The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 14, 1920, Page TWO, Image 2

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Every little while It Is nocpusary
to make a readjustment of our
Ideas on almost tvery subject. Six
months ago, for instance, you could
find dozens of men who wouid get
fighting mad if anybody so much as
. Of gested that the league of nations ' make up for the difference
ire customer. No one newspaper can
truthfully clal mthat It has on Its
list all the Intelligent people In its
community and that its competitor
: has the others. Therefore, it follows
(that the advertisement that reaches
the most people in a certain district
' a trade territory will have the
I pn-atest results, granted that in each
lease the printers do the same class
of work on it. Herald rates are
some higher than other newspapers
In this territory, but an advertise
ment in our columns will reach
more than enough people extra to
We sell
this kind of an idea Is a matter of
doubt, but we believed It, Just as we
used to believe that both Santa Clam
and Ood had whiskers.
tiad a single flaw. Six months ago
we dimly recall, there was a certain
editor and publisher who claimed to
Dave three times the paid-in-advance
circulation of all the newspapers in
txlM county. (Note that we Bald
"claimed." It's comparatively easy
to make claims.)
Yet today, It's pretty hard to find
a man who will say that the league
Of nations should be adopted without
some modification. Aud today The
Herald is able to guarantee its ad
vertisers a circulation that Is, to
peak conservatively, at least 300
greater that its competitor and
heaven alone knows how much larger
Our circulation is within this trade
territory. All of which goes
what we have to sell and you don't
have to take our word for It. We
haven't done a whole lot of shoutlnK.
1 We've left the boasting to those who
are accustomed to It, and two or
three times, when the opposition has
claimed credit for ropults The Her
ald secured or helped to secure, we
have let them get away with it, thus
proving that we're not particularly
quamleoine. For business is good
with u:i. We've no complaint to
But to get back to Iceland. There
Is a country for you. It seems that
they have but one month of real cold
weather a year and that's more
of a record than we can make. In
fact, according te the glowing ac
count we have just read, there are
only two drawbacks to Iceland, the
one month of cold weather and pro
hibition. They hnve all the other
Improvements and Inconveniences of
life, such as phonographs and elee-.
trlcl ights and chain stores and tele
phones and soap. They have auto
mobiles, motion picture shows and
regular theaters. They even have
actors, and that's more than we will
be able to spy some of these days.
how that the man who gets an idea
fn his head that there is nobody on
earth fit to compete with him had
better get it out.
What we started out to discuss was
the shattering of our youthful Im
pressions of Iceland. It had always
been oi " impression that Iceland was
inhabited chiefly by Eskimos, who
t , squatted on blocks of ice in their
We accept all advertising under
that guarantee. Our books are
open at any time and already two
or three of the largest advertisers
bave come In, checked them over
and counted them and have ex
pressed themselves as satisfied. You
Are Invited to do this. If you like,
drop in on Tuesday or Friday af
ternoon, when you can see how
tnany the carriers take out and how
many papers are mailed to the var
ious towns. Come in any publica
tion day, or two or three in success
ion, for that matter. For we have
the goods! No stuffed figures. You
don't have to take our word for It.
A merchant spends more money for
advertising than he does for his
Clothes, and he should use the same
care in selecting an advertising med
ium that he devotes to other pur
chases. No merchant can pride him
self on being a good, careful buyer
If be is careless with the most im
portant purchase be makes publicity.
cold and cheerless igloos (maybe the
plural of that word should be "igll,"
but we're reckleBS this afternoon)
and smoked cob pipes to drown the
smell of the whale oil lamps In their
stuffy abodes. Just where we got
There are grade schools and high
schools In Iceland. Likewise an ag
ricultural school and a medical col
lege. A woman merchant, quoted in
an Interview In a New York newspa
pp. ra few days ago, Insists that Rey
kjavlk, hte capital, is only a Jump
behind New York and Paris In the
stylos. True, the clothing, especially
in the winter eason, Is somewhat
heavier than most of us wear, but it's
the last word in style. Before long
we'll be summer resorting there, but
right now Cuba has the preference.
-For Sale Two six room houses
Price and terms right. See Nebraska
tand Company. tf
Herald advertising rates took a
Jump the first of May. This advance
had been expected, and was met
cheerfully by all but one customer
on our books. And we didn't re
proach him for It not at all, though
we could have done so. Some of these
days he'll see the light. Advertising
la like any other commodity. You
should get what you pay for. And
when you find the place you get tl'e
most value and the best service for
70ur money, that's the place to buy
four advertising, just as you give
your trade to the clothier who gives
you better values for your money.
There isn't much difference In
readers. Any man who is intelligent
enough to read a paper is a prospect-
Tv O
icy v a
vent ? owns
A specialty with uti
NONE but our most expert
operators handle evening
gowns or party dresses;
We are very particulars '
about this department and insist on the
utmost care and careful workmanship.
You can trust us with your most deli
cate gown and be assured that it will be
returned looking as fresh and pretty as
it ever did. Our Service is Excellent
the prices are reasonable
Phone 133
M if
Making the Tractor Pay
The value of your tractor as an Investment,
depends upon the amount of dependable
service you get from it and its cost for main
tenance. A very important factor in lowering
operating expenses and keeping the engine
smooth-running and full-powered, is clean,
reliable fuel.
Perfection Kerosene Oil is the Ideal fuel for tractors
and all keroene burning engines. Its even vaporiza
tion and complete combustion keep the engine at high
est efficiency delivering full horse-power continually.
Keep the tank filled with Perfection Kerosene Oil
and give your tractor a fair chance to show what it can
do. Telephone our nearest agent and he wilj arrange
for an immediate delivery of Perfection Kerosene Oil
In any quantity.
For gasoline-burning engines use Red Crown Gasoline.
9 r
A Worthy Ideal
Lincoln once said:-
I will be prepared and when my
opportunity comes I will be ready.
To the Young Men of today this Bank offers
its facilities to help them prepare for the time when
their opportunity arrives.
But you must do your part by depositing regu
larly a portion of your earnings. We will guard it
for you, pay you interest on it, and then when the
time comes when you need it, you will find it
Start Preparing Now
Start now preparing for your opportunity. It may come any day and you want to be
ready. The one sure way to do this is to open an account at once TODAY. Come in and
see us. We will be glad to co-operate with you in every way possible. Don't wait to say:
"How I wish I had begun a bank account six months ago? I need money badly. It would
have been little or no trouble and I would have had enough by this time to start on."
The First State Bank
' p VERY Diamond Tire 1 SS lMXI
A on a car and there I X ""V vtM-
are 2,000,000 of them 1 1 Jiji
in use means that X X inYwlllil
N somebody has walked X X I fyffffywl
into a dealer's store, and i J
Often to replace another brand M
This fact is obvious 6ince
Diamond Tires do not come yJTMlB i
as original equipment on JfMMiifff I
In 6hort, actual service on nfff
cars has proved to users that fjSWMtj I
the utmost tire value lies in I
Diamond Tires. IPW 11
Cords . 8.000 jjj
t i .
Akron, umo