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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1912)
f fotoriail Bitity . 3tt ItM-lteMji ftrtfame TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PL ATTfc, ' NEB., JUNE 25, 1912. No. i?J. ' Jwrift ito . t y $ If had rotr hctcf that "money frijfm BasA; mfism ?w w r MJ H n -" t V X. ' r i Qai t eyk - fac& eczfaiio? 3 you suid, or your "J cnnnot because JJAlrJ3 A'O Cf UT 11115 AIOJXJEY?" How tunny times have Friends snid: now man v trood 7un ohnnces lmve hnd to be passed up because you did not have the money? "Get-Rich-Quiclc" speculation is tbe worst thing a man can do with his money. If the enterprise into which some smootli stranger aslcs you to put your money were such a good one he would keep it not sell it to you. Do YOUR banking with The First National Bank, OF ZCORTII JPLA.TTJB, NEBRASKA.. The Largest Battle in Western Itcbraslcu. ) TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS " Mrs. Fred Elliott came home Sunday from Omaha where she visited her son. Mr. and Mrs. George E. French have cone to Omaha to visit relatives for an indefinite time. Mrs. E. R. Smith and daughter of Gandy, returned last week from Los Angeles, where they spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailer and baby returned last evening from a month's visit in Memphis, Tenn.,with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Pontiac, 111., are the guests of Mr and Mrs. John Ritner, having arrived Saturday evening. Mrs. J. B. Murphy who has been visit ing relatives in Chicago and cities of Iowa is expected home the first of the week. The marriage of Miss Hazel Hunting ton and Mr. Clyde Gideon will take place at the home of the bride tomorrow evening. W. H. McDonald, Emil Voseipka, Dr. A. J. Ames and Frank Murray spent Sunday in Stapleton, making a trip in the former's car. Miss Genia Maloney and John J. Horrigan will be married at nuptial high mass at St. Patrick's church at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Francis J. Hahler, of this city, graduated from the commercial depart ment of the Spaulding, Neb., college last Tuesday, being one of a class of eight. Two fields oT alfalfa on' the state farm south of town produced over two tons per acre, actual weight, for the fjrst cutting. The second crop is coming on rather slowly on account of lack of moisture. The Philharmonic orchestra gave its initial concert at the airdome last evening and pleased all with its well rendered selections. This organization has been engaged to give a weekly concert. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Klein returned last evening from a visit with their daughter Mrs. Lena Teelin Red Willow county. Unfortunately Mrs. Kluin was sick nearly all the time they wore ab sent and returns in an enfeebled condi tion. Messrs. Copeland, Lyford and Ander son, regents of the state university, Director Burnetti and Mr. Chowins, superintendent of buildings, arrived this morning and are spending today at the state farm. Tomorrow they will be driven to Curtis where they go on busi ness connected with the now agricul tural school. Miss Hazel Huntington and Mr. Clyde Gideon who will be married tomorrow were the guest of honor at a pronuptial mystery shower given last evening by Miss Pearl Weeks at tho home of Mrs. Jackson on South Dewey. The house was decorated with white bells, pink and white flowers and streamers of pink and whito crepe paper. A number of entertaining games were played after which the bundles wore opened and the contonts displayed. The shower was a generous one and contained useful and noetty gift3 for the new home. Tho lunch at midnight was very fine and waa served in pink and white, Hail Insurance. The best and cheapest written by Bratt & Goodman. Money to Loan on Real Estate Either out of our State Building & Loan Association payable in easy monthlv installments nr nn nnn f ,. years; me, See us first. Wecan.fiave- you money. bkatt & Goodman. episcopal guild will meet with F. Stuart. 508 West Fourth afternoon. Mrs. St., E R Thursday Special meeting Platte Valley Lodge No. 32 A. F. & A. M. at Masonic Hall at 8:00 o'clock. C. F. C. Mrs. William Reynolds will leave to night for Omaha to visit friends for a week or longer. Wanted-Girl for general housework. Inquire at 414 West Sixth St. W. H. McDonald went to Julesburg this morning to uttend the funeral of the late E. D. Hamilton. Mr. and Mr3. Richard O'Brien, of Kearney, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith Sunday. Mrs. Schiller's Sunday School Class will hold a social at the Witty home in the fourth ward tonight. Mrs. Claude Williams, of Doadwood, S. D., spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Tim O'Keefee. Frank McGrimes, of Omaha, a former North Platte boy went thru today from w. .v oiiuiu hk nua ueeu vimung rel atives. Fire. liDrhtninc hail- ovflnno tnmnrin and windstorm insurance written in standard companies at lowest rates. Bratt & Goodman, leading insurance agents. Dr. L. C. Drost and family returned Sunday evening in their automobile from an extended visit in cities of Indiana, covering, several thousand miles with no damage to the car. Miss Margaret Thomas, of Middle town, Ohio, is visiting Miss Ruth Streitz while enroute to California. Tho young ladies were school mates at Bristol school in Washington, D. C. Never befora has sugar experienced such a decline on the market at tho height of tho preserving season. Dur ing the last two weeks it has dropped 15 cents a hundred pounds while the housewife is stewing over tho cherries and things on tho stove and clamoring for more sugar.- Omaha Bee. For the Investor. We have some choice first mortgage loans netting 7 per cent 6emi-annual interest. Nothing safer for your idle money. See Bratt & Goodman. Newspaper Announcement. There never was such a time in tho history of this country for newspaper reading, and it is important to road a paper of impartial views obe that ia free from, any office-seeking or office holding influences. The important thing to a groat newspaper like The Lincoln State Journal is to get trial readers, as it haa no trouble holding them by its quality. Tho cheapest way to get new readers is to make a special price, which we now do-only $2 for the daily and Sunday paper until Janu ary 1, 191&-much less than the rogular pneo. At that time the paper will stop coming unless you order it continued and pay in advance for it. You really cannot afford to be without this capital city paper when you can securo it at such a price. Send $2 to tho Lincoln State Journal today and the paper will come to you regularly the remainder of this year. It will bo a lively year, too. i Best and Cheapest Life Insurance. I Now and safest proposition ever placed before the public. Call and let us tell you about it. Bratt & Goodman, Agents. Miss Mabel Hayes, of Cozad, visited in town today. Mrs. Charles McGuire' has been very 111 for several days past. Jessie Varf Dyko has returned from a two weeks visit in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. John Grant spent Sun day in Mnxwell with friends. Mrs. Nels Hammer and daughter Freda wont to Sidney to day to visit relatives. Mra. S. Robinoff, of Des Moines, ar rived last evening to visit her aunt Mrs. Julius Pizer. , Mrs. Julia Goodman, of Lincoln, lis the guest of her son E. R. Goodman, having arrived Sunday. Clarence Blickensderfer, a former North Platte bov Who now ronblnn in iNew Mexico, is visiting at the York Hintnan home. Thomas McGuire, of Ravenna, ar rived Friday evening to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuire for a few days. Jake Pizer, of Hastings, who visited his brother Julius last week, wenthorro yesterday accompanied by Master Harry Pizer. The Rebokah kensington will meet at the hall Friday afternoon. All members are urged to attend and take a friend. Mrs. E. R. Plummer loft last evening for Julesburg to attend the funeral of E. D. Hamilton, late banker of that, city. j Ass't. Supt. Andersen, of Grand' Island, spent yesterday here holding an investigation in regard to thel stranger who was killed at Gannett Friday, The weather forecast holds out no hope of rain in western Nebraska for the next thirfy-six hours. While crops are holding up fairly well, rain is badly needed. Quarterly meeting will be held at the Methodist church Sundnv ovnnimr Rev. Chamberlain will preach. On Sat urday evening quarterly conference will be held. Tho Hendy & Ogier garage received a shipment of eigjit Ford cars today, seven of the touring typo and a cov ered delivery car for the Dickey & Martin laundry. r - Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fair tonic-lit nml wul. nesday; not much change in tempera ture. Highest temperature yesterday 85, a year ago 97. Lowest temperature last night 55, a year ago GO. Lawrence P. 'Carpenter has been ap pointed as special solicitor by the Fourth of July committee of the Chamber of Commerce to solicit funds j.oruie rourcn or July celebration at North Platto. The committee ,vill ap preciate the hearty support of the citizens generally in aiding Mr. Car penter in his work. Fourth of July Com. ' A barn valued at $300 on south Vine street, whice belonged to Willis Hansen, was destroyed by fire at midnight Fri day evening. Hugh Bird had $100 worth of carpenter tools stored there which were completely destroyed. So great a headway had the flames gained before discovered, that they spread to the Derryberry barn ncross the alley and threatened to destroy it. The cause of tho fire is unknown as it was k,dpt locked and no one ha&entered for some time. A man about thirty fivo years of age was killed at Gannett Friday afternoon by tho engine on train No. K. T-Hb hmlv was brought to the Moloney's under taking rooms where it was kept until yesterday waiting to be ' identified The man was walking near the track and just as the train onproched attempted to cross the track. Ho was struck on the head and instantly killed. His clothes contained no letters or cards by which he could be known or relatives nounieu. For Rent, Stores, houses and rooms, storage space and safo deposit boxes in fire proof vault. Bratt & Goodman. Automobile for' Sale. Forty" horse power, in good condition. Cheap for quick sale. Also ofTer for sale 4-horse power gas oline engine, carpenter shop nnd machinery. Inquire of E. VanNatta, North Platte, Neb. Contractors' Notice. Final blue nrints nntl snonifipntinnc. of proposed Baptist church building will be in hands of R. B. Favorlght, 1009 W. St at G p. m. Wednosday Juno 2Gth. Contractors, may receive same for purpose of makinnr bidfi. Rnni,i ,ia ir1912be '" Ly 8 V' m'' Montlnv' Julv Handsome Home for Sale. A fine nine room rosidenco, with plenty of shade trees, handsnrm. lwn. city water, electric light, bath, toil, t and sewer connection. PmttUt .iu in tho city. Can make very low nnco ana easy terms. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. Notice To Owners of Dogs. Under the cltv Orriinannna If iu jh.. duty of the chiof of police to kill any dog which ho may find running at large on which tho license tax has not been ,n,roth0 c,urr,L;nt year beginning May 1st, 1912, and a licenso tag attached to the col ar of said dog. Tho license tags for mule dot? costs Sinn nml f ri., dog $3.00. Licenso tags are now ready at my onice. u. b TEMPLE, City Clerk. 38-7 E MF Studebaker Automobiles THE MOST POPULAR CARS IN AMERICA Flanders 30 yy fa. y Nine times out of ten if you investigate FULLY you better for the price on the market will buy a Studebaker. None J. L. BURKE, Local Dealer. Phone Black 627. Ten years of Advancement of the Union Pacific Railroad Ten Years Ago This Month As clipped from the newspapers of that date Announcement was made at tho Union Pacific headquarters that the double tracking of tho line from Omaha to Valley was to be completed in the near future. -fc A comparison of double tracking figures between the year 1902 and 1912 shows a vast and inter- eating growth. Prior to 1902 the Union PaclGc had a total of only 74.41 miles of double track. Today there is an unbroken stretch of double track of 304 miles from Omaha to Julesburg, Colo.; while there is a total of 694 miles of double track on the main line and branches not including 130 miles, now being Jaid. , . While reviewing the above figures, note a few of the improvements and extensions other thun double-tracking that have been brought about during the last decade: The equipment of tho entire line with a automatic electric block safety signals affording protection to patrons and employes. , The ballasting of its roadbed with Sherman gravel disintegrated granite insuring the traveler freedom from all road dust. i The straightening of sharp curves, tho elimination of steep grades, tho shortening of distance by cut-offs, the tunneling of solid granito mountains, tho filling in of deep valleys, the bridging of wide expanses of water nnd tho making of various other improvements that contribute to the comfort and safety of patronB. its WW UNION PACIFIC, STANDAHD ROAD OF THE WEST. W The New and Direct Route to Yellowstone National Park 1 lathoRrcut national highway over which, for two Kcneratloni, tho East litis gone West nnd tho West has , Kono East GERRITFORT, 'rLl'ttr' Dr. J. S. Twimen made a professional visit to Wallace Sunday. M. E. Boardman is transacting busi ness in Keystone this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Donehower went to Sutherland today to visit their daughter. Miss Helen Koontz returned last evening from Maxwell after visiting friends for a week. A Nebraska who has returned from the Chicago convention says that tho nomination of President Taft waa almost a foregone conclusion after the first skirmish which resulted in the election of Mr. Root. He did not form a very favorable opinion of the Roose velt leoders as a general rule. They were a little too much along the lino of a rule or ruin policy and did not appear to bo near as gentlemanly in their con duct as did those who were lined up for the other candidates, and in their talks rather turned sober thinking men n galnstthem. They were especially in sulting when Taft men were speaking, whilo on the other hand as a general thing the Roosevelt speakers were not interrupted in any great degree. It was tho general opinion that a great denl of tho Bentiment against Mr. Taft would subside after people had had time to think tho matter over. E. D. Hamilton, a Julesburg bankor, a member of the Knights Templar of this city, and well known to many of our people, died at his homo at Julesburg Sunday. Death followed an operation for acute appendicitis. Buy Now. This is the right time to buy city property. We have for sale nice resi dence property and vacant lots at low E rices and on easy payments. See us ofore you buy. Bkatt & Goodman. onnruoiMiEAitiNooN prrmoN foii AJTOINTMENT OK ADMINIHTUATOK OU ADMINI8THATUIX. Htato of Nobraslta, Lincoln county, rh. In tho county court. In tliu mattnr of tho estate of Max niustuln. deceased. OnroaUlntrandUlliiir tho totltl6n of I H. Dullard, praylnc that administration of xald cstato may bo irrautod to lilmsolf an administrator Ordered. That July 10. 1012, A. D. at 0 o'clock a. i m is aliened for hearlnir said potttlon when all pontons Interested In bald matter may appear at a county court to lie held in and for said couuty and show causa why tho prayer of petitioner should not ho (.'ranted i and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and tho Jioarlnu thornof bo L'lvontonll persons Interested In said mat tor by publishing a copy of this order In the North IMatto Trlbuno a soml-weokly nows papor printed In said couuty. for threo suc coohlvoweoks, prior to said day of Imurlmr. Dated .lime 21, IU12. John Giuvr. !-" County Judiro n Union Realty and Investment Company. Paid up Capital $50,000. Surplus 50,000.00. -OFFICEHS AND DIRECTORS- i T. C. PATTERSON, President, B. B.UCHANAN, Soc'y and Treas. First Mortgages on Real Estate Bought, Sold and Negotiated. This company la prepared to loan money of investors on first mort gages on real estate, amply secured and drawing eight per cent semi annual interest. Money so invested will bo exempt from taxation.? The wedding of a well known young contractor to ono of the local dress makers will be announced soon. A son was born to Mr. and Mf. Georgo Rannfo tho last of tho week'.' causes heartburn, sour stomach, nervousness, nausea, impure blood, and more trouble than many different kinds of diseases. The fopd you eat ferments in your, stomach, and the poisons' it forms are ab sorbed, into your whole syskem, causing many dis tressing symptoms. At the first sign of indigestion, try 62 the old, reliable, vegetable liver powder, to quickly cleanse your system from these undesirable poisons. Mrs. Rllcy Laramore, of Qoodwater, Alo., says : " I suffered for years from dyspep sia and heartburn. Tliedford's Black-Draught, in small doses, cured my heartburn In a few days, and now 1 can eat without distress." Try It. Insist on ThedforcTs