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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1910)
YL SHOES IMMENSE THE SHOES FALL STOCK FOR MEN The Hanan and the Barry take the lead. We carry a FULL LINE of Both. WOMEN We Have the "Queen Quality" Guaranteed to please TBS FASHION WOMAN- V What "Queen Quality Means It was only after a thorough investi gation and with much effort that we secured the ex clusive agency of the "Queen Qual ity" shoe, conced ed by all leading shoe dealers to be the most popular Ladies' Shoe in America today. We solicit your patronage, guaran teeing every pair. Great Annual Discount On ALL Oxfords These are Latest Styles. No old stock. Bound to Please. TK m. Mnncc w 1 forturt" - w r 00 O O li"nO o 4&0D x&iU What 'Hanan' and 'Barry Shoes are It is needless to speak of our Men's Hanan and Barry Shoes as they are the standard of highest quality and workmanship. Children's School Shoes carried by the Alliance Cash Shoe Store are of the best quality obtainable. ESF'We guarantee every pair and we stand by it. 306 BOX BUTTE AVE. FOR BOYS "Steel Clad" Fine School Shoes FOR GIRLS The Piehler School Shoe leads 'em all You will be delighted with our goods and pleased with the You all do know that when we advertise an article, it's here and you can buy it if you want it. No Just Out talk here-come in and see some real bargains FAMOUS CLOTHING HOUSE 8th Annua CLEARANCE SALE Better Values, More of Them Bargains in Standard Merchandise The largest business season we ever had closed and before the arrival of New Fall Goods we are slashing Clothing. Get in while the sizes are complete SHIRTS 69c r $1.50 for S2.00 Goods A Big Assortment. of Light and Dark Patterns Manhattan Shirts, worth $2.00, now $1.50 V. Sv STOCK REDUCING SALE! for a lot of $i.oo and $1.25 SHIRTS embracing all styles and patterns K Sale price 69c SUITS . SIO. $15 AND S20 Our- Entire JsJtoclc of Fnucy ..ftjSiilti-! in 3 Ttic I-otw For this Sale we put all the Fancy Suits in three groups. Read on Q-xoij-p 1 These wonderful values, worth $14 and $lf, wool goods and worsteds, nicely made $10 ?1 5 Representing $18.00 and $20.00 grades which we sold at those prices early in the season. $15 3-xou.p Q Fancy Suits of Hart Schaffner & Marx. Worth up to $30.00, now $20 RUBBER Genuine Silk COLLARS HOSIERY, a biS lot Blacks! all sizes GraySf J Efj Purples J' & Tans .. , worth $1.00 Neckwear r our Pr,ce Hundreds of WASH 5 J C TIES Beautiful 75c Patterns Black Satine 2 3FX SHIRTS m during Sale 25c 50c Kady Suspenders, sold by O Qc others at 75c our price ---w Bicycle Hose for Boys, sizes 'OfiT- 6-10, black, 2 pair for iJ' The Best Heavy Overall, Rivetted 65c Boys' Work Shirts O Q, 50c grade Jjrs Balbriggan IQc Underwear f-v each See those Sizes 1 OK Shoes for Boys 9-2 lwu Sizes 2-5 1.65 Boys' Knee Pants. 65 and s) C icr nunlifv. now tJ 75c quality, now $3 gP f buys an all-wool peg top kJ J Trousers. Worth $5.00 The Famous One-Price Clothing House A STORE FOR MEN 307-309 Box Butte Ave.. Alliance, Nebr. 1