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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1895)
VOL. XI. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 29, 1895. NO. 21 Spring Opening ;kr 1895 V Ti 1 i ... ... . . jb il uargams you are looking for? Well, stop right where you are. Our new spring syscK is iuu 01 uieni. uunng our stay in the east we selected one, of the iinest lines of goods ever shown in this city, consisting of Dress Goods, Novelties wash Silks Plushes and Velvets, Percales, Sateens, Chambrays, Nainsooks, Silk- alenes, Zophry Ginghams, Outings, Cretonnes, Drapery, Table Linen, Towlings, Oassnnere for suits and pants, Prints, Apron Ginghams, Laces and Embroidery. Parasols, Gauze Underwear, White Muslin Underwear, Trimmings for Dress, Buckles for Dresses and belts, Hair Ornaments, Sido Combs, Hair Cloth, Hosiery, Veilings, Corsets, Corset Covers, Infants' Cloaks and Bonnets, Shoes, and thous ands of articles which space will not permit to mention. Everything goes at SACRIFICE PRICES, All we ask of the public is to call and examine our beau tiful lino of goods and'prices. Hero is a few of our price. Read them: DEPARTME1TT. ;otxis, plain or plaids, spring and summer IDIRY" GOODS 25 pieces of double width dress Bhades, at 15 cents per yard. 25 pieces Henriettas, all colors, three-fourth wool, 3G-in. wide at25cts per yard Outing flannel at 5 cents per yard. Dress Ginghams at Cj cents per yard. Apron Ginghams at 4.. cents per yard. Pepperell J) 1 Sheeting, unbleached, ;it 18 cents per yard. I'epperell 0-4 bleached sheeting at 20 cents per yard. Turkey Red Table Linen, warranted fast colors at 35 cents per yard. Bleached or Cream Tabb Linen at 37JX cents per yard, Frederick Arnold's Henriettas, -IG-inch wide, silk finish, made in Greitz, Ger many, in all colors, at 75 cents per yard. China Silks for waists or dresses at 27Jo cents per yard. Three papers of pins for 5 cents. Three spools of thread for 10 cents. German Blue Prints at , cents. Ladies' Black Hose at (J cents per pair. Figured Sateens at 10 cents per yard. SHOE DE-A.ILTJMIEISrT. 200 pairs ladies' fine Dongola Button Shoes, French or square toes, at $1.25 per pair. Ladies' O xfords iu black, tan, brown or but!" color from S1.00 up. Children's shoes from 25 cents up. Men's oil grain, buckle plow shoes at 95 cents per pair. Children's knee suits, ages -1 to 11, three-fourths wool, at 81.45. Our 6tock is all fresh and clean; nothing left from other seasons. This sale commences Saturday, March 23d, and will continue the balance of this month. Pictures and Silverware for thoso who have tickets taken up. I ' 7 . I . . .... - I . worhiug jii tue oiacKsmitu tfiofiol Hnggata. Distemper is prevailing among- with H. W. Fogel at Hersbey shop the horses in this section of the county to considerable extent. Rev. Graves of 2ibrth Platte will preach in the Maccabee hall at Her shey next Sunday evening: at the usual hour. w . b. Lox ana Unas. Becker are puttinir in small irrain upon the McKee farm. J. v. Liies lias made some lm provements in the yard around his new residence lately which adds greatly to its appearance. J. C, Maisner assisted him in the work S. H. Phamecie received eighty five cents per bushel for a load of potatoes at the hub on Tuesday this week. A man by the name of Rudolph. from the Red Willow country, will work the ditch farm recently va cated bv I. N. Ball. The wild geese have migrated to more congenial climes within the past couple or three days The Patterson & Alexander tching machine began work on the Farmers & Merchant's ditch near this station again to-dav. Considerable wheat has been in the valley within the past Notwithstanding the busy season there was a good attendance at prayer meeting at this place on Wednesday evening. W. O. Thompson delivered 400 bushels of oats attU$ Scout's Rest Ranch thisiveek in four loads; con sideration SI. 30 per cwt. Billy Frazier and Chas., Wood, of the county seat,, were up in this section on Thursday:. Mrs. M. C. Brown has returned from an extended, visit with rela tives and friends in Sidney. Pat. m Bos on Store- J. fwi MOST o DELICIOUS o COFFEE own week. u. ouuivan took a -poricer after the drouth to the North Platte market a short mni-p if rimihiv SUTHERLAND NEWS. John Danielson has purchased a tract of land along - the Paxtou & Hershey ditch, and has the con tract for plastering the new houses being built in that locality by them. Try Blackmore's Sarsaparilla. About five o'clock Saturday morn ing J. W. Uobbitt's residence in Fairview precinct was consumed by fire. The wind was blowing a gale and before the family hardly rea lized what was the matter everv thing was gone; only a little sum mer clothing and the bedding being saved. This is hard luck at anv as it now does and hard times, Mr. Babbitt MILLINERY! MILLINERY! 3rJEtJL2T.JD TDTSJPTjJrr .A.T MISS KATE WOOD is now in charge of the very Fist id latest Stylos o M ever exhibited in the city of North Platte. RENNIE'S. RENNIE'S. Call and examine them. RENNIE'S. time, and coining so. time since that tipped the beam at and family havevthe'sympathy of o IN o THE o WORLD ! SPURR"S REVERE MOCHA AND JAVA. .HARRINGTON & T0BIN, SOLE ACTS. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. 478 pounds The Hinman dithing outfit is rushing business on the Farmers fc Merchants' canal at this scrib bling. The majority of the 'prairie schooners though this country have been westward bound lately. Green grass is begining to shoot up on the low land in fine shape. Con Scharmann and J. D. Cotton of the Platte passed up the grade as far as the Stimson farm on Thursday, returning down the south side via Mr. Cotton's farm. Willi Loker will ride the old ditch this season. His appoint ment to that position crives entire satisfaction to the patrons same. W. Calhoun is erecting a new fence along the -south line of his farm. Mrs. J. M. Dwyer. who has been critically ill for a couple of weeks, is, we are pleased to state, about convalescent the communitv, aad if the neififh- bors were not so hard up themselves jteps would be taken to help them rebuild. A party having a contract on ths South Side ditch has rented the bshire house opposite the school- house and built a stable close b School supplies at Blackmore & co s. r Alex Xeilson -returned from Omaha on Saturday morning. He reports things very dry and the farmers scary in the eastern part of the state. A. D. Buckworth, of the -Platte, was on our streets Monday." Blackmore's "No. 331 L.inimetit for ojtlie j for hrij-hed wirr? ruts. rivps nnvfr- ! sal satisfaction. ' L. J. Johnson, who has been build ing some Jiouse on tin? Hershey lauds north of town, started for his home near Omahajon Saturday. He Dame Rumor has it that Geo. C. "White has purchased a thirteen-acre tract of land of John Hawley. Lamps and lamp supplies at Black more & Co's. John Bratt made a flying trip to the Bird wood ranch on Monda-. W. W. Keith, of Welltleet attend ed the Hostettersaleon Wednesday Nels Peterson has rented part of Arch Foyer's farm, and will com mence work at once. Try Blackmore's Sarsaparilla for all diseases arising from impure blood. Elmer Wallace and wife, of Oga lalla, visited with friends around town this week. . ir , ucoigc jiiiiersou s new nouse is rapidly looming up, and will be the largest one in town. Albert Wilson of Ogalalla, was on our streets Wednesday. Use Blackmore's Condition Pow der for vour stock. It is guaran teed to give satisfaction: 25 "cents a! pound, a pounds for $1.00. Miss Mabel Johnson is visiting this week with her stster,Mrs. C. B. McKinstry. Hugh Brogan, of Clear Creek, has has purchased P. O. Buchanan's herd of cattle, and will now have a good-sized bunch to look after. Hugh is one of the men who have made money in Lincoln county. Pure drugs, paints, oils, glass, etc Physician's GRAND 1 I SPftI I0PH1 I i AT THE at Black more & Go's X. J. Snow Ave understand' is in town on legal busines Tuesday -n m? j -m r prescriptions a specialty. , . ,( t r armers around town are break ing up prairie and.preparing to irri jgaten'iyBoon as the water comes uv with him. W. G. Lemon, oiJoKtltlatte was down. ClTIZEJX, Star Clothing House. THE LARGEST STOCK OF Spring Clothing Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes ever shown in the city of North Platte, or any other city west of Omaha. Our Prices Defy Competition. Immediate Inspection Invited. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, WEBER & VOLLMER, Props. Mail orders promptly attended to. EVERY DAY PRICES ! Commencing at once, not special but every day prices. We quote you a few prices. We guarantee our goods to be first-class. Our goods are turned over so fast they don7t have time to get shelf-worn and stale. The reason why wc sell goods so cheap is that CASH is what talks. You don't have to pay Jones' bill. A word to the wise is sufficient. ! Special Combination No. i 40 yards host L L Muslin 4 pounds best California Peaches. G pounds choice Prunes 4 pounds choice Apricots (5 pounds large Raisins 2 cans of Baking Powder .") packages of Yeast 1 large package Matches 7 bars Harkens Bros. Soap. 3 bars Tar Soap 3 cans Above All Corn 3 pounds Soda. .00 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 All the above for S5.00. Wc carry the celebrated Parker Gloves, just the tiling for Spring. Every pair warranted. The tariff regulation does not effect us, as we bought after it went into effect. Combination No. q. 40 pounds best Granulated Sugar 30 bars Harkens Bros' Laundry Soap. 2 cans Lewis Lye -81 . 1 1 bottle Vanilla Extract. 1 bottle Lemon Extract 1 pound ground Pepper 6 pounds cleaned Currants- 1 pound Choice 1 ea 3 pounds Choice Prunes 2 pounds Choice Mixed Candy. o pounds Rolled Oats- 1 large box of Matches 1 pound Rio Coffee .00 ,00 25 10 10 25 50 50 25 25 25 25 30 All the above for Five Dollars. Ladies, you can find imitation of Hair Cloth and Fiber ine at our store. They are in the push. Those Trimming Silks are cheap at 50 cents. Find some by calling. Our Shoes arc warranted to give satisfaction. Try a pair and be convinced. . i . We have some special drives in Printed Satines. Ten and 12-i cents per yard. We are receiving a nice line ot Gimp Trimmings. They are cheaper than last season. We have just bought a nice line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods and novelties will be in next week. Bananas and Oranges are cheap at 25 cents per dozen. Combination No. 3. 24 spools Coates' Thread 50 15 yards Simpson's Best Prints 50 10 pounds Granulated Sugar 50 1 gallon best Sorghum 50 20 small Boxes of Matches 25 10 pounds Dried Grapes 50 1 pound of Pepper 25 3 pounds Best Raisins 25 3 pounds of Soda 25 1 pound of Fancy Tea 50 5 bars White Russian Soap 25 1 can Bon Bon Baking Powder 15 1 bottle Lemon Extract 10 G pounds of Oatmeal 25 3 pounds best Rice 25 All the above for Five Dollars. Twenty pounds of Dried Grapes for one dollar. Patronize home industry by buying North Platte, Fullerton and Cozad Flour. Best patent Si per sack. Every sack guaranteed. Forty pounds of Sugar 1.00. See Combination No. 2. Lincoln combination orders filled to the Queen's taste. Forty yards of Muslin for Si'.'oo. See-combination No.. 1. Genuuine Hair Cloth just in at 65 cents a yard. f . T. MIES, M 1 Combination No. 4. 7 pounds of Rio or Arbuckle's Coffee One 3-gallon keg of Syrup 6 pounds of large Raisins 6 pounds of Choice Prunes 12 pounds of Oatmeal 6 pounds of choice Rice. 1 pound choice Tea 3 cans Above All Corn 1 pound Ground Pepper. All the above for Five Dollars. . 1.00 . 1.00 . 50 . 50 . 50 50 . 50 . 25 50 i J NORTH PLATTE, NEB. We Have Bargains for All. 1 MM i WfwflfflWWffllffwllWwWUff Wll i I