The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 03, 1899, Image 6

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A Filibustering Expedition With Our Government Vessel and Arms
Which Came Near Havino Important Consequences.
Gen. Don Juan lslilro Jimenez sa;.i
that ho la the rcul lender of the Domin
icans, that hl agcrfta murdered Presi
dent Heurenux, and Hint he In going
to take possession of the government.
He ought to bo able to do almost any
thing nftcr his remarkable deception of
the I'nltcd States government, which
nearly became a parly to his cchcnies
unwittingly and had to crnwl out of n
had situation with the best grace pos
sible. Is It portly for fear that Jim
enez wUI laud In tho presidential chair
of Sun Domingo that tho navy depart
ment has dispatched the New Orleans
and the Mlchlas southward In hot
haste? Or does tha administration
want to neo Jimenez seated and secure
tli fc annexation of San Domingo?
Han Domingo is a very beautiful,
fruitful, hut not a very big Island, In
fact, there Is but room for one big man
there nt a time. This was the con
viction of the lato President Ileurcaux.
Ho wai the ono big man. There was
mother, however. Hla name was Don
Juan Isldro Jimenez, and he was a
rich merchant, with Immcnso planta
tions on tho Islnnd, great warehouses,
nud commercial branches In New York,
Hamburg and other cltloa of tho world.
Jimenez was a great traveler, which
contributed to his longevity.
Hut every time ho landed tho Island
sagged considerably In that direction.
This displeased Presldont Heureaux,
whoso paluco waa In tho Intorlor, and
who rarely went to tho shore for fear
that tho Island would .capsize with his
weight. Ono day, whon tho president
muw his palaco tilting forty-five degrees
to leeward and tho crockery was rolling
r vi 1 1 inu mi u 1. 1 v niii'i vi m. hit kiiiuv 111111
Gen. Jimenez had arrived. He instant
ly Invited him to dine.
Now, to hnvo tho presldont of San
Domingo invite you to dine Is not n
pleasant sensation. It produces heart
fid In re. Soveral Important pcoplo
within tho sixteen years of President
Heureaux' roglmo had been Invited to
the executive mansion to dlno and wero
never heard of afterward. But Gon.
Jimenez Is a brave mnn. He accepted
the Invitation, made hid will, wrote
farewells to his family In Paris, and
mounted a whlto bullock, rapping at
tho gates of tho Dominican white house
with truo Jeffersonlan simplicity. Tho
president opened tho door hlmaelf a
mark of great condoBcenslon as well
as business ncumen.
Over tho tropical dainties tho conver
sation ranged through the affairs of tho
Island, from tho exportation of log
wood to tho French wlno growers, to
thr Importation of Ansonta clocks,
which woro qulto rechorcho among tho
Dominican elite ns neck ornaments.
tVhen the swarthy "slavey" had guillo
tined tho third ibottlo of champagne
rlth a machete tho host opened out.
"Gen. Jimenez," he said gravely, "It
1h with Increasing approhonolon that
tho presidential prerogative views your
growing popularity. You are a rich
man, a benevolent man, and a Just
wan, so far as you can Judgo by effeto
Bachelor are taxed 25 per cent high
er In Hesse than married men. Wo
aro unablo to say whether or not this
bachelor tax Is excessive. Wo haven't
seen tho Hessian woman. Kansas City
, Journal,
"Why pay 20 for u bicycle whon
you can get ono tor G?" asks nn
English concern in Its advertisement,
and thou as a reply quotes a dally pa
per, which says: "Well, you know tho
vnluo of your own neck."
foiolgti standards, You arc well liked
at the custom bouse, no 1 understand,
and It seems to ho mutual." General
Don Jii,ui emllcd proudly.
"Nov, general, while you are grow
ing richer, the presidential prerogative
regrets to say that tho Island Is grow
ing poorer. I am going to perform a
grand coup. I am going to float a
many million dollar loan with the
Americans, and I nm going to reboud
the customs of San Domingo as secur
ity. I am going to allow a foreigner
to ult In tho seat of customs, and you
know, general, those people havo eyes
In tho back of their heads. Tako heed,
"Make yourself Ic3s popular. Popu
larity Is a growing dlacase on tho Is
land. Check yours In tho Incipient
stage or It will bo fatal. Rcniember,
during my sixteen years of divine
prerogative no less than four hundred
of tho in oat daringly amiable gentle
men of tho Island have been picked oft
because of these growing pain of pop
ularity. If two great men a Heu
rcaux and a Jimenez remain on the
Island at the same time without Its
sinking, It Is becauso ono remains quiet
nnd I ussurc you it ahull not bo Heu
reaux. That's all. Adlost"
flcn, Jimenez went away a sad man.
Soon ho saw the Americans come, lay
down bags of gold out of n ship's hold,
saw an iron cago built around the dia
toms department of Montl-Chrlstl, nnd
a bearded Dutchman, with a cold, gllt
'tcrlng oyo, two rovolvera nt each hip
and a great head for figures, seat him
self within tho place of authority. Poor
Jimenez bought and sold ns bofore, but
his profits fell. Tho boarded Yankee
exacted hla tltho from tho customs, ac
cording to tho bond; then ho gave Into
tho government treasury tho balance,
and tho laland began to grow rich, with
sanitary dovlccs, clean water, hospitals
for the alck and roads' for tho travolor,
forta garrisoned nnd threo gunboats.
About this tlmo tho whole country
waa In tho throes of susponso with
Spain. Wo had little tlmo to constdor
the bickerings of big men on small
Islands. War waa formally declared.
A llttlo beforo this, in tho hoart of the
matting by Hteam.
H. Schnw has invented a method of
blasting by olectriclty and stoam com
bined. Mr. Schnw found by experi
ment that it would be easy to boil
water in n cartrldgo through which
electricity is sont. Tho atenm pressuro
within tho cartridge would rlso to 160
pounds per squaro inch and far In ox
cess of that. If tho water cartrldgo
la successful in mining its application
to heavy blasting may bo made of uso
by railroad engineers, western mining
concerns and In largo quarries.
metropolis, Don Juan Jimenez was
zelzfcd.wlth a big Idea,. Hewent to the
war department nt Washington and be
camo impressive. Secretary Alger and
his assistant, Mr. Melklojohn, Instant
ly foil under the speir of the eloquence
of this Othello of the Antilles. Hand
some, robust, swarthy, with abundant
black hair, streaked with gray, he
was a figure worthy of a heroic cause.
"Gentlemen," said he, "I am no less
a pcrsonago than Don Juan 'Ilodrlguez,'
with the blood of a hundred kings In
my veins, but a patriot for all that,
and n republican patriot, too. I have
dedicated my life to a purpose. It Is
to help liberate Cuba from the Spanish
yoke. I am In nccret confcrcnco dally
with tho heads of the Junta. I am a
bosom friend of Oen. Gomez, a native
of San Domingo, oven ns I, and I will
lay down my life for the cause. Lis
ten! "Wo have arranged a grand filibus
tering expedition. We want from Un
cle Sam threo million rounds of am
munition, three thousand rifles, equip
ments, saddles, revolvers, dynamite,
medicines, nnd, In fact, a whole ship
load of supplies, nnd the ship, too. I
will guarantee to land them safely in
a secret port of Cuba, where I ahull
bo mot by two thousand of the patriots.
Tho Spanish strongholds shall be at
tacked and demolished. Volla, gentle-
non! Hero is tho chanco of your
lives. Cuba shall be frcol 1 will give
you ton hours to think It over."
Jimenez had the full confidence of
Gen. Gomez, with whom ho was be
lloved to be co-operating. Thero scorns
to bo some doubt whother tho expedi
tion was 'Intended for Cuba or Porto
Rico. It nover got to either plnco.
When tho ten houra wore up, return
ing to tho war department, the Insist
ent Jimenez found all that ho had asked
for, and moro. "Wo shall placo our
newly chartered steamship Fanltn at
your disposal," said nn official. "Wo
shall stock It from stem to stern from
the ordnance supplies. Go and gather
your men together, nnd hasten to Mo
bile, Aln. Thoro you will find tho
arm and accoutrements shipped to you
undor tho nnmo of 'Rodriguez. The
Thero undoubtedly aro thoso who
build hotter than thoy know, but, un
fortunately, wo cannot get them to
build our houses.
Could you seo every man's careor In
llfo, you would find n woman clogging
him or cheering him and goading
him. Thackeray.
Thoso who aro qulto satlsflod sit still
and do nothing; thoso who are not
qulto satisfied aro tho solo benefactors
of the world. Landlr.
Panlta will bo thero speedily. Go, and
the ministering angels he with you.
Only, look out for tho Spanish cruis
ers." Don Juan made his profoundest sa
lute, and left the war department.
Back to New York ho raced. By
night he gathered unto him a handful
of San Domingo refugees like himself.
There waa one G.on. Morales, Intimate
with the Porto nican patriots, ono Mer
cado, Vlllanuova and others.
"Gentlemen," said he, "I have made
tho grand coup of my career. The ty
rant Heureaux Is as good as In his
coffin. I have hoodwinked Undo Sam
Into giving me a government vessel,
and stocking it with ammunition from
stem to stern, free of charge, on pro
tense of going to Cuba to help Gen.
Gomez. Como, let us hlo hence to
Mobile. You, Gen. Morales, shall be
my secretary of war. You, Vlllanueva,
my minister of the Interior. You, Mer
cado, I appoint secretary of the treas
ury. Hence, awayl San Domingo,
gem or tho Antilles, dhall be free!"
They started for Mobile bv different
tolites. They arrived, meeting by
night only. The arms nnd ammunition
nlso arrived, consigned to "Ilodrlguez."
The Spanish spies made note of It and
Informed their government. Then the
Pan I tit came up tho bay nnd the ship
was stocked from forecastle to garboard
atreak. There alio was promptly li
beled. In haste Jimenez wired to the
war dopartmont, "Wherefore?" Back
camo the answer. The libel was a
blunder. The department of Justice
was Instructed by the department of
war that the Fanltn's libel should be
lifted. It was done. Tho vessel act
sail southward on May 24. It was a
Journey worthy of history. It out
shone tho doubtful glory of old priva
teering days.
But did tho Fanita make straightway
for the green shore of pledged
to tho war department? Nay, nay.
When well to Boa sho simply swerved
southeasterly, and on May 30 nrrlved at
n llttlo Island of tho British Bahamas
called Inagua. Thero, tho coast be
ing dangerous, sho took on a pilot one
Christopher Roberts. He wns told that
the Fanita was loaded with general car
go hound for San Domingo. The ves
sel was flying tho American flag, and
also the ensign of tho Clydo line, from
which company sho had been chartered
by tho government. Two stops wore
made, and rn-ennanlrntnrs wero taken
aboard. At ten o'clock of tho last night
Aijrliiin fur Inutile Indian.
Work will soon begin on tho asylum
for Inaano Indians at Canton, S. D for
which congress made nn appropriation
of $42,000, with an additional $3,000 for
tho purchase of grounds. It Is Inter
esting to know that out of a total of
250,000 Indians in tho United States
thoro nro only 58 who are Insane, ono
doubtful, six Idiotic nnd two partly
Idiotic. Thl3 Is a wonderful showing,
nnd, nccordlng to statistics, Is not
equaled by any raco of peoplo on earth,
civilized or uncivilized
tho conspirators met below deck and
planned tho attack on the morrow.
Jimenez had notified his frlond and
ally, Gen. Torlbo Garcia, a rcsldont of
Monte-Chrlstl, that he and his armu
and men were coming. He counseled
tfie general to havo all in readiness,
with at least a thousand men ready to
tako tho arms and advance upon the
forts, slaughter tho garrison and then
proceed to San Domingo city and the
palaco of Heureaux. That message
never reached Garcia at all. If it had
this history would probably never havo
been written.
It was the red break of day when tho
great rock that Hits from the seat and
shelter Monte Chrlstl loomed in sight.
It was an Ideal tropic morning, worthy
of a great epoch In tho history of the
dark republic. The conspirators camo
on deck, armed to tho teeth, silent, de
termined, savage for clorv ami
Jimenez drew his glass and ncanned a
snoro ror Garcia and his thousand men.
Then he trembled. Alas, they were
nowhere to ho seen! Undaunted, the
vessel cast anchor, and two boat wore
lowered. Into them poured some 18
lighting men, with Jimenez nt the prow
of tho leader. It was a thrilling Jour
ney In tho silence of that red dawn,
typical of blood.
Reaching the shore, Jimenez shouted
"Vlvu, San Domingo Hbro!"
III air the first shot. Undismayed that
uarcia ana nla men were nowhere to 1
seen, a rush was made toward the gov
ernor's palace. He was not found. On
tnence to the houso of Garcia. That
astonished gentleman was dragged
from his bed by the heels. Back to
tho palaco of tho governor tho party
hastened. Tho governor was found nt
last and made an Instant prisoner. "On
to tho fortress!" shouted Jimenez. The
little band advanced up the hill toward
the fort.
"I command you, on pain of death
to call out to the general of the fort to
surrender tho garrison!" cried Jimenez,
placing a cocked revolver against the
governor's temple.
The general of the fort appeared on
tho parapet above.
"I am ordered, on pain of death, to
command you to surrender the garr
ami the governor cried to the chief of
tho troops "but I swear before heaven
now that if you do so. and I ever get
free, you shall die for It!" The car
rlson then opened Are on the consplr-
Seeing the governor's bravery, the
him and tho general of the currlsnn
then and there they might hao iuc
ceeded. As it was they hesitated and
were lost. Volley after volley thun
tiered from the garrison. The con
spirator stampeded to refuge. Then
the ignominious retreat began, shore
ward, two mile away, with Jimenez in
the lead, on horseback, too, nt break
neck speed. In the shuffle their pris
oner, the governor, was lost, and soon
waa overtaken by tho garrison troops,
whom ho now led against the conspir
ators. Into ono boat Jimenez plunged
and escaped alone to tho Fanita under
n rain of bullets. Then he ordered the
vessel to turn tnll ami make for tho
Bahamas with hot speed. Meanwhile
the rest of the men were cither killed
or made prisoner by tho troops. Mo
rales was shot, as were seven others
Jimenez reached Inagua next morn
ing In a state of stage fright. Think
ing It high time for disappearing, ho
attempted to leave tho ship and em
bark on the Schlcawlg for other points
Roberts, tho pilot, gave Information to
the United States consular agent, Sar
gent, and Jimenez was arrested on u
charge of violating the British foreign
enlistment act, attempting an insur
rection in a country which was at peace
with Great Britain. Meanwhile Pres
ident Heureaux, who had been Instant
ly Informed of the nttack, nrrlved in
hot haate on his mnn-of-war and of
fered $20,000 for tho conviction of Jim
enez. The prisoner was taken to Nassau
and tried before tho pollco magistrate
of the Bahama Islands early In July,
but the Jury disagreed. Again he was
tried beforo Sir Ormond Drlmmlo Mal
comb. chief Justice of tho Snnrpmn
Court, early in August, when tho pris
oner was discharged. This trial was
the sensation of the Islands, hut mvlnir
to the Snanlsh war. It waa of lliMn rnn.
aequence in America. Tho president
or cue uominican repuonc Drought an
tho prisoners to tho Bahamas, to turn
state's evidence, and Jimenez's secre
tary, Manuel Mercato, did so to save
lila llfo. Bvnrv mntlinil ur.19 impi! tn
convict Jimenez, but the Jury gavo in
the verdict of "Not guilty," and tho
Don licit to parts unknown.
Tin wna lnat InnntPil In Hnvana. nealn
conspiring to overthrow Heureaux.
This was two ni on ma ngo. 1 wo weens
nun the San Dominican president was
stabbed to death tn Moca.
Thn hero was besldo himself with
rage. "The serpent," he hissed, for It
wns In these terms that ho was wont to
refer to the villain of tho plot, "has
won tho golf trophy!" Genevieve shud
dered. "That's what comes or ins
hnvim been scotched. I doubt not!"
she fnltored, and would fnln havo wept.
Ah, It was easy now to see where mis
takes had been made! Detroit jour
"Jones was in today with a lot of
flsh stories." "And did you let him
toll them?" "I lot him tell ono, and
then I opened with a lot of bug stories
that made his flsh stories sound ns out
of dato as a last year's popular song."
Indianapolis Journal.
"I spent the wholo day today help
ing Julia buy a hat." "What kind did
she get?" "Oh, this was only tho first
day; sho novar makes up her mind un
til after tho third day."
Mr Gotham I seo that a new Uw
(loon They Are Wort Tuan lb Original
HoUanco, lUtttrnUr to Thalr Wild
Htata Wild Host of tha Booth
FactUo Iiland.
Ordinary domestic animals horses,
cats, and dogs may multiply In cor
taln parts of tho world, so. numerously
ns to become serious pests. In Bom
of tho Westorn states wild horses
havo become a positive nulsanco, and
In 1897 Nevada passed n law permit
ting them to bo shot. Recent reports
from Washington say that "cayuses"
In that region aro considered of so
llttlo valuo that thoy aro killed and
used as bait for poisoning wolves and
coyotes. In this connection it is worth
mentioning that In somo parts of Aus
tralia wild horses havo multiplied to
such an extent ao to cousumo tho
grass needed for sheep and othor ani
mals, nnd hunters havo been em
ployed to shoot them. Where cats
havo run wild on isolated Islands their
work can bo appreciated moro accu
rately. On Sablo Island, off tho coast
of Novla Scotia, they were introduced
about 1880 nnd rapidly exterminated
tho rabbits, which had been In pos
session for at IcaBt half a century. In
ono of tho harbors of Kerguolon land,
a barren nnd desolate bit of antarctic
terra flrma to the southeast of tho
Capo of Good Hopo, cats, escaped
from ships, havo made themselves nt
homo on a llttlo Island known as Cat
Island, which has been long used as a
watering pla,co for Bealers. Hero thoy
livo in holes in the ground, preying
upon sea birds and their young, and
aro said to havo developed- such ex
traordinary ferocity that it is almost
Impossible to tamo them oven when
captured young. Pigs havo run wild
in some of tho nouthorn state and
also on certain Islands, where, as on
tho Galapagos, they wero introduced
to furnish food for crews of vessols in
need of fresh meat. Thoy wero im
ported into Now Zealand by Capt.
Cook about 1770, nnd, soon becoming
wild, increased to a remarkablo de
gree. A century later wild plga were
so nbundant in tho flax thickets of tho
provinco of Taranaki, on tho Nortli
island, that a hunter could shoot fifty
In a day. In one caso 25,000 wild pigs
aro said to havo been killed there by
threo hunters in lc3s than two years.
Sheep and goats, whon numorous,
nro llkoly to causo widespread Injury,
particularly in forest regions. An in
structive example of tho damage dona
by goats is afforded by St. Helena, a
mountainous island scarcoly fifty
squaro miles in extent, its highest
summits reaching nn elevation of
2,700 feet. At tho time of Its discov
ery, about tho beginning of tho six.'
toonth century, it is said to have been
fovered by denso forest; today it Is
described as a. rocky desert. This
chango has been brought about large
ly by goats, first introduced by tho
Portugueso in 1513, nnd which multi
plied so fast that in eeventj-'flvo years
they existed by thousands. Browsing
on tho young trees nnd shrubs, they
rapidly brought about tho destruction
of tho vegetation which protected tho
steep slopes. With tho disappearance
of tho undergrowth began tho wash
ing of tho soil by tropical rains nnd
tho destruction of tho forest. Sablo
Island has suffered from several
plagues of rats, ns well as cats, and
it is oald that tho first superintendent
of tho light station and his men wero
threatened with starvation, owing to
cho inroads made on their stores by
rats. The common brown rnt, otner
wlso known as tho wharf rat or Nor
way rat, is of Asiatic origin, and until
200 years ago was unknown in Europo
or America. In tho fall of 1727 largo
numbers of this spocies entered Eu
ropo by swimming across tho Volga,
and, gaining a foothold in tho prov
inco of Astrakhan, in eastern Russia,
spread westward over central Europe.
Flvo years later thoy reached England
by vessels from western India. They
arrived on tho eastern shore of tho
United States about 1775, nnd became
abundant at several points on tho
Pacific coast. Tho black rat was tho
common houso rat of Europo in tho
mlddlo ages, and was introduced in
tho now world about 1544, or moro
than 200 years earlier than tho brown
rat. In Porto Rico and somo othor
islands tho black rat has taken to
living in tho crown of cocoanut tree,
to which It does great damage by bit
ing off tho unrlpo fruit. In various
parts of the world domestic doirn run
wild nnd havo becomo serious pests,
devouring sheop and in other ways
maklns themselves a nulsanon. On
tho Galapagos islands they have
neipoa largely to exterminate tho
gigantic tortoises native to that group,
making a habit of waltine for thn
eggs to hatch and then devouring tho
uaDy turtles.
An Anrlcnt Co into Paper.
Brugsch Boy has lately described a
comic papyrus which Is unique. The
artist lived in the period of tho twenty-second
dynasty and haB painted
burlesque scenes In which cats and
rata conduct themselves like human
beings. For instance, a rat attired as
a great lady was served by a cat who
Is clothed like a slave and Is present-
ing a mirror to the mistress.
Juit Cant.
Brown There goes a younc feltm
that's hated by everybody in hla
neighborhood. Jones What's wrong
witn ninn urown He is loarning to
play a cornoL
Long Colorado Snow IMnoUacle,
A snow blockado kept railroad tralm
out of Breckinridge, Colo., from Feb
ruary 4 until April 25,