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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1895)
I' 4 'ITT i v' c YOL. II. c I ' NORTH PLAT'tI' ? MBiisKAtFRIDAT EVENING, OCTOBER 18, L895. :R0. 83, Platte ; H . OfJEKA ::::: HOUSE, - (one night-onuy) - . : Way October 2a, .1 m The Popular Comedian one ; WM. HOEY ;01d Hoss" late of Evans and Hoey, preseliting: tlie new Comic Play by Louis DeLange, entitled THE GLOBE TROTTER, Two and one-haJf hours of . - merriment. . Tickets at 'Clinton's. A Pino Banch. From a Nevada paper we clip the following" account ot the ranch of James Howard, a former resident of this city: One of the most comfortable, most profitable and most finely located ranches in this part of Nevada 'is tie one owned, and managed b James Howard in Washoe Valley, He owns 440 acres of land between Ross Lewers' place and Billy Thompson's ranch, extending" from the top of the western mountains to the shores of Washoe Lake on the.east. Almost the entire ranch iswuudef 'cultivation, grain and fruit growing" in wonderful profusion and of the finest quality. Just at present the orchard is a sight to behold. The branches of the trees are so heavily laden that in man places the- have broken from the weight. The fruit is of a -SUp,erior-quaiity and flavor, xind as Mr. Howard personally superin tends the packing" and shipping- there is no poor fruit sent out The Howard home is a model one and visitors find a cordial welcome from Mr, and Mrs. Howard and their two children, Mamie and Henry. At this season the entire household-is.engaged -in preparing for the threshers. Dr. Sawyer Dear Sir: I can say with pleasure that I have been using your medicine, and will rec ommend It to all suffering ladies. Mrs. W. w. Weatherehce, Augusta, Ga. Sold by F H Longley. SUTHEKLA5TD HEWS. - - Eli. Etchison, Jesse Etchison, Cafe Appiegate and some others are spending the week in Denver having taken advantage of the ex cursion on Friday. W. E. Allis has hisresidence about completed and will move into same this week. John Ahlborn rode the Woodman goat Saturday night and is now a full fledged wood-chopper. Wm. Porter spent Sunday in the sand hilf country south rustling up his Albino ponies. Work on the flume east of town is progressing at a rapid rate and things will be in ship-shape ere long it the water does not come down too soorbv At the republican primary on Saturday night a precinct ticket was nominated as follows: Asses sor Henry Coker; justices David Love and N. B. Whitesides, con stable Wm. Coker. road overseers i E. Mower and James Buchanan, judges of election Wm. Hoi try. Henry Coker, C. W. Burklund; clerks of election C B. McKinstry, David Love. ' Mrs. J. H. Appiegate is visiting with friends iir Denver this week. Mrs. E. Coates was a passenger Monday afternoon on No. 18 for the county seat. H. C. Nesbitt, of North Platte, is now a frequent visitor in our vil lage. Mrs. John Coker, who has been dangerously ill for some time is now on the rapid road to. recovery. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Porter last week a baby girl of the regula tion size. A prairie fire on the island Tues day afternoon destroyed considera ble haT for John Keith and others on the south side. B. Buchanan, of the Platte, was in town the last of the week looking over the political situation Tuesda' morning section foreman Poulsen had instructions to set his gang at work shoveling sand at the flume, and now the section looks deserted. Ed Hosletter returned from Chey enne the last of the week, Fred Pierson is erecting a dwell ing on his lot recently purchased west of the Bobbitt residence. Erik Linden has decidod that farming don't pay and has goue to work on the section. R. Ellsworth passed through town on Monday on his way to the ha camp near Nichols. Wm. Hockridge and family will spenoTthe winter in' Jowa and By ron Appiegate has been appointed school treasurer during his absence. Postmaster "White returned from his eastern trip last week and deputy Sweet took broncho passage for Wallace on Tuesday. Elmer Coates and family Sun dayeclwith relatives in Keith coun ty. Citizen. Children with pale, bluinh complexions, indicat ing the absence of the requisite red globules inlhe blood should take- Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. Tor sale by F. II. Longley. SPECIAL MEETING' of Palestine Commandery this (Tuesday) evening. Work -in; the K. T. Degree. By order of E. C- KILLER MATTERS. Fine .harvest 'weather. Every bodybusy and consequently happy. Mrs. Archie Adamson visited with her daughter, Mrs. Jessie Stoddard, on the ditch lately. DaTie Adamson invited his young friends to help him celebrate his seventeenth birthday on Monday and- all, .enjoyed a very pleasant evening-and'departed wishing their young host many happy returns. Miss KateMcGlone, who is teach ing the Mills school this term, is having a very pleasant school with twenty scholars in attendance. She boards with Mrs. H. Facka. Sorry to have to report any sick ness in our precinct, but we. have heard that the children ot Mr. and Mrs. J. Baggatt are very sick with whooping cough. Mrs. T. Rawley is also in poor health. Dr. Donald son is in attendance. Some of our farmers are well pleased to find that they have more corn and potatoes than tney ex pected to have, but others are still looking-for fairer fields, and are in tending to move away soon to take lamia on the Birdwood. Charles Beach and family expect to farm over there next year. A very pleasant party took place last Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Weinburg. High-five and dancing were the events of the evening. Refresh ments were serve'd .bouj: midnight, and their excellent quality was at tested hy the way in which they disappeared,. The host and hostess YPn high praises from their friends for the manner in which they enter tained, as no effort mi. their part was spared to insure a good time to all. The. music was supplied by the Ballara Brothers, and was very good, A. Picard and son Eugene- were guests at Pleasant View on Moil day. Country Cousin. NEBRASKA NOTES. " Buff iilpou n tyX warrants on the generalfund to the" full legal limit. Seven school children of Qreeley are suffering the tedious horrors of a run of typhoid fever. James Morrison of Saunders coun ty received $40 an acre for his farm. Laud is land in Nebraska. Ex-Senator Hale of Battle Creek took a squash from his garden the other day thajt weighed an even 100 pounds. Joseph Bender of Strang has a cork leg, and he fell the other day and broke his only sure enough one near the hip. Atter their late warm experience with fire, the people of Dodge think it would be good policy to "blow" themselves for a chemical engine. Hon. John Wilson, the Kearney weather prophet, predicts a long. cold winter witli heavy snows,!las4r ing from December to April. B. N. Adams, the gentleman who lost an arm and several fingers of his other hand ina railroad acci- dent last spring" squared accounts j with the company by accepting the j payment of all his expenses since- he was hurt and 51,600 fin- sordid gold. Twenty-six carloads of cattle from South Dakota were landed at the feeding yards of the Standard Cattle company at Ames. It is stated that the same will this year feed about 12,000 head of cattle. Beet pulp, of course will to a great extent constitute the feeding, ma terial. Mrs. S. W. Houston of Geeriiig retired the other night in seeming' good health, and in a few minutes remarked to her- husband, that she feared she was going to faint. Those were her last words, as she quietly sank into unconsciousness and passed away in a few minutes. She leaves a husband and five small children. Rennie's Slaughter Solo In its Last Throc3. The pop party, like the grange, its predecessor, has served itsbriet existence and is now in, it death throes. In a year hence it will be numbered among the dead items that strew the pages of political history. While some of the princi ples it advocated were commenda- si We are determined to sell goods at much less than cost for the next, sixty days, and ladies who wish fo purchase goods at much less than manufacturers' cost will find such at Rennie's. We must have money and we realize we must lose from $1,000 to $2,000 in oraer io get co,uuv. unsu. omy goes ior znoso gxjoas? 65-cent all-wool serges, one yard wide, at 35 cents; 33-cont double width all-wool tricots and. 20 cents: all out best calico at o centsj fifty pieces heavy unbleached muslin at 5 ccts; . one yard wide all-wool hopsacking at 25 centt, former price 50 cents; SL25 and $1.35 4G- inch Henriotta in black and colors at 6G centSi Table linen, napkins, millinery, shoes and carpets go at tho samo re duced prices. Good aIl-Wiol three-ply carpet at 50 cents; good carpet for 35 cents. Come and bring your cash and convince yourself that goods at Rennie's are sold cheaper than at any sheriff's sale you ever attended. JENNIE'?. COST PRICE SALE. iff Pale, thin, bloodless people should use Br. Saw yer's TJknUne. It is the greatest- romedy in the world lor making tho weai strong. ' For solo by FJ n. Longley. State of Ohio, Citt op Toledo, I Lucas Cocjjtv, ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of P-J. Cheney &Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sura of One Hundred Dollars foreaoh andevory case of. Catarrruthat oannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Curer- Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subcribed.. in rav presence this Gth day of December, A. D-1880. SEAL A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. ble, yet it accomplished nothing. HnlI,8 Catnrrh Cure .g takeQ internally Its leaders shouted retorm and practiced the reverse; they deluded their followers to furtlier own ends, they promised relief trom what they termed evils and made the evils greater as socm as the opportunity presented. As a consequence tht party is rapidly disintegrating and falling to pieces. The4 rank and file are leaving and soon there will only remain a few' leaders without a party, a. lot of demagogues with out a foHoanng. And such will be the end-of all political movements manipulated by unprincipled men.. Lexington Pioneer. . fejsifBrwtteJcdr now the storm centre of the country. The democrats all over the land have thir eyes focussed upon this learned bench and regard it as its last chance for finding out where they are at. They think the courtis Efoinsr to decide who are the real dem ocrats and entitled to the name and assets of the late party, the straight cuckoos or the free coinage softies. But the court may shy and sidetrack the whole business on the plea of jurisdiction. It is a pretty big question tor three lone justices to tackle. All the courts in the coun try should sit en banc o'nthe issue if it is possible to get them together, Journal. t Pr. .V. S.awyer: Dear Sir: I hare been saflor- og with sick headnche for a long lime. I used yoqr Family Cure and now am entirely relieved. I would not do without your medicine. Mrs. O. A. Miller. Sold by F. H. Longley. and acts directly on the blocd arid mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. v -i F. J, Cheney & Go. Toledo O. .53?r$old by Druggists, 75 c. Dr. A. P. Sawyer I have had Rheumatism 6inco I wag "0 years old, but since using yur Family Cure have been free from it It also cured my husband of the same disease. Mrs. Bobt. Con nelly, Brooklyn, Iowa. Sold by F. II. Longley. INVESTIGATE! A Golden Opportunity! Inspect our Great Off erim THE0UGH CAE SEBVICE. Minneapolis and St Paul. Minn,, to Lo3 An - goles, California., Arrangements have just been com pleted whereby the Union Pacific and connecting" lines will run a Pullman Tourist Sleeper from Min neapolis and St. Paul, Min nesota to Los Angeles, California, via Sioux:City"and Columbus, Neb.,. "wfthoiJt Change: car to leaye-Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, Paul every Thursday at 7:30 "m., and returning leaves Los Angeles at 2:00 p.m. every Thursda3T. For comtort there is nothing that excels the tourist car operated by the Union Pacific and it is an establish ed fact that this makes faster time than any other line in the west. This already gives promise of be ing the popular line for California travel, and applications for space in the sleeper should be made early. For information in regard to this through car line, apply to your near est Union Pacific agent or U LOMAX, Ge'l Pass, and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir: After suffering four. years with female weakness I was persuaded by a friend to try your Pastilles, and nfter using- them for one year, I cnu say I am entirely well . I can not recommend them too highly. Mrs. M. S. Brook Bronson, Bethel Branch Co., Mich. For sale by F. Longley. Once agaiii we are ready to do the right thing by you, and are pleased- to announce tha.t we4 now have open for inspection a sea sonable new line ot Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Slices, in fact everything to fit a man, boy or child.. tar Clotfein Moiiser WEBER & VOLLMER, Props. upplies School Of all kinds at O. 7V: NEMTON'S, ' A Tablet 5x8 inches for one cent. The largest and best , fiMceiit Tablet sre brought to North Platte. The finest line of all grades of Tablets. A ruler or lead pencil given with every 5 and 10 cent Tablet. C. M. Newton's Book Store ALE FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER! : 1 THE GREAT SLAVGHTE commences Wednesday, the 16th, and will continue all the month. Gold weather is coming rapidly and now is the time to prepare rdur self with warmer wearing apparel. Before purchasing goods in our line come and see what -.we can do for you. Qui; stock fe;; new:; and fresh and of the best quality. Our prices are such as to make our competitors mad. Read our price-list carefully: ; ' ' DRY f GOODS We will sell you a complete dress, with all trimmings tiO-cent quality serge or ladies1 cloth, in all colors for S3.78. We will sell you a Henrietta dress complete with trimmings for 3.38. Plain colored eiderdown at 37 cts. per yard. All-wool red flannel at 20 cts. per yard and up wards. -wool flannel, in all colors,suitable for dresses "alid'shirts,r'at 29 cBnts, worth 50. Shaker flannel at 5 cts. per yard, worth 10. Cotton flannels at 5 cents a yard and up. The best unbleached muslin at 5 cents per yard. The best washable ginghams at 5 cents per yard. Ger man blue prints at 7- cts. per yard. Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods. All-wool, half-wool fleece-lined, ribbed and plain un derwear: For Wednesday, Oct. 16th, and Thursday, .Oct. 17tlvtwo days only, we place on our bargain counter, 1 25-dtiKe'h ladies' ribbed Tests, fleece-lined, at 18 cents per garment, worth 40, Gent's gray suits, double-breasted. t . jalljsizes at 90 cents per suit. Blankets and Comforts You do not want to be rold at niorht when the Boston sells a 10-4 blanket at 6q cents a pair, worth 1.25.- Comforts from 90 cents and up. Ten aozen aii-wooi sKirr. patterns at cents, worm $1.25. C5 CM PES HND JKCKETS, CO A mm ments in town. We assorted 200 children's long- cloaks in-three lots, at $1.85. S2.25 and S2.75, sizes 4 to 14, not one in the tot worth less than $5. Tlnn'f pf vnnr children fro wifliDut'a" cloak when vou can fret one at these H prices. Shawls -We can sell ydn a'jrbod beaver shawl at $1.50 SHOES, SHOES. :Tfl (D iff ill 4-. ; Hr' 'it' S51 JK ........ d V) This line has been examined by the ladies of North Platte and vicinity, and all admit that we have the largest variety, the latest patterns, the best quality, and lowest prices of any in town. We cut the prices wide open. Our ladies' $3.50 jackets and ladies' capes are equal to any $7. 50 and so gar- i We are still cutting- the prices on shoes $1.35 .will buy a ladies fine donjrola button shoe, worth $2. Children's shoes are still at cut prices. We have Just received a new line of men's railroad shoes which cannot be equalled. Boots and Arctics at a great reduction. CL,OTHIjKG We will sell you an all-wool man's suit at $6.25. wort $10. We will sell vou a boy's Joiee suit for $1.50. worth $2.50; we will sell vou a youth's suit at $3.25, worth $5S Men's, youth's and chil dren's suits at sacrifice prices. Gloves and mittens at a great reduction. ' THE BOSTON STORE, JULIUS Pmm, Prop.