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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1912)
wJKUaI SSffiUEUaMEUnMnk USJ ,. ANNUAL AT THE SALE LEADER DEPT. STORE 3 The Annual Play bale 01 1 he Leader which has, each spring season, lor many years past, been an- liuipctuzu witii ivccii lincicat uy uic udigcaiii dccucia vi juia&uuial ciiiu. c8.ujvxjii.iiig tuuuuca, wm cjiiiiiiiuc7 WEDNESDAY, MAY THE FIRST. This sale is not for the purpose of getting rid of a lot of unseasonable goods, but everthing in jj stock will be placed on sale at greatly reduced prices Queen Quality Shoes excepted. 20 Per Cent Discount for Cash On Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Linens, Underwear, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves, Laces and Embroid eries, Dress Trimmings and Notions. In our Ready-to-Wear department we offer Ladies9 and Misses Suits and Coats, Dress Skirts, Wash Skirts, Petticoats, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Dresses party, evening, white embroidered or every day wear Princess Slips and Shirt Waists, all at a discount of 20 per cent for cash. All necessary alterations on garments costing $5 or more will be made free. SOME WONDERFUL BARGAIN At Less than Wholesale Prices. These goods are in bins and the Prices are Net I 15-cent II White and Colored I French Gingham, the best made, per yd., 10c 55-cent SI Mulle in all shades, per yard 29c Handkerchiefs for Men 4c All our Best Prints at this sale, per yard, 5c Ladies' 20-cont Fast Black Hose Per Pair 9c Misses' and Children's ready made dresses worth up to $2.00 69c. , AU-Wool I Ingrain Carpets sold up to 85c per yd 42c Broken sizes Men's Hats worth up to $3.00 $1.39 Men's Caps 50 cent quality 19c Men's Work Shirts good ones 39c Boys' and Girl's 25c Bicycle Hose at this sale 14c Ladies' white Shirt Waist worth up to $1.50 39c One hundred Ladies' dress skirts I worth up to $10, choice $4.98 Mens' Overalls good weight ' 47c AUs.zes gg Uln llvnnn Vnwrn m lficll o VI Coo ulllllo 1 worth up to 15c per regular price $1.00 yard at 59c 3c Ladies' Last Year's Short Coats worth up to $12.00 $1.98 600 Pairs Ladias' Oxfords and Shoes worth up to $5.00 $1.89 One Lot of Children's Oxfords Sizes from 8 J to 11 J, Worth up to $3.00, $1.19 Misses' and Boys' Oxfords VTtoT " worth up to $3.00, $1.48 . One lot of Men s Shoes worth up to $5.00 $2.19 $1.00 Quality Boys' Waists at this sale 39c One Lot of Men's Spring Underwear worth up to 75c 39c 25 Dozen Men's Spring Underwear worth up to 50 cents 19c The above bargains constitute only a few of the many this establishment offers to those who desire to make spring purchases. SHOE DEPARTMENT. All Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Shoes, excepting Queen Quality, will be sold at a .discount of twenty per cent for cash. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, Single Pants, Dress and Work Shirts, Hats, Caps, Neckwear, Hosiery and Gloves at a discount of 20 per cent cash. This Sale Continues During the Month of May But we would advise you to call early and make your selections while the stock is complete. The Leader has been doing business in North Platte for 21 years and we believe that the people will agree that we do just as we advertise. The quality of our goods is known they are the best the market produces when you buy here you buy good goods, not junk. This sale is strictly for cash; please do not ask to have goods charged, for wc will refuse. Grocers trade checks will be accepted at this sale at a dis count of ten per cent. We are agents for the May Menton Patterns ten cents each. THE LEADER DEPARTMENT STORE, North Platte, Neb. JULIUS PIZER, Prop. &&35M5&MMMMM!Si3M&