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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1912)
Practically at the very beginning of the Season while these charm ing styles are at their height of popularity and usefulness, we come forward with an Is never told by an inferior Watch. If you want a watch that can be relied upon be sure you buy it here. Our watches arc attractive in appearance, but more than that -they are accurate. We have a complete assortment and invite, your inspection. Ball, Hamilton and Elgin Watches. DIXON, The Jeweler, U. P. Watch Inspector. S DR. 0. II. CRESSLER. S Graduate Denlisl. Office over the McDonnld State Bank. e a ceeaaaee LOCAL AND PERSONAL. J. F. Schriner went to Omaha Friday evening on business. Jns. G. Leonard spent yesterday in Sutherland on business. Mrs. P. II. Lonergan spent Saturday with the St. Marie family in Brady. Mrs. George Finn will entertain the Mothers club on Wednesday afternoon. Master Everett Johnson spent the East three days with relatives in Jules- Father F. D. Sullivan, of Elm Creek, came up Sunday to attend the K. C. banquet. Miss Mabel Burke, of Brady, is the , guest of town friends, having arrived Saturday. Mrs. 0. W. Brandt returned Sunday evening from a short visit with friends in Omaha. G. W. Stroup, of Omaha, formerly of this city, is spending this week in town on business. N Mrs. Albert Muldoon returned Sat urday evening from a week's stay with Omaha friends. Jay .Hollingsworth purchased two Ford cars at the Hendy-Ogier gar age Saturday. Dan McKee, of Lexington, spent Sunday in the city and attended the K. C. banquet. Theodore White left Saturday even ing for Cedar Rapids where he has ac cepted a position. Oscar Smith, of Alliance, came down Saturday to visit his parents for a week or longer. Mrs. E. A. Garlish returned Satur day evening from Norfolk where she was called by the death of her father recently. Frank Herrod, of Ogalalla, is visiting his mother Mrs. Regina Herrod, having nrrived Saturday. Miss Margaret Hogan. of H.ntiings, the guest of the Misses Ella and Sadie Sheedy this week. Misses Margaret McFadden and Rose McGinley of Pnxton, visited Miss Mary fllcUovorn buiulny. Members of the Rebekah degree spent yesterday in Brady organizing a lodge of that order. James C.Wilson, of Hinman precinct, purchased a Ford car at the Hendy Ogier garage Saturday. Mr. Hickie, of Omaha, spent the week end with John Burke, demon strating the E. M. F. car. Mrs. Albert Neauveraux, of Lexing ton, came up Saturday to visit her mother Mrs. George Christ. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gibbs, of Chicago, arrived yesterday morning to visit their daughter Mrs. W. J. Stuart. Mrs. Neil, of Charles Town, W. Va., arrived Saturday afternoon to visit her daughter, Mrs. M. Keith Neville. Mrs. Orval, of Texas, returned home yesterday after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Nels Hammer. Mrs. Joseph Mooney returned Satur day afternoon from a two weeks' visit with her daughter in Grand Island. After visiting her sister Mrs. Walter Ross for some time Miss Nellie Wenden returned to her home in Pueblo, Sat urday. Art Yates, of Sutherland, was in town Saturday and while here pur chased a new Ford car at the Hendy- Ogier garage. Mr. Leonhardt, the piano tuner, will be here all this week. Kindly leave your order, if you wish his services, at the Clinton store. Flies are coming, Screen Wire at Hershey's, Corner 5th & Locust Sts. Phone 15. 25-4 Edward Schatz who has been attend ing Creigton College in Omaha came up Saturday to visit his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schatz. Mrs. John Davis and family moved to this city from Cozad last week. Mr. Davis has been manager of the North Platte garage for some time. Suits That Talk! OUR Clothes speak of the wearer's prosperity! Give yourself a boost in the World by wearing our Good Clothes. The Man who is correctly attired us ually "gets a hearing" where the other fellow fails. High grade but not high priced. Suits at $12.S0,$15, $20 to $25. Our Suits are certainly the best Suits for the prices'we have ever seen in all our years of experience in the clothing business. REMEMBER! We count it a pleasure to show! j. b. Mcdonald, THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES. Extraordinary Sale of Woman's Spring Suits. OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT REMARKABLE REDUCTIONS. j While the season is still in its infancy we give you the benefit of prices such as the average store will not put into effect until several months hence. The suits involved in this special sale are all new, extra 'well made, of rich, seasonable fabrics, in style that are now all the rage all perfect, without flaw, in the height of fashion fvi'fv 'Qillt !i liMmifv in lrntrc ntwl nnmirrli civmc fn nwiirc :i npr. feet fit for cverybody--all at worth-while savings averaging more'v than 25 per cent. Every suit offered in this sale was made for this season's business. So you need not fear to be "stuck" with old, out-of date garments. Our very finest models are included. Choice of serges, whipcords and fancy mixtures, in all sizes at ; reduc tions which are certainly mostunusual, considering thattheycome practically at the beginning of the season. Mere's the way we'll let them go while they last S30 and 535 Suits at $24.48 $25 Suits at $19.48 520 Suits at $14.48 $15 Suits at $ 9.98 Here's a chance to save a substantial sum on the season's smartest styles and to be dressed in the height of fashion at a cost so low as to be almost absurd, when the splendid quality, the fashionable cut and the all around desirability of these garments is considered. Don't fail at least to inspect these rare bargains. They come too seldom to be missed. Remember, unrestricted choice and a big, substantial saving of more than 25 per cent on every suit. v Sale Will Commence Wednesday Morning, May 1, Promptly at 7:30 a. m. fVsr Mm i ) t r y I 1 I 1 j H -1 j Wilcox Department Store. ! MMM M I l Judge Grimes, Reporter Carey, Attorneys Wilcox, Muldoon and Mother sead went to Gandy yesterday where a term of district court will be held. W. B. Howard, who was nominated for state suditor on the republican tic ket, has been in town tor u day or two looking after his real estate interest. The social given by the Methodist and Presbyterian Esperanto clubs Thurs day evening in the Presbyterian church parlors was a success in every particular. Will Dunn and William O'Connor, of Wood River, who came up to visit the former's brother Francis Dunn and at tpnd the K. C. banquet, left yesterday at noon. Among those who were initiated into the Knights of Columbus Sunday was Pete Girmann, of Ogalalla, formerly of this city. He remained over yester day to visit friends. W. R. Matheson, chairman of the joint protective board of the carmen's union of the U. P. system, was a visitor in town Saturday and addressed the carmen at striker's hall in the evening. Wanted -A girl for general house work. Mrs. C. F. Iddings, 319 West Fifth street. tf Charley Tighe returned Saturday night from Omaha, where he graduated as a pharmacist and yesterday ho en tered the Nyall drug store as manager, Mr. Schiller going to the Rexallstore as as manager. J. H. Fonda leaves this week for Harrisburg to attend the bi-ennial con vention of the 15. of L. E., as a dele gate from the local division. Enroute he will visit in Chicago and stop over at Niagara I' alls. George E. Prosser has purchased a Model 35 Buick touring car fully equipped of the J. S. Davis Auto Co. After carefully considering all cars he chose the Buick Model 35 as the most worthy automobile in its class. Three hundred men are nowemployed in laying track between Arnold and Sta pleton. Nearly a mile per day of steel is being laid, and if the work is not de layed by lack of material the track should be into Stapleton by the latter part of next week. Found On west Fourth street Sun day a purse containing a sum of money. Owner call at Fred Payne residence south of town. Which is the most useful, the electric light or the telephone, was the subject debated by pupils of the Washington and Lincoln schools Friday evening, and the debaters of the latter the Fourth ward won out. The contest was held in the Washington school auditorium and was attended by an audience that filled the room. A rear end collision between two fast freight trains occurred Friday night at the west switch of the new yards. Three cars loaded with cattle, two con taining baled hay and the caboose were badly damaged, several head of cattle were killed and a number injured and baled hay was scattered promiscuously over the track and right-of-way. None of the train men were injured seriously. Knights of Columbus Initiation. Sunday, April 28th, was a day which will ever be memorable in St. Patrick's Council No. 1211 Knights of Columbus. A class of eighty-one was taken into thojmembership, the inclement weather proyenting thu arrival of the other forty-one members which composed tho class. The knights and candidates mot at the I. 0. 0. F. hall at 8 o'clock a. m. and proceeded in a body to early mass at St. Patrick's church. The greater part of the church was held in reserve for them, special music ren dered by the choir and an eloquent sermon delivered by Rev. McDaid. At noon the initiation began and the various degrees were conferred upon the aspiring knights. The meeting continued until 9:30 p. m. when a sump tous banquet was served in the Lloyd opeia house which had been elaborately decbrated with red and white stream ersj large flags, potted plants and pmlc roses. Five tastefully set tables extended the length of the hall and were pro sided over by fifty members of the Catholic Girls' club gowned in whitu and carrying red carnations which they distributed to the three hundred knights who sat at the banquet board. Sweet music was rendered by an or chestra under the direction of Miss Josephine O'Hare. Ut. Rev Tihcn, Bishop of Lincoln, asked the blessing after which nn cleqant menu was served and the knightsjdid full justice to the good things placed before them. W. E. Straub of Lincoln council ably filled the toastmaster's chair, his clever remarks and introductions being well received. Miss Sadie Trovillo and Mrs. Frank Avery of Paxton, rendered beautiful vocal solos which were generously applauded. Dr. N. McCabe, of the local council responded to a toast "The Ladies" which was interesting, short nnd much enjoyed.. The principal address of the evening was delivered by Rt. Rev. Tihen, Bishop of Lincoln, who is one of the best read, intelligent and brilliant men in the state. He held the undi vided attention of all nnd was frenuent- ly interrupted by loud applause. Ho spoke highly of the local council, and expressed the pleasure which it gave him to be their guest. A picture of the knights and ladies wore taken while they were seated. The evening closed with a smoker nnd social conversation during which the visiting knights, many in number, had an opportunity of meet ing nnd conversing with the represen tatives of various councils. The gallery J was used by the families of the local council. The decorating committee was com posed of Messrs. O'Connor, McGovern, Tobin, Schatz, Doran and to Messrs. Pass and Landgraf are due the credit of so large a class of candidates. flj '1 GOOD MEALS. We buy the best. We charge reasonable prices. Dine here for real satisfaction. Opposite Depot PALACE CAFE niei.'vjranis Beatrice Cream Separator 500 to 1,000 lbs. capacity per hour from $50 to $75 Highest Markot Prlco Pnld for Cream. Poultry Leader Incu bators and Brooders at Factory Prices. SIMON BROS., North Platte, Neb. For Sale or Trade for farm land, young cattle, milch cows or sheep on a dollar basis. Two of the finest and best bred trotting stallions in Illlinois, a few brood mares, young colts and sucking colts. Any one interested can get any information wanted by ad dressing me through tho editor of this psper. D. J. McDonald. Aurora, 111. raiYrrMCTsy? Pass Up Platte Valley Route. Through lack of organization on the part of the cities on the Platte valley auto route from Omaha to Denver, the Denver excursion of some sixty cars of autoists who make a sociability run next month from Di-nver to Chicago, haye decided to take tho Republican riyer route. The party was expected to reach hern Sunday, May 19th, and take dinner and replenish their supply of gasoline. Had the Platte valley towns pushed the button as vigorously as did the Republican valley towns, tho former route would have been selected. For Rent The Broternitz ranch 10 miles north of town. Can give pos session at once. For particulars phone Black 131. m : Emm jf foi "t ..-- ww JLA SECURIDAD (THREE SIZES.) .- - ...W. Jh-w ) V S) i A w "5 - - ... jy e IdOCiffcir The Automobile Without a Competitor. Before buying or closing a deal for an Automobile be sure and INSIST upon it being run up along side of n Flanders 20 or E. M. F. 30 in COMPARISON in style, finish and general make up and best of all compare the PRICE. Built from the ground up and from material of the very best that can be had in the Automobile line. THE STUDEBAIOER CAR, Phono 027. JNO. L. BURKE, Local Agent.