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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1910)
iMmnMPlMmMmm M.MAAfAAAiSAtAMA tatMJUMMtMMlMtMttlAtMM14M Watermelons, Canteloupes, g DUNCAN'S GROCERY A I Fresh Fruit of all Kinds Second door west of P. 0. Phone 5wiwrewwwwrtWwreTrwvmfcWw rtfsrrwiwirriwoirririrrevra rayyyyyYrTrrryyrrrrrTayY Nebraska Direct Legislation League WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HVY, McCLUER'S ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. wmmimmmmmmBmm Ki K t, ' i I H I1 ! u Cr H I COLUMBIA DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS A different selection on each side They fit any machine That tells the whole story except that at 65 cents for the Columbia Double-Disc you get a better record, on each side, than you ever bought be fore at $ 1 .20 for trie same two selec tions. Get a catalog I MRS. IDA M. ROSS RESIDENT DEALER Alliance. Nebr. Reliable Grocery and Meat Market Groceries, Fresh and Cured Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Candies, and every thing else good to eat Phone 50 JAS. GRAHAM i The Nebraska Direct Legislation League is one league that is pulling together harmoniously. Whatever other leagues may succeed in doing or not doing, it is a safe guess that this league will succeed within the next few years in securing the enactment of a direct legislation law in this state. . The league is nonpartisan. While advocating democratic principles, the president of the league and many of its leading members are republicans. The nonpartisan feature of direct legislation is one of the best things about it. The Nebraska D. L. L. recently issued, through its president the fol lowing statement of its campaign plans for the immediate future: "The Direct Legislation League will work from now ou to two ends. It will try to secure favorable pledges in all the party platforms, and also from all the legislative candidates. The public interest is shown to be such that we cannot see how any party conven tion can justly refuse a chance to vote on the question, no matter what the individual views of party leaders may be on the merits of the question- But the work will not stop with the party platforms. For the information of voters at the primaries the league will question candidates for the legidlature. With the voters informed in advance of the position of candidates on this question there should be no difficulty, in most districts, to secure the nomina tion on all tickets of initiative and referendum man." John II. Mockktt, Jr., Pres. The Fremont Tribune says: "Whether or not the democrats doclare for the initiative and referendum re publicans should do so." The Omaha World-Herald says: "This newspaper would rejoice to see the initiative and referendum made a part of the plat forms of both the great parties in Ne braska this vear." These opinions are in line with the views expressed by many of the papers of all parties in the state. Good Backing The Nebraska Direct Legislation League has good backing, leading men of all political parties being affiliated with it. Following are the names of a tew of the members of the league in different parts of the state: C. S. Allen. Lincoln, President Regents, State University. C V, Itarnes, MeCoolc, Publisher He publlcan. A. L, Candy. Lincoln, Prof, Mathe matics, State University. A. L. Covlness, Fairbury, Superin tendent Schools. F. M. Coffey, Lincoln, President State Federation of Labor. John N. Drytlen, Kearney. Attorney. .1. L. Evans, Aurora, President Farm ers' State Hank. Lincoln Frost, Lincoln, Judge District Court. Itos Hammond, Editor Fremont Tribune John A. Hospodsky. Wllber, 1'epre sentutlve 31st District. C. S. Harrison. York. Nurseryman. F. M. Kltunicl, MeCoolc, Publisher Tribune. Geo. W.Norris, MeCoolc, Congressman Fifth District. T. V. McCullough, Omaha, Managing Editor Omaha llee. Geo. L. Sheldon, Nebuvvka, Ex-Governor Nebrasku. J. J, Sullivan, Omaha, Ex-Judge State Supreme Court. S II. Thompson, Hustings, Superin tendent Schools. W. J. Tuvlor, Merna, Representative 50th District. Among newspapers of state-wide cir culation already supporting the objects of the Nebraska D- L. L. are the World-Herald and News of Omaha, and the Journal, News, Star, and Nebraska Farmer of Lincoln. The local news papers of the state ore almost solidly in favor of direct legislation, the onlv ex ceptious, so far as we know, being a very few papers hose editors are either holding fedeial utiices, or are applicants for such appointment, and seem to think that a stuiulu it altitude necessary to secure the c.ioi.-ement ot the "powers that be." EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Office in rooms formerly occupied by R, C. Noleman, First Nal'l Bank blk Phone t8o. ALLIANCE. NEB. ti. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, iUL.LIA.TfCIG, NEB, F. M. BROOME L4KDATTOHNEY Long - experience as Receiver U. S. Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office in Opcrn House Block . ALLIANCE - NEIIKASKA. BRUCE W ILCOX Lawyerand Land Attorney Practitioner in civi courts since 1893 and Register U. S. Land Office from 1903 to 1907. Information by mail a specialty. Office in Land Office Building ALLIANCE, - - NEBRASKA OKIB UOIM'EIINOLL lies. IMione 'JO P. .r. PETEUSEN Ites. l'bone 43 Drs. Coppernoli & Petersen OSTEOPATHS 7-8-9 Rumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, P II V S I C I A N A N O Sl'RO K O IS Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND Sl'KGI'.ON (Successor to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours 11-12a, m. i-4 p.m. T;S0-P p, m. Office Phone 62 Res. Phone, 85 HrATcOPSEYTlvrDr Physician and Surgeon Phone 31)0 Calls answered promptly day uid night (ron oitilce. omee: Alliance Nntlonal H:ml Unlldlnff over the Post Ottlce. DR. CHAS. E. SLAOLE WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Dr. L. W. Bowman PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rumer Block, Rooms 12 and 13 Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 1:30 to 4, 7 to 8 p. m, Office Phone 65 Res. Phone 16 Our Ladies' and Children's Underwear lines are complete LADIES' VESTS, 15, 20, 25, 35, 40c, up to $1.75 UNION SUITS, 40c to $1.50 Children's Vests and Pants, all sizes, cotton and lisle McCLUER'S OTIS Sc BUSH CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CEHENT WORK A SPECIALTY Twelve Years' Experience All Work Guaranteed 307 Toluca Ave. Phone 613 ALLIANCE, NEBR. a Tmmsw9&wtwimm E. C. Whisman Practical Painter and Paper Hanger Full Hue wall paper samples PHONE 709 ALLIANCE, NEBR E. O. COOL Plumbing and Fitting All work guaranteed first-class puonb uv4 imn bVskment zbinden block alliance. nebraska Dr. H. R. Belville PHONE 167 Opera House Block Alliance, Nebr. f , J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer PHONE 20 ALLIANCE, NEBR. MRS. LOIS RILEY Trained Nurse iwiom: sio THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Director and Embalmer FUNERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE PHONE 498 RESIDENCE PHONE. 510. Elytra, Firie Shoe Repairing PROHPTLY DONE All Work Strictly First-Class n. D. Nichols ' BOX BUTTE AVENUE AT ALLIANCE SHOE STOKE 1 Railroad Milk Cans Complete line at the following prices: 5 gal., 12 lbs $2.25 10 gal., 17 lbs... 2.50 10 gal, 20 lbs 2.7'5 10 gal., 22 lbs ' . 3.00 V. ItawbeYv&Aw. Co. im RODGERS 1 A.D. Groceries and Provisions A full line of fresh goods to order from Our prices are right Telephone orders filled promptly Phone 54 S. W. Cor. Box Butte Ave. and Dakota St. ; one block north of Burlington station, on west side of street t- 1 4i. y