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About Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1887)
STEVENS & BARE, Editors am Pkops. SATURDAY, APBItr23, 1887. The uncertainty of a jury's ver dict was again shown in the Aren dorf murder trial. Conviction was not expected by any one who had watched the evidence, but that eleven jurors should vote for ac quittal is somewhat remarkable. If the state can produce no better evidence in the other cases, the prosecutor might as well nolle the whole business. Hon. A. J. Weaver died at his residence in Falls City Monday evening of peneumonia, after an illness of a few days. He was about 44 years of age and had been a resident of Nebraska since '69, most of the time having accupied important public positions. He was prosecuting attorney for the first judicial district four years, then judge of the same district five years, and represented the "Big First" in Congress two terms. He was a self-made man, possessing for above the average ability. His death will be quite noticably felt in Ne braska affairs. LAWS OP 1887. S. F. 153 Changes, in Section 63 chapter 77, the date upon which the assessor shall make his returns to the county clerk from "on or before the first Monday in June" to "on or before the second Monday in June." In section 70, the annual meet ing of the county board "commenc ing on the first Tuesday in June" is changed to the first Tuesday after the second Monday in June." S. F. 72 Any person without right wearing a Gr. A. R. badge, either wilfully or the purpose ob taining aid or assistance thereby, shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor. Passed with emergency clause. S. F. 4 Section 1, .of article 9, chapter 72 of the compiled statutes of 1885, entitled "Railroads," is amended so as to read as follows: It shall be unlawful for any railroad cornoration oueratine:, or which shall hereafter operate, a railroad in this state, to charge, collect, de mand or receive for the transporta tion of any passenger over ten years of age, with baggage not exceeding 200 nounds in weicht. on anv train x n over its line of road in the state or Nebraska, a sum exceeding 3 cents per mile. Arthur county. S. F. 106 All that portion of the state, commenc ing at the southeast corner of town ship 17 north, of range 36 west of the 6th p. m.; thence north to the northeast corner of township 20 north of range 36 west; thence west along said township line to the east line of Cheyenne county; thence south along the east line of Cher enne county to the north line of Keith county; thence east along the north line of Keith county to the place of beginning shall constitute the county of Arthur. Passed with emergency clause. McPherson county. S. F. 105 Provides that all that portion of the state commencing at the south east corner of township 17 north, of range 30 west of 6th p. m.; thence north along the west bound ary line of Logan county to the northeast corner of township 20 north, of range 30 west; thence west along said township line to the north-west corner of township 20 north, of range 35 west; thence south on said range line to the southwest corner of township 17 north, of range 35 west; thence east along the north boundary line of Lincoln county to the place of be ginning, shall constitute the county ofMcPh erson. Passed with emer gency clause. Thomas county. S. F. 59 All. that portion of Nebraska, commenc ing at the southeast corner of township 21 north, of range 26 west or the 6th p. m.; running thence north along the west line of Blaine county to the northeast corner of township 24 north, range 26 -west; thence west along the south line of Cherry county to the northwest corner of township 24 north, range 30 west; thence south along said range line to the south east corner of township 21 north, range 30 west; thence east along north line of Logan county to the place of beginning shall constitute the county of Thomas. Passed with emergency clause. Grant county. S. F. 100 All that portion of the state of Nebras ka commencing at the southeast corner of township 21 north, range 36 west of the 6th p. m.; thence north on said range line to the northeast corner of township 24 north, of range 36 west; thence west along the south boundary line of Cherry county to the east county line of Sheridan County; thence south along the east boundary line of Cheyenne county to the south line of township 21, range 42 west; thence east along said township line to the place of beginning is made the county of Grant. Passed with emergency clause. S. F. 76 Section 206 of the cri minal code is amended by making the penalty for the sale or giving away or keeping in possession for the purpose of selling or loaning any obscene, lewd, indecent or las civious book, pamphlet, paper, drawing, lithograph, engraving, pic ture, photograph, model, cast or any instrument or article of indecent or immoral use, or for the advertising of the same for sale, or giving in formation where the same may be purchased or obtained, a fine not exceeding $ 1,000, or imprisonment i i ! t in tne county jau not exceeaing one year, or both. The same fine and imprisonment is attached to ,the use of the mails for sending such arti cles out. Printing advertisements of medicines for the cure of venereal diseases; the sale or giving away of books, papers or magazines made up of criminal news, police reports or accounts of criminal deeds, or pic tures and stores or immoral deeds, lust or crime, or the exhibiting of the same within, the view, or which mav be within the view of any minor child. These sots are subject to the same penalties. All magis trates are authorized to seize such goods and destroy the same. This act does not apply to standard medi cal works, or to the possession of models by artists. S. F. 143 Any person who shall intentionally attempt to provoke an assault upon himself or another, by uttering grossly vile or insulting words to the opposite party, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined m anv sum not exceeding ten dollars or imprison ment in the county jail not exceed ing ten days. S. F. 101 Section 47 of chapter 7 of the criminal code is amended so as to make the publication of a libel in a paper of general circula tion a crime, punishable- by impri sonment in the penitentiary for not more than three years nor less than one year. S. F. 98 This amends sections 214 and 215 of the criminal code so as to provide that any person who shall bet anv monev and nronertv upon any gaming table, bank or device whatever, or shall bet upon any game played at or by means of anv such gammg table, shall upon conviction, thereof be fined in any sum not less than $100 nor more than 500, or be imprisoned in the penitentiary not more than two years. Any person keeping any of the above named gambling devices shall be fined in any sum not less than 300 nor more than $500 or be imprisoned in the penitentiary not exceeding two years. H. R. 137 Amending section 38, chapter 77, compiled statutes of 1885. The section now reads: Each and every insurance company transacting business in this state shall be taxed upon the "excess of premiums received over losses and ordinary expenses incurred" within the state during the 3rear previous to the year of listing in the county where the agent conduct the busi ness, properly proportioned by the company at the same rate that all personal property is taxed," and the agent shall render the list and be personally liable for the tax. In case of his refusal to render the list the amount may be assessed accord ing to the best knowledge of the assessor. S. F. 32 By this act it is made unlawful for grain and stock deal ers to enter into any agreement, contract or combination for pooling the prices of different and compet ing dealers to divide between them the net proceeds of their earnings, or fixing the price which any dealer company or association shall pay. The violation of the provisions of this act shall be deemed a misde minor, and subject to a fine in any sum not exceeding $1,000 or im prisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or . both at the discretion of the court. H. R. 318 This act provides that all oils, or any oil fluid or substance which is a product of petroleum or into which petroleum or any pro duct of petroleum enters or is found a constituent element, whether manufactured in this state or not, shall be inspected before being of fered for sale for illuminating pur poses. The governor is authorized and instructed to appoint a suitable disinterested person as inspector, who may appoint assistants not ex ceeding five in number, terms of office to be two years. This act makes it unlawful for any manu facturer or dealer to sell oil not in spected and which has borne the test, and describes minutely the duties of the inspector. Oil which shall be stamped as being fit for illuminating purposes must have 100 degrees Fahrenheit flash test, and the case or barrel must be branded by the inspector as having tested the exact number of degrees which his trial showed. The oil tester now in use in Ohio known as the Foster apparatus, shall be used by the state inspector and his deputies. S. F. 38 Section 22 chapter 23 of the compiled statutes of 1885 is amended as follows: "A widow who at the time of her husband's death be living therewith, and not owning in her own right a residence suitable to her condition in life, may remain in the dwelling house of her husband after his death, so long as she remains a widow, without rent charge, aud shall have her reason able sustenance out of the estate for three years." H. R.3 This act provides that a register of deeds shall be elected in all counties having a population of 18,000 or more, and prescribes the duties of such registers. It provides that registers shall receive a salary of $1,500 per year, except in coun ties with a population of between 25,000 and 60,000, where the regis- ter shall receive $z,uuu per year, and in counties having over 60,000 population, a salary of $2.o00 per year; provided that registers shall depend upon the receipts of the omce for their salary and clerk hire. H. &. 88 This act appropriates to Charles A. Johnson of Burt county, Neb., out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appro priated the sum or $d,yay.ou, on account of losses sustained by him in the destruction of and damage to his property in said county by fire in March, 1886, in the attempt of officers and citizens to apprehend an alleged murderer who had taken refuge in the barn of said Johnson. Passed with emergency clause. H. R. 43 No non-resident alien foreigner, who has not declared to become a citizen of the United States, nor any association or com- ftany not incorporated under the aws of this state shall acquire or own bv right, title or descent any real estate m the state or .Nebraska; provided that this shall not apply to the real estate necessary for the construction and operation of rail roads. When a non-resident alien dies possessed of Nebraska soil, the said property shall escheate to the state; provided tnat nis neirs snaii be paid for the property a sum to be fixed by appraisement. ROSTER OF EX-SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. H. R. 121 This act provides for the publication of all ex-soldiers. sailors and marines residing in Nebraska. It provides that the assessor of each precinct, township or ward shall make and deliver to the county clerk of their respective counties, at the time of making their annual assessment in 1887 and every two years thereafter, a cor rected list of all persons who served in the United States army, navy and marine corps during !the war of 1812, the Mexican war and the war of the rebellion, designating the rank, company, regiment, battery or vessel in which they served, and their present residence and post- offlce address, which shall be re turned with the assessor's books to the county clerk, who shall on or before the first day of June, 1887, certify to the secretary of state a true copy of said lists alphabetic ally arranged by regiments and states. The secretary of state shall then consolidate and arrange these returns and publish 10,000 in book form for distribution as provided; Three copies to each brand Army post in the state, 100 copies to the state library for exchange with other, libraries, 50 copies to the commissioner of pensions and the balance to be distributed by the secretary-of state. The expense incured shall be paid from the fund for printing laws, journals and such other , printing as is required by contract. All Goods Warranted at the STAR Boot and Shoe Store. Several head of Hol3tein Heifers three and four year olds for sale. Will be resh the fore part of April. Inquire of J. R. Bangs. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that we will not he responsible for anv bills or accounts contracted by anyone doing work upon the line of the Colorado & Nebraska railway, under any circum stances without our written order. KiLPATMCK Bros. & Collins. Curtis, Nov. 1st 1886. Bucklin's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positive- y cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Gray & Co. f A and reliable Medicines are the best VJVW to depend upon. Acker's Blood El ixir has been prescribed for years for oil im- puntiesoitheBlood. In every form of Scrof ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, itia invaluable. UorKueumatism, basnoequaJ- For sale by J. Q. Thacker. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. Notice is herebv given that by virtue of a Chattel Mortgage, dated on the 3d day of August 1886, and duly filed for record m the office of tne Lounty Ulerfc of Lincoln Co. Nebraska, on the .3d day of August 1886, and executed by Michael Yoakum to John Otterstedt to secure the payment of $85.00 and interest &t the rate of 10 per cent per annum from date, and upon winch there is now due the sum ot $91.37 . Default having been made in the payment of said sum, and no suit or other proceeding at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof, therefore I will sell the property therein described, viz, One Capital mowing machine, one union horse rake, three mares branded (17) on left shoulder, one grey mare six years old, one biiv mare six years old, one sorrel mare nine, years old, at public auction at the livery .table of a. W. Van Doran, in the city of North Plahe in the county of Lincoln and state of Ne braska, on the 14th day of May, 1887, at one o'clock p. r. of said day. Dated April 23.1887. Joux Otterstedt. Mortgagee cured every year by Acker's celebrated English Remedy. It is a guaranted prep aration ; if it does not help you it will cost fou nothing. Try it. A single dose will ihow its good efiect. Trial bottles 10 eta. For sale at Thacker's. NOTICE. Notice it hereby given that at the regular meet ing of the Lincoln County Agricultural Society on the first Saturday in May, 1387, the question will be submitted to amend Article II of the Constitution to read: "The capital stock of the society shall not exceed Thirty-seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars, divided into One Hundred and Fifty Shares of Twenty-five Dollars each; only four of which can be purchased or owned by any one person; said shares to be transferable and 6hall descend to his heir and successor. Each share holder shall be entitled to one vote for each share owned by him and none bnt share holders shall be eligible to vote or hold office in the association. Each shareholder shall be en titled to an nnnnnl ticket which shall admit him self, his wife and family except male children over 21 years of age." W. L. McGee, Secretary. n 'a jflB j. f.schmalzried oonway & Keith Hmia ui Domestic Cigars, And Dealer In Pipes, Tobacco, Etc., j Spruce St., North Platte. Ntehta is the f.rvOV VWv complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Con sumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Acker's English Remedy? It is the best preparation known, lor nil .Lung Troubles, old on a positive guarantee at 10c., 50c At Thacker's Drujr store. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thin nnwiW iunr rariL A marvel of naritr. strength and mlinleirim rmtmn. More economical 4han the iordiiuuy kind, and cannot be sold in competition with tbe muritade o'f low test, short weight alum or phiwphate powders. Sold only in cans. Botax. Bkam Fowdkb Co.. 105 Wall Street, New York. NOTICE. Matter of Application of F. N. Dick & Co. for Druggist s Permit. Notice is hereby riven that F. N. Dick & Co. did upon the 18th day of April A. D.I1887. file his ap- pucauon w ine city council or norm riaue cuy. Lincoln connty,Neb., for druggist's permit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors at one place on Sprace street, in North Platte city. Lincoln county. Nebraska, from the 1st day of May. 1887, to the 30th day of Aprilx 1888. If there be no objection, remonstrance or pro test filed within two weeks from April 23d A. D. 1887, the said druggist's permit will be granted. F. N. Dick & Co., Applicants. The Lincoln County Tribune newspaper will publish the above notice for two weeks at the expense of tho applicant. The city of North Platte is not to be charged therewith. ' C. C. Hawkins City Clerk. T. C. PATTERSON Pret. A. D. BtJG&WORTH, Tramirer. ISAAC DILLON, Vice Preset. LESTER EELLS., Secretary. , - ' - $100,000. LOAN AND TRUST CO, "OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 4. First Mortgage farm Loans- Made in Lincoln and adjoining Counties. Money on hand to close loans promptly. WILL BEOIIST BUSINESS MYY 1,587 OFFICE IN LAND OFFICE BLOCK, OPPOSITE DEPOT, NORTH PLATTE, - - - NEBRASKA. DEALERS IN fiord ware and fTarnitare Have the exclusive sale in this city of the 66 QLiick-Meal" GASOLNE mm. AlL TT. STREITZ, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AND DEALER IX PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES Wall Paper, "WINDOW GLASS AND BRUSHES. r if 11,1 Agent for Shenvin & Williams' Mixed Paints and the Diamond Brand Faints. Corner Sixth and Spruce Streets. M ft k - We have them with both hioh and low oven. Thi.s is the only stove with movable low. oven that can be used for balling, washing, etc. Other low ovens are -staMonary and can only be used for baking. We handle these stoves with from one to six burners; no other stove has more than four burners. Another advantage or safeguard, is that t7ie9tank cannot be filled mhile one or more burners are lighted. HAEDWAEE, STOVE, TII AND Agricultural Implement Store. More In the history of your life could you purchase a WATCH for as little money as you can now. Drop in and see me. McEVOY, THE JEWELER, (Licensed Jeweler for the U. P. Ry. ABSOLUTELY ' TEE SAFEST MO MOST oniT n Bi mm Full Line of Hardware, BEST MAKES OF STOVES, Celebrated, tat 4 Bradley Plows, LARGE LINE OF HOME-MADE AND CHEAP TINWARE, Special attention given to Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron Work and He pairing of all kinds. L. STRICKLER, Hinra an's Brick Block, West Front Street. 1881. 1887. 5 "JEWEL" PNEUMATIC 3-BURNEE RANGE. The Pneumatic Range does away entirely with the elevated tank, and in its place uses a 3-inch seamless brass tube tank at the rear, entirely under the top, giving protection, and below the level of the burner orifice, with a perfectly tight glass end, at the oven end of the range, making it possible at all times to see exact quantity of oil in same, with filler fun nel at operating end. The method of lighting is unique. . It overcomes entirely the smoke and odor of burning gasoline in a dry cup. Perfect ly einiTilp vifli Tin infrirnf,A njirfs lilrplv fn rrof nnf. nf nrloi cfmn iVU- made, with all brass tubes and Union couplings. The Pneumatic will i J 1.1 1 1 H i1 n i i i not pun or uww wubu properiy jigareu, allowing ine weneraior to oe come thoroughly hot. Sold in North Platte only by ' Himnan's Block, Front Street, CO O O Q W. W. BIRGE, LUMBER, Lath,. Shingles, . POSTS, LIME, CEMENT, Building Paper, IN ANY DESIRED QUANTITY. (fi s CO C (J) Fifth Street, Cor. Locust, Opposite Baptist Church, North Platte'. - Nebraska. 0 Q EE WILD WE IS OPEN AGAEN WITH A FULL LINE OF of every description. E.ITESS I CONSTANTLY ON- DIIAUGHT. ON THE SIDE. Horse Blankets Knocked all to Pieces. Come one. come all, and be convinced that we have the largest, best and cheapest stock of harness and saddlery goods in the city. C. C. HAWKINS & BROS'., (Successors to Hawkins & Pearse.) Spruce Street, next to Conway & Keith,- 3STortli IFasttte,