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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1912)
A' BACKACHE AND ACHING JOINTS Together Tell of Dad Kidney Much pain that masks nn rheu matism 1b duo te weak kidneys to tholr lalluro to drive off urlo acid thoroughly. When you suf fer achy, bad Joints, back ache, too; with 6 0 010 kldnoy disorders, got Doan'B Kidney PIllB, which h a v a cured thousands. Piftir Story" AN OKLAHOMA CASK. John T. Jonrs. :il B. Pile St.. Paul Valley, Okto., saw: -I was confined to bed for flays with kidney trouble nnd Bclntla, riuumntfsm. I was weak anil da blllUitbd nnd tormented almost to dath. Not Improving under th doctor's treat ment, I bejrnn using Doars Kidney Pills and war entirely cured, I have had no trouble, slnco." Get Donn's nt any Drug Store, 50c a Dox n w 9 a Kidney FOSTER-ftHLnUHN CO., Buffalo. N. Y. .ragffiEEwgma FOR EYE ACHES W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 46-1912. POOR JOHN NEATLY CAUGHT Cleverly Contrived Trap That Led to the Downfall of One Forget- ful Husband. lie had returned homo in the eve ning tired and ready for a restful hour or two. "John, my love," said hla little wife sweetly, "did you -post -that letter I gave you litis morning?" "Yes. my pet," said John, hiding his consclenocotrickcn face behind the newspaper. "Well, what is your answer?" still more sweoUy. ' "Wh-w-hat is what?" gasped John. "What is your answer, dear?" said his little wife, clearly. "That letter was nddrcsBed to you." "Addressed to me?" exclaimed John. "1 didn't notice It." And then, like a foolish man, ho fell into tho trap and produced the letter from his pocket to see. The envelope was not addressed to him; but a long and sevoro lecturo was hortly after. Newspapers and Literature. All this over emphasis of tho un meaning Bnrfaco is duo to a confusion of newspaper and literary standards, ends, alms. Tho word literary has come to suggest an absence of red blood; Bplnncrn and knitters in the nun; tho 35-cent magazine crowd; this is nonsensical, of course. In its ele mental meaning literature Is at least as stern a Job as Journalism, albeit th? lntentiun and function of tho latter It merely to present things that happen, of tho former to volatlllzo such mate rial into hovering and potent mean ings, to strike the rock and raise a spirit that is Ufa. At 2:00 a. m. Mrs. Klatter Whnt is it a Bign of when u man stumbles going up stairs? Mrs. Klufcmann I know very well what lt'a a sign of' when my husband does it A Change. She Mr. Scrapplngton and his wife were riding in their auto yesterday when it skidded and they fell out He Well, that was a little variety for them. Usually their falling out takes place at home. Summer Styleo. Patience I seo tho suffragettes have corao out against the secret bal lot Patrice Yes, women, as a rule, pre fer open-work. Pray always; but don't lot go of tho plowhandlca. Thin Bits of Corn Toasted to A delicate Light Brown Post Toasties To be eaten with cream and sugar, or served with canned fruit poured over either way insures a most delicious dish. "The Memory Lingers" Pottum Ceieal Co, Ltd. Otuls Creek, Mich. -n "LVru Xth Ml a RAISE DEEP-ROOTED PLANTS Properly Interspersed In a Rotation They Do Much Good Alfalfa Crops Needs Much Water. Proporly intoraperacd in a rotation, deep-rooted, plants will do a lot of work for us that wo cannot do our selvos, however willing, for wo enn not reach tho sanio depths with Any tillage innchlno, nelthor can wo In stall millions of llttlo pumps to bring back soluble fertility to tho surface. Kven whore seasons nro udvorso to curing alfalfa It can bo used for hog pasturo and work for us day and night throughout a long growing season, says a writer In tho Denver Weekly Post. In tho Irrigated dLtrlcts hogs nro a considerable trouble during tho busy summer senson, but they do harvest a good deal of their own faod. Tho alfalfa must uo dipped, it is true, but wo save tho harvesting. A hard and fast rulo as to when to plow up alfalfa ovory two or threo years will often result In Its destruc tion at tho time it will do Its best ser vice, especially on farms whero it has had an abundance of water and tho roots have not yet penetrated tho hardpan. Investigation with a shovel down four or five feet or less will revcnl but llttlo penetration and that only a little of tho alfalfa's ability to draw fertility from the subsoil has been exerted. Our natural Inclination is to help a plant along all wo can, nnd alfalfa responds so readily to copious watering that frequent ap plications aro sometimes made with good results, so far as tho immedlato crop is concerned, but which develop on Inertia In root growth and causo tho alfalf to feed Inrgely in tho upper soil strata, and this is especially tho case when no cultivation is given tho crop and water passes rapidly over tho surface, soaking It slightly, but nover penetrating tho subsoil. This result la, of course, commoner on clays and impervious soils than on sand or sandy loams, for In theso tho water sinks easily and tho roots descend in search of it. Thorough cultivation will allow the water to descend and bo stored for future uso on heavy soils and encourago deep rooting. There Is a strong tendency from tho start with alfalfa to thin out, becauso the seed sown produces a great number of plants than can find room. As they swell out and reach maturity frequent waterings will keop the stand thicker and result In a finer hay, so that for a year or two it will bo of superior quality. It is about tho third year that tho stronger plants have usually asserted their domlnanco and taken what Beems an undue amount of room. but they will still fill tho space, and If cut somewhat earlier than a thicker growth will not bo conrse or woody, and tho bulk or hay will not be serious ly reduced. , Wo now have our cholco either to break up tho field or run It In alfalfa for a longer period for tho good It does as a subsoller and a nitrogen storer. Which will bo tho best plan depends on a great variety of circum stances, which alone should govern, not some preconceived plan without regard to tho benefits tho nlfalfa may or may not bo far havo exerted on the subsoil to anything llko Its full capacity for betterment. If tho water supply is somewhat limited wo havo a crop which Is eminently adapted to holp itself and make a profit whero a sballowor rooted one will fall, and meanwhile it exerts itself to go after, tho water and deepens our soil for ensuing crops. If, on tho other hand, tho alfalfa has already gono down ten or twelve feet it may havo accomplished about all it Is capable of doing In tho tlmo land can bo devoted to this crop. Ono of tho fow plants that can bo sown with much success In alfalfa to thicken It up 1b winter ry,e, which doeB well, very much increasing tho bulk of tho first cutting and being palatablo cured and stneked with tho alfalfa. Chicory seems to bo ablo to take hold, so far as I hirvo been able to test It, but It needs a longer trial before rec ommendation. Even whero alfalfa is to be broken up In tho Bprlng some crop to fill up and glvo a more sod llko texture to the breaking which will withstand tramping is highly desir able. A clean hog is usually a well hog. Grain does not llko wet feet. Tllo out tho low spots. Medium sized but plump turkeys aro marketable all tho year round. Sheep should havo a good dry shod to sleep and rost In during the fall. Many unoccupied fonco cornors might well be bettor growing a troo. In pasturing fall ryo do not lut tho Btock onto tho ground when It Is wet. Tho best hen house Is the one that provides the most comfort for your birds. When you am through hatching, market all tho cocks that you do not intend to uso next yenr. Ono of tho flrBt essentials of man aging uheep In tho fall of the year Is to provide proper shelter. Bo kind to tho stock. It will pay A close acquaintance with the farm animals Is worth having. Tho manure annually produced in this country has a valuo of two and one-half billions of dollars. One hen that lays a hundred eggs In tho course of tho Benson Ib worth moro than two that lay only fifty. Whoat Is ono of tho boat grain Held for poultry all tho year round, nnd especially during the laying senson. The man with a lot of flno youna chickens to sell now Is tho one who has tho srallo that won't como off. IMPORTANT FACTS REGARDING PRUNING AND OTHER NECESSARY WORK IN VINEYARD First Trirnminrj After Planting May Bo Done Any Time During Winter When Vines Are Dormant and Not Frozen Va rieties Require Different Methods. 33y QKOnCiE C. HUSSMANN. Pomolo lt. United Btntes Departinnnt of Ag riculture.) In vineyard grafting, many opera '.ors, n mouth or so beforo grafting, tut off tho stem of tho vino an Inch or two ubovo whero I' Is to bo grafted so that tho stock may bleod profuse ly. Water sprouts that otherwlso would appear aro thus to a groat ex tout eliminated. In cloft grafting, tho vinos nro cut off at a smooth placo near and pre ferably a llttlo above tho surfaco of tho ground, unless It Is desired to havo the grafts establish themselves on tholr own roots, as It makes tho removal of water sprc-.ts and roots starting from tho scion much easier and lessens tho danger of injuring tho vJ'nvvia?J;-U 4!r J 5 a Sj I ."TOmISG?' -w?p.iV:- Vines headed back for different systems of training: A, The spur and fan system; B, the four-arm renewal system'; C, the two-arm Knlffln, Munson, umbrella, and overhead systems. scion boforo it la thoroughly knitted to tho stock. Tho first pruning nftor planting may be dono any tlmo during tho winter when tho vines aro dormant nnd not frozen. ' Tho extent of pruning will depond on tho growth mado. If tho growth has been Bmall, ull tho canes except tho strongest should bo ro moved, and this ono cut back to two eyes. If a strong growth has boon mado and there Is ono straight well ripened cano, all othor growth should bo romoved and this cano cut back to the height nt which it is intended to head tho vino. Tho cano should h,o tied securely and, as It is to bocome nnd remain tho trunk or main body of tho vino, should bo kept na nearly erect and straight as possible. Whero the vino waB cut back to two buds only ono should bo allowed to grow. All othor young shootB should bo removed, preferably when quite young and not moro than throo or four Inches long. This concen trates all tho force and growth of tho plant into tho cano, which is to be come tho trunk of the vino. Tho Bhoot left to grow must bo kept care fully tied to tho stnko to cause It to grow orect and also to protoct it from being broken by tho wind or other agency. When a shoot has grown to Sf A vine pruned according to the called shoots when green and canes back to one to four eyes; T, trunk, b, c, d, arms. TRYING A SMALL FLOCK OF SHEEP For Ail-Around and General Pur pose Animal None Better Than Shropshire. Sheep raising nn a small seal'- la al most universally profitable on almost every farm, but when' moro than a small flock is kept quite a different proposition la Involved, snyn tlm Pro gressive Farmer. With a small (lock no special pastures aro required, thoy can bo housed in building, and used for tho other stock without crowding and require llttlo teed and practically no special attention. When a largor flock Is kept two or moro pastures should bo maintained, ample houses for keeping dry without crowding provided, and an ubundance of suit able feed supplied For tho Bouth wo am Inclined to favor tho Shropshire, Southdown and tho Dornot. For an all-round and gen eral purpose sheep there is probably nothing hotter than the Shropshire. The Dorseta produco early laraba a foot abovo whom it is Intended to, hend it should bo topped slightly abovo whero tho head Ib to bo, caus ing laterals to grow where they aro doslrcd. Only such shoota should bo allowed to grow uh aro nocded for shaping tho vino for tho following soason. All suckors should bo prompt ly romoved. By tho third year all vines should havo erect, straight stems with two or mom' canes growing from tho prin cipal part, out of which tho head or crown 1b to bo formed and from which tho growth of tho vino Is to bo ro newod from year to yoar. Tho vino, whan permitted to do so, bears Its fruit on shoots from tho last year's wood growth; thorefore, tho cnrdlnal point underlying nil cor- if1 I I .v roct pruning, bo tho method of train ing what It may, la flrBt to grow and Bhapo or adjust tho main body or permanent part of tho vino to th method of training doslrcd. Aftei this has been done tho growth on this, the frult-bonrlng part of the plant, should bo so pruned that It will bo ronowed from yenr to year, never allowing tho plant to ovorbenr bul making It boar to Its full capacity. II this Is dono tho body of tho plant gradually becomes stronger and Ita fruiting capnclty Increases corre spondingly, no wasteful plant growth la allowed at tho oxpenso of fruit ago, and tho vines nro easily kopt clear of insects and fungous diseases. Tho mannor of renewing tho growth on tho body of tho vino so ns to leavo tho body permanent is illustrated. Not only do different countrleB have different methods of pruning nnd training, but methods often vnry In the Bovoral districts of tho snmo country. Tho lnhoront peculiarities of tho varieties thoinsolves often re quire special mcthodB to obtain tho best results. No attempt 'Ib made to describe mothods other than those that appear most nppllcnblo and hnvo proved most satisfactory for tho grapo speclos grown In vnrlous parts of tho United States. 4j four - cano Knlffln system: C, Canes, when mature; Sp, spurs, canes cut the stem or main body of the vine; a, and being good milkers, tho lambs grow rapidly. As a matter of fact, however, any breed of sheep will prove satisfactory If given tho enrol and food which thoy need. It 1st probably a fact, howovor, that ex cept on the highest and dryeHt lands', shoop nro moro likely to suffer from parasites and not do so well In the,' south aB In tho dryer and colder cllmatos of tho rorth. Wo aro not Inclined to glvo llvuntock jib much ' enro ns thoy rccolvo In the north, and really to rnlse sheep successfully wo bollovo thoy require more care, es pecially ir kopt In largo Hocks. Wo ntlvlso tho boglunor In this lino of stock raising to procure tho best nntlvo owes obtainable In hlsx locality and then buy a purebred rum and' with this small flock learn tho busi ness thoroughly beforo attempting to raise sheep In large numbers. Method of Hoeing. In honing a long, slow movement should bo made, If tho noil is In good condition. Simply "scuffing" half nn Inch of tho top soil Is enough to kill woeds nnd ono can go ovor a lot of ground In one day If L'ao hoo Ih sharp and bright and the strokes long and smooth 1t C V7 No Strangers Allowed. Frank II. Hitchcock, tho postmaster onoral of tho United States, takes tho deepest interest in even tho smallost details of tho postal service. Ono eve ning ho was nt tho Union station in Washington, when ho decided to go Into ono of tho railway mnll service enra to seo how tho mall matter was being hnndlcd. Doing a tall man nnd very athletic, hoicnslly swung hlmsolf from tho platform Into tho car, but ho did not And It nn easy matter to stay put. A burly postal clork grabbed him by tho Bhouldors, propollcd him toward tho Bldo door, and practi cally ejected him to tho platform bo low. "What do you mean by that?" ask ed Hitchcock Indignantly. "I mean to keep you out of thla car," replied tho clork roughly. "That follow Hitchcock has given us strict ordors to Ttcop nil strangers out of theso cars." Popular Magazine. Was Fun to Choose. A number of drivers of racing cars who wore in Loulsvlllo to participate In tho motor races wore present nt a luncheon In honor of ono of tho leading contestants, who told sevoral automobile stories. "But my best Btory," said tho racor, "Is about n taxlcub chnurtour. This man was discharged for reckless driving nnd so became n motormnn on n trolley car. 'Ab ho was grumbling ovor his fall en fortunes n friend Bald: "'Oh, what'u tho matter with you? Can't you run ovor pcoplo Just as much aB over?' " Yob,' tho ox-chauffeur replied, 'but formerly I could pick, and choose.'" So Many Like Trlbble. "Trtbblo is a discontented fellow. I don't bellovo ho oven knows whnt ho wants." "Oh, yes. Ho knows what ho wants. What makeB htm discontented Ib tho fnct that ho also knows ho can't got IL" Important to Mothers Exnmlno carefully every bottto of CASTORIA, a Bafe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and seo that it Ttnnro tliA Signature of 6Za$fffi&l4 in uso For Ovor 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Tho Kind. "How did thoy miccecd In catching that defaulting aviator?" "With a fly detective." Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlnc Syrup for Children teething, softens tlia Riima, reduces Inflamran lion, allayapaln, cures wind colic, SJc a bottlcjUr. Paradoxical Promise. "I want you to pay down." "All right. I'll sottlo up." Mnny havo smoked I.KWIS' Single Bind er clear for the pant sixteen years. Always found -in reliable quality. Advl Somo folks calculate to get on In tho world upon tho shoulders of othor peoplo. Christian Herald. No thoughtful person uses liquid blue. It's a pinch of lluo In a large bottlo of water. Ask for tied Cross Ball llluu,lho blue that's all bluo. Atlv Docs a woman fool glad or sorry when she cries nt a wedding? Enjoy this A FREE "Surprise Box" of assorted Sunshine Biscuits awaits you. Please send for it at once so you can test these best of biscuits. So you can learn how full-flavored and captivating are some of the many varietips of There aro six varieties names and descriptions TakaomsBlsrnU Crisp, flaky soda biscuits that break evenly in the center to a size handy for eating. S cents a package. Hotter Thins Real butter thins, made with real butter and baked to an appetizing brown. 10 cents a package. Snaitios Grahams Crisp and brown gra ham biscuits vlth deliriously wholesome flavor. 10 teats a package. Be Our Guest at a Tempting Feast. Mail tho Coupon JopSE-JDLES glSCUir0MPANTr Oaktrt of Santhlnm BUcult Sold By All Grocera Send tills To-day. LoMcWites Dltcult Co.. Omaha, Neb, Please send mo FREE my "Surprise Box" of assorted Sunshine Biscuits. Name 5 (T lllB Kb 1 1 I llllmttSSBBBsW yWllllllllI I Address ' 11 'JsBv Jjffunll ill l Mttpg lllllllilllj Grocer's Name 11 Hi T nrtssf1 I' 1 1 li H Address , J I l!lf" rBuMl Your Pmlnin wtTI a Msbsbsbsbsbssbt Af SJeiTfiiaBSSBl ML 3". hs?yE JiW'mtWwJmS Escaped the Worst of It n-f,f wnraf ttilnrra ntA t,rt n fltlHtm uu iTuauv wiibi u tun aiuiwuuu. til at havo nover happened. Bobby had Just been soundly spanked for falling Into tho crcok. "Geo I" ho exclaimed, rubbing tho Bent of punishment, "what wouldn't I havo got if I had drowned?" TIRED BLOOD . LOWERS VITALITY (Copyright 1013 by tho Tordtlvos Co ) Nutriment and Oxygon absorbed i tho blood from tho food wo oat, and tho air wo breatho feeding tho llvlnfc colls, producoB vltnllty. When tba blood is tired, It falls to provido these cloments In sufficient quantities, and wo Buffer from Lack of Strength, Lack of Enduranco, Broken Down Constitu tion. Worried or Depressed State of Mind, otc In ordor to maintain vital- T0N.T1VES 8hould bo rlch &.lbnUtSlni"nn with nutriment WTIRED BLOOD and red with oxy gon. A troatmont of Tonltlvos Is tho 3urcst mothod of accomplishing thesa results. 75c. por box of dealers or by mall. Tho TonltlvoB Co., Buffalo. N. Y, The Army of Constipation Is Growing; Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS nro responsible they not only give relict they perma nently cure Con- tipstion. Mil lions use. them for Biliousness. Indigestioo, Sick Headache, Sallow Skla. SMALL TILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature In Western Canada's Froe Homestead Area THE PROVINCE OP bss setoral New Homs stftRdlna Districts that Rltord ran opportunity to siteuro 10) acres of ex cellent srlanUtuml landVJUEK. For Grain Growing and Gatito Raising IhlsproTlnce bos no snperlor oiM In profitable sgrlmiltnre shows an unbroken period oturoi a quarter of a Century. Perfect climate: gooa.niarkeUt railways conrenlenuso I tUeTerr tirat. and social conditions most desirable. Vacant lands adjaoew to Vres TloiuoitcaiU may bo pnruhaed and alu In the older districts lands can bo boupbt at reason able prlcos. For further partUalars write to VV. V. BENNETT, Boo Building,, Omaha, Neb. Canadian fjavernmenb Agents, or address Hiiperlnteiiileut of ImiulBTatlui, Ultuw,cMt. AOKNTH MAUK 1IIO nIONEY solllne Vso) uum Cleaners and household specialties, 101 profit, Mon, women boys and girls. Homo. thine sultoblo for nil. For catalogue and pan ndd. J. J. AVOODH. Illoomlleld. Nebraska, Free Gift Biscuits In the Gift Box. Their follow study them: Matlnes Blicntts Crisp and slightly sweet. ened just the thing with aftcr-the- theatre tea or chocolate lOceatsapkg. Toa-Ysais Appetizing crisp lltUe biscuits, spiced with ginger. You eat them with a zest. 5 cents a package. VsbIJIs Wafers Slightly sweetened, de. Ilghtfully flavored. Dainty morsels that melt in the mouth. 10 ceats a package. asasasKPP HMfTADTFDC .JbmbmIb W & v' Hivcr; WmW Ir' 1 1.1.3. s' ag. - -j, &&U&4&&&&' Ifflal -sS& 'imn'i iniTtsiisMsiiinjiiMiiiiinti !' 'IfeffigPfMlillllll IS lisassPSlBK'MBsWl I II iilVaSBSBSBSBSBSBsSBaSsHllll li 111 lllrTBssssssss'rrr wSJSssav I I 111