The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 22, 1912, Image 6

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IRA L. DAUBS, Pnbllshor.
If tho commercial travelers of this
country really do go after tho tip
ping system with nil tho power they.
possess, they can nearly, If not en
Uroly, destroy It. Their national pres
ident avows his determination to raJJy
tho organization to an assault upon
this graft, which, ho says, foots up
150,000,000 n year In tho United
States. If theso flguros even ap
proximate tho facts, tipping Is rnoro
thnn a nuisance to Individuals, It Is
nn enormous tax upon business that
should not bo tolerated. It has mado
parasites not only of a hordo of ser
vants, hut of certain linos of husl-:
nesB, which thus, through underpaid
employes, prey upon othor businesses.
Tipping might find bo mo plausibility
If It amounted only to gratuities to n
faithful servant seeking to please, but
everybody knows thnt It goes far bo
yond this, says tho Omaha Ueo. Tho
tip Ih moro ofton glvon, not for extra
ncrvlco, but to get any kind of ocrv
Ico at nil. It Is not surprising that
commercial travolors think of organ
izing a united attack upon tipping.
Tho surprlso Is that they havo not
dono so long yours ago. They prac
tically llvo on tho road, In hotels nnd
trains a good pnrt of tho year. Thnt
sort of life Is hard nt host. To make
tho most of It thoy pay tips that thoy
may obtnln a living existence so to
Bpcnk. Tho commercial trnvelors can
destroy tho tip If thoy will. They can
got no-tip hotols when they unltodly
demnnd them nnd thoy can got, nt
least, Bomo Improvement In condi
tions oven from tho Bleeping enr com
finny. If thoy succeed thoy will havo
tho thnnks of overyono who ever
trnvols nway from homo.
Theoretically, says a Jeweler, tho
best watchos of today nro pcrfoct,
but actually thoy both gain and lose
tlmo ovory dny. ISvon If tho good
vntch docs not vary ono second nt
tho end of tho 21 hours, tho export
Insists, It has both gained nnd lost In
thnt tlmo. If It Is wound In tho morn
ing, It runs fast, nnd toward tho next
morning runs slow, thus equalizing
tho tlmo. Ho says tho host watches
should ho wound twlco a dny and then
nt only two-thirds of tho capacity of
tho mainspring, thus preventing either
binding or extremes of strong or
wonkencd spring. Tho bnlanco whool
was expoctod to oqunllzo differences
of mainspring tension, bat renlly thin
Is not tho caso to what Ib called per
fection. Tho utility of tho nil steel train as
a llfo-savor was domonstrntod In Now
Jersey last wcok when such a train
taking n crossover switch at CO miles
an hour was completely dorallcd and
overturned. Hero would havo beon a
horror Involving tho crushing nnd
burning to douth of imprisoned pas
Bongors hnd tho coaches been of wood.
But tho steel conches did not col
lapso and did not burn, and tho only
casualtloB woro tho deaths of tho on
glneor and fireman. Tho p&niwtoHisrs
woro not ovon Injured.
It scorns thnt Sappho has boon mis
understood nil this tlmo. Instead of
being n palo poetoBs of purplo passion,
Bho was merely a calm and classical
schoolteacher. Wo will loam noxt
that Cleopatra was only j, circus
Bnnko-charmor with tho P. T. Dnrnura
of tho tin) os.
Now thnt nn English Inventor sayB
that ho has boon successful In Invent
ing an nppnrntUB for telephoning
through water without wires, perhaps
tolophonlng across tho Atlantic may
soon bo an accomplished fact, Thoro'B
cortnlnly enough wutor thoro.
In 1915 tho centennial obsorvanco
of poaco In tho ISugllsh spenklng world
will bo obsorved, nnd It Is proposed
that ovory porson In tho countries In
tcrestod should bo qulot llvo minutes.
Tho kind of n colobrntlon would not
bo nppreclntcd by tho children.
Tho turkoys Btlll living havo formod
n Burvlvors' association, and thoy pro
poso to adopt Bomo plan that prom
ises to keep their heads on their
Ono nstrouomer snys tho earth will
censo Its rovolutlons In D321. Anoth
or gives It ton million years. If it
doesn't Btop until astronomers ngreo
It 1b destined to go on forovor.
A collogo professor chnrgca that
college Influences toml to mnko women
prefer to bo old maids. At which ns
sortlon ono llttlo Dan Cupid, who has
moro than all tho wisdom of tho col
leges combined, laughs Immodorntoly
In his wing.
Thcro Is a now street car dovlco In
tended to onablo tho conductor to call
off tho names of tho streets without
opening tho door. Uut what's tho usoi
It will sound tho same anyway.
Fall Plowing Is One Most De
sirable Factor.
fin Ute of Irrigation Much Care and
Judrjment Should De Exercised
Water Applied at Right Times
Insures Good Crop,
(fly .1. C. HOC1HNHON, Utah.)
In tho preparation of tho land for
tho sugar beets, fall plowing Ib a de
sirable fnctor, as tho food and moist
ure required by tho young plants nro
thorehy moro easily obtained and tho
ground will bo In n better condition
to mnko n good Boodbod. If tho soil
Is not rich enough In humus, wollrot
ted manure should bo aprond and
plowed under In tho fnll, using about
ton loads to tho acre. Horso nnd
bhccp manure aro especially valuable
A manuro pllo upon which beets or
their tops have decayed should ho
avoided, as diseases aro likely to a
pear noxt season In consequence
In tho Irrigation of tho boots much
enre nnd Judgment should bo exercis
ed. Prof. Shnw has formulated tho
following general nnd very proper In
structions; For tho successful Irri
gation of tho beet crop, somo funda
mental characteristics of the plant
must ho considered; for by tho wrong
ubo of wntor It Is an easy matter to
ruin tho crop. On tho othor hand,
water applied at tho right tlmo will
usunlly InBiiro a largo and profitable
crop. Tho uugar beet will got along
with lens water and will Btnnd moro
of It thnn most other fnrm crops. This
statcmont needs tiomo explanation,
however, for, while In ono bciiho It Is
truo, It Is nlso truo that tho crop may
ho ruined by too llbornl application
of wntor, or by Ub application at tho
wrong tlmo In tho llfo of tho plant.
Thoro nro threo porlodH In tho llfo of
tho sugar boot which demand entire
ly different treatment so far as moist
uro Ib concorncd. (1) Tho germinat
ing or plnntlet period, embracing tho
tlmo from (planting until tho plnnt baa
four leaves. (2) Tho growing por
lod, In which tho form nnd bIzo of tho
plant nro dovolopod. (3) Tho sugar
storing period, In which tho sugar Is
elaborated from tho air.
In tho first period tho necessary
condition Is thnt tho hoot seed should
havo Bulllclont moisture and warmth
to gormlnnto and start It, but never
In excess.
After tho plant has developed four
loaves thoro Bhould bo snlllclont moist
uro In ,tho soil to dovolop It, but cau
tion should be used In npplylng It for
about two months. When tho plant Ib
young Its natural tondoncy Is to send
Ub tnproots deop Into tho soil to pro
cure molsturo, and this In tho tlmo
thnt tho form of tho boot Ih set. It
tho wntor at tho surfaco Is given too
booh nnd too abundantly nt tho be
ginning of this period, tho shape of
tho root Ib ruined, for tho plnnt will
havo too strong a tendency to roly
upon tho surface molsturo rather than
to seek tho molsturo of tho soil below,
becoming thus a short, stubby, forked
boot. Tho beet may show n tondoncy
to droop Its loaves and beconio lighter
In color, but this does not Indicate
that molsturo Is needed. Irrigation
should not bo resorted to until thcro
Is nn nbsoluto demand for It. Wilt
ing of tho leaves In tho hent of tho
day does not Indicate tho need of ir
rigation. If tho leaves recover their
vigor In tho evening it is nufllcient ev
idence thnt their wants nru supplied
In this direction. When tho plnnt
really needs wntor tho lenvos droop
nnd grow darker In color nnd will not
recover their vigor In tho evening.
Maturity of Hogs.
Prom n mnrkot standpoint a, mnturo
hog Is ono that has either temporarily
or pormnnontly censed growing, nnd
taken on tho form and finish required
by the meat trade. Tho tlmo at which
,n pig comen to maturity may bo de
termined vory largely by tho char
Wtor of tho food and tho mannor of
.feeding. Pigs hnvo boon brought to
maturity nt will anywhoro botweon
tho ages of hIx and nine months.
' Knrly maturity Is brought about by
deeding nn excess of non-nltrogonous
feeds, or by sudden chnngos from
nitrogenous to non-nltrogonous feeds.
Ily feeding an oxcoss of Bitch n fat-
forming feed as commenl, tho pigs do
not havo n sulllclent nmount of pro
teln nutriments to contlnuo their
growth, and so begin to Iny on fat.
Increase In Value of Sheep.
While tho number of mnturo sheep
,'ln tho United Statos shows n slight
(decroaBo during tho past ton years,
according to tho Inst census, thoro
has beon a romnrknblo rlso in values,
amounting to 57.3 por cent.
This would Indicate a healthy con
dition In tho sheep busluesB, al
though tho big open ranges of tho
past nro being encronchod upon In all
sections by tho small farm. In many
section of tho country tho small
,Hock la moro and moro In ovldonce
.nnd futuro restrictions of rnngo will
probably havo no offect upon tho to
tal number of shoep, except ono of
Sheep and Potato Vlneo.
"If you want to got rid of tho weeds
In your potato Hold," said a Cen
tral Illinois farmor tho othor day,
"turn a llock of sheep In, and they
will mnko n clenn Job of It nnd not
harm a slnglo vino." This Is ono of
tho mnny ndvnntages of hooping a
llock of sheep on thu fnrm.
Hay Has Great Field of Usefulness In
Feeding All Classes of Live
Stock Grain Needed,
Alfalfa hay has n very great field of
usefulness In feeding all classes of
llvo stock under western conditions.
It cannot bo safely fed to brood marcs,
however, In unlimited qunntltlcB.
From some sections of tho Irrlgat
cd belt hnvo -come reports of a largo
perccntnge of colts bom dend or weak
and deformed. In Borne cases an over
UBcd nnd dofcctlvo stallion Is undoubt
cdly responsible. In many cases, how.
over, when colts nro lost In tho man
ner bofore mentioned, the farmorB aro
feeding nlfaSfn liny and alfalfa alono
to their marcs. It should not bo so
fed. For best results with tho brood
tnnro some grain should bo fed In nd
dltlon to the hay. In case It Is desir
ed to feed n lnrgo nmount of hay ns
compared with tho grain, tho hny ra
tion will bo Improved nnd made Bafer
by combining wild hay, timothy, or
ovon ont or wheat straw with the al
falfa. In no event Bhould n brood
maro weighing 1,200 to 1,500 pounds
ho fed moro thnn 15 or 10 pounds of
alfalfa dally.
A solo ration of nlfnlfa hay contains
a much larger proportion of nitrogen
than tho ln-fonl maro necdB or can
ueo. Tho BurpliiB must bo eliminated
as n waste and this condition lays an
oxtrn burdcri on tho digestive tract
and on tho orgnns of elimination.
Especially heavy Ib tho labor placed
on tho kidneys.
Thoro nro probnbly many enscs
where large quantities of nlfnlfn hnvo
been fed to brood mares without ap
parent Injurious effects. There Is un
questionable danger of abortion and
wenk nnd dofcctlvo colts from Btich
prnctlce Tho farmor nnd liorBo
brccdor will bo wIho to play safo nnd
HiibBtltuto grnln or other hays In plnco
of a portion of the alfalfa.
Government Starts Work on Plans
Calling for Expenditure of $8,156,
000 Ten Branches to Canal. '
During tho four months from Juno
to Septomber practically no rnln fnlla
In tho province of Andalusia, Spain.
As a result a. large area of fertllo soil
which should be highly productive Is
almost Idle, tho frequency, of droughts
nnd tho smnll annual rainfall discour
aging agriculture
To remedy this condition tho gov
ernment hns started work on irriga
tion plnns cnlllng for the oxpondlturo
of $8,150,000. Work has already
been begun on a long Irrigation canal
which will ultimately havo ton
branches, tho aggregato length of tho
main artery and branches bolng 153
miles. Tho main cnnnl will havo u
length of 53 mlloB nnd will bo com
pleted In six yenrs.
Tho project has beon brought to
tho attention of American firms Inter
ested In this work, with tho Idea that
thoy may securo concessions on con
ditions similar to thoso under which
Irrigation hns been provided for nrid
sections in tho United Stntos. It is
suggested thnt n rcsponstblo syndlcnto
could ncqulro rights for tho Installa
tion of electric power plants for In
dustrial purposes, to utlllzo tho tre
mendous power of tho wnter gates.
Cheap Becd is ofton tho most ex
Always plant tho best seed you can
get for overy crop.
Soils dcstltuto of humus and nitro
gen nro Impotent to produce clover.
Tho deepest mudholo and steepest
hill measuro tho roal dlstanco to
Turn up n llttlo of tho subsoil, It
will Incrcaso tho water-holding ca
pacity of tho ground.
Many of tho Irregularities In tho
health of tho farm Btock can bo
traced to Injudicious feeding.
On overy farm, where tho soil and
cllmntlc conditions nro favorable,
corn should bo grown for fodder pur
poses. Lot tho nolghbors do whnt they
will, keep matches awny from your
straw pllo. Itoughngo Is too scarce
this season to use for a bonfire.
Humus was lntcndod by nnturo to
creato and conservo tho fertility of
tho soil for tho production of tho ne
cessities to consorvo tho human rare.
In feeding values sllago compares
favorably with other crops, although
this will vary with tho kind of stock
and grain ration with which It id
Tho best results nro usunlly ob
tained from tho work that Is system
atized and most carefully planned.
This Is not nlwnys tho hardost work
on tho fnrm.
It enro la taken to keep tho sur
face of tho sllago level, two and one
half Inches removed dally will bo
sulllclent to keep tho sllago from do
cay lug.
Many fnrmors now pnsturo their
corn Holds, which Is tho most eco
nomical method of harvostlng tho
crop, and undor favorablo opndltlous,
tho most profitable
Culturo of Young Trees.
Tho first year Ib probably tho most
trying tlmo for tho young tree. It la
nt this period that it requires plenty
of molsturo nnd good vigorous
growth. And Bhock or check to
growth InvlteB dlscnso and innumer
able troublos.
All cultivation In tho young orchnrd
must bo directed townrd tho produc
tion of a healthy, vigorous and well
grown troe Neglect and Bod will not
keep tho young treo growing ut Its
Historic Washington Home Is to Go
Qri Jgf irt cor '
fr&jfcGT' rEn co
I flEED T'
WASHINGTON. Stcnih shovels aro
eating their way Into tho birth
placo of Nelllo Custls, granddaughter
of Mrs. Qcorgo Washington nnd ward
nnd adopted daughter of Washington.
For years tho shovels huvo been bit
ing trnlnlonds of yellow clay out of
tho fields of Abingdon ob this estato
was named by John Parko Custls, son
of Mrs. Washington nnd this clny
Iiob beon molded nnd baked Into brlclc
for tho upbuilding of Washington city.
Year by year tho Bhovels have dug
nearer to tho old nnd battered framo
houso whoro tho most popular woman
of tho lato revolutionary nnd tho early'
republican eras camo Into tho world
nnd where hor childhood was spent.
Now tho deep clay pits aro but a fow
ynrds from tho houso and probably
not many months will pass whon tho
houso will bo no moro. Tho clay ex
hausted and tho level of tho llclda re
duced nbout thirty feet, tho place may
bo converted Into rallrond yardB by
tho Washington Southern railroad
tho Washington-Richmond lino.
Abingdon was n great estato, but
tho houso was never n noblo bit ol
building, according to an exchange.
When John Pnrko Custls married Nel
llo Calvert of Maryland ho Bcoms to
hnvo caused tho erection of this am-
Chinese to Adopt
THE adoption of tho western cnl
endnr was among tho many
changes ordered In decreo Issued by
tho cabinet in Chlnn, nccordlng to ad
vices transmitted to tho stnto depart
ment through tho Chlneso charge
d'nffalrcB In this city. Tho mcssngo
nlso conllrms tho reported retirement
of tho prlnco regent and his return to
tho order of lmperinl princes, nnd tho
nppolntment of ShI-llsu and Hsu Shin.
Chang ns guardians of the emperor.
Tho messago says that Chow Tszchl
has been nppolnted nsslstant minister
of flnnnce. Tho department wns also
informed that by a decreo issued Chi
nese BUbJccts aro permitted to cut off
their cues.
When tho Chlneso government or
dered that tho .western method of
rockonlng months nnd years bo adopt
ed, tho date Jumped from tho l'Jth day
of tho tenth month to the third yenr
ol Hsunntung to tho 9th day of tho
eleventh month of tho year 1911 A. D.
It was n long Jump, npparontly, and
In reality tho change to tho uso of tho
Gregorian calendnr, used by most of
tho grent nations of tho world, was a
significant stop In Chlnn's ndvnnco to
ward modern civilization.
For centuries It hns beon tho cus
tom in China to reckon tho dnya of
- iir Trrr .mi
1 V
Form of Court Oath May be Changed
To jbev should
Stftf V VfllClJT it OUT
1113 bill recently Introduced by Sen
ator Burton of Ohio, which pro
poses to chango tho form of oath in
fodoral courts and olsowhero undor
thd Jurisdiction of tho United Stntos,
Is In tho hands of tho Judlclnry com
raltteo of tho senate nnd is now bo
lng considered with n view or early
action upon tho subject. Tho bill, or
which Charles J. Honaparto, tho for
mer attomoy general of tho United
States, and Dr. Ira Homson, president
of Johns Hopkins university, aro tho
sponsors, doos not contomplnto to
chango tho rollglous character of tho
oath. Tho principal chango which It
proposes Is tho omission of tho ex
pression "So help mo God" nt tho ond
of an oath and tho substitution of
Great Wood Waste
A GREAT undeveloped industry,
worth millions of dollars annual
ly, lies nt thu doors or tho peoplo of
tho south nnd tho far northwest in
tho lmmenso wnstes of wood incident
"to tho manufacture of lumber.
An amazing statement or theso
wastes and tho consequent loss In
wealth and conservation of timber re
sources Is mado ns a result of a. two
year govommont Investigation, not
yet concluded, by F. P. Voltch, chief
of tho leather and paper division of
tho bureau of chemistry, nnd M. G.
Dank, assistant chemist, whoso pre
liminary conclusions have Just been
mado public.
"Tho waBte wood of tho south nnu
northwest from tho lumber Industry
topB, stumps, slabs and sawdust and
tho dead and down timber from fires
and storms supplies ono of tho grent
undeveloped resources of this coun
try," eay tho investigators. "From
this wood, by Industrially developed
chemical methods, tho cntlro output
plo though plain dwelling with tho
idea that later ho would erect n houso
In keeping with hlo wealth and stand
lng In the community. Abingdon, be
ing a Custls homo, was directly or
romotoly associated with nearly nil
tho colonlnl nnd rnvolntlonnrv fnm
llles in Virginia nnd Maryland. Tho
houao wns built by John Parko CustlB
In 177. It stands about 30 ynrds
back from tho Potomac river nnd
about threo miles south of Washing'
John Parko Custls wbb descended
from John Custls, who enrao to Vir
ginia from Holland In 1G40. Tho son
of this Immigrant, John Custls II.,
bunt Arlington houso In-Northampton
county, Virginia, naming It after Hen
ry, tho earl of Arlington, who, with
Lord Culpopor, hold Virginia under
patent from Chnrlos II.
Young Custls bought from Gerald
Alexander 1,100 ncrcs of land, part of
which Is now Arlington Nntlonul cem
etery. He built Abingdon Houbo nnd
thcro In 1779 Eleanor Pnrko Custls
(Nelllo Custls) was bom. John Parko
Custls, an nld on Washington's stnrr,
died at Yorktown In 17K1 and Wash
ington adopted Nelllo nnd her young
brother, George Wnshlngton Parko
Custls. The children thoreaftor mado
their homo nt Mount Vernon.
Nelllo remained thero till Bho bc
camo tho wlfo of Lawrence Lewis,
Washington's slater's son, nnd Gcorgo
Washington Parko Cuatls remnlned
thcro till tho denth of Mrs. Wnshlng
ton, in 1S02. Abingdon Houso Is now
occupied by tho foreman of tho brlclc
making company and his family.
Western Calendar
tho year by tho luna calendar, each
yenr having SCO dnys, und tho months
hnvlng twenty-nlno or thirty dnys, as
the caso might be. Ei'ory third year
it was necessary to slip in an extra
month so ns to keep tho season In
plnco and tho years running smooth
ly. Whenever a now emperor as
cended tho throno tho Chinese began
to reckon their years nil over ngaln.
Tho day of tho year, however, did not
chango with tho coming of a new
ruler, but It beenmo thnt day and
month of tho first year of , and
tho now rulcr'B name was glvon.
Chlneso historians woro compelled
to work overtime keeping their dntea
straight, for It wns no Joko to reckon
tho dato of an event which happened
ten or fifteen hundred years ago when
tho historian had to Hguro out who
was on tho throno and whnt year ot
his reign tho event occurred In. Uut
all this Is now to be changed.
"promlso" or "declnre" for tho word
"swear" In tho formula.
Slnco tho Introduction or Senntor
Durton's bill tho attention or tho Judl
clary commlttco hns been called to tho
fact that several of tho most progros
olvo countries of Europo hnvo mato
rlally changed and modernized tho
ancient and nntlqunted forma or tho
oaths used In Judicial proceedings. No
country as yet has gono quite so far
as Switzerland.
Tho enntons of Zurich nnd Aargau
took tho radical step or entirely abol
ishing tho onth several years ago, and
tho result hns been oo satisfactory
that thoro Is no dcslro to return to
tho old system. Whon tho groat coun
cil of tho Canton of Vaud at Ub last
eesslon considered tho draft of a now
civil code, tho abolition of tho oath In
any form from Judicial proceedings
was strongly urged, and, after nn In
torostlng debate a provision abolish
ing tho oath was Incorporated In tho
now code, which went Into effect on
January 1 of this year1:
a National Peril
of naval stores, embracing turpentine,
rosin, tars, pitch, rosin spirits and
rosin oils, having nn nnnunl value or
nt lenst f30.000.000, may bo obtained
without boxing or turpentining a sln
glo llvo treo.
"It Is posslblo to recover from tho
wastes of tho yellow-plno lumber In
dustry (Including dond-and-down tim
ber) as much or moro turpontlno,
rosin nnd rosin oils as now nro pro
duced by tho ordlnury mothods or tur
pontlnlng from tho living treo. Tho
prolltablo utilization of mill wnstes
In this way would udd materially to
tho wealth of tho south and help to
conserve Its Umber resources."
$3o50 Recipe Free,
For Weak Kidneys.
Relieves Urinary and Kidney
Troubles, Backache, Straining,
Swelling, Etc.
Stops Pain in the Bladder,
Kidneys and Back.
"Wouldn't It be nice within ft week or so
to begin to nay good-bye forevor to tho
scalding, dribbling, straining, or too fre
quent passage of urine; tho forehead nnd
tho back-of-thc-hoad achC3i tho stitches
and pulns In tho back; tho growing inus
rlo weakness; spots beforo tho eves; yel
low skin: sluggish bowels; swollen eye
lids or ankles; leg cramps; unnatural short
breath; sleeplessness and tho despondency?
I havo a reclpo for theso troubles that
you can depend on, and If you want to
mnko u quick recovery, you ought to
wrlto nnd get a copy of It. Many a doc
tor would chnrge you $3.C0 Just for writing
this proscription, but I havo It and will
bo glad to send It to you entirely free.
Just drop mo ft lino llko this: Dr. A. 13.
Iloblnson, K-2070 Luck Uulldlng, Detroit.
Mich., and I will send It by return mall
In n. plain envelope. As you will seo when
you get It, this reelno contains only puro,
harmless remedies, but It hns great heal
ing und paln-conqucrlng power.
It will quickly show Its power once you
uso It, so I think you lmd hotter seo what
It Is without delay. I will send you a copy
free you can uso It nnd euro yourself at
Mru. Bcnhnmr seo that they havo
foupd the North Polo.
lienham That a no reason why you
should do your cooking thoro.
"A few days after birth wo noticed
an inflamed spot on our baby's hip
which soon began spreading until
baby was completely covered even in
his eyes, oars and scalp. For eight
weeks ho was bandaged from head tq
foot. Ho could not havo a stitch ot
clothing on. Our rcgulnr physician
pronounced it chronic eczema. Ho in
n very ablo physlclnn and ranks with
tho best in this locality, neverthelew,
tho disease begnn spreading until
baby wns completely covered. Ho
was losing flesh so rapidly that wo bo
camo alarmed and decided to try CuM
cura Soap and Ointment.
"Not until I commenced uing Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment could we tell
what ho looked llko, as wo dared not
wash him, and I hnd becH putting ono
application after another on him. On
removing tho scalo from Ills hoad tho
hair camo off, and loft him entirely
bald, but slnco wo hnvo been using
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment ho haa
ns much hair as evr. Four weeks
after wo began to uso tho Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment ho was entirely
cured. I don't boHevo nnyono coulA
havo eczema worso than our baby.
"Boforo wo used tho Cutlcura Rem
edies wo could hardly laok nt him, he
was such n pitiful sight. Ho would
fuss until I would treat him, ther
scmod to rellovo him bo much. Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment stand by
themselves and tho result they quick
ly nnd surely bring la their own rec
ommendation." (Signed) Mrs. T. B.
Rossor, Mill Hall, P.-u, Feb. 20, 1911.
Although Cutlcura Soap and Olnt
mont nro Bold by druggists nnd deal
ers everywhere, a samplo of each,
with 32-pago book, will bo mailed froo
on application to "Cutlcura," Dept
29 K, Boston.
Misleading Sneezes,
"How did you como on with your
study of tho Itusslnn lnngungo?"'
' "Not well. While I waB trying to
pronounce a fow words our family
physician camo along nnd forced mo
to tako all kinds of modlclno to break
up a cold."
A Pioneer.
"Why was Jonah thrown over
board?" "I'm not euro, but fvo always
thought ho was tho first man to rock
a boat."
When a mnn buys a new hnt he)
wants ono somewhat llko tho ono ha
had before but It's different with a
Nothing pleases somo peoplo more
than tho opportunity to spreaa bad
news about their neighbors.
I want every prrsoif
who Ih blhmiH, cor.stl'
patcd or Uns uny Htom
null or liver ailment ta
m-iul for a free pneknef
of uiy Paw-Paw Pllla
I want to roTO thai
they positively cure lu
digestion. Hour Mora
nch, Uclcliluir, Wind,
Headache, Nervou
ue.4B, BlerploaRii-sn anf
are an infiultUe cum
for Const hint Ion. Toil
this 1 am willing to gljj million of freo pack
ages. 1 take all thu Tixk. Bold by drugRlHti
for 2fi cents a vial. For free package address,
Pro!. Munion. 53rd Si HflersonSti., Philadelphia, Pa.
K la Urns. Sold by DrnjrctiU. ui