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About Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1887)
- THE TRIBUTE. ' STEVENS &BAEE, Prop's. '"I TERMS: . k One Year, in Advance, ..... 1.50. Six Months, in Advance, - - - .75. Three Months, in Advance, - - .50. -Advertising Rates on Application. HINMAN & GRIMES, Attoiixeys-at-Law, . NORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA. C YOL. HI. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MAY 21, L887. NO. 18. LAND OFFICE NOTICES. Office iaHinman's "Block on Spruce Street, orer the Post Office. JOHN I. NESBITT, -: Attoi'ney-at-Xjaw, Office in Court Honee, NORTH PLATTE, - - XEB. C. M. DUNCAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Ornci: McDonald's Block, up staire. Residenco on West Sizth Street. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte, Neb.. May 10th, 1687. Notice is hereby given that the f ollowinp-nnmed settler has tiled notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, nnd that said proof will be made before the Register or Re ceiver at North Platte, Neb., on July 7th, 1837, viz: Mary K. llolcombe, who made homestead entry 2178 for the nortwest quarter, of section li), town ship 13, range 27. She names the following wit nesses to prove her continuous residence upon, nnd cultivation of said land, viz: W. H. Plnmmer, J.W. Jcwett, John McCullouh, llussell Fowles. all of Maxwell, Neb. 17 Wm. Neville. Register. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. IE. G- HOLBROOK, Dentist, ofjfice at his old stax1) over ; e. Jl. cary's grocery stork. P. WALSH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Estimates on Work Furnished. . Shop Corner Cottonwood and Third Sts east of Catholic church. U. S. Land Oflice, ) North Platte. Neb.. April?, 1887. f Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re ceiver of the U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Nebraska, on June 10th. 18S7, viz: Samuel R. Wil son on declaratory statement No. 8018 for the northwest Quarter section U, town 9, range S5. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of saii land, viz: David Brownley. John Harvey. Timothy Hopping and Sidney Hopping nil of Phebe. Nebraska. And you, George C. Vauglin, who filed D. S. 0187 for the same land will appear at the same time nnd place and show cause, if any, why said proof should not be allowed. Wm. Neville, Register. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ) April 11th, 1SS7. f Notice is hereby given that tlie following-named settler has filed notice of Ids intention to make final proof in support of his claim and tiiat said proof will be made before the Register nnd Re ceiver of the 0. S. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., on June lSth, 18S7. viz: Samuel B. Brooks, on Homestead Entry No. 3438 for the northeast quar ter section '2S, twp 3, range 28. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon anil cultivation of said land, viz: W. II. Plummcr. T. Roberts. ('. W. Horn and J. W. .Tewett, all of Maxwell. Neb. 13!) Wm. Neville, Register. him Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ? i, 1K57. ) 8 " i Notice is hereby given that the following-named finnl proof in support of his claim and that said proof will bo niado before the Register and Re ceiver of the U. S. Land Oflice at North Platte, Neb., on June 13th, 1887, viz: George C. Hawkins on Homestead Entry No. 4',:i7 for the south half of tho southeast quarter and the northwest quar ter of the. southeast qnnrter section 18, and tho northeast quarter of tho northeast quarter sec tion lit. two Si. ranee 2li. He names the follow ing witnesses to nrove his continuous residence J upon nnd cultivation of said land, viz: Wallace i Raskin, Rodger Davidson, Thomas McClealland j and Wallace Votaw,aIl of Buchanan. Lincoln Co., ftel). 13 M. Neville, Jlegister. II T ill mm and Mcniiogc, Room 12, Land Oflice Block. General Law and. Land Oflice Business Transacted. City and Farm Property for Sale. Fire and Tornado Insurance Written. Money to Loan on Improved City and Farm Property at Low Rates of Interest. MRS. J. 2, NESBITT, ARTIST, NORTH PLATTE, - NEB. Studio in county superintendent's ollice at court houso. Instruction given in oil painting, portrait and crayon work and drawing. Class meets Tuesday and Sat urday afternoons. Visitors welcome. J. ESCHMALZRIED Manufacturer of And Dealer In Pipes, Tobacco, Etc., Spruce St., North Platte. H. MacLEAN, Fine Boot and Shoe Maker, And Dealer In '-MEN'S LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., April 11th, 1857. f Notice is hnrebv irivon that tho followinc-named ! settler lias filed notice of his intention to make ' 12 1 r 1 J mini proot in support oi ins ciaim nnu, t-uui proof will be made before the register and re ceiver of the U. S. Land Office at North Platte, Nebraska, on Juno 13th. 1887, viz: Solomon Urooks on Homestead Entry No, 2345 for tho southeast quarter section 21, twp 13, range 23 west. Ho names the following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence upon nd cultiva tion of said land viz: W. H. Plummer. T. Rob erts. (.'. W. Horn. J. W. Jewett, all of Maxwell, Neb. J3- Wm. Neville Register. Perfect Fit, Best Work and Goods as Represented or Money Refunded. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. 8pruco Street, bet. Front nnd Sixth, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. L Haynes, Successor to David Cash, EAT MARKET. GAME, MEAT FISH, And Everything Usually Kept in a FIRST-CLASS SHOP Always on hand. The patronage of the public respectfully solicited. At the old stand. Cor. Front and Locust Sts., North Platte, - Nebraska PAINTING AXD PAPER HANGING. House, m m mm Special attention given to paper hanging nnd ceiling decorating. Lettering and all branches of sign work in the latest and highest 6tjle of art. Can give figures on old and new work to con tractors and other. far- Acceptable trade for work solicited 3BMtal3llel3.od -- 186 Odd Fellows' Block, Spruce St. FOR COMMERCIAL AND BOOK PRINTING CALL AT THE TRIBUNE OFFICE. SALE OF ESTRAYS. Tho appraisers appointed to appraise tho value of certain estrays, to-wit: One ranro and colt, ono two year old horse and one yearling colt, taken up by Ray Thompson on or about the 3d day of October, 1835, and duly advertised according to hw. having made return nnd valued the same at $87.00, notice is hereby given that said estrays will be sold at public auction, to tho highest bid der for cash, at tho residence of said Ray Thomp son, on section 22, town 14, range :, in O'Pal lons precinct, Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the hour of two o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, tho 7th day of June, lft". Dated this 5th day of May. 1837. 175 0. W. Kei's. Justice of the Peace. NOTICE. In the District Court of Lincoln Count', Nebraska. Clarence V. Greenaineyer, defendant, will take notice that on the 2d day of April, 1887, Kahn, Nusbaum & Co., plaintiffs herein, tiled their petition in the district court of Lincoln county ,Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to re cover from defendant the sum of $113.20 due plaintiffs on account for goods and merchandise sold and delivered by plain tiffs at his instance and request. That an order of attachment was issued in said action by the clerk of-said district court, and on the 4th da' of April, 1887, the said attachment was by the sheriff of said Lincoln county duly levied upon the fol lowing described real estate of said de fendant to satisfy the said claim of plain tiffs, to-wit: The north half of the south east quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter of section 20, township 11, range 2G west in Lincoln county, Ne braska. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before the (ith day of June, 18S7. K.virx, Nuskaum & Co.. Plaintiffs. By J. S. IIoAGii.vxn, Their Attorney. 134 v iA. rvx v Of 1;o coed tilings of this vVvt.i life ;iro sorro.fuiiy ot alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's Bvspcpi; a Tablets will euro Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a positive guarantee at 2o and 60 cents, bj J. Q. Thacker. ORDER OF HEARING. Stat;-: ok Neiiuaska, cg Lincoln Connty. " ' At a county court, held at the county court room, in and for said county, April 27th, A. D. 1887. Present, George T. Snelliug, County Judge. - - In the matter of the estate of Patrick Lahey, deceased. On reading and Sling the petition of James Lahey, praying that administra tion of said estate may be granted to Pat rick Fitzgnrald as administrator. Ordered, That June 2d, A. D. 1887, at one o'clock p. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county and show cause why the prayer of peti tioner should not be granted ; and that no tice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all per sons interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the Licoif County Tkiuune, a weekly newspaper printed in said county for three succes sive weeks prior to said daT of hearing. A true copy. George T. Spelling, 1G3 County Judge. ana then results, are Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. Recommecd-jd by plijsicins and endorsed by all who liavo'nse-l ib;;;n. The best remedy forByspcp?-;a, F!atulcncy,acd Con stipation. Guarantee.?, rr.vl sold at 25c by J. Q. Thacker. )3urfc and Mears' Shoes for men are the best shoe made in the United States. For sale at the Star Boot and Shoe Store. New California can goods and dried fruits at Grady's opposite the postoffice. 5 mm I that mystic path was treading " V: When the sun his rars were shedding, . . v ; Beaming,- gleaming, fairly streaming. throtKo'trees; And I watched the streamlet glistening ' ; . As entranced, I there was listening, To the merry, melting music oii.the breeze;- :. When beneath a tree reclining, Where no rays of sun were shining, Lo! I saw a fellow being on the ground. ' ,y4 Though no other feature shifted. : Quickly his eyes uplifted Upward lifted tts he wildly looked ariumd.t" "Good friend,1' said I approaching, ,. ;iDo not charge me with encroaching; Are you wailing for some messenger you chose?'5 But no other vord he uttered, ,savc. "You'll iind none other like the Palace Clothes'." "That's '- acrauge expression, surely," Said I, looking down deinurel, - : ul trust good sir that 3rou the question will suppose" Bur. he only looked the prouder As he-spoke the. words the louder. "There's always perfect comfort liitffcHarace Glothes." "Why bless me man,'" I shouted,' As his sanity I doubted, ' " - "'Tis surely naught to me what you propose,1' ' But he only cried the higher - . With enthusiastic fire, "You'll save your cash by wearing Palace Clothes." So then resolved to tiy them, .. Nay, I felt compelled to buy them, And behold! I've cause for gladness, For the words I deemed were madness Induced me thus to purchase Palac3 ClotHes Very truly yours, - V ft LOU F. SIMON, Manager. Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. Bargai ns in -an.Lo. IN- Sghty Acres of Land Suitable for Addition to Sterling. s Choice Tree Claim Relinquishments Cheap. School and Mm kit h Sale Skp. Tf you have anychiug for sale or trade write to W. 0. PxVCKARD, STERLING, COL. Brick Livery Stable, IS-u-rL To3r ZD. "W. Besacli, FIRST-CLASS RIGS FURNISHED on short notice and tit reasonable rates. Horses boarded bv the week or month. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the Hawley House on east Fifth street. NORTH PLATTE. , TsreR R A fiTT A T The Logan Guard ct Honor met on Saturday eveniug and made further ar ragements for the special service which they design holding at General Logan's tomb on Decoration day. It is very prob able that 5 p. m. will be the hour selected so that those who attend the services at Arlington will have a chance to witness the Logan ceremonies also. A committee of ten ladies, Mrs. F. V. Tallmadge, chairman, was appointed to take charge of the flowers. A special badge for mem bers of the guard will be manufactured. A committee on programme was appoint ed. Dr. John P. Newman sent an invit ation to the Guard, requesting their pres ence at Metropolitan church on Sunday evening, May 29, when special services will bo held. The Commander-in-Chief was notified as to the proposed special service and comrades throughout the country were invited to send floral tributes Armour & Co. have consented to store all flowers received by the committee. Berg's Cherry Cough Syrup ' "Will relieve that cough almost instantly and make expectoration easy. Acts simultaneously on the bowels, kidneys and liver, thereby relieving the lungs of that soreness and pain and also stopping that tickling sensation in the throat by remov ing the cause. One trial of it will con vince any one that it has no equal on earth for coughs and cold. A. F. Streitz has secured the sale of it and will guar antee every bottle to give satisfaction. New Yoke, May 14. The Times speci al from Ottawa, Ontario, says that the Government has decided to expend $G0, 000 more than last year in tha way of coast defences as well as average at an early date for a large supply of the rifles and three pound Nordenfeidt guns which will he placed in position along the At lantic and Pacific, as well as different poiuts along the coatt. Only a few days ago the English government forwarded three heavy cannons to British Columbia to be stationed at Fort Moody, and several others are to he placed at different points along the Pacific coast. It is not at all unlikely that at an early day a regiment of English soldiers will be dispatched for regular service in British Columbia. Nov Has Faith. I had been troubled all winter with cold and pain in the chest and got no relief from remedies recommended by Druggists and Physicians. At the same time I was advertising Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup. I had little faith, but thought to try it as a last resort, now I believe even more than they tell me of its curative qualities. From tho iVctM, Elizabeth, Ivy. Sample bottles 5 cen.'s at A. F. Streitz's Drug Store. 1 If there ever was a humbugged and badly taken in American people it is that class of fools who flock to see the elon gated Sarah Bernhardt. There are at least a dozen American actresses who can discount this foreign upstart, who possesses neither reason, natural beauty nor talent to any particulor degree. Sarah held fortli at Omaha on Saturday night, and the wise people of that city did uot care to see or hear her. The result was a small audience at which Sarah gave an exhibition of her wretched judgment and worse intelligence by ranting and acting the fool, forgetting that those who had ventured to the theatre went in good faith and were entitled to just as good an entertainment as the company could bring out. Purify Your Blood. If your tongue is coated. If your skin is yellow or dry. If you have boils. If you have fever. If you are thin or nervous. If you are bilious.. If you are constipated- If your bones ache. If your head aches. If 'ou have no appetite. If you have no ambition, one bottle of Beggs' Blood purifier and Blood Maker will relieve any and all of the above complaints. Sold and warranted by A. F Streitz; If the members of the next National nominating conventions went to rest and sleep and see the Mississippi River and the big bridge they wiil go to St. Louis. If they want to drink lager and take a ride on the Miami Canal they will go to Cincinnati. If they want to attend to business where everybody will be com fortable, and when the whole world can every day know everything that is done, they will come to Chicago. No other city east or west offers such conveniences as Chicago. Intcr-Occan QLjivvp t!ie C'i'udipn. They are cs V-JVKrV.v pocI"5.y to nuddci Colds, Cough.-, Whooping- Coalt etc "We i:-.-.:2;'vi Acker's Englisl Remedy a pr it-To care. It save: hours of anxious watching. Sold bj J. Q. 'J backer. Says the Hastings Gazette-J onanal: "Tho forgeffulness of the former oflicials of the Union Pacific when questioned as to their knowledge of the crooked trans actions of eight or nine years is as sur prising as it is child-like and bland If the Pacific Investigating committee wishes to learn anything of the workings of the old Union Pacific regime it might as well ask the stars as to interrogate the men who are most interested in covering up their share in the questionable transactions. f A cndreliabloMcdicincsnrelhctcst VJ o, to depend upon. Acker's Wood El ixir has been prescribed for yeans for all im purities of tlie Blood. In every form of Scrof ulous, Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases, iti3 invaluable. For Rheumatism , has no equaL For sale bj' J. Q. Thacker. Building in Chicago comes to a stand still yesterday morning, and there are probably from 13,000 to 20,000 men idle. Part of these had no work to do, owing to the order of the Master Mason's Asso ciation to quit work Friday night. Others bricklayers, stone masons and plasterers quit work on the non-association jobs to ascertain what their meeting at the Battery would do. A large number of men just on the outskirts of these trades teamsters, hod-carriers, carpenters were also obliged to quit. Nearby every body recognized that there was a, chance of a long, hard fight, and, from the various conditions, that it was greatly a question of endurance who would win, though both "sides still appeared confident of success. The contractors and material men want the strike over, but not until they can have all their demands allowed without fear of au interference for a year. STARTLING BUT TRUE. "Wills Point, Tevas, Dec. 1,-1885. After suffering for more than three years with disease of the throat and lungs, 1 got so low last spring 1 was entirely un able to do anything, and my cough was so bad I scarcely slept any at night. My druggist, Mr. II. F. Goodnight, sent me a trial bottle of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup. I found relief, and after using six $1 bottles I was entirely cured. J. M. "Weldex. Sample bottle 5 cents at A. F. Streitz' The town board has taken steps to cause tho construction of water works in Ord, as will be seen by the minutes of their last meetings published elsewhere. It is needless to say that such a move is an eminently proper one at this time. Ord has attained a size which warrants the procurance of the best water facilities and the certain growth before it will mako i them all the more necessary as the months go by. The proximity cf the hill in the southwest part of town renders a stand pipe unnecessary in other words we have a stand-pipe built by nature which can neither burst nor blow down. The summit of the hill is far above the tops of the highest building and will afford ample pressure for all needs. Let the good work go on. Quiz. With a view of looking over proposed grounds for the State Hospital for Incur able Insane to bo built at or near Hast ings, Gov. Thayer and the entire Board of Public Lands and Buildings, consisting of the governor, treasurer, secretary of state, attorney general and commissioner of public works, arrived in the city this afternoon at 3:50. The governor and other oflicials were met at the depot by Senator Ileartwell, E. C. Webster, Presi dent Deitrich of tho Board of Trade and others, in carriages who will cssort the distinguished visitors to the several sites proposed for the institution. During their stay in this city the members of the Board will doubtless make a definite se lection of suitable ground, and prepara tory work upon the hospital may bo ex pected at au early day. Gazette-Jo urnal. vv , .- vo -Grvcv "hy Acker's is rrinteu, is because it 23 the best Bic. 'I Preparation l;;:ov.n. It will posi-:5v-Ir cure all Blond Diseases, purifies the v.'ltc lvi sv.?tom, and ihoi oughiy builds up the constitution. Remember, wo guarantee it. Sold by Thacker. Loxdox, May 14. London was ablaze with exitement this afternoon, the occa sion being the visit of the Queen for the purpose of opening the People's Palace at Mile End. The route selected for the royal progress extends from Paddington station in the western portion of London to Mile End, at the extreme eastern limit, a distance of about eight miles. After leaving the station the line of parade de flected southest a short distance to the marble arch of Hyde Park ; thence it lies in almost straight line to its termination and was through tho longest stretch of busy and crowded thoroughfares existing anywhere in the world, perhaps, taking in as it does Oxford street, Holborn, Hol born Viaduct, Newgate street, Cheapside Corn Hill road. Aldgate 6treet, White chapel road and Mile End road. The buildings along the entire way were gaily decorated with banners, wreaths, colored trophies, and flags, the Irish colors, and the stars and stripes being conspicuous in many places. The Lord Mayor and the municipal officers of the city of Lon don went in carriages from the Mansion House to the city s boundary line at Hol born. Here they alighted and awaited the Queen, who was in an open carriage At the Queen's approach the Lord 3Iayor received a pearl sword from the sword bearer. His worship lowered the point congratulated her Majesty in coming to the most loyal city, and presented the sword to the Queen. She took it and re turned it. The Lord Mayor and retinue placed themselves in advance of the Queen's carriage, and escorted her across the city to the eastern boun dary at Aid gate. Here they bade her farewell for a brief time, and repaired to the Mansion House to await her Majesty's return. would enjoy your dinner and arc prevented by Dys pepsia, uso AcKcr s JDyspepsia Tablets. They aro a positive cure for Dyspepsia, In digestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Wo guarantee them. 25 and CO cents. Sold by Thacker's. The greatest of American millers i3 W. D. Washburn, of Minneapolis. He has one mill that turns out 5,000 barrels of flour a day, and is interested in others whose output is enormous. There is probably no man living who is so largely interested in flour. A D BUCKWOBTH,. J AS. SCTUEBLAM), President. Cashier uuituu Jmrl hfrn LIU on it Ktimvi n ultimo. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Dis'coiaait Creed. STotcs. Accoants solicited and prompt attention Riven to aU business entrusted to its care. Interest paid on tinio deposits. LOCUSTS Made at the Very Lowest Rates of Interest. Girls look pretty on horseback, and we love to see them. We popped tho ques tion to the lady we now board with while we were'gayly cantering sido by side long ago. She jumped at the chances and we've been jogging on together ever since. In a town like ours, where horseu are plenty and other outdoor Mmusement not very numerous, we think all the girls should be encouraged to become accom plished equestriennes. Let young girls ride horseback. It will make them healthy, strong, active and self-reliant, and gracious don't they look handsome, prancing along on a spirited charger. Ex. One of the Talifero boys, living near Effingham, recently made a bet that he could kill, clean, cook and eata spring chicken in fifteen minutes. Preparatory to the contest he secured the chicken, and provided himself with a pot of boiling water, a bucket of cold water, a hot skillet and a hot flat iron. Wnen time wjis called he jerked the chicken's head off, doused it in a pot of boiling water, slipped the feathers off, cleaned it, aud then laid tho fry flat in the pan, with the flat iron on top, to cook the upper side At the close of eleven and a half .minutes he had tho chicken's bones beautifully polished. Red Cloud, Neb,, May 14. A hotly- contested wrangle of over two days' dura tion about the question of license was to-day finally disposed of. The petition of J. A. Palm being rejected, and those of J. S. Rotherick aud James Gremmenger were withdrawn, after a bitter contest in augurated by the law and "order league. Red Cloud will have no saloons for the present, and probably none during the present year. The Ilastiugs Independent utters truth in the following: "Nowspapers owned by corporations maybe afraid the working men will turn out anarchists, but journals of sense havo the confidence in the sturdy loyal character of the men who are poor and have to labor. Take it in the late war and the lorger part of the fighting was done by tho laboring men or their sons. The poor people never yet ruined a nation or a state." A fine horse that was ridden at the in auguration of President Cleveland and of Governor Beaver, ran away at Shamo kiu, Pa., the other evening, threw Father O'Reilly out of the carriage, plunged into a mine and was instantly liilled. A bar of iron, worth 5, worked into horseshoes, is said to be worth lO.o'X; made into needles is worth 335; made into penknife blades it is worth 3,2S5 ; made into balance springs of watches it la worth $250,000. New York World, dem: The presi dent undoubtedly gains from the fact that the old leaders are mostly dead. Sey mour, Tilden, Hendricks, Hancock, Mc Clellan are gone Thurman survives, but is too old to be considered as a candidate The democratic party is really poor in statesmen of national reputation, of the ability, learning and experience that should be looked for in a presidential candidate. At a representative gathering of west ern and southwestern newspaper men at Kansas City the other day, resolutions were adopted-commending the provision of the inter-state commerco law which prohibits the issuing of passes. Belvidere, following the example of Hebron, sent to Chicago a train load of cattle, sheep and hogs. The train w:u decorated with flags, mottoes and invita tions to the world to come to Belvidere. It went over the Burlington road. A queer accident happened ne:ir Ponca one day lsst week. Paul Duflin, a butcher, had erected a small platform upon which to slaughter a cow. While jumping up and down upon it to test its strength a board broke and the end flew up and struck him in the back of the head, killing him instantly. A peculiar blunder occurred in the engraving of the plate from which the reverse sido ofthe 5 certificates were printed. It will be noticed that on the back of the certificates are the fac-siiniles of five silver dollars. The third one from the left corner of the certificate has "trust" spelled "trast". Where the word appears in other places on tho certificate it is spelled properly. The New York Tribune says as "they arc talking of starting a 'wet' campaign in Atlanta, Ga., they couldn't do better than to secure the services of Colonel Rainwater, of St. Louis; Major Drink water, of Denver; General Rosewater, of Omaha, and Captain Broadwater, of Minnesota." Governor Hill of New York will please take notice that it is authoritatively stated that "General Buckner's babv will bo good for at least 10,000 votes for the General for Governor of Kentucky." If such facts don't open the eyes of bachelor Governors, what will ? Kansas City is getting very jealous of Omaha and Nebraska, since Buffalo Bill was welcomed by the royal family, and hints are given that the Prince of Wales will visit the chief of "the Wild West Show," in his Nebraska home next year. Kansas City has nothing to bank against such destinction. If the Prince comes ho will likely buy a corndr lot in Omaha and then K. C's anguish would be com plete and overwhelming. For the most delicious ice creamand soda water call at Ries'. For fresh delicious ' candies call at Ries'. 'J