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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1913)
"JL' IS3K t Spring Goods Now Arriving We jare now showing- some of the new and'hifty styles in Spring- Jewelry and Novelties. Let us snow, you our new Bar. Pins, Coin Purses, Vanity Cases, Watch Fobs, Cuff Buttons, Signet .Bracelets, Etc. A fine line of reliable and guaranteed watches . i r 1 Rngs, DIXON, 1 Union Pacific Watch Inspector. The Jeweler S DR. 0. H. CRCSSLER, S Graduate Denlisl. Office over the McDonald State Bank. Local and Personal loft yesterday Miss Edith Rouche morning for Gering. Morte Crowlnnd, of Grand Island, visited friends in town Sunday. Attorney M. E. Crosby transacted business in Grand Island yesterday. Max Sheedy left Saturday morning for Sutherland to transact business. Attorney Halligan left for Grant yes. terday morning to transact business. Miss Isabelle Skinner has resigned her position as saleslady at the Hub. Mrs. Ray Eyerley has returned from a short visit with relatives in Hershey Mrs. McFadden of Paxton is expected this veck" to -visit the McGovern family. Jumna Filb n. of Hartwell. arrived Building Operations. During the year 1913 over three hundred thousand dollars were invested in new buildings. In these improve ments fifty-eight new residences figure, and while these new houses have been erected, the number ot houses offered for rent show but little increase in number. This can be taken as absolute evieencc that the population of the town has materially increased during the past year. ' tielow is published a partial list of the building operations, an accurate list could not be obtained, and it is known twelve houses, costing from $1,000 to $2,000 each have not been listed because they wero not constructed by contrac tors and the names of the owners could not be obtained: HOWARD MCMICHAEL, BUILDER. E. T. Tramp, residence $ 0,200.00 E. T. Tramp, garage 525.00 F. G. Iloxie, residence 0,700.00 F. G. I Ioxie, garage .'100.00 First Baptist Church 9,000.00 John Grant, residence 2,5)00.00 M. A. Solcetti, residence... 2,700.00 S. V. Derryberrv, residence. 5,400.00 Phil Deats. residence 3.150.00 Miscellaneous repairs 700.00 Total.-. r.... ROY SUIIBEK, Lock Oarage... yesterday afternoon to visit the Sheedy ffa-; ; famlly- . , Frank Lawrence, residei Kar tit tlfSfl T9uMm.H M.viltUHArl I till "t" 1 Vt Mr. nml Mrs. Will Brosius returned last week from their trip to wes tern points. Mrs. Cora White, of Sutherland, is visiting this week with her sister Mrs. O. W. Sizemorc. Dick Baker left yesterday morning for Central City to transact business for a few days. S. R. Carney went to Omaha yester day morning to attond the hardware dealers convention. Miss Effie White, of Sutherland,, who visited her sister Mrs. Will Eshleman last week left Saturday. h. C. Sawyer and Frank Tagader went to Grand Island Saturday tp join the U. C. T. association. Miss Florence Hayden who has been taking a course at the Keister Tailoring school returned home Saturday. ATrs Sheffield, of Ocaialla. who was once. Rilev York, residence August Splinter, residence. J3. A. Wilson, two houses.. Al Tift, ham C. E. Walter, residence Bruce Brown, residence. . . ........ $:1S,175.00 BUILDER. 512,000.00 . :t,50o.oo , 1,000.00 .',000.00 1,900.00 1,700.00 2,(i00.00 4,000.00 :$,ooo.o) 1,000.00 Total $3:1,500.00 PICARD BROS., BUILDERS. I'icard. residence $3,000.00 Chas. ICeone, residence 1,200.00 Charles McGulre, residence. 1,(500.00 George Tokujve, residence.. 3,000.00 W. K. (.took, residence 0,100.00 J. I. Smith, residence 3,400.00 Chris Paulson, residence.... 4,500.00 Gus Huffman, residence 4,300.00 Nelling property, repairs.... 500.00 llendv property, repairs 000.00 Elk building, repairs ." 400.00 Palace Cafe, repairs 1,000.00 Total $28,800.00 CLYDE MCMICHAEL, BUILDER THE McCABE BUILDING, Dr. Nicholas, McCabe, Owner. In this homo industry and improve ment edition ot The Tribune w desire to note the various features of interest in our town and county also, the new buildings and therefore' will "point out the new McCabe building which will bo erected about June 1, at Dewey and Fourth Sts. This will indeed bo a credit and an ornament to North Platte and a modern, uptodate structure of this character was needed on this site. Dr. McCabe is to be congratulated On his enterprise and foresight in making this investment but the success uf the building is already assured as offices in it arc being rented fast and Dewey troet will be considerably improved by this building. It will bo two stories in height, pressed brick front on Dewey street, and pressed brick pilaster with paved stueco on the Fourth stroct Bide and the construction is fire proof throughout. Both floors are of reinforced cement and Dr. McCabe will put only the best of everything in it. There will not be a better building for its size in the country and Dr. Mc Cabe's investment with value of lot will total about $22,000. No one has greater faith we might add in North Platte and in her future than this gentleman and he has shown his faith by his works in investing heavily in our city and Bur rounding country. The doctor as we all know is one of the principal owners of our two flourish ing pharmacies, the Nyal and Rexall, and they secure a large part of the de sirable trade hero in tho drug lines. A few lines as to Dr. McCabe may not be amiss as ho has been with us thirty years and is one of our old timers and landmarks, wo might say. After graduating from the University at Buffalo, he practiced for a time at Niagara Falls, and then turned his face toward the sotting sun. Ho cast his tot with us and from tho beginning has always stood for high ideals in private and professional life. He was Mayor of our city three terms, Coroner several times, and is now member of our school board, trivine always freelv of his time ' " -. X . . " ... and moans to tho futheranco ot the best interests of North Platte and Lincoln county. Dr. McCabe keeps pace with the pro gress of his profession and as a medical man, live, liberal citizen, and pusher for a greater and better North Platte, this gentleman is always on tho firing line and willing to do his full part for all worthy, well considered efforts to benefit our city and county. The Hendy Ogior Co. have leased the entiro build ing for five years and it could not bo in better hands. THE LEADER. W.H. Munger, residence... $ Charles Reynolds, residence 1,000.00 5,000.00 5,300 00 W. F. Wood, residence 1,700.00 Pump house at water plant. 1,483.00 ""- . . ' , . -vj n nn.rV, bliar fne &? ?:,l "' . r h T. (1. Patterson, resilience).. W. T. Alden returned Sunday morning from Grand Island where he attended the U. C. T. banquet Saturday evening. Mrs. Ted Funk, of Wallace, who spent the past week with friends in thi3 city, left for homo Saturday afternoon. Charles Stamp left yesterday morn ing for Grand Island and other eastern points to transact business for a few days. Miss Lillian Ritner has recovered from a siege of grippe and resumed her duties in the Sutherland school yes terday. Harry Cramer left yesterday morning for Carpenter to resume work after beinjr off duty for several weeks owing to" injuries. Salesmen Wanted to .lqok after our interestinLincolnand adjacent counties. Salary or Com. Address Lincoln; Oil Co. Cleveland, Ohio. ,-j , $gtxi Architect Bert Reynolds issuffering with nn abcass on his left foot which causes him to resort to the aid of crutches in walking. n H. Everlv and son Leigh, of Hershey, spent the last of last week in town consulting physicians in regard to the letter's health. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Banks who are spending their honeymoon in Kansas City are expected to return htre the latter part of this week. Andrew Hasenyager of Tecumsch, who will be married tomorrow evening to Miss Elizabeth Young of this city, arrived here Sunday evening. Mrs. Jesse Dikeman and children, of Colorado Springs who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Goorge Smith, left Fri day afternoon for Sutherland to visit relatives. Mrs. A. Wait, of Tryon, died at her homelthe latter part of last week. She sister OI Mrs. J. iu. Vjuiiiuuii ui Total $18,083.00 A. E HUNTINGTON. Morsch buildinc 6,000.00 Green residence 1,800.00 Additions and repairs 2,200.00 11,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS. Federal building 90,000.00 M. K. Nevillo. additions 2,000.00 J. E. Pile, two houses 4,800.00 Derryberry & Forbes, ware house 1,000.00 T. M. Cohagen, warehouse... 1,000.00 Reed residence 1,000.00 Morgan residence 1,700.00 Stegman residence 2,000.00 Pugli residence 1,000.00 Pease, two houses 2,000.00 F. J. Diener, residence 1,000.00 GeorgeSmith 1,000.00 John State's.,.....,,,, 2,800.00 Barraclough. Addn 500.00 "AIT. Woods; two houses. . 2.400.00 George Brady, two houses... 2,800.00 O. R. Martin, residence 1,000.00 Long, residence 1,000.00 Disbro, residence 1,000.00 Meek, residence 1,000.00 C. W. Yost, County Clerk. In this home industry and improve ment edition of Tho Tnbuno wo will in clude Our county officials for they are all members of the Booster and Pusher club, first class citizens, and "in" for all worthy, well considered undertakings that help our town and county. We will also touch on the caroors of these gentlemen and their standing in tho community as we note our business and professional men and in referring to Mr. Yost wo would say that on his merits alone he deserves the best wo can say for him. He has a Arte record in all tho rela tions of life and he has friends among all clasecs of this community. He is well adapted for his position ns County Clerk and renders full return in zealous, effective service for every penny he draws from the public 'fUnds. Thisgentlemnn has always "delivered the merchandise" upcniis training has been all round and practical one. Ho was in the mercantile lino for somo time, was also engaged in railroading and his career has Jjeen an activo and industrious one, standing always for tho betterment of moral, political and material conditions, ,, On tho square with all comers, giving to others nil that was coming to them, Mr. Yost has ever been tho right kind of n citizen and a helpful, useful mem ber of the commnity. We would here emifbusizo the impor tant fact that he spnks, reads and writes the German language fluently and a county clerk who knows tho great Germanic tongue can, needless to say, serve tho public interests more advan tageously than ono who does not, other things being equal. Mr. Yost served fpr, several years under Mr. Elliott, is perfectly familinr with the duties of tnq, office, and is widely known in this part of tho state. He is a frank, pleasant gentleman who will go -out of his way to do n "good turn" for the other fellow, and he commands the respect and confidence of our people. Ho is thoroughly iden tified with the best interests of this section and is at all times, an honorable energetic, efficient person whose re cord is clean and creditable through out. ' Men of his type and character nro the kind we need in our public offices. Mr. Yost we would add served in the city council for several years and was a leader in the fight to secure the water works for tho city. There was tremen dous pressure brought to bear on him in various ways to serve private instead of public interests but this gentleman is a sticker when he is in the right and it is to a few men of his typo that we owe our city wateworks. was this city on4 well known among the C. L. H. C. Grand Total $289,358.00 Mrs. Nellie Kane, of Wallace, visited local friends yesterday. Mrs. J. D. Cole went to Nichols the first of last week to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Peckham, of Gaslin Precinct, were town visitors the last of last week. Charles Crosby who has been seriously ill for some time is reported to be get ting along nicely. Mrs. B. L. Robinson left yesterday morning for Burlington, la., to make her home with her son Guy. .Justice P. II. Suilivan has rented a room in the Waltcmath building which he will use ns an office for his civil case. Julius Pizcr, Proprietor. Mr. Pizer is our oldest merchant and l)ii extensive establishment is tha lead ing commercial feature of our town. For twenty-one years, this gentleman has labored in this comunity, beginning in a small way, but no man had moro faith .in the luture of North Platte and the excellence of this town s a trading point ana me jucauer is inuceu a monu ment to his mercantile judgment, fair dealing, and modern, enterprising, up to date business methods Never has competition been so keen a the last twenty years in the various parts of our state but Mr. Pizcr always welcomed it and ho won out by reason of his sterling integrity, untiring in dustry, and broad grasp of conditions hore. His premises measuro 44 by 90; there are two flyors, and they are literally jammed with everything in tho way of wearing apparel for men, women, and children. No man in the state is a better buyer than this gentleman and when there are bargains in the market ho gets them for North Platto and they aro of the genuine kind Tho sales put on at this store aro fre quent and always tho money-saving kind in which the values are absolutely guaranteed and you will never visit this place any hour of the day in which you will not find patrons here. Customers aro drawn from miles around and our careful, economical purchasers know they are "in" many a dollar. by trading with Mr. Pizer. We look to Mr. Pizer for tho latest and best in tho dry goods nnd ready to wear lines and the corner stones of this emporium aro honesty, enterprise, nnd the best of merchandising methods. We will not enter into details of , this fine stock and tho many admirable fea tures that characterize this splendid store but it fills the bill in all respects nnd ho does moro business than nny other merchant in this section. He has made the greatest success in North Platto but the facts speaks for1 them selves and the Leader needs no com mendation from us. This gentlemnn has unlimited eonfi dehcfl in .North Platto and has invested hea,vily in residence, othor buildings nnd farm lands, No man has been of mora use to our community. Among the various important institu tions and movements with which lie has been connected should be mentioned the Platte Vulloy Bank. He was one of the principal starters of tho hank though lie is not now connected with it. Mr". Pizer does u large business loan ing money on real estnte securities, and has done n great deal of good in assist ing folks when hard pressed financially. The writer hoard from several reliable authorities that many homes and farms have been saved through Mr. Pizer's lonns that would otherwise have been surely lost. Uast out not least, Mr. nzer is one of tho best advertisers in the county as no tins made a s;udy ot puoiicity. His ads always state tho exact truth, are attractively nut toeother. and we nil uiavo implicit confidence in them. Itiere is no busier man in this part of tho country; hi3 word is always good as gold and when there is any enterprise on foot thnt holds promise of benefiting our town, Mr. Julius Pizer is "there'' with hearty and liberal support. This gentlemnn has always sot the paco in North Platte and he is tholivest of live wires, a business man that would comq to tho front in New York or Chi cago, and a citizen that stands for the best we havo in every lino of endeavor. Wo understand that he is ono of the wealthiest citizens in Lincoln county. Miss Gertrude Rcbhausen returned Saturday evening from Overton whero she conducts a weekly music class. Jack Healey, of Indiana, arrived hero Friday afternoon to make a short visit with his friend Andy Frazier while enroute to Denver. Ren Graham formerly of this city arrived here last evening from Greeley to visit his family who are guests of his mother Mrs, Martha Graham. Mananger Stamp has engaged tho Dixie Stock Company composed of twelve girls, for a four weeks engage ment at the Keith beginning February 21th. -wr ,iy "'"arrv j.r v j.-7- t . j rfeJ Interior View of tho Weingnnd Clothing Store A Few Prices on Groceries Granulated Sugar, beetr nn 20 lbs bl.UU Granulntcd Sugar, canoi 4 tr 18 lbs Ol.UU Tomatoes, Standard full n size cans 1 UC Corn Standard 7c por ''an ie tfor 25C Quaker Oats large pkg. . LjC Quaker Oata small.pkg.. lUC Soda full size pkg........ oC Corn Starch per pkg J)C Gloss Starch per pkg oC Corn Starch Kingsfords per n Pkg OC Silver Gloss Starch per pkg OC Yeast Foam 4c pkg 3 for. . I ()C Chocolate Runkels per cake -ic 18c2for JDC Lewis Lye per can OC Eagle Lye por can oC American Lye per can. ..... oC Fels Naptha Soap per cake. JC At the present time tho wholesale nnd we are giving you the benefit of it Soda Crackers large boxes l perlb 02C Oyster Crackers large ! boxes.per lb OC Cranberries per qt IZ2C Shoo Polish Gilt Edge n per bottle ZUC K. C. Baking Powder 25 ( ozenn ZUC Royal Baking Powder 16 iC- oz can ,. 4 DC Dr. Prices Baking Powder iC ICozcnn 40C Kraut per can,..,..'. lUC Hominy per can... ,. lUC Pink Salmon per can .... I UC Pears common grado per 4 il can U2C Egg Plums common gnilo 4 1 per can 1Z2C Potatoes lGc peck per ci bushel OUt Horse Shoo Tobacco, per ir lb..: ' 4DC Spear Head Tobacco por kCr Star Tobacco per lb. .... . 4pC J. T. Tobacco per lb A 40c Mexican Beans per lb. . . . OC . wttT , "'" ' . sugar market has gone' to piect ikox Department Store. JW'..'lMJ.y.1t.iffi.t:LalLxiJWia I Thursday mSKl KEITH THEATRE- Eveeimg February 13 ENGAGEPIENT EXTRAORDINARY , First appearance here of the popular American dramatic ptar .1 Supported by Her Original Cast in the United Play Company's Cort Theatre Production B ML i ri 1 B E22Z2SZ22S2 LIN -'fi plate nets. toilet City Properly for Sale. We have a numberof choicely located lots with and without buildings, close in with sower, city water, electric lights and sidewalks that we are offering at very low prices. Much less than we will be1 able to offer them when tho spring opens up. , In our judgment there will be u big advance on this class of property soon. Buchanan & Patteuson. THE NEWTON BEAUTY PARLOR. Hair Goods, Hnir Ornaments, Toilet Requisites, Sanitary, Up To Date, Mrs. C. M. Newton, Prop. The writer was surprised indeed to find in a town of this size such an up to date, well equipped establishment as we would expect to see so extensive a beauty parlor only in Omaha, Chicago, or other metropolitan centres. Mrs. Newton has the latest and be$t in her line, everything being in white enamel and sanitary throughout and horo we find olectric hair dryer, electric vibra tor, eleotric hair curler, electric colling fan, shampoo, natr dressing nnd mani cure chair, manicure table with glass top, large mirrors, ete. All kinds of switches, hair combs, hairbrushes, and othor articles or the very oest quality aro sold and everything this lady handles is guaranteed. Mrs. Newton makes her own facial creams and shampoo and her narlors are complete in everw way. Manicuring for gentlemen is nlso done and charges for the various kinds of wqrk done in those parlors are always moderate. Mrs. Newton made a considerable investment but her success has been marked and our ladies appreciate these parlors more and more. The parlor are In the back retired part of Mr. Newton's book store and every day is a busy one for this oapable, estmabl lady. Mrs. Newton is an expert in her work and her establishment is an im portant feature of our city. It was badly needed here and Mrs. Newton de serves considerable credit for her untero prise and efficiency in this line. Charles Kenyon's Throbbing Drama of Life, Love and Laughter. It's the Play and Star You've Read About in nil tho Magazines Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Motors and Carriages at 10:46 Sco those new 110 inch all wool scrgeH GOc a yard at Wilcox Dept. Store' ' tit Are You Enjoying the Benefits of the ' ' Enclosed Gearshift Found Only On Buick Cars? At this season of the year when it is necessary to use robes in a car, most every one can appre ciate the advantage of having the gear lever and brake lever entirely enclosed and out of the way, By the use of this construction the driver and passengers can wrap up snugly in the robes and remain so, while the levers muy be operated at will. ' This very desirablel feature is found only in Buick Care. J. A. DAVIS AUTO CO., North Platte, Nebraska. M J r 3i . A L. i . r local peojuu, tfi fMt1VB , n