The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 26, 1909, Image 3

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from a Reliable House
We have the BEST of everything good to eat
Our Prices are Right
Yours for a square deal,
FA. D. Rod gets
Good Things to Eat
I Phntin
1 19 j Desch's
ftn 4-latk smMM
tStMSt vmi klIC wui tici
On SA TURD A Y, AUG. 28th
we will receive by express a fine line of
PEES ieh: peuit
Fresh Peaches Fresh Apricots
Fresh Strawberries Fresh Cherries
Fresh Pineapples Fresh Ban ami as
Fresh Oranges All kinds Fresh Vegetables
Quick Meal Gasol i ne Stoves
The above Is the "Quick Meal" Trade
Mark. If you want to see the little "Quick
Meal" chick get a quick meal, put it close
to your eyes and your nose on the cross
(). Look at It that way 6teadlly for a
minuce and you will sec the chick make a
"Quick Meal" of the bug. People who
use a "Quick Meal" know how to cook a
meal quick and cat it In comfort "Quick
Meal" Stoves look well, cook well, bake
well and last well. They could not be
made better at any price. Their Immejise
sale is due to their merits to nothing else.
Over 300 Stoves
to Choose from
Prices, $2.75 to $32
Largest stock of Granite Honu
ments in the West. Nothing but
first-class work and lowest prices
All lettering done by pneumatic tools
Write us and let us quote you
1815-17 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
-.,n4- nt O f
vymi ui i. y.
Make Happy Homes
A Quick Meal Stove
will do any and all
work that can be
done on a range or
cook stove. Only it
does it QUICKER,
CHEAPER and in a
more agreeable way
Hardware Co.
mVIATION week at rheims
Six Aercplanec Winn Their Way Like
Huge Quits.
Rhelms, Franco, Aug. 23. Tho Bpec-ta.-iu
of six aeroplanes simultaneously
winging tholr (light In huge tdrcloS
over tho plain nt Dothcny was n to
marknble fent ot tho opening day of
mtatlon week. At tho finish of tho
flight there was a great burst of
cheers over this wonderfully lmpres
slvo exhibition of man's mastery of
the air, which dispelled all doubt in
tho minds of tho thousands present
that a now era of locomotion confronts
tho world.
Tho storm left tho sky banked' with
clouds, with lntcrmltttcnt showers and
high winds nnd the eliminating trials
for tho selection of tho French repre
sentatives for tho Gordon Dennett in
tcrnntlonal cup, which Js to bo con
tested next Saturday, were spollod.
Only Lcfcbvre, who less than two
months ago adopted acroplano piloting
as a profession, with a Wright bi
plane, Dlerlot, Do La Grant, Esnault
Pelterlo and Captain Ferber braved
tho gusty puffs. Lefobvro succeeded
in negotiating tho complete circuit of
tho course. He remained in tho njr
for ajxteen minutes in a twenty-flvo
mllo wind, breaking tho speed' record
heretoforo hold by TIssandlero, cov
ering ten kilometors in 8 minutes
55 4-5 seconds.
Of tho others entered in tho trials,
Blerlot was only able to cover a suf
ficient distance to qualify, thus leav
ing tho committee, to select tho re
maining representative from tho best
achievements In subsequent events.
Million Dollar Loss From Blaze In
Heart of Business District.
Decatur, 111., Aug. 23. Firo which
started at 1 a. m. in tho Moorehouso
& Wells hardware store, on East Main
street, caused a loss estimated at $1,
000,000, with insurance about 80 per
cent of that amount.
Following tho Are, the worst 4n tho
history of the city, Decatur faced a
water famine. It became necessary to
shut off the residence districts, the
supply of water in tho reservoir being
down to seven feet.
During the fire a blazo was discov
ered In the engine room of tho Deca
tur hotel, half a block west of tho
district that was being destroyed.
Thero was a panic among tho guests,
but prompt work by hotel employees
resulted In extinguishing the flames
In the hotel. Springfield sent an en
gine and flro crow and this gave the
city four engines. Tho department
was crippled by falling wulls, covering
several hundred feet of hose.
Among the buildings, together with
their stocks of goods, destroyed' woro
Moorehouso & Wells' hardware store,
Henry Bnchrneh, clothing; City book
store, Danzelsen's meat market, Union
Pacific Tea company, Brjnkmeyer
building, Rogors & Clark's shoo store,
F. H. Colo's shoo store; Shade Lokey's
shoe store, Frank Curtis' Jewelry
store nnd Young's clothing store.
These buildings faco on East Main
street, Merchant street and Water
street and ore In the very heart of
tho business district.
Fire in Business Center Causes Loss
of $1,500,000.
Mexico City, Aug. 23. Firo de
stroyed property In the business cen
ter of Monterey to the Value of about
$1,500,000. The whole business sec
tion of the city was threatened, but
escaped destruction largely because
there was no wind. The fire started in
the establishment owned by tho son-in-law
of General Trevlno, commander
of the Monterey military zone and the
opponent of General neyes, and it was
first thought that It was the work of
political malcontents, but Investiga
tion showed that it was due to defec
tive wires used for lighting purposes.
The loss is divldod as follows: Edo
Bremen & Co., on stock and buildings,
$800,000; J. B. Sanford & Co., $400,
000; Puerto de Liverpool, $150,000;
other concerns 4n the block, about
Two Trains Destroyed' and Many
Killed or Injured.
Santiago, Chile, Aug. 21. A terrl
bio railway disaster occurred when
two trains came Into collision thlny
miles north of Santiago. Many per
sons were killed or injured. Both
trains were completely destroyed.
The monetary loss will reach $150,000.
Three Drown In St. Croix River.
Stillwater, Minn., Aug. 23. Miss
Hilda Peterson, aged twenty-two
years; Louis Wendell, aged eighteen,
both of Lakeland, and Miss SIgrIa
Peterson of Moose Lake, Wis., sister
of HJIda, were drowned In the St.
Croix river by the capsizing of a skiff
In a storm. Harry Stnberg saved him
self by clinging to tho overturned skjff.
Bush Fires Menace Town.
WInnpeg, Aug, 23. The town of
Granbrook, Near Fernie, B. C, Is
threatened with destruction by bush
fires. Great Northern railway. bridges
have been burned. Fires are still
causing grent loss at other points.
Sons of Veterans Meet.
Washington, Aug. 23. Hundreds of
members of the Sons of Veterans as
sembled in this city today to attend
the annual encampment of the coin
mandery In chief and auxiliary of that
Murder Victims Unidentified.
Granite City, 111., Aug. 23. Although
hundreds of persons viewed the bod
ies of the woman and child who were
murdered near here, none was able to
Identify them.
Grablree on Trial on Charge of
Murdering Captain,
Captain Buchan Is Acting as Judge
Advocate Insanity Will Be the De
fense of Slayer of Captain John C.
Raymond and Family Will Push It
Hard Case Transferred From Fort
Des Moines.
Omaha, Aug. 23,Tho trlnl by gnu
oral court-martial of Corporal Llslo
Crabtree of troop B, Second United
States cavalry, for tho murder ot his
company commnnder, Captain John C.
Raymond, nt Fort Des Molnei, on
June 10, convened at Fort Omahn this
Colonel Cornelius Gardner of tho
Sixteenth infantry is the president uf
tho court-martial and Captain F. E.
Buchan, Judge ndvocato of the Depart
ment of tho Missouri, is acting ns
Judge advocate, which Js equivalent
to tho prosecuting attorney In civil
cases. Tho others of tho court con
sist of officers of the dopnrtment staff
and officers of tho Sixteenth infantry
ut Fort Crook.
An effort will bo made by Crabtroo's
friends to plead the defense of Insan
ity nnd no efforts will bo spared by
his mother and his family to provo
that defense.
Should tho court-martial find a ver
dict of guilty, the penalty will bo
death by hanging. Military execu
tions by shooting nro not permitted In
tho army In times of peace.
Tho court can only recommend the
pennlty nnd It can only be executed
upon the approval of tho president of
tho United States.
Treatment of Children Leads to Inves.
tlgatlon of August Boeck.
Humboldt, Nob., Aug. 23. August
Boeck, tho Germnn farmer whoso ac
tions at tho time his child wns lost
last week, calmed so much comment,
was taken to Falls City and' given an
examination before tho Insanity board,
a large number of witnesses being
present from this city and surround
ing country. Tho board decldod that
he was a fit subject for the asylum
and ho was ordered sent there, an ad
ministrator being appointed for his
farm affairs and a guardian for tho
four children, 'ranging l:i ago from
three to sixteen years. Mr. Boeck, It
will be rcmombcred, refused' to go out
and aid in tho search for his lost
three-yenr-old girl until he wns forced
to go by the neighbors. Investigation
revealed tho fact that the children
had been deprived of mnny of tho ne
cessities of life nnd compelled to work
In the fields nt all tlmos, without
schooling and amid great exposure.
Are Accused of Robbing Burlington
Cars In Transit.
Beatrice, Aug. 23. A sensation In
the shape of a series of robberies has
Just developed at Wymore, where a
number of conductors, engineers nnd
brnkemen in the employ of the Bur
lington have been called on tho carpet
and discharged for taking silks, cloth
ing nnd shoes from enrs In transit
Thirteen employees hnvo been dis
charged. For tho last few weeks tho
company has had a number of detec
tives at work and theso officers have
rodo In tho trains with crewB where
the robberies have occurred. In some
Instances the stolon goods have been
found In tho possession of tho train
men. Ten more are slated for dis
charge. A few of tho men have been
with the company for many yeare
nnd woro nmong tho oldest and most
trusted employees.
St. Joseph and Grand Island Road Or
ders the Cars.
Falrbury, Neb., Aug. 23. That mo
tor car service Is to be Installed on
the St. Joseph and Grand Island line
for local traffic as soon as tho Union
Pnclflc be&lns detouring Its through
trains over this route Is now assured
by a report which comes from Super
intendent Berllngett of the St. Joseph
and Grand Island system. The motor
car service will cover the entire line
from KnnsaB City to Grand Island.
Five cars have been ordered.
Christian Missionary Convention.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 23. The forty
second annual convention of tho Ne
braska Christinn Missionary society
met to transact business In Bethany
park, until Aug. 29. Bible schools
will be held and the Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor, Min
isterial association, Brotherhood DIs
cjples of Christ and the Christian
women's board' of missions will con
duct meetings. The address of Presi
dent "R. A. Schnoll will bo made this
Amateur Aeronaut Fatally Injured.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 20. Frederick
Scott, an amateur aeronaut of Lincoln,
received injuries which physicians
fear will result fatally. He Lad made
an ascent of about 500 feet, when the
balloon began to collapse. Scott
waited until he was within 200 feet
of the ground' when ho cut loose. Tho
parachute did not have time to open
nnd be fell heavily, breaking hiB shoul
der, one leg and receiving internal Injuries.
St. Joseph Boy Goes to Nebraska City
to Attend Funeral and Drowns.
Nebraska City, Nob., Aug. 20.
CharleB Ro-js, an oighteen-yenr-old
boy, enmo from St. Joseph with his
married sister to nttond tho funepnl
of his father, Sam Ross. After tho
funeral ho, In company with IUb broth
er nnd two other boys, wont to the
city park, where they went In bathing.
He wnded out beyond his depth and
went under. Tho other hnys tried to
snvo him, but their efforts wore futile
nna they gave tho alarm, and after
thirty mlmiteH In tho water George
Solby recovered tho body and two
physlclnns worked for threo hou-s
over It. The funeral will be hold u
day. Tho body will bo placed bes'de
if.At of his father, whoso funoral he
attended just prior to going swim
One of the Occupants la Seriously and
the Other Possibly Fatally Hurt.
York, Neb., Aug. 21. While going
down Wnlnut street tho nutomobllo of
IU11 brothers, driven by Mort Hill, In
which Fred Snddors was being taka&
to tho Burlington depot to take n
train to tho bcdsldo of his father, col
llded with the rear coach of tho Kan
Bns City nnd Omaha train nnd tho op
cupantB nnrrowly csenped Instant
death. The automobile was complete
ly demolished. Sadders received
painful nnd serious Injuries, Mort
H.U1 is unconscious nnd It is not known
how serious his Injuries are.
Thousands of Visitors Watch Frontier
Day Events.
Central City, Neb., Aug. 20, Thou
sands of visitors aru taking possession
of tho city, drawn by tho Frontier
Dnys events. Drawing mounts from a
herd of wild horses, ejght export rid
ers contested for tho honors. First
honors woro won by Charles Pargcn,
second by Honglnnd of Texas, third
by I A. Pullen and fourth by Hunter
from Wblbach. Another contest wns
held and the winners In tho two con
tests will fight It out In tho flnalB.
Tho Texas Kid nnd Oklahoma Kid
gavo exciting exhibitions of steer rid
Victim Dies on Way to Omaha Hos
pital and Slayer Escapes.
Omnhn, Aug. 23. Charles Johnson,
colored, was shot and killed in n quar
rel over a white woman by Qua Cul
vers, alias Baltimore Kid, nlso col
ored. Chlvors mot Johnson nnd quar
reled with him In tho alley between
Chicago and Dnvonpoft streets, near
Twelfth, nnd shot him undor tho loft
oyo. He Immediately made Ills escape
and his victim died on tho way to St.
Joseph's hospital. Lydln Hall, a whltu
woman, over whom tho shooting Is
supposed to hnvo tnkan place, wns nr-rostcd.
Monster Barbecue of Beeves, Sheep
and Catfish Will Be Served.
Omnhn, Aug. 21. Tho announce
ment wnB made by tho committee in
charge of tho arrangements for the
entertainment of the visiting dole
gntions to tho Eagles' nntlonnl conven
tion to be hold hero during tho week
beginning Sept. 12 that ono of the
principal events Is to be n monster
barbecue at Lake Nakoml; at which
not only beeves nnd sheep will be
Berved, but thousands of catfish. Tho
number of visitors Is estimated at
from 30,000 to 50,000.
Suit Filed to Collect Fee Paid by
Plaintiff Under Protest.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 21. The Mur
enntilo Incorporating company of
Omaha filed suit In tho district court
of Lancnstor county against Secretary
of State Junkjn for the recovery of
$5, the fee paid under protest unaor
the provisions of the corporation mx
law, alleging tho law is unconstltu
tlonnl because it is an occupation tax
Reports Slightly Increase Lead of
Omahan Over Kearney Man.
Omahn, Aug. 21. A small gain by
Fawcett over Homer was tho feature
of the returns that came in from coun
ties not reporting hitherto. The gam
Increased Fawcett's lead over Haiti r
to 578. Tho figures como from thirty
nine counties complete and about 150
precincts from counties in which tho
count is not complete.
Frontier Day at Grand Island.
Grand Island, Neb., Aug. 20. A rep
etjtlon of tho Cheyenne Frontier cele
bration has been scheduled here for
Aug. 25, 2G nnd 27. A tract of laud
three miles north of the city has been
secured, upon which the wild west
events will take place. Twenty thou
sand people can be accommodated In
the grand stand which has been erect
ed. Among the features to bo Import
ed from tho big Cheyenne carnival are
200 Indians, cowboys and cowgirls.
Entries for State Fair.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 21. For the Ne
braska state fair races this year 183
entries were made, only one race fail
Ing to fill, tho free-for-all. To date
154 machinery oxhlbltors have secured
space. The swine exhibit wjll be un
usually large, attracting moro breed
ers than any other attraction on the
Union Pacific Cuts Off Motor 8ervice,
Omaha, Aug. 20. Motor cars be
tween Omaha and Valley will be dis
continued Sunday and in their place a
sew Union Pacific local train wm b
.tin between Omaha and Grand Island.
bros. &
South Omaha
Sell Your
F. J. Brennan
Wm. James,
Dealer in
... WOOD
'Phone Alliance,
No. S. Nebraska.
Al Wiker
Grand Island Graiitcj
and Marble Works
All kiud9 of Granite and Marble
Tombstones and Monuments.
Lower prices and less
freight than from firms 2
farther east g
Taxes are due Nov. i. Personal
taxes delinquent Dec. i. Land tax
delinquent May i. Interest io per
cent from date of delinquency. Real
estate advertised for sale the first week
in October and sold for taxes the first
Monday in November. In all com
munications relative to taxes, please
give description of property.
Fred Mollring. Co. Treasurer.
Repair Work
Sewing Machines and
Have secured the services of a prac
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work done by him. Don't trust your
work to travelling repair men. This
man will be here permanently. Re
pairs and parts furnished for all ma
chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling,