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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1910)
Historical Socles Stale .ft;- A W ,'u . "TO e Alliance Largest Circulation of any Newspnper in Western Nebraska. SPECIAL EDITION era .., VMI VOLUME XVII, ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA? WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1910 NUMtiER 41 Th LD. m . V4 $'''.. v CATTLE PITS WmwM This space reserved all this week -for Special Flour Sale of Alliance Grocery Company APPLES On Track Ss J -2.5 . t3 -SS ' ywp HmfftT" - .u', ' -.. ' .'.. Mr-... , Dominies. Wolf Rivers, Winesaps, Gano and Ben Davis. Car potatoes wanted. GOOD STENOGRAPHERS Are Always in Demand. Careful attention is given to the welfare of each pupil in the OF ST. AGNES ACADEMY Call or Write for Information PrBUfc. Kiscaid & Co. Clotkci. Department I F5iv I Ladies' Skirls We offer something exceptional in Ladies Skirts worth up to $0.00 at, - - - - S398 Net LOANS the - the er hushel Oliver and I. C. Smith Typewriters Used. Men's Suits Ours is the largest and most complete stock of clothing west of Lincoln. No difference what size or shape, bring it here. "We can lit it at from S6.00 to S35.00 Ladies' Suits "We show you all of the n e'w e s t styles and weaves. These suits are beautiful and su perior in both quality and tailoring at S9.50 o 530.00 Shoes We have shoes to fit every foot comforta bly and at the lowest price for good, dura ble shoes. 10 Discount for cash all this week NORTON'S The Arlington's Alliance is fortunate in having as one of the strong amusement nttrne lions during the fair, the Arritigtou Comedians, which is one of the host repertory show companies now on the road. Their opening play MomlftV night, "Salomy Jkiio," was witnoMttd by a crowded house. Last night "OOia Thome" drew well. To-night will be presented "Jim the Westeuior." Tile concert hy the I'olmatier Sisters and specialties by three little girls in thoni selves are well worth the price of ad mission. The Arrington's will cloc the week's engagement Saturday night, at which performance will be giwhi away S15 to holders of the lucky mtjjn hers heing given out each night. s At The Hotels k DKAKU: v. C E Saunders, Kansas City, Mo.; V A Sain, Chicago; Mrs R Johnson, Hemiugford; J R Taylor and wile, Den ver; A M Modisett, Rushville; R L Renfro, Omaha; C E McCoy, New York; J Keenan, Chicago; S Williams and wife, Ardmore, S D; Win Mc Laughlin and wife, Paulet, Nebr.; F P Corrick, Lincoln; I W Thurman, Denver; Geo W Cantwell, Cheyenne; Frank S Peck, Deadwood; W J Bail' maun, Lincoln; Ira C Jones New York, A L Root and C L Mathews, Omaha; James H Cook, Agate, Nebr; W W Eldridge. Aurora, 111,; R H Waguer and F M Knight, Alliance; A H Grov er, Denver. AM.IANCK: W Kimball, Casper, Wyo.: U L Elli son and wife, Dogulus, Wyo.; B F Moore Chicago; Thomas Noble, Lake side; E II Pomery and family, Sidney; E Elmwood, IlyunnU; E Halva, Raven na; John Ottomeller, Whitman; E T Perkins, Douglas, Wyo. huiimnoton: L' L Empey, St. Joseph; .1 1) Webster, Grand Island; liooper nnd family, Ke nomi; F C Gilbert and family, Keuoini; M J ltushnell, Oskosh; J J Griroer, Eastwood, Nebu ; Ed Every, Lisco; II jlouson, Harrlbon. Removal of Tailor Shop Joe Orchowski, the tailor, informs us that he wilmove his shop this week,, from the Charters"- Hotel building to the room formerly occupied by the Golden Rod Bottling Works, nf West Third Street, opposite the post office, where he will be better prepared than ever to handle a large business. He has recently secured the service of his cousin, Edmont . Hojmcski, an expert cutter and coat maker of Toledo, Ohio, who with his already competent assistants, gives him the best working force of up-to-date tailors in this part of the west- 4i-szn For Sale Up-to-date stock of millinery and ladies dry goods for sale. Has a good patronage and is a paying businesf. Good reason for selling. Address Pox 1198, Alliance. Nine room house with barn, etc., in west part of town. Twelve fifty foot lots, all fenced. Mrs- John Workman, phone 629. 41-3! A good buggy for sale at a bargain if taken Ibis week. L-M. E. Anderson, 713 Larmie Ave., Alliance. 41-tf Tuesday, Sept. 27 Le Comte, Flesher & Wade offer THE SPARKLING, MUSICAL COMEDY The Flower of the Ranch" By JOSEPH. E. HOWARD Composer of a score of successes Overflowing with Song Hits and Fascinating Girls 40 People excellent Cast Beauty Chorus 200 Nights in New York 6 Months in Chicago RealHoward" Show PRICES: Reserved seats 73c and $1.00, Gallery 50c. children '.'Oe, Seats on sale Saturday Phelan Opera House 1 ', ' ' 't'" " J;1" ' ' 1 p , . 1 1, n. - , .. - I I rvn.n r x i vm 1 n 1 hbi4wb.v mHMr . 3b & K i : hJK. . -" V'. t , ..-. W ". , . . t r. - ''V '- ' ' v . .if w ".' 4 " , ' a! IWXHHffiHHBMHBiS BPBlFlHMSBBBflHBSfllHCr'' 'TWIWBMBBifcftjB?-SSfa..t "oBfiiHBlHHHHI M3y?f?'r&tf viM-r, srf?&M ,xlXffip . ' GROUP OF ALLIANCE CHURCHES FARM ROME IN BOX BUTTE COUNTY WfMMllMW mmiHllu- M 11 lll' ALFALFA FIELD NEAR A'.LlAN, BURLINGTON ROUND HOUSE AND ' . V"? y ' '-'" v ' IH J -jl t Vi SHOPS