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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1896)
mkik JRASKA, 10. 104. TGL. XII. Closing Sale! Owing to an expected change in business we are . . going to sell our entire stock of . . Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gents Fur nishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises -AT- Slaughtering Low Prices. Call and be convinced that what we tell you are facts. Star C ling Hoe, . . Weoer & Vollmer. . . All -parties indebted please call and settle. PEESdJTAi KEKnOB". Mrs- N. F. Donaldson went to Omaha this morning". County derk Burritt is transact- I insr business in Maxwell to-day. Mrs. V. E. McCarthy left yester day for a visit with her parents at Cozad. Mrs. M. "VanBrockiin, of Eliza- ! beth, transacted business in town yesterday. J. Jj. Minor was a guest of friends in Grand Island Saturday and Sunday. County Treasurer Smith, of Lo gan county, is attending" court m this city to-day. Frank Weingand returned Satur- i day night from a visit with friends in York and other towns in the cen tral part of the state. The family of W. M. Cunning ham, the new superintendent of the waterworks, will arrive in the city this week. J. M. Cotton expects his daugh ter Miss Pearl, who is teaching- school in Beatrice, to visit him dur ing" the holidays. After visiting" North Platte friends for a day or two, D. H. Ams- bary left Sunday night for the east- He will visit us asrain in the spring". hristmas "Will soon be here and everybody is now thinking as to what they will buy for Christ mas presents with which to remember their friends ' . THE BOSTON STORE - Has just received a large supply of goods for this occasion which will make useful presents- Here is a list of some of our specialties: 50 fine Dress Patterns which we offer to sell cheap. An elegant line of very fine Linens. A great variety of Moquette and Smyrna Rugs. Ice Wool and Silk Fascinators of the very finest .made. Kid Gloves in all styles and colors. Ladies' and Children's Muffs ariS. Boas. The finest line of Bed Spreads ever shown in North Platte stores. Handkerchiefs and Mufflers of every description for ladies and gentlemen, from one cent up to $3 each. Pocket Books" of all descriptions. Baby Bonnets from 25 cents up to $2.50. A fine Cape or Jacket will make a suitable Christmas present. We have them in the latest styles. Or what is the matter with a pair of Henderson's fine button or lace Shoes for a Christmas present? Cold nights are here and apair of those all-wool California Blankets would make a suitable present. Gents mrf" We have not forgotten von. We have a fine line of house Slippers, some very handsome Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, fine Furnish ing Goods, Gloves, Mittens and Hats. Gents, if you wish to remember your mother, daughters, or sweet hearts come to the Boston Store, where you will find many articles which will make handsome presents, and we will make a special low price from now until December 23d. THE BOSTON STORE, J. Pizer, Prop. P. S. Albums, work boxes and manicure cases given away with a certain amount of goods purchased at our store from now until Christmas. Barabri&sfe's "'Alabama." Clement Bainbridge will bring his famous company in "Alabama" to Lloyd's on Monday evening of next week. This is welcome news for our theatre-goers. The scene, the sentiment, the surroundings of Alabama" are all of the south after the war. The entire action is out of doors. The play is poetic, refined, simple, and full of delicate tenderness. There are no blood and thunder parts, but the story told is interesting-. Mr. Thomas is the first dramatic author to catch the dreamv fancy of the south without doing" violence to the natural sentiment and humanity of that region. "Alabama" has, it is said, all the quaint delicacy of a pastoral, yet deals faithfully with tact, its poetry being" the simple ex- oression ot erennine character. Every sentiment expressed in the play is on an exalted plane, in keep ing with its brilliant literary char acter, the superior excellence of the actors. The Clement Bainbridge company, now in the fourth year of its successful career, is well known and includes Mr. Bainbridge himself, Fred Mower, Harry M. Allen, L. P, Hicks, W. M. Wads- worth, .Robert Conness, F. W. Ken sil, Francis Nelson and the Misses Ethel Irving, Helen Weathersby, Florence Crosby and Kate Dooling-. The new Union Pacific ice house is nearly completed and in order to rush the work forward sev eral additional men were put to work Saturday. The building" is quite a mammoth one and will hold nearly 4,000 tons or ice. The Mormon elders, who it they left town as reported, remained away but a short time, made a house to house distribution or tracts yesterday. The elders seem, to be very persistent in xneir enons xo acquaint the people with the teach ings of their church. Pride of Nebraska Hive No. 1, Ladies of the Maccabees, held their regular election last Saturday after noon with thef olio wing result: P.L. C Mrs. Elizabeth Otten;L. C,. Mrs. Mary Perritt; L. L. C, Mrs. Sarah WiUiams;L. R. EL,Miss Pink Jones; L. F. K., Miss Jennie White; L. S. Mrs. Sophia Ziebert; L. M. at A., Mrs. Magnolia Duke; L. taentmel, Mrs. Stevue; L. Picket, Mrs. Emma Walsh; L. C, Mrs. Martha New man. young" and Qcdstsas Caatata The Methodist Sunday-school has in preparation a very pretty cantata which will be given at Keith's Hall on Christmas eve, December 24th. Entertainments given by iolks are always interesting- cute, and the cantata will be no ex ception to the rule. Tickets willbe furnished the general public at fif teen cents each. Is Hot an Applicant. Street corner gossip has it that R. H. Langford is an applicant for the post office, and that he made a trip east in the furtherance of his interest in that direction. Mr. Langford wishes it distinctly under stood that he is not, never has been nor will he be a candidate for the post office or any other position in this town or county, and that all reports of that kind, so far as he is concerned, are utterly without foundation. "Will ?eed the Children. As has been the usual custom the Episcopal Sunday-school will have a large and well filled tree on Christmas evening-, preceded by songs and recitations. Following the tree exercises, a turkey supper will be served to the children in the guild house. The scholars are look-ing- forward with much pleasure to not only the tree but to the elegant supper as well. On this occasion the south and north side schools will be united. Beady Tor tie Holiday Trade. Perhaps never in the history of the city have the stores been so well supplied with those articles which are in demand at Christmas times, and best of all the goods are marked at exceedingly low prices. There are none so poor in pocketbook but that they will be able to purchase remembrances of one kind or an other for their relatives and friends. It is really a treat to visit the stores and see the many pretty and useful articles which are offered for sale, and it must be evident to all that there is no need of sending" out of town for Christmas present. Election, of Officers. Mazeppa. lodge, .Knights Jot. Pythias, -held its annual election of officers Friday evening with the following resnlt: Chancellor Com mander, M. C. Harrington; "Vice Chancellor, C. F. Tracy; Prelate, Leo Hart; M. of E.-, P. W. Sitton; M. of F John Sullivan; Keeper of Records and Seals, H J. Roth; M. A., C. O. Weingand; Trustees, H, V. Hilliker, R- L. Graves and John Sorenson. The installation willbe held the first week in January. North Platte Camp, Modern Woodmen, will hold its annual elec tion of officers on Wednesday evening next, and after the election will indulge in a social, at which sandwiches and coffee will be served A full attendance of members is desired. They Deserve to be Boasted. It frequently happens that when young" men become intoxicated and conduct themselves in such a man ner as to be taken before a police magistrate, the relatives and friends of the young men call at the news paper offices and request that noth ing be said of the matter. The relatives and friends of such young" men are no doubt en titled to sympathy on such occa sions, but The Tribune holds that if the young" men do not have suf ficient respect for themselves and relatives and friends to keep out of drunken brawls, they should be Heimie's SPECIAL SALE . Erom now till after Christmas. 1 First National Bank, All Otir Coats and Capes gfo at Half Price. LLOYD'S OPERA HODSE, (OXE XIGHT OXLT.) Monday, Dec. 21. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OP Glement Bainbridge's Go. -OF- leui York Players, -IN- roasted" to a dark brown by the newspapers. If young" men do not want their names to appear in these columns in connection with drunks and fights, thev must not engage in hem. Pair aad S upper. The ladies of St. Patrick's church will srive a fair and suoDer at loyd's opera house on Wednesday and Thursdav eveniusrs of this week. On Wednesday evening oysters will be served in every style and on Thursday a hot chick en supper, with all the other acces sories will be served. The ladies of the sewing" circle will have two tables or booths at which a large as sortment of novelties and fancy articles, suitable for Christmas presents, will be offered for sale. The young ladies will also have a fancy table and a candy table from which the choicest home made con- ectionerv will be sold. A fish pond with innumerable curiosities will be provided ior the little folks. ach night a very lauguable farce entitled, "In the Wrong- Clothes" will be rendered by the Columbia Dramatic Club. Supoer will be served from 5:30 during- the rest of be evening. Admission 10 cents. pper 25 cents. Everybodv cor dially invited. We have received a copy of the Petersburg- (Ind.) Press containing an account of the murder of Matthew McMurray, father of our townsman R. A. McMurray, by W. w . x ucker. The snooting- occurred on Monday morning- of last week and the victim died the following- morning", a pea king ot the affair Our fine 820 and $25 plush capes 812.00. Our fine 12 and 815 plush capes 7.50. "Fine SiS and 820 fur capes 12.00. AH our capes and coats must be closed out regardless of cost. "We hare just received a large line of French cimia and cut glass ware, now on exhibition. A large line of Silk Mufflers, and Genuine Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Also a large line of Seal Muffs in orices rrom $z.du to $ "We oSer in our dress soods department this week our 1.75 blacfe silk at 1.25 per yard. "We have also a few fine dress patterns in silk and wool, in all colors, now An rv a r.i r r T T r t . JSo.UU, tormer price $12. UU. w e also carry the hnest line of men s, ladies and children s shoes in the city. Call and be convinced, at BENNIES. 4 BENNIES. 4 BENNIES. ALABAMA, Augustas Thomas Masterpiece. Advance sale at Clinton's Jewelrv Store. Tickets 50 and 75 cts. the Press says: Several different accounts of the difficulty have been given and we are at a loss to know which is correct. Mr. McMurrav ls hauling- earn from his farm bur miles east of Petersburg- which is occupied by Tucker and bringing it to Alford where he was cribbing- at home. Some say that when McMurray drove into the field for a oad of corn Tucker said to him. 'Mac, there are six rows of corn eft here; how will we divide it?" to which McMurray replied to the effect that he had another settle ment to make with him and struck Tucker with the check lines: the after warned him to let him alone and both men began to shoot, each one firing- four or five shots. Mc Murray was struck in the abdomen. ne ball penetrating the stomach; Tucker was unhurt. HEWS. G. J. Hunt of Omaha was in town Friday morning. Eh Etchison is shipping- baled hay from Hershey. The Home Forum order had their first ovster supper on Tuesday evening and a very pleasant even ing was passed. John Ritner or Ritner precinct transacted business at this point on Tuesday. E. A. Crosby finished his term as juryman and came home Tuesday. He seems glad to be out of the bos" and at home once more. Chas. Charlstrom received a fVi -T--f! or4i'Krfrl Tin or frnm fhf pactprn part o fthe state on Friday. John Lute or .faxton transacted business in town on Wednesday. N. B. Whitesides has about re covered from his recent illness. G. W. Applegate &. G. C. White shipped a car of hogs the first of he week. Dick Roberts of the Birdwood was in town Thursday. Geo. Emerson took in the sights at North Platte on Friday. Miss Erma Pierson ot Keith countv is spending the week with friends in this village. Frank Carpenter is taking a few days lay off and the wily goose has to sutrer. The firm of W, C Blackmore & Co has desolved partnership and W. C. continues the business at this stand- East week while Geo. Dufiield i was loading sneiis some powqer exploded and he had a very close -1 - t t r -f i . call, as it is nc wiu ue connnea xo the house for some time- The Tales hotel is being- hard finished and painted this week and will soon be ready for occupancy. Jens Christensen has purchased a bicycle and "flls" are numerous in thi locality jy5t at present. David hunter was a iaxton vis itor on Thursday. Miss McClain of eastern Keith countv was on our streets Satur day. G. P. Coates and Mr. Brown of Paxton passed through town on their wheels Wednesday enrgute to North Platte. - Pattie irpm Holy ok e Col. pur chased potatoes from G. C. White on Thursday and will haul them overland, Citizen Tremeirdoas Holiday Display. The Fair Store in Gala Attire. 21 Sri ANTA CLAUS is here-at the Fair Store ready to receive the children of North Platte and all the surrounding-country. He has established his headquarters in the center of the store, running" almost its entire length. The tables are crowded with Toys and Dolls and Games and every thing possible,to delight the little folks. The Fair Store is now ready to receive the enormous throngs which will pour through its portals during the next two weeks. For your own convenience and profit we advise that you do not put off your purchases till the last day or week, because now the selections are complete and un broken and you can get around with more comfort. We are giving away Free to each of our lady customers, from the loth to the 25th, A HANDSOME SOUVENIR BOOK. Ask for them as we are apt to forget about them during- the rush. Yours for business, Richards Bros., - The Fair. as Seniles to the Jacksoziias Club. Milton D 00 little, of this city, some time afo received a letter from the Jacksonian Club of Omaha citing- him to appear on Dec 12th and show cause why he should not be expelled from that organization on account of the part he took in the recent fight for sound money. As ilr. Doolittle could not attend on the above date, he mailed the fol lowing" letter: Xorth Platte. Neb.. Dec W. IS&i Henrv Blum, Esq., Sec. Jacfcsontan Chib. - -i Dear Sir: I am la receipt of your esteemed favor of tbe COtk ultimo, notifriar me to ap pear before yoor club on December lira aad shovr cause vrhj I should not be expelled from the Jacksonian Club. It opposing: and refnslneto support Messrs. Brvan and Sewall for tae presidency and slce-preaidencT respectively, on tbe Chicago platform of 1S66, is. in the estimation of a majority- ot your memDers. a gexxi ana saia- cient reason for my expulsion from the club. please do not delay the longer than necessary. decapitation asr In lookine over tke roster of your oCcera at the head of your letter. I find that I will be in excellent com- anv. and that my head will fall into the -as:et alone: with those of voor president. at least three out of seven of your board of directors, and at least two out of five of your executive committee. It is very evident that you. and those who agree with you. do not as yet fully compre hend of what stuff gold democrats are made. Our idea of party fealty is not that of slavish submission to the behests of self-coagtitsted party leaders, who may. aided by a lalse sentiment, temporarily eain control of the party machinery. Our idea is this, expressed most cogently oy tne - Dara or Avon. this a cove an: to tmne own sett oe true: And it must follow, as the night the day: Thou canst not then be false to any man." These are the motives that actuated us. and "if that be treason, maie the most of it." Your position, if followed to its logical con clusion, would mean this, that if enough tree silver republicans had left their party, aad come to you. to nave torcea a ruga protective tariff piant in the Chicago platform . you would still have voted the ticket. That may be your idea of a democrat, but it is not my idea ot an Independent American citizen. In my opinion, were Andrew Jacks oa alive ami a member of your club, you would be obliged to expell him too. v ery respecrruuy. MTT.TOy DOOUETTT.y. petitioned for by A. B. Hall was al lowed. The claim of L,. Armstrong' for 25.00. for damages on account of the location of said road on north line of northeast quarter of section 17-14-30, was disallowed. The following- bonds for asses sors were approved: Y H. Sher man, W. S: Peniston, John H. Jen kins, A. J. Neel, Fred Kade, A. Beach and 25". C. Anderson. Bonds for justices ot the peace approved as follows: D. E. Baker, A. E. Moore. Fred Leach and Peter Muir. Bonds for overseer of highways ap proved as follows: G-. W. Apple gate, Martin Imndy, Fred Edelman and R. H. Kilmer. Bonds for con stables approved as follows: I. O. Baker and Edmund Dickey. Board adjourned to meet Dec. 19th, 18. GOZanSSIOtTEBS' PEOCEEDESTGS. December 9th Board met; pres ont Hill, Hardin and Thomson and county- clerk. Claim of Mrs.TV.Rite nour of S4.65 for personal tax paid under protest for 1895 was con sidered and allowed and county treasurer ordered to refund. A. M. Stoddard was appointed assessor for Hinman precinct. The following- claims were allowed on the bridge fund: J. A. "Weliiver 510.00, "Win. Johnson 21.00, W. W. Young: 31. 75, J. H. Moran 1S.0O, J. H. Moran 18.00 allowed for 13.50, Wm. Facka 3.00, H. C. "Welch 3.00, Gus Ogroskey 12.00, P. G. Meyer 42. SO. An agreement was entered into with Pat Ruddy, the board agreeing- to pay Ruddy 15.00 for cleaning vault at court house and lor ttiat at the iail: Ruddv to be paid with general fund warrant m July, 1S9. December 10th Board met; pres ent full board and county clerk. The following- claims were allowed: P. G. Meyer 107.20, S. Mang 16.00. James Belton 4.55. Road 2vo. 144 was changed as petitioned by C. A. Glaze and others. Road 2so. 17 was changed as petitioned for by G. F. Meyers and others. December 11th Board met; pres ent full board and county clerk. An order was issued on coquty treas urer for 5155.25 n favor of Saml. Funkhouer ior road work done in Road District 2so. 4 for the Union Pacific Ry. Claim of W. T. Elliott for bridg-e work 514.00 and claim of Henry jSelscn 12.00, allowed on bridge bund. A continuation - of Road 2vo. 11 STATE KZWS. Thursday evening-. December 17,.. is the date fixed by the Omaha Com mercial Club to entertain the newly elected state officers and show them the elephant and tiger of the city. The Beatrice city council has an anti-cigarette ordinance on its "file for action. Fiiteen women of the city who do not themselves smoke the filthy and deadly things, appeared and urged its passage. It is still on file. T. B. Lantz shipped from this point this week two carloads of sugar beets. Grand Island beings their destination, and for which he received 55 per ton. He cultivated, last season five acres and his yield was twelve tons to the acre. Lex ington Pioneer. Secretary Carlisle in his report to congress recommends the appropri ation of 5125,000 to complete the government building- at Omaha, This will make an excess of SlflO. 000 in the amount of the original estimate. These things always mount upwards at an alarming-rate wnen tne jrovernmet s monev basrs are opened. The secretary of the treasury recommends appropriations for Ke braska federal business the coming year as follows: For internal rev enue service s4,000: support of Santee Sioux of Nebraska as well as Sioux of other tribes, 585,000; for Pancas in Nebraska and South. Dakota, 515,500; Indian school, Genoa, Neb., 556,900. Statx op Ohio, Crrr of Tocedo, ? Lccas Cot. $ Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum. ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured" by the use of Hat.ts Caiaebsc Ccke. Fsxsk. J . CHEmrr. Sworn to before tae and subscribed in mv presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. A. W. GiasASOjr ( Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Care is taken fn tern ally and acts directly on tne biood ana mu cueas serf aces of the system. Send for testimonials. F. J. CHE-firr & Co-, Toledo, Ohio Sold by druggists, 75c Hall's Family PilLa axe the best. 3 Maccaline will cure any case of itching piles. It has never failed. It affords xsstant relief, and a cure in due time'.. Price .25 and 50 cents. Hade by Fostei -Manufacturing Co. and sold -by. A. Streitz.