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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1910)
W Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. Cash Rates Five cents per lino each insertion. No ad re ceived for less than ten cents per insertion. Ckedit Rates Five cents per line each insertion, but no ad vertising account opened for less than twenty-live cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Public Sale For Sale Houses, Etc. Six lots, Duncan's Addition, 'for sale. Phone 316. 38-4 A modern, six room house for sale at a bargain. Inquire at George Sny dor's. 40-tf Eight room house, partly modern, barn, two lots, for sate. 900 Yellow stone avenue. Phone, Green tCG. 40-iot Cottage for sale at a bargain, quire at The Herald office. In- A five room house and two lots for sale at a bargain. Inquire at The Herald office. If you have city property in Alliance to rent or sell, we can secure you cus tomers if you will leave description of property, price, terms, etc., at Herald office. Address J. W, T., care Alliance Herald, or call up phone 340. Real Estate Fine quarter tine land cheap. I have a fine, level quarter-section of Box Butte county land, two miles from Hemingford, in the best farming sec tion of the county. Will offer this for quick sale very cheap, on reasonable terms. If vou are interested will give you full particulars or show it to vou. Box 1 198, Alliance, Nebr. 38tf One of the best half sections of land in Box Butte county, Nebraska, for sale at a bargain. Also, a good quar ter section to sell or trade for an auto mobile, provided the machine is in first-class condition. Address A. J., care Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebr. Business Opportunities Business Opening Spleninid opening for woman, or man and wife to engage in millinery and ladies' furnishings business. Address A. D., care Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebraska. 383 For Sale Pardey's cottage bread is baked by expett bakers and is good to eat. Anyone having clothing of any kind which they do not cate to keep, aud which they desire to put to good use, will confer a favor by phoning Mrs- V. H. Zehrung, phone 2S7, Supt. of Mer cy and Help Department Alliance Epworth League, or Mrs. S. K. War rick, phone 102, Supt. Mercy and Help Department Alliance W. C T. U. This clothing will be used in helping the poor of Alliance this winter. tf, Buy your carbon paper and type writer ribbons at the Herald office. We handle Carter's Ideal lines of carbon and ribbons and the Revilo brand of ribbons. We quote city prices. All goods guaranteed. tf A fine Franklin typewriter for sale cheap. Has been thoroughly over, hauled aud is in the finest condition Call at the Herald office and look jit over. 37-tf LEARN WIRELESS & R. R. TE LEGRAPHYI Shortage of fully io, 000 Operators on account of 8-hour law and extensive "wireless" develop ments. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials aud positively place all students when qualified. Write for catalogue. NAT'L. TELEGRAPH INST., Cin cinuati; Philadelphia; Memphis; St. Paul, Minn.; Enid, Okla,; Columbia, S. C; Portland, Ore. Saves the housewife work and worry Pardey's cottage bread. I will dell sixty head of DuRoc Jer sey hogs at the Palace Livery Barn at Alliance, Saturday Oct. t. The offer ings will consist of fiftv-five head of March farrowed pigs of both sexes, and five matured sows with from eight to ten young pigs each. J. R. Kce gau. 4 1 1 1 Wanted To Rent WANTED TO three unfurnished ptivate residence, office. Phone 340. RENT. Two or rooms in modern Call at Herald tf Household Articles An immense stock of household art icles, china and glass ware, fancy goods and notions, on which you cau save money at the Bee Hive, One-half Interest lu hardware busi ness,. Carries line of harness and litis best equipped tin shop in western Ne braska. LMrru is doing good business. Reason for selling- is poor health. For particulars address, Hardware, care of Alliance Herald. 32-tf Miscellaneous s Flour, feed and stock salt, E. I. Gregg & Son, 212 Larmie avenue. Best goods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly. Phone 155. 4t-tf I have 5,000 bushels of fine potatoes for sale. See me before you fill your cellar. Fred Countrynan. Phone Red 154- 38-tf Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3'tf- BIDS WANTED. For 200 tons, more or less of lignite coal, delivered at the various school houses, All bids must be in by October 1st. D. W. Hughes, Secretary Alliance School Board. 40-3t Get your school supplies and candies at the Bee Hive. tf-U To Rent Barn room to rent, stalls for one, two, three or four horses. Hay mow aud granary in connection. Inquire at Herald office or call tip phone 175. Shoe Shining Machines When you want your shoes shined right and in a hurry drop into the Alli ance Shoe Store, 30C Box Butte Ave,, and have the work done by one of those wonderful electric shoe shining machines. Two machines, one for black and one for tan shoes. It takes onty a nickle in the slot, and in three minutes both shoes are given a first- class shine. The work is done by sets of brushes run by electricity, and can not hurt the tenderest feet. 3&-tf Repairing, Etc. The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run by M. D. Nichols in the rearof the Alliance Cash Shoe Store. First-class work quickly done, at reasonable prices. 4otf Architect The C W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf Live Stock, Poultry, Etc. Now is the time to bay your Brown Leghoins. Call or write me at 924 Box Butte avenue, Alliance, Nebr. B. H. -Perry. 41-tf Three milk cows, eleven pigs for sale. Brothei s. Phone ig. two sows, aud Inquire Teater 40-tf Cattlemen, Notice FOR SALE Seven young shorthorn bulls, ranging from one to three years, and twenty-seven cows and heifers, all Scotch topped. Every one registered before sole. A. Fin.nertv, 394' Ayr, Nebraska. Attention, Farmers! If you have any kind of cattle for sale see Jas. Feagius or Oscar Bramau, or call at Room 3, McCorkle Bldg. 34-8 Strayed or Stolen Thirteen head of 3 and 4 year old steers, branded N on right hip. Split in left ear. Strayed or stolen on or about Sept. 6, 19 10. Theodore Johnson, Hemingford, Nebr. Reward for information. If stolen Box Butte county has standing offer of big reward for arrest of thief. Notify as above, or Cal Cox, Sheriff, 39-4 Alliance, Nebr. Employment Wanted S. Gliddcn has returned to Alli ance and is ready to do all kinds of odd jobs of work. Phone 116 red. 39tf POSITION WANTED by man and wife 011 ranch. Both experienced in ranch work. Good reference. Phone 349 Herald office. 40-3t Wanted Woikby day or take wash ing home. Phone 485 blue. tf Help Wanted SALESLADY WANTED to solicit for our Custom Made Skirts. Strictly made to measure. High earning for one With good references. Custom Skirt Co., 8th & Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. 39-2t Lost LOST A Marks saddle. Between Alliance and Canton Sat., Aug. 27. Reward of ten dollars will be paid for teturn to F. R. Allen at Checkered Front Livery Barn. Saddle marked "O" and "B". 38-3t For Sale Up-to-date stock of millinery and ladies dry goods for sale. Has a good patronage and is a paying business. Good reason for selling. Address Box 1 198, Alliance. Nine room house with barn, etc., in west part of town. Twelve fifty foot lots, all fenced. Mrs. John Workman, phone 629. 4i-3t A good buggy for sale at a bargain if taken this week. L M. E. Anderson, 713 Larmie Ave., Alliance. 41-tf pOYAl ifciDifl STRASBURGER Kan- POWDER Absolutely Pure Thm only baking p&wtter mmfmfrom Roy ml Grapm Ormam of Tartar fit Alum, Hi lirni Phispktfe HEMINGFORD Col. Fosket came over from Chadron on 44. Josle Lashley came up from Mars land Friday on 44. Edna and Mary Carey came up from Alliance Saturday on 43. Jim Montague lost two head of cat tle while bringing them in to ship. Mrs. Anton Uhrig's condition Is slightly improved at this writing. K. L. Pierce and wife attended the opera in Alliance Wednesday night. Mrs. Millett came In from Casper, Wyoming Saturday for a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Itrosher aud daughter, Edith, left on 44 Monday for an extended vis It in Iowa and other eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer stopped on their way home from Hot Springs, s. 1)., for a brief visit with their sou in Sioux county. Walter Weddle and wife came in from near Conly Friday, staying with the latter s mother, Mrs Wallace. Dr. Slagle was called up from Alli ance Tuesday to attend .liio. .lelculk, who was taken seriously ill Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Eggert came up from Marsland Saturday for 11 few days visit with her sister, Mrs; Win, Curry. Inu. Hollinrake aud Mrs. Eva Per fect were united In marriage Monday at the Catholic church. Father Beck er performed the ceremony. Omar Surlbner and Due Thompson autoed to Alliance Wednesday. Mr. Thompson visited his wife who is in the Mercy hospital. He says she is recovering fast and will be able to re turn in u couple of weeks. Emil Hockey returned from his east ern trip Wednesday on 4.'1. He has been visiting tit St. Joseph, Mo., 11 nil other eastern points. The father of Dan Watson passed away Wednesday night about 9 p. in, He had been suffering with cancer far some time. The funeral was held at Dan Watson's house Thursday and the remains were laid to rest in the Hem ingford cemetery. Pete Watson and wife came in from Sioux county Thursday to attend the funeral of graudpa Watson. Fuunie Pilkington came up from Al liance Thursday, going out to Sioux county to spend a few days with A. Hedgecock's. Furnished Rooms for Rent, Bath and Electric Light. Inquire 321 Third St. Phone No. 582. tf Mrs. Jennie Shaw from Chicago was a visitor at Strasburgor Mr. and Mrs. Qules. of Holtoti. sas visited their son Ulen Squires, Louis Wall purchased a good horso from Marquard Petersen -the genial manager of the Opade ranch. After all there are but two classes of people those who try to do right! those wno wish to no wroug. A lady and gentlemen drove through Strasburger on their way to Michigan. On the 24th of last month they were In a suow storm in Montana. Mr and Mrs. Edward Strasburger are going next Monday on a trip to Washington, Oregon and California. Before returning Mr. Strasburger in tends to have several bear hunts and run opposition to Teddy Roosevelt as a mighty hunter. Well, good luck to mm, NINE MILE CAl the 'm? I iVON o ,folks er school ft Knight seeder's I .. e from tents Rt along IThey jlnoxt fbter, Hora can- F. L. Burns visited over Sunday, Mrs. P. P. Wilcox Btarte at Hill Top Monday morn! Misses Vira Horn and En spent Saturday with Henn north of Scotts Bluff. A. Z. Nlaola has returned a few week's visit with his College View, Nebr. John Durr. from Hubble in tho canyon, Wednesday, A. D. May's folks are tfett very nicely with the small-p expect to got out of quaran week. Mrs. h. 0. Davis and little Emma, visited Sunday at home. T. II. Bccson, wife aud son auco, visltul a few days with son and family. Earl Kara of Bayard was in yon Sunday. .1. F. McAllister moved dov Mlnatare Tuesday to start c ditch work. Mayme Thorn visited over with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Hecs family. Mrs. Mary Fulton is the guBllof Mrs. isan Hums, Anna Cook lb visiting her Mrs. J, F. McAllister. Roy Meek Is helping Boston U'ek with his grain, Rolllu Reed Is working for Ni this week, Art Hubbell and Ed. Sweezy w Mlnatare, Thursday. .ino. coyie ami i w. uogar we Mlnatare, Thursday. Everett Horu was at home a days last week. Helen lleeson is visiting in Sc Bluff a few days this week. xne . u. crismouu lamiiy ex to leave for Turner, Mo., next w where they will make their fit home. Their many friends regret see tiicm leave, out wish them su in their new home. Jack Long Is working in the bar shop at Bayard. Vira Horn left Mondav mornlntr Minatare. where she will attend sell the coining winter. Walker Wood, wife, Sadie Mast and Bert Horn called Sunday at t W, U, Crismond home hubbleTflat Phelan Opera Hoi Tuesday, Sept. ill Le Comte, Flesher Sc Wa! offer THE SPARKLING, MUSICAL. COMEDY "The Flower of the Ranch" By JOSEPH, E. HOWAKD.W Composer of a score of succesa l Over HewMf wRk S iMfta mhIj f-UU tUlm "f 40Pfdc Excetfeftt CMt " 208riUtaKwYi Real "Howard" Stow PRICES: Reserved seats 75e and $1,00, Gallery SOc, children S5e, Seats on sale Saturday,; . , SC In the County Court of Box Butts Gewrip Notraki In. the waiter of tho estate of hmm' Ktttolnmnn, dccacd, . , , , . . On reading the petition of HalnhoM A. Wt- tlemanti Hied Uorela, praying that AdaHnhm tlon or said estate bo granted to H&iafeoUl &," l . . . T "?-. : icittAimnrin Aiimiiittrtrir. t Ordered, that said petition will b hoatfd , the 8th duyot, 10 o'clock a. at Thai all persons Interested In said ette mar appear at County Court on said date a4 Mmw cuuee It any theft) bo why sa(l padtkm should nut bo grunted) and that uotlcoof tto ot milt! petition sml or nam Jiwn e given to mi parsons interested in aaidwwit- tvr uy imoiiMiins copy oi in oruor v Alllunce Horuld. a wpolilvhOwMhaiiprixB ud In said county, tUroosuccslvuweokrtfl to tiitd hearing, Dated September so, uja. ; igeaij a, a. erry jr j T3' . N0TKE Tl CftEMTMS. Oonnty Jjjf- Hutto ftaJ Urn TF IB nmaar 3Kf tfifc w BM 1 TB Man a( ,m ana kw hhHHl S wgw-r- iHB upHBr ft NITKE Tl CfttttTMS. ofPar Mrs. John Duerr and daughters vlsi ed at Hert Miller's, Saturday. Jimmie Duerr is staying at his broth er John's going to school. Mrs. C. it. Lore and daughters and Miss uuulapp visited over Sunday at J. Lore h at Hashmau, It Is a common occurance to see a wagon hauling an auto with two ou It from Scotts Ktuifs to Alliance. Every one in this vicinity is going to take in the fair, Thurmluy. Geo, Denton is buying cattle to feed Albert Wright visited ut 0. Cogar Saturday and Minday In tho County Court. Box Nuhruska, ln tho- mattfcf pf the estto pt H. . rli'i'cuiKpil. if I. L. A. Mcrrv. criuntv Jtnlao of tnld lr. said Bttito. fiorehy notify nil person ha1 claim and demands Hsainst the cittnt of said tl, K. Mucll ray, di-ceuswl, that I hv' una appointou uioioiiowinK ay rortu; lion, examination, una aujumment rUlm. rinri ,1t,munnti nu tttvitrlrluil 1m. tho county court room t Aillnrito, wll to-vcit April i-i, jpu Aiir;rvun ediu said estiile will annrur ath.tld t pltieo and duly present tholrsaM cl3 uomaims in tnu munnorrcqatreu jr cuuso for not m dcvlniri and Indi of said claims shall not be Hewwtd by ume me sumu (man ou loryrer osrreu, t (II veil under iny hand tiAilseS.1 of tlioca court this 30th day ot tiopt.. 1910. K i..ll t, A. Um m ,wv.. . , ot.i V i"v (juuniy jwtmc, In tho matter of the estate Tracv. deceased. I, L. A. Kerry, County Judie of Him. Jiutto county, Nebraska, hereby notify att (Persons having claim 'and dematwla ajgaiast Peter G. Tracy, deceased, that I Mvesetand appointed the lorn d?. t March, 191 1. at to o'clock la th iotM&m,' it ice Couaty Court room in AJljaac. fm s ey.aminauon or an claims ajaist i eate-of said decedent villi a 'vidw Heir alldwaace and nivment. 'All porsous interested as credijioTif lW u esaie win present toeir qiiwiB-tvo ata- aiu tim. or snow C4Ua lor wotsa mt-e aad, iorcase ant 4.idtr?5 barredf' Thii notice shall be erved b pibllci tion thereof four consecutive wrijk in l'ho Alliance Herald, a newspaper pulitwUed in Alliance, prior 10 me day of ln-Hfinu (Jiven under mv hand and e-i l said court this 7 1 1 1 day of .September, 1910 394W I- A Hariv, " (Seal) 39-4 t ounty 4ude. lit fuver MTZXS&a&MGSEaiSBSSUBu men Fifty Cents a Week BUYS A LOT IN BELMONT ADDITION TO ALLIANCE I 175 Lots in Three Days This is the opportunity of a life time to own your own home or to invest in Al liance real estate. Just to think of our selling 175 lots in three days. That tells you what people think of our terms and the beautiful location of this new addition to Alliance. There are nearly 100 choice lots to select from remaining unsold. Come today and bring your friends. Telephone No. 330 and we will hold any lot for you and send our free carriage to bring you to tho grounds. I You pay One dollar down and Fifty Cents a Week for every lot You pay no interest You pay no taxes You can sell or build anytime. You can pay any sum any time. l L Stop Paying Rent Hone builders will begin to build in Belmont addition this week Learn to Save Money Teach your boy or girl to save SOc a week Price of unsold lots $75.00 to $135.00 a very few slightly higher Location of Belmont This beautiful addition is on the high est elevation plateau on Mississippi Ave., just FOUR BLOCKS from the Central School and extends from Sixth Street to Tenth Street. Our lots average $125 in price and you know they are asking $380 for lots two blocks farther away on the west side where it is not so high and sightly. Every lot is as level as a floor, all in good sod. Come out before the Fair crowd or it will be too late. We are on the grounds day and night. Contracts delivered on the grounds. All payments made at the office of F. E. Reddish, Alliance, Nebr. Phone on the grounds No. 386 blue. Send for free carriage to grounds. " 1 1 Sj j il & i f. w OMAHA, NEBRASKA I a J WaOKI .M. 'irsmET, -t$- ttSe- & r- rwMhMawfeMi p j N. P. DODGE & COMPANY,