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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1912)
K 7 i in' t' JR. F FIGHTING IpTOW m&WmmXm'MW G0NE ARE DAYS OF CHIVALRY QAJfi intrn fi-na tt wia y Our photograph shows a squad of of Orlunto. ODD BRITISH RITES - Examination of Standards for Weights Is Completed. Boc Is Dug Out of Masonry and Once Every Twenty Years Treasured Relics Are Examined by Noted English Scientists. London. Ono of the queerest and most Important of all tho ceremonials that aro gone through with in this country ono, too, that comes off only onco in twenty years has just taken place in tho presenco of somo of the loftiest big-wigs of tho state. This ceremonial consists of un earthing and examining tho contents of an extraordinary box burled in the masonry which forms the public stair case of the houso of commons, and thereby checking tho weights and measures used in Great Britain. To get at tho box, which is of oak, masons had to pull down part of the wall of tho staircase. Then, after the casket had been exhumed and its nniquo contents examined with Infinite care by a band of scientists, it was put back in tho cavity of tho wall, which then was built up and will not be dis turbed again until May, 1932. That box contains two pieces of metal. Ono is a cube of platinum measuring only one inch along each side; you could buy another like it for about $200, but thla particular cube has a value beyond all other pieces of metal. r- Tho way in which it is guarded gives some idea of Its worth. It is wrapped in a specially prepared paper uncommonly soft Jn texture, which is laid In another silver-gilt case. This case goes into another, made of stout bronze, which fits into a sturdy ma hogany box, firmly screwed down, and in addition, sealed in a particular way. Tho other thing in the box is a rod of bronzo. It is carefully protected, too, and is placed on eight rollers In another mahogany case. This caso is screwed together and sealed. Both these mahogany casos aro put In n special casket mado of lead, firmly soldered and perfectly air-tight. There is still another covering, how- PLANS TO fTEACH FARMERS Secretary Wilson Announces Agricul tural Education Campaign In tho North. Washington. Secretary of Agricul ture Wilson has announced plans for farm management study and work In the north, for which both house of congress have mado provision lp ho agricultural appropriation bill. This plan, on which tho secretary and Dr. P. T. Galloway, chief of tho bureau of plant industry, havo been working for Boveral months, corresponds to tho co operative demonstration work In tho south. The federal government, through Its agents, who will act in co-operation with state and local Inspectors, pro poses to make a comprehensive study of the farms of tho country with n view especially of carrying to the farmer information which will show him why a certain branch of his In dustry is unprofitable and how he can mako It pay or, If not, why ho Bhould drop that branch. "Wo will carry tho agricultural school to tho farmer," said Secretary Wilson. "Ordinarily, only ono man In a large number can go to school to study farming. Wo must take tho Bchool to him." Lived With Ball In Brain. Missoula. Mont. John Mar celll. a railroad laborer, who lived for a month with a bullet In his brain, is dead. Ho was shot In April and tho bullet was not removed until a week ago. Domlnlco Pagos link, who Is alloged to havo done the Bhootlng. Is sought by tho police. THE NEGRO REBELS IN y ryi taenche-s Cuban regulars in the trenches, righting tho negro rebels in the provlnco ever, tho leaden casket being fitted Into the oaken one. This is of special ly Selected wood and is scaled In such a way that Its contents are kept abso lutely intact. It fits exactly Into the cavity of tho masonry of the staircase. The two queer pieces of metal are tho standards of tho British weights and measures. They always remain of tho same value. Tho standards which were first used camo to grief In 1834 in the fire at tho houses of parliament, and It took many men at science years to computo and manufac ture the existing two pieces of metal. Tho one-inch cubo of platinum, though so small, weighs n pound. The bronzo rod Is 38 Inches long nnd has two- studs of solid gold to measure off tho yard. Two lines cross these gold studs, and nt a certain tempera ture and pressure of the air, tho dis tance between theso fine lines is the standard of British measures. When the ceremony of examining tho standards comes off they aro not touched by hands, but are held in spe cial tongs. Ono of tho most delicate balances known was used In weighing tho cubo. Tho yard was measured with tho utmost oxactness, a powerful microscope being used, and other deli cate measurements were made, includ ing that of tho temperaturo and of the height of the barometer. BEES AT A LONDON STATION Thousands Escape From a Box and Cause a Small Panic Farmer Puts Handful In Pocket. London. When a Hammersmith train drew up nt tho Baker street "Tubo" station Just after six o'clock recently several hundred Infuriated bees got out of tho train, ns well as f several pasengers. Brought from King's' Cross In a box addressed to HampBtead, tho Insects, on being landed at Baker street, man aged to escape from the box. With an angry hum he bees buzzed in nnd out among tho pnssengers on the platform, who darted away In all directions. "Live bees!" somebody shrieked. "Oh, Uvo one In my hair!" cried a woman. An official on duty at tho gate saw Locked Horns Moose of Unequal Size Had Battled Long, Years Ago In Alaskan Woods. Seattle, Wash. A story of wopdland tragedy not hard to read Is told by a pair of weather beaten Interlocked moose antlers thnt Billy Kramer of Fairbanks, Alaska, haB Just brought down and placed on view here, the story being that of one moose who died of a cut throat, while tho other perished of starvation. Tho horns were discovered on Hoppo creek, a small tributary of Small Wood creek. Part of the prongs were deeply burled In the earth when found. Ono remarkable thing nbout tho horns Is the peculiar structure of tho larger pair, which resemble those or a European elk or of tho ancient Irish elk far moro than they do a set of mooEo horns, in fact there is almost no palmatlon, whllo tho prongs are lomr and large. Moro singular still. under the main beams, where tha palms should bp, nre a series of largo prongs, giving tho horns a sort of doublo deck appearance, and It was these superfluous prongs that proved tho undoing of tho larger moose, for they caught and held tho horns of his antagonist In tho strugglo of years ago. Tho horns of tho larger moose had a spread of slxty-nlno Inches and each horn had seventeen prongs. The other set of nntlers 13 forty-flvo inches In spread, tho shovels being broad nnd fitting closely to tho head. Each ant ler has ten prongs. In the charge that locked the two CUBA. tho air full of little black and yellow bodies, felt something crawling on" his hand and bolted! Amid this turmoil ono man at least was cool and collect ed. He hailed from the country, and on alighting from the train, surveyed tho scene with a quiet smllo. "This be lucky," ho remarked., and. stooping down toward a bunch of tho insects swarming on tho platform, ho calmly picked up two handfuls of them, put them In his pocket, and walked off. There were many thousands of bees In the box, but the majority of them wore secured In time. Nobody In tho stampede considered tho bees them selves, which were vainly trying to i each daylight and tho flowers. Doz ens of them buzzed pitifully around an electric arc lamp, whllo others crawled upward to the sooty regions above. Hundreds of tho Insects were stamped on nnd killed on tho plat form. Tho trouble was soon ended. CHILD SHOWS RARE NERVE Seven-Ycar-Old Girl Walks Mile With Mangled Hand and Sees Fingers Amputated. Etlemlale. Del. With ono hand nearly cut off as tho result of an acci dent. Mary Corkhill, a seven-yenrold riiini. iilsnlnvcd remarkablo bravery and fortitude when sho walked moro than a mile and then calmly held her hand whllo a physician amputated four of tho flngerB. Tho little girl and her younger brothor were playing in the woods when tho boy picked up an ax and cut tho girl so that two fin gers were severed, two mnnglcd and tho hand nearly severed at tho wrist. Tho child bound a string around tho arm to keep it from bleeding, walked to her homo with tho brother and then held her hand for amputation, stopping to forgive tho brothor with a kiss as tho surgeon's knife did its work. It was only after tho dressing of tho wounded member was completed that the child's iron nerve gave way and sho cried. Crooks Attend Reception. New York. One hundred and threi burglars, pickpockets and other form' or criminals attendod tho semi-annual "reception" nt tho homo of Judgt Crane of tho court of genernl sessions who parolod them. Tell of Fight animals for death tho smaller evi dently struck with a swing to the right, for tho long prongs of tho big horns were sprung on tho right side over tho thovel, whllo tho smaller one's own pVort, curved prongs were hooked in front, over and under tho other's main front, on the left side. And this charge must hnvo brought death to tho larger moose, for ono of the brow prongs of tho small fellow must necessarily havo slid under the opponent's horn and Into the big moose's throat, where It was held by the locked horns. Death camo to the smaller, whlcfc must have fallen, carrying with It tc tho ground its antagonist, which nft erward slowly died from hunger nnd thirst. Seeks Freedom From Two. Salem, Ore. Discovering sho wai married to two men nnd that both were living, MrB. Hazel Llddell Insti tuted proceedings to obtain a divorce from ono husband nnd to annul the mnrrlago contract with tho other Mrs. Llddell married B. D. Llddell at Oakland, Cal., In 1901, and deserted him after two chlldron were born to thorn becauso of alleged cruel treat ment. Alleging sho believed Llddell dead, sho married Earl Murahan in this city last November. Hocontly hor first husbnnd ap peared nnd she nsks for a divorce from him and aBks to havo tho second marrlago declared void ns her former marrlago was valid when it was con-' traded. Miss Italia Garibaldi, granddaughter of tho famous "liberator," complained In Chicago about tho way Italian wom en aro trcntod there. "When I see," sho snld, "tho malo employer, with all his vaunted chiv alry to women, taking such an unfair ndvnntngo of his femalo omployos, I don't wonder that woman Is beginning to sneer nt man's chivalry. "It reminds mo of an Italian wash erwoman, very Industrious and suc cessful, to whom n young man offered htmsolf In matrimony. "'You lovo mo?' tho washerwoman asked. "'Devotedly,' tho young man replied. " 'Are you sure?' "t swoar It!' "Sho gnvo him a searching look. " 'Are you out of work?' sho said." ECZEMA DISFIGURED BABY "Our llttlo boy Gilbert waa troubled with eczema when but a few weekB old. His llttlo faco was covered with sores even to back of his ears. Tho poor llttlo fellow suffered very much. Tho Bores began ns pimples, his llttlo faco waa disfigured very much. Wo hardly knew what ho looked llko. Tho faco looked llko raw meaL Wo tied llttlo bags of cloth over his hands to provent him from scratching. Ho wao very restless at night, hla llttlo faco Itched. "Wo consulted two doctors at Chi cago, whero wo resided nt that tlmo. After trying all tho mcdlclno of tho two doctors without any result, wo read of tho Cuticura .Remedies, and nt onco bought Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Following tho dlroctlono carefully and promptly wo saw tho result, and after four weeks, tho dear child's faco was as flno and clean as any llttlo baby's face. Every ono who saw Gilbert after UBlng tho Cuticura Remedies wnB surprised. Ho has a hcaa of hair which is a prldo for any boy of hla age, throo years. Wo can only recommend tho Cuticura nemo dies to everybody." (Signed) Mrs. H. Albrecht, Box 883, West Point, Neb., Oct. 26, 1910. Although Cuticura Soap and 0(ntment aro sold by druggists and dealers overywhero, a samplo of each, with 32-pago book, will bo malltd freo on application to "Cutljtwra," DepL L, Boston. Going Further Back. A man who had suddenly becomo very rich went to live in Now York nnd began to spend money with a lav ish hand. He decided that his namo needed advertising, so ho visited a genealogist "I suppose," ho said, "If I pay you enough you can traco my family back to Adam." "My dear, sir," ropllod'tho genealo gist, "If you're willing to put up tho money wo can prove, by ovolutlon that your family existed boforo Adam." LIppincott'o Magazine. Just to Accommodate. Hungry Olrl (ono of a party of tour ists who havo arrived lato at a coun try inn) No fresh eggs? But you'vo got hens, haven't you? Innkeeper's Wife Yes, but they're all asleep. Hungry Girl Well, but can't you wake them? Fllegeudo Blaottor. Its Place. "Where shall I put this Joke about tho millionaire dropping his handkor chlef?" "In tho pick-up column, you boob." Gurflcld Ten tho International Homedr for all Irrugularitle of stomach, liver and kidneys i composed entirely of puru horbs. It Is hnrd for n man to mind his own business unless ho has both a mind nnd a business. When birds of a feather flock to gether it Is a pretty safo bet they'll try to pluck each other. Bo thrifty on llttlo things llko bluing. Don't Bccopt wator for bluing. Ask for lied Cross Hall lllue, tho extra good vuluo blue. Sunday is the day of rest; but did you ever know a man who felt reaU ed on Monday morning? - LEWIS' Single Hinder straight Bo cigar. Fou pay lOu fur cigars not so good. Trouble never attempts to dodgo lb oao who aro looking for It The Chief Requisite. David Belasco, in an iutorvtow in New York, condemned a certain ultra modest typo of society woman. "This typo, which luckily Un't numerous," he said, "lives on noto rloty. To a woman of thla typo a law yer Bald ono day: " 'Yes, madam, I can got you tho dlvorco you desire. For $500 I can got you a divorce and got It without publicity, too." "Sho wrinkled her smooth, white, wcll-powdored forehead In a frown: sho bit her rouged and over-rod lips In annoyance "'But what would It coat, sho ask ed, 'with publicity?'" The Last Word In Defense. Tho angry mothor returns homo from a shopping tour down town to find that Tommy has broken Into tho Jam closot, tcusod his llttlo slstor till sho cried, smashed n window pano with his top, tlod a tin can on tho tall of tho dog next door, and then wound up furthor depredations by tracking tho parlor carpet with hla muddy boots. "You young villain, I'm going to whip you till you can't sit down." (Grabs hold of him.) "Now what havo you got to say for yoursolf ?" Tommy Aw, say, ma, this looks llko a frame-up. Accounted For. "Why are there so many men In this Jail?" asked tho philanthropic reform er. "I guess," answered tho guide, "It's chlofly bocnuso thoy can't get out" The Proper Course. "Ib there a powder trust?" "I don't know, but If thoro Is, somobody should go gunnlug for It" . tv' fittl rtljLV A. S&r a glass or cca It makes one think and wholesome and ling, teeming with palate joy it's your soda fountain old oaken bucket. PrpA u,rt .new booklet,' Tree telling of Coca Cola vindication at Chatta nooga, for the asking. Demand the Genuine ai made THE COCA-COLA CO ATLANTA, CA, Whenever' vnu ee an Arrow think 2-J of Coca-Cola. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES O Wm sW ISSOT -slsV 2.50 53.00 $3.50 $4.00 FOR MEN, WOMEN AND BOYS W.L.Douglus $11.00 & $;J.CO shoos uro worn by millions of men, bocauso thoy urothobost In tho world for tlioprlco W. L. Douglas $4.00, $-1.50 & $5.00 shoes equal Custom Ucncu Work cobtlug $0.00 to $8.00 Why does W. L. Douglus make and sell more $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world ? BECAUSE: he stamps his name and prico on the bottom and guarantees the value, which protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes of other makes. BECAUSE: they are the most economical and satisfactory ; you can save money by wearing W. L. Douglas shoes. BECAUSE: they have no equal for sty le, fit and wear. DON'T TAKE A SUBSTI1 UTE FOR W H your deitcr cannot supply W. L. Douglas thoes, write W L. Douglas, DrocVton. Mm., (or catalog. Slues int everywhere delivery clurti prepaid. trail Color ICytiti (TmhL No Frosts There. Footo Llghto It 1b said that tha southern tip of Florida is tho only portion of tho Unltod States which novcr has experienced frost Miss Suo Brotto Too bad It Ib so far awny from our traveling theatrical companies. Important to Mothora Examlno carefully every bottlo of CASTOIUA, a safo nnd suro remedy for Infanta nnd children, and sco that It Bears tho 6&Sii SIgnaturo In Uso For Over 0 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria Her Foresight. "It la really by llttlo thlng3 that om can toll n man'a character." "Yes; I thluk that waa tho reason Julia broko hor ongagomont Henry used to bring her Buch cheap choco lates." Instead of liquid antiseptics, tablots and peroxldo, for toilet and medicinal uses, many peoplo prefer Paxtlno, which lo chcapor and hotter. At drug gists, 25c n bbx or sent postpaid on re ceipt of prico by Tho Paxton Toilet Co., BoBton, Mass. Tho Remedy, ' "I bco boot Is still going up." "Then tho best way to stop that U to keep it from going down." Beforo promising to fly with a younc man it is, up to a girl to investigate his ability as an airship 'chauffeur. For regulation of tho stomnch and UowsJs you will llml Oat-Hold Tea very Irencflclal. Woman conceals only what sho does not know. Proverb. The Old Oaken Bucket Ht?lAf1 fri fVtM Krir.i Mfif-K cold, clear purity -no such water nowadays Bring back the old days with bottle of of everything that's pure delightful. Bright, spark by W. L. Douglas makes and sells more 93.U0, $3.50 and $4.00 shoes then any other manufacturer in tlio world 1 " "" hhuiuiwv 4.50lt5.00 .LDOUGLAS SHOES.