." "What about?" "Ho docBii't know. Ho kicks so much ho doesn't leave himself time to llnd out what his real grlevunccB are." Wears, Little There. "Miss Slasher Is a stunning girl whon sho Is dressed up." "I enn't sny anything about thnt. I'vo only seen her on tho stroot." Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liver la right the stomach and bowels are right. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS gently but firmly com pel a lazy liver uo its duty. Cures Con- itlpation, Ii digestion, Sick Headache.' and Distras After Eating. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature HOTEL Omaha. Nebraska EUROPEAN PLAr CtcximH from tl.00 up bIobIc, "f emits up double CAFE H'RICCS REASONABLE natho.vAi, iii:.iiii mi not t dki'cjh No Kiri uulllriK ixcnlrc I n In yi.ur own room Miiitrx Uonirri Ilriiiitlliil, Mm htrmiic. flood for all num Hnfint titulmmt xvir ilevl.eil $: 00 tncttioil only D0c t-enA nt onrn !;oininil buiiply Co., li(U ldfiK, Mrlln, Nrlir. opens tito -j& f na y i. VMSESSSaOKSSiSBKBSm for I irec ixioKiet--now to uye. meacii ano flitx jTffflF ' r tn AHanPlnrpn'K 'mmmt(m .iw 1 cwi JBWM$ W'lTTLE MmSM M pills. IT" For That Picnic Refreshing Quenching At Soda Fountains or Carbon ated in Bottles. GreatWesfern Commission Go. One of the largest nnd best equipped live stock commission firms at ANY market EACI I department I IIGHLY specialized. TOUR cattle salesmen in two splendidly located divisions. Special care and attention g'iven to buying of STOCKERS and FEEDERS. TWO ho sales men nnd n fully equipped sheep department. If you wish to buy or sell any kind of live stock write or wire them. The? WiSS Do It Right - " Omaha or Denver do m the Hlnitr. Uxiic rlcnco Unnacrainry. Unususl opportunity OooJ aiilnrkii Adilioa Dure Torrincton, llox fit. MIniiwuxilU. Minn. The Man Who Put the EEnlnFEET Look for This Trmlc-Mnrfc Pic. turcoti the I.nbelSvlicii Imylur ALLEN'S F00TEASE The Antiseptic Powder for Ten. Tru Mam. (Irr, Acmtie l'.ect. Solil every where. IJc. Sample I'll It It. Atldrna, AIXEN S. OLMSTXU, Lc Hoy, N. Y. TANGO Th3 new IVhiti Strip.;! Madras Ide Silver CbJJar Cao. P. lit Co.. Uikin, Tmr. H. T. DAISY FLY KILLER tf-tf ;.; & atei. tinti. ulean, or nainauUI.CMmrenltat, cliPi Lasts alt saaioB Mail ot loetal, can'tiplll or Up oeri will not soil o I njura anything. Ouarant'ml Gfrtl. AllciaolernorSMiit' oipren raid for 11.00. IJAROID lOHrm, ISO DtSTatb Ats., Brooklyn H, Y. HAIR BALSAM AtoUtt lireiuratton of merit. r ' r . al "aaoruir Beauty toCrny or Fadad Hair j w. ami.w .ErutrriBm. VIIKilN hNOW la not whiter than your com plexion will lie lifter you Inivtt umul Oruiiaa liloMiniii, tin inatchleai akin foo.l prepanv tlo If mir hU In la illnenlni eii from sunburn, tnn, hlcilc lirn or other cniiara, unto nt once to. the Norlliuenleru Supply Co., Dent, 7, Newell., 8. Dull,, for full free pitrlluulnra anil apcctaii offir now In Inn nuirte. is NOW In tho Provlnon of Saskatchewan, Cnnods . Doynudrilro to cntn r rent iloiuobidil nf 1 nn JAt'Uli.H of Hut noil Hnitun Utianl r 'I'llO area lllhpriimlnrr nmrnllinlin.1 '.5raM hutnoi.niYaltiiit)n. 41 " iriinuj uun oponeii up lor frl lot iiuient, uml Into tin o rail M ronls uro now belme hunt. Iho jlll "17. .""' ioou couio whon tliaro AT will ho no l3n.lMt.'O,l0niCStc!,,IUlK A hnmCurrunt, Sn k.tehowun, fiiruivr wntJKi "t eauio on lur liomi-MoiH , Hlanli ntsi. with uhnut illMlwoitiiuf horsenaniluincliln ory.nnil ji.sttN.ln nsh, Today I hiivnUJUuirpHiiC when, 30J ucrei Of OtltH. Ulul fillii-rna .,r !. II .r j I'l fur six yearn, but only nn In Till l!J").0 t wlut tuay bo'dono In VS l11"" Cmiaiia In Manitoba. Duun:r.nwari or Alliorla riim! nt unco for I.ltoratnre. Mat,HallwuylUti!s1otc,,to W. V. BEIMNiiTT. 4 Doo Oullcllnc, Omaha, Neb. ISSISX" ''SS .?. "t id l7i wV.ull,M,,J"1 ' 'ifr """' UiUliVttftt(It. W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 25-1013. ataKrkJT BfHEjnHH tsYPHIr' lfl Wmi m"iflBS iHl u3!l!kI&1steaT3rv.. Shnnnv funifu I IWwf mm .gBgfmgj tlyJ!SiL,Vj.f fj I J.slfJI '11 T.P..I iiIffOfl m I WjM mm iVfi i.vir if rift rttSm vim Ufa?::. tzoi:m9jA mm MSaCfvln t-oiors. nOHROt UHUG COMPANY, Ouincy, lit.