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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1895)
3 I' A. r 4- ' - ,.4' " f THE' BMTTE SEMWlBELYtilFRffiUlfS ;'JIUESDH 'EVENINCL? APRIL 2. -1895. . BATTLS BtrVTEEyiEAB AND IJON Animate FJgfctTw Terrible Kannd la tkY mil Mas; at New Laredo. Ii4BEDO, Tex., April 4.IB. .the, bull ring at New Lareflo, Mex.rthe African lion Paraell fought a terrible battle with an enormous, grizzly bear of the Aflwricaa type. The attendance was large, the local Mexican and Amer icas officials as well as all the most prominent business men from-ioth sides of the Rio Grande being there en masse. The animals f ought desperately for two rounds until they were completely ex-, kaasted, Imt contrary to 'expectation' neither was killed, t was' a bloody combat. The crowd went wild when the Americas grizzly threw his African fponent, the erstwhile king of beasts, so hard upon the ground that once bad tuae been called,- according to the usual rales, the lion would have been counted out. , Throughout the battle the lio showed the more agility and treach ery, bat to the bear must-be given the pate for stubborn stolid strength. Par nellis owned by Colonel E. Daniel Booce, the lion tamer, and is the beast that killed a keeper at the Midwinter fair. The bear is somewhat larger and heavier than the lion, and was secured at New Orieaflip, where he killed two keepers in one day. This is believed t be the first time on record that such a ibat has taken place. TROEO Br GOVERNOR IIOLCOMB. to Attach Bis Signature to tin i Omaha' Fire ami Felice Bill. Lincoln, April 1. Governor Hbl- lb has vetoed the Churchill-Russel commission bill. The house had hardly been called to order when the governor's private sec retary appeared with the message. Bkketts (Douglas) moved that the con iteration of the message be made a pedal order for 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, - April 3. Barry raised the poiat of order that the message must be acted upon immediately .which point the speaker overruled. Van Housen moved to lay Rickett's motion on the table. The motion to table was lost by a vote of 42 to 22. Rickett's motion was then agreed to. Elections In Ohio. Cincinnati, April In this city there was no election today, the terms having recently been arranged so as to have all expire the same year. Else where in the state heated local cam paigns will close with indirect effect on the coming state election in November ami in the senatorship and possibly the presidency so far as McKinley's chances are concerned. Many of the counties nominate by popular vote their candi dates for the legislature at the local elec tions in April. The feature of today's election that will attract most interest is the candidacy of many women throughout the state for members of the boards of education. Woman suffrage in Ohio for these offices has been legal ized and the women will take part. They have been conspicuous in the cam paign, especially in the smaller towns. Foal Flay Suspected, Cincinnati, April 1. An outgoing train on the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton ran over and horribly mangled a man lying apparently dead or uncon sctow on the track within the city lim its last night. Today the remains were identified as those of George Doshmer ef Fairmont, a painter. He had gone yesterday to collect a bill, and it is -srip-posed he was followed by robbers, knocked down and robbed and left dead or an conscious on the track so that the train might destroy evidence of murder. Battle With Moonshiners. . Little Rock, April 1. Deputy TJnit ei States Marshal Johnson and a posse of elx men have had a fight with a gang of moonshiners in the mountains of Heaipstead county. After the smoke cleared away the posse found the bodies of two of the outlaws, captured a third ami. took possession of an illicit plant canable of making 20 gallons of whisky a day. Hill and Bellamy of the posse. received serious wounds. Four moon shiners escaped. Fcrand After a Two Tears' Search. Kansas City, April 1. After a two mm' march, extending from coast to coast. Mrs. Lidie Opie of Salina, Kan., has located her child, kidnaped by her divorced husband in 1893, tracing it to this city, where Opie had recently re tained to make his home. Opie has been arrested. In her search for the child Mrs. Opie has ruined her health and spent $3,000. General Prentiss Will Bo Present. St. Joseph, April 1. General B. M Prentiss, one of the two surviving gen mmIa vehn took Tiart in the battle of Shiloh, left here for the battlefield to be Tmt at the- uuveilinc of the mouu 'meat on April. 5. General Prentis3 will be the only one of the surviving gener als present on this occasion. Exaitemcut In Ilssonrl. Ccp.a, April 1. The greatest excite ment prevails throughout the southern and western portions oi urawrora couu- tron account of the arrest oi Aiex wW M. Gresn and his five sous and their confinement in the Crawford conn ty jail for the murder of David Hilder brand on Wednesday last. tarreskrShipment of Cotton. Memphis, April 1. The Yazoo and Mississippi Valley freight train this awning pulled out for New Orleans with the largest shipment of cotton that prer left Memphis. It consisted of 10,521 bales, all billed through; to Liverpool. The largest previous shipment was 6, 175 pales: Snnrr Jnrv Failed to Aerec, ITashvillb, April 1. The jury in the case of M. A. Spurr was discharged by Judee Clark. The jury stood seven for coariction and fivo for acquittal. Spurr was tried on a charge of, certifying checks falselv as president of the Com mercial hnnV. Omaha, Apru'l. rete btoitenDerg, anoll.time urinter of this city, wae found dead in a room at the State hotel, navu-g oeen aspnyxiatea oy goa. 1895 APRIL r; . 1895 Tasto ; - -; : - . a . .Boiler lets Go IirWobnTB 1 f FIVE OTEERSWEREINJUREL Whlstio Was Celar JBlewn til Start tht Works When the Disaster Occurred. Tall Smokestack Blown Down Sev eral Buildings WrcckoA. - 1 Wobubx, Mass., April 1. Just before 7 a. m. one of the boilers in the Conn tannery at this place exploded with ter rific force, killing five men and injuring five others. Tbe dead are: ALLSTIN CLE1IENS, foreman. PATRICK LALLY. fireman. FRANK 31'MAHON. PATRICK M'GONAGEE, oiler. SAMUEL TBACX. ; n c The Injured. JOHJfKEXXY. "" JoiixTkacy. - , James Lyox. Octavious Sauxdehs. Patrick Riley died at 12:0 p. in., making the the explosion. There had been trouble with the boiler, for some time, and this morning John Parker, superintendent of the plant, was called to the boilerroom to see if it could not be fixed. It was found that the water supply could not be satisfactorily. adjusted, but this was remedied. By the time the tannery opened for the day the hospital at sixth victim ol SHI&OH ASSOCIATION- IGNORED. Illinois Peeple Met Pleased ..With the ,Afc peintment ef lews Me a. Monticello, Ills., April I The. members of the Shiloh Battlefield as sociation feci indignant that their assoc iation has been ignored in the appoint ment of the secretary of the Shiloh com mission, as they had asked for this posi tion as a slight recognition for what the association has done in organizing the movement and in carrying it forward. The appointment of Cadle of Iowa as chairman, and Seed of Iowa as secre tary, ignores not only the association but the state of Illinois, which had more troops in the battle than any state in the Union, yet it had no representa tive on the commission whatever. The' association holds the land on the battle field under legal options until March 4, 1890, and they will undoubtedly secure the land at the prices named in the options of the land owners and proceed to improve- the same as a battlefield park in accordance with the charter of the association, which has been granted by the state of Tennessee for this spe cial purpose. A syndicate of wealthy men has offered to furnish the money for the purchase of the entire battlefield by the association. Germany's Poor Eat Horseflesh Washdtgtox, April 1. In view of the closing of the German market to Amer ican cattle there is another direction towards which American packers might well turn their attention, and that is the preparation and sale of horse meat. The above is the suggestion made by United States Consul E. W. Tingle, at it was thought that the boiler was all J?na JJ? nVlif; -RiVp ininntoa WnrP MiVft Parker ro i"uu. xwj wiuu xu. entered the boilerroom and ordered that the whistle be blown to start the works. The rope attached to the whistle was pulled and instantly there was a fearful explosion. The big iron smokestack on the boilerhouse was blown high into the air and fell acrossjthe roof of the shop and the tall brick chimney fell into n thousand pieces, crushing the engine room beneath it. When the smoke and dust cleared away, the scene of wreck and ruin was revealed. Men hurried from all parts of the town and the work of removing those buried under the ruins was commenced immediately. The piteous cries of the injured pinned under the debris urged the rescuers on to rapid work, and in a short time the bodies of four men had been removed and six of the injured had been taken out. It was then found that one of the four boilers had been blown to pieces, completely wrecking the boilerhouse and demolishing several sheds nearby. The head of e boiler iell 800 yards from the tannery and the tubes were scattered in every direction. The falling chimney and smokestack wrecked the tannery building itself and the structure will have to be rebuilt. It is not known how many men were in the tannery when the explosion oc curred, but when the roll of employes was called shortly before 11 o'clock, seven men were missing. . Three Lives Ist In Forest Fires. .Bowling Greek, Ky., April 1. Two lives are reported to have been lost by the forest fires in this county and one m Grayson county. .Near Hadley, in the western part of this county, about 500 acres of timber have been burned over. The homes of Henry E. Her, Otis Smith and James "Walters "were destroyed. The families escaped on horses, but Henry E. Her was fatally burned and a negro farm hand perished on the Her farm. William Edwards, colored, was burned to death while fighting fire near Annoa. Taylor In South America. Pierre, S. T)., April 1. Attorney General Crawford has forwarded to a Pinkerton detective a letter over the state seal asking that courtesies ba granted him as an authorized agent of South Dakota in the Taylor matter. It vf as sent to a South American port, which will not be given out, but is prob ably Valparaiso, Chile, and it is pre sumed that it is forwarded on a clue of Taylor's location. Sunday Crusade In Si. Louis. St. Louis, April 1. Eleven members of the Sabbath association, among whom wre several ministers, emulated Dr. Parkhurst Sunday night and made a round of the theatrical dives in the dis trict bound by Clark avenue and Mar ket street. Fourth and Seventh streets. Their object was to procure the evidence on which Attorney James Hopkins this morning swore out warrants. Death of John F. Cooke. St. Louis, April 1. John P. Cooke, late British vice consul at this point, died here at his family residence. He was 89 years of age, and np to his last illness, which lasted only a few weeks, was a splendid specimen of health and vigor. Mr. Cooke came here from Hew York in 1870. He was born in England and was never naturalized in this conn try. Ho resigned his position as vice consul about a year ago. German cities the consumption of horse meat is almost as great as that of beef and mutton, and it is growing in the smaller towns. Of course the customers are exclusively of the poorer classes, but they compose nine-tenths of the consumers of the country, and the meat is sold for 7 cents a pound, against beef at from 15 to 25 cents. Chicagoans Call on Grover. Washington, April 1. The president received a delegation of Chicagoans who called in behalf of a number of the lead ing citizens of Chicago irrespective of party affiliations to invite the president to appear at a public reception intended to be tendered to himself and Mrs. Cleveland as a sense of their apprecia tion of his steadfast insistence on the preservation of a sound national cur rency. The president gave no assurance of his acceptance. McKinley In Washington, Washington, April 1. Governor Mo Kinley and party left their private car this morning and moved to the Ebbitt house. The governor spent the morn ing visiting friends. Among others he called on was Senator Sherman and the president. Sonth Omaha Postofflce Robbed. South Omaha, April I . Saf eblowers robbed the postofflce of $250 in cash, a lot of registered letters and about 2,000 2-ceut postage stamps. RAIN SCARED THE BULLS. Graiu Markets Started Lower, but Recover ed Most of the Loss. - Chicago. April 1'. Wheat started Jc lower today, braced up and recovered some of Its early loss. The rains which broke the drouth had the same effect on the market, and were the main bearish factors. The cables gave no encouragement to. the bulls, and caused the later reastion. Corn was easy with wheat. Oats woro weak on the rains Provisions were slightly lower, influenced by the weak grain market and more liberal hog receipts. CLOSING PniCES . WHEAT April. 5451! ;May July, 56J3c: September. 57Jc. CORN April. 45!g43c: May. July. 46Hl2c, September. 4o?c. OATS-April. 29i29c. May July. 28JSa. PORK April. $12.37; May. $12.47 LARD Apr:!, t' J7.00. RIBS April 15 35 17.62, ; July.$l2.C0. '00. May. 17.05, September, July. 10 17. September. Lone Overdue Ship Arrives. San Fhancisco, April I. The long overdue British ship Moresby has ar rived, 241 days from Liverpool. The cause of her detention was a succession of stormy days in the south Atlantic, in which she lost her foremast, sprang the maintop mast and main rigging, be sides having her upper works stove in. Schooner Burned at Sea. New York, April I. The Ward line steamer Ynmari, which arrived, fpoin Havana, brought as passengers Captain Grreen, mate, steward and three seamen of the 3-masted schooner Nina Tilson of Rocklaud. which was burned at sea Marcb21 while on the voyage fym Bal. timore for Galveston. Valuable Documents Destroyed. BTegina, N. TV. T., April l.-The courthouse building, containing all the records of the northwest territories, was totally destroyed by fire here. The val uable government and judges libraries' are a complete wreck and cannot bo re placed. Loss on bmldiijg, $30,000. . "WaSHIXGTON. Anril 1. The TTrtit-pit States tshpreme court has finished r6id ing trie $aeqi5iuus zor -tne aay aiKl OKI H at flirt inAAmh fnv ,. llav VmIm decision ot importance read was one de nying application made in behalf of August Bergmaun, a New Jersey mur- sierer, under sentence)! neatn: v .... . . . t , . fl J 22 23 24 25 26 27 Washikgton, Aprir'l. The president appointed postmasters .iaveities which, today became" presidential.' They are, as follows: Iowa George F. Parke, Gladbrook: Richard W. Lloyd, Lake Mills. Utah Caleb A. Barrett, Sal$ Ijake City, vice A. H. Nash, removed, Chicago Live "tock. CHICAGO, April I. HOGS Receipts, 30.CC0 head; left over; about 3.5C0; market active; prices steady at ?4.60t5.C0 for light: 4.704.00 for rough packing; 51.705 13 for mired: $4.05 5 25 for heavy and packing and shipping. CATTLE Receipts, 12.0JJ head; market steady and firm. SHEEP-Receipts, 13.C0 head; market firm; good demand. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha. April 1. CATTLE Receipts. 1,300 head; 130J to 1500 lbs., 5.256.10; 1100 to 13001bs.,?4.75(g.5.25;Ll0O tollOJlbs., $4.254.80; choice cows, $2.75(34.00; common cows, $1,259 2.50; good fesdtrrs. ?3.151.15; common feeders. $2.25(33 10; market strong. - HOGS Reselpts. 1,703 head; light, $4.05 4.8J; mixed 14.754.85; heavy, $4.85(3;4.9jj; mar ket stciidy. SHEEP Receipts, 1.G50 head;muttons.$3.50 1.75; lambs, $; market strong. Notice, I desire to sell the hay crop - for 1895, on the large Sidney Dillon Island located at Sutherland, sec tions 2, 3, 4, 5, town 13 north, and sections 33, 34, 35 and 36, in towii 14 north, all in range 34 west, to the highest bidder for cash. Bids will be received up to July 1st, 1895, and reserve the right to reject any and all bids. N. B. OLDS. FOR SALE 180 acres of land situated four miles northeast of Maxwell, Neb.; forty acres broken, sixty acres under fence. Live creek runs through part of the land. Ir rigation ditch threerquarters of a mile long constructed on land. Frame house in good condition. This farm must be sold at once, and will be sold cheap; part cash, balance on time. If not sold soon this property will be for rent. For fur ther particulars oall on or address NAroLEox St. Makie, North Platte, Neb. Apply at W. D. Pulw r's residence. NOTIGE. North Piatte. March 7tb, 1895. Wo, the undersigned, hereby forbid all persons from trespassing upon any portion of our premises. Any person hunting, shooting, hshicgorjtrespassing upon any of our lands iitsurotecuted to the full extent of JhJTlswi C . Gtiav, ' , i --f Patrick Grady, " H. Ottes, . i P. N. Dice. NOTICE. Washington, Dx 0jila?eh 12, 1895. -Notice is-hereby given to all persons .who may have claims against the "North Platte National Bank." North Platte. .Nebraska, that the same must be pre sented to Mr. Milton Doohttle, Receiver, with legal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they may be disallowed. James H. Eckels. 21m3 Comptroller of the Currency. 1 J PLUG TOBACCO Consumers f ckwilo)accoiA are wliw to m a little more tk trade tobaccos, will find this brand superior to all olKers- 3EWARE Of IMITATIONS. HOW'S THIS! - We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's. Catarrh Cure. J. F. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. We tbe undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm West .& Truax, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. U. P. TIME TABkCl GOING CAST. V a Itlfinfic rViT-aaa T)onf 19-10 1 w No. 4 Fast Mail 8 80A.M IT n W ? 1 . 1 fl .till . u no, s jjiiaiieu vmm a. m No. 28-Fre!ght No, IS Freight , No. 22 freight GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TI31K. No. 7 Pacific ExoresB Dept 7:10a. No. 1 Limited " llHJOp. v No. 21 Froight " 330 p. No. 23-Freight " 60 A. M N. B. OLDS. Agent. " 7K a. M. " 60 p. M. " 4:00 a, M JlRENCH & BALDWIN, ATT0RNEY8-AT-LAW, NORTH PLATTE, - - Office over N. P. Ntl. Bank NEBRASKA ft RIMES & WILCOX, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, tfOBTH PLATTE, - - - ; NEBRASKA Office over North Platte National Bank. QR. N. F. DONAI.DSONV Assistant Surgeon Union Pacflc Bp and Member of Pension Board, NORTH PLATTE, - ,c NEBBASKA. Office over Streitz's D nig Store. w M. EVES, M. X)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, , NEBRASKA Office: Neville's Block. Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty. A. P. KITTELL. 3. C. VAN NATTA. Kittell & Van Natta, IRRIGATION ENGINEERS. Prospective schemes investigated. Un profitable schemes rejuvenated. Surveys, Maps, Estimates and reports1 made, and construction superintended. Office in North Plntta Mnrh PUfA NpK NaUoual Bank Bltlg, INOrtn riaiie, VGD. 1U WEST FRONT-ST. C. F. SOHARMAM, Fire and Life Insuraace, Notary Public. 3,000 ite o! Ditch Land. HOUSES AfllJ LOTS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. GEO. NAUMAN'S SIXTH STREET MEAT MARKET. Meats at wholesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at all times. Cash paid for. Hides. HUMPHREYS' 'VETEJHMARYSPtCflCS For Hot, Cftttlt, Sfcetp, Vop, Tbp, AMD POTJLTHT. Stt Face Bk Tnann t f Ambaato aa Ckart Seat Free. cores ( FevereCaaae t laaa.Iaiaiaia tl A. A. Salaal Oieataaltia Milk rarer. jb.b.- straias jjaateaeaa D. D. Beta r Graka W E. C.MCMKks. HeaTaa. Pi r.v. CIlc er ctrlpea, Bellyaeka. G. G. Mlaearriaca. Haatarrkaaaa. H. H. Urlaarr aael Klaaay. Slaaaaa T.T.-lnMi " 4tK. Diseaaca af Piaa lea faralyata. tacle Bottle (orerWdow Siakle Case - "VetertBuyCanOnaaaBai iar TMenaary vara au, MriKriiMUir nrxuTraia.caiiikut - - Aft law.vtaLer 8oi4 bj BwnHll,r .muaam Tie ar. Don't pay other people's debts. DAYI8 Still Sellin Is the ONLY Hardware Man in North Platte that m ONE OWES. You "will always find my price right. Yours for Business, A. L. DAYIS. DEAIiER IN Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Sporting Goods, Etc.- 1 : : F. J- BROEKER. MERCHANT TAILOR. A Fine Line of Piece Goods to select from. First-class Fit. Excel lent Workmanship. FINEST SAMPLE E00M IN NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of stTle, the public is invited to call and see us insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables and competent attendants will supply all your wants. KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE x'HE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT BEWARE of imitation trade marks and labels. Insist on W AliD HA SOPA packa i S I Costs no more than inferior package soda never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni versally acknowledged purest in tbe tsorld. Made only by CHURCH & CO., rfov York, Soil y pxcers everywhere. Writ for Arm And Hammer Cook of valuablo Eccipcs FUEIi. 14 9m NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION- Lead Oiliee t North Platte. Neb. (. ned wtUer SilS& ?oSf ol hi sake faal proof fa eavfKWt jrf Ms el, dM 8Bii proof Trlll be-naade before Kecleter m Receiver at North Platte. Neb., oa May I, 1fM viz ' NICHOLAS P. CJOIE8, - who made HoraesteadEntry No. for the eontheitst quarter of section 19. tewaalup 11 Hem range 33 west. He names the followia witnmiij to prore his continaoaa reatdeace agoa caltlration of said laad. ji: Waer N. mm mons, Ira B. Fackler. Abraham Spanda mmd Samuel Farmer, all of WaiIae,Nebj 234J JOHN l H1NMAN, Bcgutcr. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte. Neb., ? - March 20th. 1895. i f Notice is hereby siren that the followi named setUer has tiled notice of his iateatui to make final proof ia sap port of hiecJaiai. aad that 8id proof will be made before Kenmer mmA Koceirer at North Platte. Neb., loa April 27th, 1S95, viz: LEAS NEALSEN. who made Homestead, Entry Ne. 16,439 for the northwest quarter ot Section 10. Township 12 north. Range 30 west. He, nanea the followiac witnesses to prove his continooaa roe idea upon and cultivation of said and. via: Jean R. Chapin, James Montague, Francis Montague, and Theodore Pagett. all of North Platte, Nee. , (i J OHN F. HINMAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., J March 19th. 1895. Notice is hereby gives that the followiag named settler has filed notice of his intentioa to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be amde before the Register aad Receiver at North Platte, Nob., on May 10th, 18, viz: WALTER N. SIMMONS, who mado Homestead' Entry No.. ,15,705. for the north hnlf of the ijortheast-qoarter and the north half of the northwest quarter of section 12, town, ship 11 north, range S3 west. Henaaws the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continooaa resi dence upon and cultivation of said' land, viz: Ira B. Fackler, Abraham Spcrgin, Nicholas P Ogier and John Staler, all of Wauaco, Nebraska. JOHN F. HINMAN, 23-6 Register. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. J. W. Dalbey and Albert O.Burnham, Lysaadar W.Tulleys and James N. Brown, (partners aa Burnbam, Tulleys k Company), defendants, wtl take notice that on the 8th day of October, 18i, Ellen B. Partridge, the plaintiff herein, filed her petition in the district court of Lincoln county, Na brasku, against said defendants, the object aad DraVer ot which are to foreclose a certain trast deed executed by Levi C. Lenon and Margaret Lenon to L. W. Tulleys, trustee for Clarence K. TToRee. ami afterwards assigned, together with the bond which said trust deed secared, to the plalaHC herein for a valuable consideration, upoa the South half of the Northwest quarter, and taeworta half of the Southwest quarter of Section twenty -two cm. in TownshlD ten ( 10). North of Range thirty- one (31), West of the sixth (6) principal meridian, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of one principal bond, with interest coupeaa attached, said bond dated April 2d, 1888, for the sum of Five Hundred dollars, due and payable iva years from date thereof: said trust deed provided that in cose said bona or coupons are not paiu waea due, or within ten days thereafter, the whole sum secured thereby may be declared to be due aad payable . There is now duo on said bond, coupeaa, and trust deed the sum of Five Hundred andNlaa-tv-seven dollnrs and twelve cents ($597.12), with Interest at tho rate of ten per cent per annum f roaa October 1st, 1S91. for which sum, with interest from this date, plaintiff prays for a decree that defead ants be required to pay the same, or that said preaa i?e may be sold to sutisfy the ainouut-found due. You are required to answer said petition oa or before Monday, the lPth day of April, 1895. Dated March 4th, vm. C. C. FLANSBTJBG, 3-84 . Attorney for PlaintiC SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. Claude Weingand, DEALER IN Coal Oil, Gasoline, Orude Petroleum and Coal Gas Tar. Leave orders at Newton's Store. Hershey & Co. DEALERS IN Agricultural : Implements OF ALL KINDS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb Wire, Bto. Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth E. B. WARNER, Funeral Director. AND EMBALMER. LEGAL KOTJCES. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Office at North Platte, Neb., February 11th, 1695. f Notice is hereby piven that the following-named pettier has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will bo made before the Register and Re ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on April 22d, 11505, viz: MORRELL A. WEBB, who made Homestead Entry No. 15.GS3, for the Northeast qunrter of Section 9,' Township 9 north, Rilnfio 20 west. Qe names the following witnesses to prove his coutinnoas residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz Joseph D. Hawkins, John A. Siroms, A. I.. Stark and Morgan W. Davis, all of TVcllfleot, Neb. 122 JOHN F. HINMAN, Register U. S. NOTICE. Land Office at North Plntto, Nob., .March 15th, 18'J.i. J Complaint having been entered at this office by Charles H. Smith against John D. Wagoner for abandoning nis Homestead Entry No. 1G757, dated October 10th, J892, upon tho east half of the north east quarter and the east halt of the southeast quarter section 26, township 10 north, range 26 west, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said- parties are hereby summoned to appear at the U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., on the '215th day ot April, 1805, at 11 o'clock a. m.. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. mln5 JOHN F. HIN5IAN, Register. In the District court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to Green L. Sherman, defendant, greeting: TOD ARE HEREBY NOTlxIEiJ, Tast yom 1 have been sued, together with Annie Sher man, McConnick Harvesting Machine Compaay, x corporation, Milton B. Whitney, Chariea 8. Fairchild, Harry E. Mooney, Sanford B. Ladd aad Frank Uagerman, aa Receivers of the Lombard In vestment Company, a corporation, as co-defead- auts, by Betsy W. Kingman, as plaintiff, in the Dis trict court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, and that on or before the 15th day of April, 1895, you meet answer the petition In chancery filed therein against said defendants, by said plaintiff, in wueh. plaintiff asks for a decree foreclosing the mort gage given by you, said defendant Oreen L. Sher man, to tne iomoaru investment uompany. amnm May 22d. 1890, and covering tho following described real estate, sttuated in Lincoln countv, Nebraeka, . to-wit: The West half of tho Northeast quarter, md the North sixty (60) acres of the East half eC the Northwest quarter of Section number tweaty two (22) in Township number nine (9) Nerta, Range number twenty-seven (27), West of the (Ha principal meridian. Said petition further prays that all the right, itle. lien or interest of all the defendants in or to he said lands, and every part thereof, be decreed junior and inferior to the aforesaid mortgage bow owned by sold plaintiff, and that said lands be sold and tbe proceeds of the sale be applied, first so the payment of the costs of sale and of said action, and second, the amount due the plaintiff upon aatd mortgage, and that all of the defendants be barred md foreclosed of au interest in or lien upon aata land. And nnless you answer said petition, as afore said, tbe facts therein alleged will be taken as tree and a decree will bo rendered as therein prayed. Witness my hand and the seal of said court, by me affixed, at North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, this 2d day of March, 1895. W. C. ELDER. Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska. Fxrry & Small, PUXHIFKR & ALKXAXDEB, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Concordia, Kansas. (First publication in The Nobth Platte Tar- , bune, March 5th, 1895". SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. NOTIU5 FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte. Neb, ) March 18th, 1S95. f Notice ishereby giventhatthefollowing-named 8ettlerhas filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before Register and Receiver at North Platte. Nob., on April 27th, 1895, viz: ROBERT M. HOPKINS, who made Homestead Entry No. 15,0015. for the .southeast qunrter section 10, township J2 north, range 31 west, lie names tho following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph H. Baker, David K. Baker, Milo M. Spiccr and John E. Koontz, all ot North PJatte, Nebraska. 22H! JOHN F. HINMAN, Register. A fall line of first-class funeral supplies always in stock. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBBRSKA. Telegraph orders promptly attended to. R. D. THOMSON, jrcliitect, Contractor and Builder. i . 127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ' FOR RELIABLE INSUR ANCE GO TO T. C. PATTER SON. ONLY FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES REPRESENTED. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ) March 15th, JSW. J Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof iu snpport of her claim, and that said proof will bo made beforo the Register and Re ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on April 27th, 1893, viz: NETTIE A. PITZER REECE, on Homestead Application No. 13681 for the south east quarter section 21, township 9 north, range 29 west of the 6th principal meridian. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous resi dence upon and cnltivation of said land, viz: Melissa VanNatta, William T. VanNatta and Edward 0. Eves, all of Buchanan. Nebraska, and Jesse T. Will, of Curtis, Nebraska. JOHN F. HINMAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lajtd OrvicE at NonTH Puittk, Neb., March 18th, 1S95. Notice is heroby given that tho following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his clnim, and that said proof will bo made before the Register nnd Re ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on April aU, 1893, viz: JOHN CEDERBERO, who made Homestead Entry No. 16,934, for the east hnlf of the northwest quarter and tho eat half of the southwest quarter section 3), township 15 north, range 25 west. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: C. F. Johnson, C. A. Erikson, Lars BILxt and C. A. Rodin, all of Tallin, Nebraska. JOHN F. HINMAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte, Nebr. ) March 19th. 1893. S Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to mako final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before tho Register and Re ceiver at North Platto. Neb., on May lOtb, 183 vi z " IRA B. FACKLER, who made Homestead Entry No. 13,521 for the south half of the sontbwest quarter and the west half of tho southeast quarter Section 2, township 11 norh, range 33 west- He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Walter N. Simmons, Nicholas P. Ogier, Abraham Spar gin and Hamuel Farmer, all of Wallace, Neb. 23 JOHN F. HINMAN, Register. In the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska. The State of Nebraska to Seymour B. Hawley, Eliza Hawley, D. C. Lord, Jr., Lord, wife of O. C. Lord, Jr., defendants, Oreeting: You, and each of you, are hereby notified that you have been sued, together with Milton B. .Vhltney, Charles S. Fairchild, Harry E. Mooeey, 3anford B. Ladd and Frank Hagerman as receiv ers of the Lombard Investment Company, a cor poration, as co-defendants, by John J). Newcoab, is plaintiff, in the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, and that on or before the 13th day of May, 1895, you must answer the petition in ckaa eery filed therein against said defendants, by said plaintiff, in which.the plaintiff asks for a decree foreclosing the mortgage given by said defendant Seymour B. Hawley and Eliza Hawley to tbe Loss bnrd Investment Company dated October 1Mb, IbCO. and covering the following described -eal estate situated in said county of Lincoln, aad -tate of Nobraska, to-wit: The East half of Ike Northeast quarter, and the East half of the South east quarter of Section eighteen (18), In Town ship thirteen (13) north, Range thirty-three (), west of the Sixth P. M. And said petition further prays that all the right, title, lien or interest of all of the defend ants In or to said lands, and every part thereof, be decreed junior and inferior to the said mort gage, now owned by plaintiff, and that said Iaadt' oe sold and the proceeds of the sale be applied to the payment of the costs of the sale, aad of said action, and to tho amount due the plaiBttC upon said mortgage, and that all of the defead ints be barred nnd foreclosed of all interest ia or lien upon said land. And that unless you answer said petition, a aforesaid, the facts therein alleged will be taken as true, and a decree will be rendered as therein prayed- Witness my hand, and the seal of said court by me affixed at North Platte, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, this 27th day of March, 1895. W.C. ELDER, Clerk of tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Ferry k Small and Pulsifer k Alexander, Con cordia, Kansas, attorneys for Plaintiff. fFirst published in The North Platti TBimntr April 2d, 1S95.) N' OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY VM- tnoofa chattel mortgage dated on the HMa day of November, 1893, and duly filed and re corded in the office of the connty clerk of Lineeln county, Nebraska, on the 3Uth day of March, law, and executed by John McNamara to P. O. Bnckaa- an to secure the payment oi tne sum or with interest at ten per cent per annum, and apea which there is now due tne sum of W02.00. De fault having been made In the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceedings at law hav ing been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will sell the property therein described, viz: Ono American HydraaHe Well Boring Machine with 300 feet o 'drillintf rods. ono drilling jack and balance, oue horse power (four horse size), two jack screws, and all tools and appurtenances belonging thereto, one hay horse ten years old, branded on left hip with fig ures "12". at public auction. at Richards' livery barn, in the town of Sutherland, Nebraska, oa the 23d day of April, 1893, at one o'clock p. m. of said day. P. O. BUCHANAN, Mortgagee. A23 By W. K. Beaxtchamp, Agent. mm usi! , I. A. FORT, Has 200,000 acres of U. P. R. R. land for sale on the ten year plan. Call and see him if you want a bargain. ... ? : mm Subscribe for the Semi- Veejdy Tribune St m:. h 'J 1 "sK - 1