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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1912)
I f "r w " ' t . ' " J? ... . (.. . A .vi i '" i r mi tr . i wmmimmmm wmmamvammv mmm&MmmMwmmm7mmtmL - mtww3mtvmjXi?fk mmrnmnmw. pwwwN flUTri ., "- -.-- W If IW$fc. Ml' m9 - - , .WWHWfi r 9 i i v... t m .. . A 1 y B BJ0 cotr.3 rHtit-ff9 i : ttt ; i Purauade him I I .! It '' to give you COMMUNITY SILVER. th Dhow kind. Kim this advertisement so he will know Tell liim that this famous ware has a solid silver disc overlaid on the wearing points, and it is then plated with a triple-plus plate. Community Silver is guaranteed for 50 years in ordinary family use. CLINTON, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Standard R. R. Watches. Watch Repairing a Specialty 511 Dewey Street. i l!1 Ml It Of lit lb Ml ib teffrttfrtfrfrttfrtftfrtfcfrf; 4 OR 8 For Your Drugs. Orders De livered promptly. REXALL and NYAL DRUG STORES Hi Mi lb lb ib 0 lb il ib lb lb lb lb & of Etna, who Neis Forstcad, n;44-3443FtfrG--39494444tfl Local and Personal. Miss Viola Knox.of the P. & S.hospi tol nursing staff, is taking her vncation. Mrs. Nick Kirsh, of Grand Island, came Inst week to visit Mrs. Henry Rocker. Mrs. Will Diener loft Saturday even ing for Denver to spend several weeks with relatives. A number of the local commercial men attended the U. G. T. picnic at Grand Island Saturday. Claude Sclby returned the last of the weok from Chicago where ho is taking a medical course. John Day who has been employed in Allianco for several weoks has resigned and returned home Sunday. J. L. Bell, of the United States agri cultural department, spent tho last of the week at the state farm. A social dance was held at tho Lloyd opera homo Friday evening. These dances are becoming very popular. Mrs. 0. H. Cresslcr and daughter will leave this week for eastern points to spend a month or more with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ryan and chil dren returned Friday afternoon from a month's visit in Kearney with rel atives. Mrs. Mills, of Fennvlllo, who spent the past Bix months with her daughter Mrs. Fred Porritt, left Friday after noon. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Keith Nevillo and family returned Saturday from an ox tended visit in Charlestown, W. Vn., with relatives. Miss Mabel Malinc, visited her sister Mrs. has returned home. Misses Pearl Spangler and Blanche McCaig, of Paxton, who spent several weeks here, left Saturday. Mrs. Martha Graham who has been visiting in Maxwell for a couple of weeks returded home Saturday even ing. Gus. Lewis a greok laborer in the boiler shops was scalded Saturday morning. He was taken to tho hospital at Grand Island. Mrs. Howard Adams, of Sidney, re turned home Sunday after spending a week with Mesdames Clyde Cook and Homer Handloy. Miss Comfort Conway, of tho Tramp Dry Goods Department, will leave shortly for St. Joe and Chicago to pur chase fall and winter stock. Miss Laura Geedmanson, of Ord, who had been tho guest of Miss Isabello Doran for tho past three weeks left for Denver Saturday to visit friends. Mrs. Robert Mason and daughter Dixie, of Mt. Pleasant, la., left for homo Saturday morning after visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mason for a month. Mrs. E. J. Huntington returned to Grand Island yesterday morning after spending a fortnight with her daughters Mesdames Jos. Weeks and Wm. Hutchins. C. T. Whelan and Rev. McDaid left in tho former's car at noon yesterday for Grand Island to look in on tho demo cratic state convention. They expected to reach the Island at eight o'clock last evening, Trainmaster Letts and E. W. Zeibert, of Sidney, left last week for the head waters of the Platte on a trout fishing trip. This means that tho number of fish in tho Platte will bo considerably diminished. MiBs Ethel McWilliams entertained the Young Ladies Kensington Club Fri day evening in honor of Miss Daisy Mc Micheal who will be married next week. The ovoning was spent very pleasantly and tho nico lunch was irrontly enjoyed I by nil. Local and Personal Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Vanderhoof hnve rented the Walsh property on East Fourth street. Miss Hazel Rork came home yester day from a short visit in Sidney with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vroman, who were married last week in Grand Island, have returned. Miss Harriet Murrin left yesterday afternoon for Sterling to visit relatives for a week or longer. Wanted Girl for general lmusework, call nt 306 West 4th street. tf Mrs. George Passmore returned Sun day evening from n two weeks' visit with relatives in Sidney. Miss Anna VonGoetz returned to Omnha at noon Saturday after visiting her parents for several days. Messrs. Ira and Walter Anderson, of Cozad, visited their brother G. W. Anderson and fnmily Sunday. Mrs. Frank Dentler and daughter Miss Emu, of Denver, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Robinson this week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Deats left Sun day evening for Missoula, Mont., to spend the greater part of the summer. Mis Ida Ottenstcin will leave soon for Blair to visit friends and before re turning will spond n week or more in Omaha. Frank Stuart, lately with tho Union Pacific civil engineering department, is now with a railroad surveying corps in Minnesota. Mrs. Adgevine, of Adrian, Mich., who had been the truest of the Garman family for a number of weeks, will leave tonight. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Anderson en joyed a visitSunday from the former's parents Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. G. Ander son, of Gothenburg. Miss Laura Murray, who had been visiting in Denver for two weeks while on her return trip from Portland, ar rived home Saturday night. Mrs. William Dolson and niece Miss Cecilia Monahan, who went to Omaha last week to attend the Dolson-Cassman wedding, returned Sunday evening. MissJBradly and Attorney Deorcey, of Sumner, who are enroute west with a party of friends by auto, will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Huffman this week. Messrs. 0. H. Thoelecke. F. E. Piel- sticker and Art Salisbury will leave next week for Thermopolis. W.vo.. to spend several weeks. Ed. Erb, of Gothenburg, spentyestcr day in town assisting Derryberry & Forbes in tho arrangement of their new undertaking parlors. Henry Schuff, of Grand Island, spent Friday in town while enroute home from an auto trip to Colorado. While here he made a visit to his irrigated farms west of town. The Wood building at the corner of Sixth and Locust is being repainted nnd repaired preparatory to the lower'floor being occupied by It. F. Stuart, the plumber. Judge and Mrs. J. S. Hoagland will attend the national reunion of the Grand Army of tho Republic, which will be held in Los Angeles tho early part of September. A picnic party of six couples of young ladies and gentlemen held a very pleasant outing at uurtis L,nke Sunday making the trip by auto. Mrs. Harry Dixon acted as chaperone. Henry Waltemath. who has been con fined to the house for over two weeks by inflammatory rheumatism, is im- nrovinc. Tne trouble affected both ankles and he has suffered much pain. The band concert on Friday evening in tho court yard was one of the best of tho season and the excellent program furnished by Manager Stamp was greatly appreciated by the largo num ber who assembled. w m m ft to (t (0 m m m ? qx to m More real car for your monev than any other ear on ik VIM m " ' " '..- ito earth. Nine times out of ten you would buy a Studebaker W jj if full investigation were made. Sells for less money; J ito has a steel body, a more powerful engine, les's weight, as (ft w it) & JHt it) & ; id & to i& vV to ft " & against our would-be competitors with wooden body, less engine energy, more money t more weight, no priming cups, which are all very important in an automobile. All country customers I sell to will be taken care of fa m to free of charge as to city. garage room while in and when in John L. Burke, Local Dealer, Phone Black 627. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 19) (f m m m While Traveling It is unsafe to carry large sums person. of money on the You can procure at this bank American Bankers Association Travelers' Checks in denomination of $10, $20 nnd $50, which can bo cashed as needed in all parts of the world. Wo also have safety deposit boxes in which you can place your valuablo papers for a very small rental charge of $1.00 and up per year. Call and aeo us. McDonald State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. J. J. Halligan writes that he visited near Belfast, Ireland, the house in which his father was born. Mr. Halligan and Mr. Wilcox are visiting many of the attractions in Ireland that are not reached by a majority of the tourists. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Horrigan, who wore married in this city a month ago, returned to Boone, la., the latter part of last week, where Mr. Horrigan is employed as machinist. Following the wedding thoy spent a month at Mr. Horrigan's homo in Pennsylvania. Miss Alma Waltemath, who grad uated from a young ladies school at Washington, D. C, in June and had since been visiting in tho east, arrived home Saturday, but left the following day for Denver to attend a house party for a week. Howard Dolson, formerly of this city was married tho latter part of last week to Miss Myrtle A. Cassman, of Omaha. Mr. Dolson is the youngest son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Dolson, of this city, and is employed with Keoley Bros, in Omaha and thoy will reside there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vincent nnd daughter Margaret, who have been visiting in Omahn and Blair for several weeks, returned Sunday. They nro preparing to movo to Holdredgo to which town Mr. Vincont hns been trans ferred as representative for tho Har groves Mercantile Co. Mrs. Georgo Back entertained a dozen ladies at bridgo Saturday nftor- IIUUII, III IIUIIU1 Ul 11131 UfBl.11, 1UIH. II, iu. urimus nnu iirs. j. j. uaiugnn, oi North Platte. Mrs. Grimes won first honors nnd Mrs. Halligan, second, and Mrs. H. L. Williams, Jr., tho consola tion. A delicious supper was served. - Gothenburg News. The railroad bridge cast of town is boing conveited into a double track bridgo, that is, additional rails are be ing laid so that a train approaching tho bsfdgo on either tho oast or west track need not switch over to tho one lino of I rnils. but continues on the snmo line I of rails on which it npproched. Of course two trains from opposite direc tions cannot enter thu bridge at the samo time. In making this chango tho company dispenses with two day nnd two night men, a saving of 5240 n month. To savo this item the chunge is evidently mado, for it docs not ex pedite tho movement of trains. Local and Personal. Mrs. James Loudon spent Sunday in. Maxwell with relatives. J. L. Brown, of Kearney, visited his son Bruce Brown and wife the first of the week. Miss Cassie Miller has resumed work at the Leader after a three weeks' va cation. Mrs. Bock and son John, who have been cuests of the Day tamiiy lor a .week, left last night. Miss Kata Spies left at noon yester day for Lexington to spend a couple of weeks with friends. Miss Pearl Howiand left yesterday morning for Hershey to visit with friends for some time. Miss Ora White went to Des Moines Sunday evening to spend a couple of weeks with her sister. Brakeman Wilcoxson returned Satur day evening from a thirty day visit on his ranch near Hillsdale. Jo Corona, of the telephone com pany, returned Sunday from Ogalalla, where ho spent two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Georce Carter, of Lin coln, who visited Attorney and Mrs. L. E. Roach last week, have continued their journsy to San Francisco. Edward Nolty manager of tho Lloyd skating rink went to Ogalalla on busi ness yesterday. During his absence the rink will be in charge of P. H. Lonergan. In a brief visit at the national ceme tery Sunday wo found everything in at tractive shape. The headstones have recently been re-nlligned, part of the trees removed in order that the ground might have more sunlight, tho brick wall around the cemetery has been re pointed and other minor improvements mado. Supt. Ingles set out n number of fruit trues this spring on land north of the cemetery, doing this at his own expense. Organized in 1887. Mutual Building & Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Paid in Capita! and Surplus $462,852.51. XOTICT. KOlt I'UltMOATION. Serial No. 0.1IS4. I)filartiiHiit ut tlm Interior, U. S. hand Olllco at North I'latte. Nub. July it). 1912. Notlco Is riiurobr etven tlmt Elmor Daeifett.'ot North I'latto. Nob.. on Auir. ll.lMT.mmlu homestead entry No. !MJ10. serial No, U31 'or bontheast H, Section 10, Towiihli U N, IUiik'u : W. of tho dth Principal Meridian, has llled notlco of Intention to mako tliml tlvo year proof, to ustahlUh claim to thu land above described, boforo tho Hek'lster and Hc colvor at North I'latto, Nebraska, on tho 23d iday ot Sopt. IMS. Claimant nomas as witnesses: Arthur Connor. Joseph Shaw. Carl Sonnpman, Orvlll Matson.Sall ot North i'latto. Nob. jlttM! J. E. Kvans. Koetstor. Notice to Bidders. Sonled bids will be received nt tho oillce of county clerk of Lincoln county up to 12:00 o'clock noon, August 1st, 1912, for replacing stringers per unit quantity and rcplanking per lineal ft, south Platte river bridge at North Platte, all material to be furnished by Lincoln county. C. W. Yost, County Clerk. Prospective Building & Loan borrowers should carefully investigate the advantages offered by this Association before doing business with any foreign Building & Loan Association. Borrowers in this Association saye over eighty per cent of the preliminary expenses charged by foreign associations; have smaller monthly dues on the amount borrowed; pay a less rate of interest; receive twenty per cent larger dividends and with the same amount of monthly payments would mature their loans in a year's less time; and have a more liberal contract in regard to repayments before maturity. Plenty of money on hand at all times to close loans. T. C. Patterson, Pros. Samuel Goozce, Secy Union Realty and Investment Company. Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS- T. C. PATTERSON. President, B. BUCHANAN, Sec'y and Treas. First Mortgages on Real Estate Bought, Sold and Negotiated. This companies prepared to loan money of investors on first mort gages on real estate, amply secured and drawing eight per cent semi annual Interest. Money so invested will be exempt from taxation. -"I y