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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1896)
lb vol. xn. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1896. NO. 102. :7T Closing Sale! Owing to an expected change in business we are . . going to sell our entire tock of . . Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gents' Fur nishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Valises -AT- Slauglitering I Call and be convinced that what we tell you are facts. Star Clothing . . Weber SWollmer. . . All parties indebted please call and settle. 1 No. 3496 lil First National Bank? ifef There's tto Use! If (see the same on the leg. them, when IT'S NOT SO If you are posted you canoi be deceived. We write this to post you. SOLD ON y A I DAVIS T1?e&nd Only Hardware Man Full Line of ACORN STOYES NJ) EANGES, STOYE PIPE, ELBOYS, COAL HtyS zim BQARDB- " etc., at Lowest Pricey Record."""" NORTH PLATTE, - - ' NEBRASKA. ilpST SAMPLE ROOM IN NORTH PLATTE 1 - : 'Jfcring refitted i our rooms in the fMo st , thepnbHo lis invited to call andree us, insonnJ finest' Wines, Liquors aridjgars at the 1 ' Our billiard Jiall is supplied witli 'jfoesfc make of tables knd competent attendants will sup, oli . miTB!$ BLOCK, OPPOSITE 'i'HE IOET pTciITCDJPOT Low I Prices. 5 CAPITAL, - - $50,000. SURPLUS, - - $22,500. -fl S. White, - - - President. k A, White, - Yice-Pres't. Jlrthur McNamara, - Cashier. -'A general banking business transacted. You can't find in these United States the Equal of the Genuine Beckwith Round Oak. You may try; you'll get left. Remember, it's the combination of good points that makes the Perfect Stove. That's where we' get ' IMITATIONS. '-They cei n't steal the whole stoye, They steal one thing and think they have it all, but it FAILS. They build another. It fails. Still they keep on crying ood as the KOUJND AK. Some neculiar merchants snv f.rmv liavo PEBSONAL METION. H. C. Rennie was a Maxwell visitor Sunday. Mrs. kewis Leonard and children are visiting relatives in Fremont. Miss Kate Barker is the gruest of Grand Island friends this week. Mrs. F. E. Bullard left yesterday for a visit with friends in Omaha. D. C. Congdon was" a visitor in Omaha the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Strahorn left for the east on yesterday morning's train. Mrs. F. W. Rincker leaves to morrow for a visit with Omaha friends. Henry Appleford and "Trot" Roberts, of Maxwell, were in town yesterday. Miss Nora Kinsman, of Julesburg has been the guest of North Platte friends for a few days past. W. C. Blackmore, the Suther- lands druggist, was the guest of North Platte friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fredk. Baker re turned the latter part of the week from a pleasant visit in Omaha. Mrs. Eva Reece4 of this city de partment inspector of the W. R. C. visited the corps at Gandy last week. Mr. aud Mrs. Cummings, of Il linois, were the guests of Mr. and M. Uoolittle the latter part of the week. Peter McGlone, who during the past year has been working at his trade in Illinois, is in town visiting relatives. Colonel Cody is expected home from the Bir Horn countrv about the 15th inst, and will remain in town until after Christmas. Dr. Galbraith, of Omaha, arrived in the city lastnight.and this after noon started on a trip up between the rivers in company with E. F. Seeberger. Will Coleman expects to leave this week for Atlantic, Iowa, where Mrs. Coleman has been visiting for several weeks. Mr. Coleman has the otter of two positions in Chicago, and it is likely he will accept one of them- Christmasfc o Will Soon be Here. We have a fine assortment of pretty little gifts suitable for any one. CLINTON, The Jeweler. The Woman's Relief Corps last Saturday afternoon elected the fol lowing officers: President, Mrs. J. W. Voodry; senior vice president, Mrs. Dickey; junior vice president, Mrs. Gus Snrith; treasurer Mrs. T. C. Patterson ; chaplain, Mrs. Masouj guard, Mrs. Jas. McMich- ael; delegates to the state conven- i.: 1 X TXT TTT T: 3 r liuii, mib, v. v. xuge aim lvirs. J. C. Orr; alternates, Mrs. A. S. Baldwin and Mrs. Black. The state convention will meet at Hastings the time of the state encampment of the G. A. R. The Wilcox Dept. S.tore, an in stitution tht helieyes in a liberal use pf printer's ink, uses a half page in to-day's paper in order to acquaint the people that it is head quarters for goods suitable for Christmas presents, as well as for other purposes. By visiting the Wilcox store you will be able to select nice presents without much of a strain upon your purse in othr words goods are being sold at very low prices. C02OnSSI0NEBS PBOCEEDINGS. December 4th Board met pur suant to call of county clerk; pres ent Thomson, Hardin and county clerk. The board proceeded to examine the new bridge over Fremont slough (in road. o. 6. ' 'December 5th. Board met, pres ent Thomson, Hardin and county clerk. Claim of Beach I. Hinman for $21.70, tax paid under protest, came up and after due investigation the following order was issued: "B. Buchanan, county treasurer you will refund to Beach I. Hinman city tax for the year 1892, S13,'44, paid under protest, and city tax' for the year 1893, S8. 26; paid under protest. Signed R. D. 'Thomson, Geo. 3D. Hatdin. county commis sioners'. " ' 4 Claim of. Joseph Fillion S25.85 for ballot boxes, -etc:, was allowed on general fund. Offers for the old bridge over Fre mont slough were examined, and that of Lt. D. Thqelecke, for $10.25, being the highest and best offer, the bridge was sold to L. D. Thoel- ecke, and county clerk ordered to give bill of sale for same on receipt of payment. NEBRASKA IS OUT OF THE DTJHPS tOmabaBee.) The executive committee of the Commercial club has had a state ment prepared, ahowing the busi ness conditions existing in the state and drawing comparisons which show the improvements which have been experienced in all lines of business within the past few months. The statement is most conservative in its nature, and was prepared with the greatest care, in order to avoid any suspic ion of "booming." It will be sent by the Commercial club to the most prominent eastern papers with a request that it be published. The full text of the document is as fol lows: What's the matter with Ne braska? Two years ago the legis lature appropriated $150,000 in aid of the drouth-stricken settlers on the western frontier, a region which prospered when devoted ex clusively to stock grazing, and can only be tilled when irrigated. This year the corn crop was the greatest in the history of the state, o r rn rr i i i r n O odu.uuu.uuu ousiieis. iuore man o,- 000,000 acres were planted to corn this vear, and the averace yield Was forty-five bushels to the acre and of this vast crop more than 200,000,000 bushels will be exported. Much of it is being shipped to the gulf ports. It is estimated that no less than 100.000,000 bushels will be fed to the herds of cattle and hogs this winter, making a revival of the live stock industry unprece dented in the history of Nebraska. Millions of dollars have beed bor rowed bv stock raisers who are taking advantage of the low price of corn and have bougflit feeders, which will be ready for the market next spring. In, Dodge county alone, over 150,000jsheep are bein wintered. There is an enormous increase in the number of cattle being wintered on the ranges. The estimate of the " number of Ne braska hogs which will be ready for the market next year is 2,000,000. Ivast year the total business of the packing houses was not so great in volume as in preceding years. The drouth cut short the supply of corn and grass, com pelling stock-growers to, dispose ot their stock at a disadvantage. Stock receipts at the South Omaha 3ards for the six months ending October 31, 1895, reached a total of 20,917 cars, while for the corres ponding months this year the total stock receipts amount to 23,360 cars. These figures show the re covery from drouth conditions ot two or three years ago. Those who make a business of gathering information on this subject say there is more live stock in Ne braska being fed for the market than ever before in the history of the state. When this stock shall have been turned into money next year," the season of business de pression will be at an end. Figures are at hand showing a steadjr increase this year in the business of the packing houses. A notable feature of the trade is the iucreased demand tor sheep, One packer, who slaughtered but 9,510 sheep from May to November, 1895, this year has killed 6S.708, over 600 per cent increase. Enormous in crease is also shown in the number of cattle and hogs slaughtered. From May to November, 1895, this house slaughtered 150, 691 hogs, and 68,361 cattle, as against 217453 hogs and 81,725 cattle this yean During the same period, another packer shows a proportion ol" in crease that is niost gratifying. Last year he killed 66,000 hogsand 2,000 cattle, while for six months this year he has killed 90,000 hogs, and 2,100 cattle. Another packer gives figures on the value of his product sold during the months ending October 31. 1895. at $3,350, 000, while this year the total is $3,500,000. This packer purchased; during the period, named in 1895, 31,856 cattle," 122,3is' hogst and 12,664. sheep; in i96, 31.309 cattle, ,4S,682. hogs and 10,195 sheep. -He paid for cattle this year $57,625 more thanfme paid last year, dur ing the period named. In 1895, he shipped 3,026 cars of product; this year, 3,461 cars. For the period named in 1895, another South Oma ha packer killed; Cattle, 5b, 047 "head; sheep, 23,248 head; hogs, 100,385 head; this year, "cattle 57,388 head; sheep, 41,941; hogs, 153,178. The shipments last year, exclusive of less than carload lots, amounted to 2,756 cars, this year 3,826. NEBBASKANEWsT Robbers cracked the depot at Ponca and secured thirty copper cents for their trouble. The mayor of York has ordered the removal of all gambling devices beyond the city limits. W. C. Page of Scibner will send eight hundred dressed turkeys to San Francisco this week. The bachelor girls of Wayne have formed au organization for the sup pression of matrimony. A creamery company has been.or ganized at Seward. It expects to start the churn the first of the year. A tame antelope owned at Ogal alla has the freedom of the town aud is evrybody's pet. Even the dogs treat it with respect. Millions ot trees were destroyed in the state by the recent sleet storm. The greatest damage oc curred north of the Platte river. The directors of the Dawson and Lincoln county irrigation district are advertising bonds for sale and propose to begin work as soon as possible. The construction of the ditch will afford employment to a great many. The Burlington railroad has an nounced that it will subscribe $30, 000 to the Trans-Mississippi expo sition and that it will also erect a new depot for its own and the use of another company that will join in the enterprise. Allen McNeill says that he was offered 60 cents per bushel for his wheat, at North Platte, this week same to be delivered within ten days. He refused the offer believ ing he will get a higher price. Gandy Pioneer. Under the present bounty law farmers get $5 per ton for sugar beets; without the bounty they only receive $4 per ton. And yet there are those who say the farmers get Pno benefit from the- bounty. At the average yield of twelve tons to the acre, the bounty alone amounts to more than is received per acre for corn. Minden Gazette. The board of county commission ers held a special official meeting, last Saturday, approved the official bond of Geo. W- Chappell, county clerk, and authorised the county at torney to confess judgment on about $400 of 1890 county general fund warrants owned by the Clark Leonard Investment company, of Lincoln, Nebraska. Gandy Pio neer. Some of our farmers report that they burning ear corn for fuel. They claim that 100 bushels of ear corn will go as far for fuel as two tons of coal, and the two tons of coal costs $1400 while 100 bush els of corn will only net them $8.00. We have never tried the experi ment but the figures demonstrate very truthfully the price ai the two commodities. Qathcnburg News, A. S.Haden received the con tract from the Gothenburg Irriga tion and Power Company to put up the ice. He commenced cutting and loading for the Union Pacific Com pany last Wednesday and will ship 500 cars to North Platte and prob ably as much more to other places along the U. P. line, The ice i,& clear as crystal and twelve inches thick and is cut in cakes 4422 inches, which make them so large that they axe. hard to handle with out breaking, and no broken cakes are shipped- They are cutting on the eas,t side of the lake which wil,l furnish ice enough to fill all the ice houses from Chey enne to Omaha. About thirty men will be employed. The teamsters will make about $2.00 per day and the day laborers $1.25. Every man in town who wants work canj get it Gothenburg Independent,. It is hard to find ajj,y. reason why Cubans should; pay $1,00, 000, 000 for theirr liberty,, which they have la.lready earned, or why UuncleSam : should be called upon to guarantee the payment of their persecutors, Spain owes Cuba five times that amount for money filched from her workshops. ' Bucklen'a Arnica Sahe The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises,, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, teter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bor. For sale by A. F. Streitz ttt n n 1 1 n Hi mm We are well satisfied if this ad simply 5 brings you to this we shall offer you without argument on our part Noth- ing we can say to you in this space, or 2 ELat the store, would appeal half as 2 strongly to your good judgment as the 3 goods we will show you and the prices 2 we will quote. This ad is therefore gE only an invitation to the store. If you s accept and become acquainted, the re- 3 suit will be mutually beneficial. We 3 s will make a fair profit on our goods 3 and you will buy cheaper than you could 3 elsewhere. Yours mm I THE Our Great Dress Handsome novelties in dress patterns in all colors now on sale. . All our fine 75c all-wool novelties 44-inch wide at 50 cts. 1.00 all-wool black Henriettas at - 75 cts. 50 cent Novelties go at - - - 25 cents per yard. Call and examine these before they are all sold, as they are the greatest bargains ever offered. BENNIES. According to the official report, the United States troops in Arizona and New Mexico marched 42,457 miles during the past year in pur suit of the Apaches, Thus it ap pears that ot least one Indian tribe was of some use, in the way of fur nishing exercise for the arm. Maccaline will cure- any case of itching piles. It has never failed. It affords nstant relief, and a cure in due time. Price 23 and 50 cents. Made by Foste Manufacturing Co. and sold by A. F. Streitz. At Milbitas, Santa Clara Couuty Cal., a palace has been turned into poorhouse. The palace was built by a millionaire named O'Toole. who lost everything soon after, and he is now living near by, a poor hostler, with the best possible pros pect of spending his last as a pau per within a short walk of the beautiful home he built in happier davs.. A Sound Liver Makes a "Well Man. Are you billious, constipated or troubled with jaundice, sick-headache bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry skin pain in back and between the shoulders, chill and fever &c. If you have and of these symtoms, your liver is out of order and slowly being poisoned, beeauseyour liver does not act promptly Horbine will cure any disorder of the liver, stomach or bowels. It has no equal an liver medicine. Price 75 cents. Free trial bottle at North Platte Phar macy, J. E. Bush, Mgr. There are not in the entire south as many as a half a dozen daily pa pers that advocate any further po litical experiments with free silver. The silver conspiracy hatched out in the United States Senate was a. trap set to catch the entire South, but it only partially successful. Globe Democrat. 0 store. The values will sell the goods 3 for business. FAIR. Goods Sale For the Next Ten Days, i. BENNIES. YOU CAN DEPEND ON "77". For grip, colds.catarrh.influenza, sore throat; because "77" acts di rectly through the nerve centres and so swiftly that the cure begins before the pellets are entirely dis solved on the tongue. Because, when the proper Homeopathic Remedy is selected, it works like a miracle. Because "77" is saf en sure and reliable. Because ,477" is easy to carry; a small bottle of pleasaut pellets, just fits the vest pocket; sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of 25c. or five for $1.00. Dr. Humphreys' Homeopathic Man ual of diseases free at druggists, or sent on request. Humphreys' Med icine Co., Cor. William & JohnSts. New York. Boxes of tin soldiers play a nios important part in the life of the young Hoheuzollerns, and the bat tles they hear of in their history lessons are all fought over again with great zeal and vigor. Water loo is their favorite conflict "be cause" they are told, "England would never have won the day if Blucher and the Prussians had not come up to help." What is a Guarantee? It is this. If you have a cough or s cold, a tickling ia the throat, which keeps you constantly coughiBg, or it you are troubled with any cheat, throat or lung trouble, whoopusg cough &o.r and you use Ballard's Horbound Syrup as directed giving it a fair trial ad & benefit is experience! we authorise or advertized agent to refund yoor on return of bottle. It fr iaSkf give satisfaction. It promptly jtliewt bronchi tg. Prioe 25- aact 30 ceiotat Sold by North Platte ?lnnaacyr 7. XL Bosh, Mgr. - t Tt Waiited-An Haa Writ J MM. W. ok wuDDien too. rmt aoo. mm Mac tf two