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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1910)
mhhpshm :.2Sm. ' V 1L "'i : v -? & pmiwwjfcwwg iflW! w-r ;oiA SoooVy BUlo Uov' Jk& Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. 1 to 3 VOLUME XVII. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA I THURSDAY, JULY ,7 1U1D NUMBER 30 i"S ""K',tfieCifJ The Alliance Herald lyV. 1 !" T m X I THE FIRST V thing to consider in depositing money in a Bank is s e curity. The capital and surplus are the depositors protection fund. Our capital is $50,000.00. Our surplus is $50,000.00. This makes a depositors guarantee fund of $100,000.00. The " NATIONAL government superintends and examines this bank. Our stockholders and directors are responsible, well-to-do business men. This BANK has been established over 20 years, during which time it has served the banking public faithfully and built up a large and prosperous business. The best service possible is none too good for our country customers and the people of ALLIANCE MERCY HOSPITAL A ALLIANCE, & rfCgflducted by-the J5IS TJERSOF M ERCY- Patients given best possibleeare by trained nurses, and are permitted to choose their own physician OUR DRUGS are all of the highest qualify we can get find are all examined crit ically after we receive them in stock here before a single one js placed on sale we do everything in our power to be on the safe side. A good thing for you to remember. L&U&tlOVS . U(lAXqAVU tested hi Front ef the Palace Livery Stable 70a can pearly always see a rig getting ready to start out- We will send one any distance, lor any purpose, at any time. We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve you in apy way in which a rig is required. H. P. COURSEY. Prop. PHONE. 72 rH'-H''H"fr-H"HH-M-H' f ! : KENNEDY BROTHERS DENTISTS. Office in Alliance National Bank Blk Over Postoffice. 'Phone 391. 3 . -. . t.t- . . . -. .m GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glass Fitted. V 1 J t JE3e ' S k NEBRASKA HH We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. You'll Wish Company would Come if you buy one of our pretty sets of crokery or china we are selling so much below the regular. You'll be bo proud of it that ' You'll Want to Show it to Your Friends If you have a new set nlteady you certainly will like to see some of our handsome Pieces for the Sideboard So come anyway. The Fair Store W. J. Hamilton, Prop. Notice All water rents inubt be paid ut Citv Hull before July 20th, Water wiil pussitively be turned off according to ordluunce U8 sec, 10, 302t J. H, Caw son, Water Cora, BBBBtaBBBBBKZ" -rVySs frvll F u III wTB Great Voting Contest Drawing to a Close The Herald's great voting con test closes Thursday, July 7, 1910, at 8 o'clock p. m., if there is no one at The Herald oflico at that hour wishing to subscribe for the paper or turn in votes or subscriptions. The object is to close the contest at a time known to all contestants, and others in terested, but still not depriving anyone of the privilege of sub scribing or voting because of a rush that may occur at the hour set for closing. When it is ascertained, at or after 8 p. m., that there are no persons present at The Herald office having votes votes to re port, or wishing to subscribe, the contest will be declared closed. The standing of the candidates will be bulletined dur ing the day and evening of July 7 in The Herald, office, or in front thereof. CASH REFUNDED TO SUBSCRIBERS Here's something that will put ginger into the contest, and will be of great interest to subscrib ers: The subscriber who is paid the farthest ahead at the close of business, Thursday, July 7, 1910, will be refunded three fourths of the amount paid ahead at that time. The subscriber who is second farthest ahead at that time will be refunded one-half of the amount paid ahead. ' The subscriber who is third farthest aHeadwill be jrdfunded1 one-third of the amount paid ahead. As we are offering to give win ners of prizes in the contest their choice between the prize won and a percentage of the money paid on new subscriptions from June 1st to the close of the contest, and on the special Graphophone prize from June 9 to July 7, and as we will npt re fund under any circumstance more than seventy-five per cent, of the money paid on any sub scription, we make the follow ing exception to the above: in regard to new subscribers who have voted for a candidate who chooses a percentage of the mon ey paid on new subscriptions; If the amount to be paid 'to the winning contestant plus the amount that would go to the sub scriber makes more than seventy-five per cent, of the amount paid ahead, the amount to be paid the winning contestant will be deducted from the amount that would otherwise be refund ed to the subscriber, and after the deduction has been made the balance, if any, will be paid the subscriber. Present te Sebscrikws Every subscriber to the Herald, whether new or old, who pays two years in advance on sub scription, on or before July 7th, will receive a beautiful and use ful Library Wall Chart free. These are being published ex pressly for us, and will be deliv ered to subscribers free, express or postage charges prepaid. They show portraits of the Gov ernors of Nebraska, an excellent county and township map of Nebraska, map of the United States with portraits of the Presidents, map of the world giving portraits of the rulers of the world, and descriptions of the principal cities of the United States. This beautiful Wall Chart Is printed in colors on three sheets of heavy paper, 28 by 36 inches, mounted ready to put up. It is not or sale; we ordered them to give to our subscribers; but compared with the prices charged for other maps, it is well worth $1.50. We will give absolutely free, transportatipn charges paid, to any person, paying. two years' subscription to The Herald in advance; or to any person pay ing one year in advance and fifty cents additional. Any person paying four years in advance will receive two copies free; and for each additional two years paid in advance, an extra copy of the Wall Chart. Subscription Cards For the convenience of per sons who may wish to subscribo and pay, and furnish the names of the persons subscribed for later, we have subscription cards, each good for a year's subscription. One of these will be furnished for each dollar and a half so paid, which will entitle the person paying to 150 votes for the candidate of his or her choice. Upon return of these cards, receipts will be issued to the persons to whom the paper is to be sent, and showing the date to which each is paid. Reception at MeCorkle Home In the Herald of last week we guve a report of the wedding of Frank Dunning and Inice MeCorkle, The reception was held at the home of the bride's father, Mr. J. C. MeCorkle, on Friday evening, July ist. The happy couple returned home from their honeymoon trip to Denver, Colorado Springs, and other Colorado points lastFridaymorn ing. The residence was beautifully dec orated in pink and white and costly cut flowers were everywhere in evidence. In the receiving line were Mrs. W. W. Norton, who received at the door Mrs. Cogswell, who did the introducing; and Mr and Mrs. Hargraves, who stood up :jS-LU,.ih,e n e wJyi niar rie J couple. The residence was crowded all the time Irorn ight o'clock until eleven thirty. On several tables in a side room were many beautiful and costly presents, which were admired by all. The large front porch had been enclosed for the evening, Mr. Cogswell entertaining in the smoker. In the dining room the guests were served punch by Miss Alice Acbeson and Mra. Lloyd C. Thomas. Icecream and delicious cake were served by Nell Acheson and Ruth Aspenwall. The orchestra which was composed of Miss Beulah Smith, Paul and Carl Thomas, Camille Nohe, Fred Funk, and Herbert Nelron, entertained with several beautiful instrumental pieces. The vocal solos were well rendered and elicited much applause. Stockmen 60 To Alliance Bound for the annual convention of the Nebraska Stock Breeders' associa tion, a delegation of South Omaha live stock commission men, headed by Secretary Stryker of the Live Stock exchange, left Sunday in a private car for Alliance, Nebr. A number of others will spend the Fourth at home and leave for Alliance Tuesday. During their stay, which will last a week, the South Omaha delegation will spend its spare time in boosting South, Omaha and the local market. Omaha Daily News. HON. FRANK L BEEMAN, Keirw7, Nb. VisKtr at tij Steckow's Conviction. DR. BOWMAN: Office In Humor block. Rooms 18 and 13, Phones C5 and 10. 26-tf, mi lHt i 1 m MUWWWii 1 1 IBWBWLW 2JUM&tAtJ-8.S0j,t ojfi.Jl?JP. Reduce Your Living Expenses by Buying Your Groceries Where You Can Get Them the Cheapest These are a few of the many bargains to be found In our store: Tomatoes in No. 2 cans $1.00 dozen Corn in No. 2 cans . . 1.00 dozen Peas Green String Beans tr a. : - iu jvruui 111 3 iu wus, l'-o uueii Hominy in 3 lb. cans 1.20 dozen Snider's Pork and Beans in No. 3 cans. . . 2.45 dozen Snider's Pork and Beans in No. 2 cans. . . 1.80 dozen Snider's Pork and Beam in No. 1 cans. . 1.25 dozen Canned Peaches 1.75 dozen Canned Pears 1.25 dozen We buy our Groceries -.every week so they are always fresh. A cordial invitation extended to everyone visiting- the Stockmen's Convention. Phillips Grocery Co. Phone 4. CTBcTrffVlircrJ5ir'oZ?BT E. 8UCKINCHAM CeMril SiwriaUitdtat ef tin Unlfl StMk Yards, So. Omh, Utrwch wins CHrttsy tkt Amine picture thow, htprtsentfog steck ytrfe u4 (Med iae Um smmi, will In gtrtn fret la AlHme (Mnesiiy rtlcfal A Few ef the Alliance Visitors Miss Wilma Wood is enjoying a visit from Miss Willis Miss Eva Clemmons of Sheridan is a visitor in the Newberry home. , Miss Billings of Ft. Robinson spent Sunday and Monday in Alliance. Miss Rose Trumble of Mitchell is the guest of Mrs. Louie Surprise. Dr. A, J. Faulk is here for the week in chtrge of the Mitchell ball team. Miss Ethel Miller is entertaining her friend Miss May Hobsou of Spokane. Mfs. James Mewhirter of Ravenna Is -here, the' guest of Mrs. Zoe Mew. hrrter. Miss Mamie McCauley of Beaver Crossing is visiting her friend, Miss Tyson. Mr and Mrs Dan Hill of Gordon are the guests of Mr.- and Mrs. Ro Beckwilh. The Mitchell base ball team won the games both Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. ! Mrs Jennie Reed is entertaining Mrs. F. O. Rowe, Miss Grace Rowe and Lynn Reed of Mitchell. Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Phillips of West Lawn are enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Howard Short of Slater, Mo. Mrs. R. Barnum is here, the guest of Miss Bernice Kridelbaugb. Mrs. Barnum will co to Ft. Robinson the lact r( tttn tunMlr fr riai lir ImeitnnrVe brother, Captain Barnum. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller are en tertaiuiug the following friends from Crawford: Mrs. Hattie Fairchild, Miss Murrel Spearman, Miss Nora Wilson, Miss Millie Lindeman, Dr. Cutler and Ray Fritz, Training School for Nurses ' I In pnnnoftt nn MMmv Hno. pital, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, is a Training School for Nurses. Wanted, young ladies to enter the Training Sphool of Mercy Hospital Alliance. AduIv to Sisteu Superior. t CAJPJte-llOjfLtJUiMLailJCltaJLatA 1. 00 dozen 1.00 dozen - 1 9 1 s is crr62rrTylTrrBV615Wl GOVERNOR SHALLENBEkGER Let Other Towns Celebrate When it was proposed to celebrate the Fourth of July this year, and follow the celebration with the three days stockmens convention, The Herald favored the proposition; hut we wish now to start a movement to let the neighboring towns have the Fourth of July celebrations. Alliance people cele brating with them, and then invite them to come to this city to the annual stock mens' convention and the big fair in the fall. We do not know vet what action the stockmen will take in regard to dates for future conventions, but we wish to suggest that a certain time be set for everv year, sav three days, commencing the first, second or third Monday in June; or if preferred, commencing on ome othei day of the week. Our idea is to have the stockniens' convention held at the same time each year. HON. JAS. C. DAIILMAN " " ' "' '! I I I I I ! , I , , m If vou have a Ht,r,l t.irrm fn rAn. at vote to politics now, remember Hni -fteBHBBi BBBHBBBejBeeBHhu4ieBHH BBjeB9BMnBPfiBB9B9lBEXiLi ' BBHill eeK$lrlSnBi&i65P'ra eeeee9B9w swvjBtf&jjffiiM August -it), the date for the primaries.