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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1909)
0.6J& iHHmns 'VJ IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY YOUR groceries! i u from a Reliable House We have the BESX of everything good to eat Our Prices are Right Yours for a square deal. tA D. Rod gets Good Things to Eat AT Plimin ; 9 Desch's (9 On the corner west of P. O. EVERYTHING FRESH AND CLEAN On SATURDAY, JULY 3d we will receive by express a fine line of PBESH PETJIT Fresh Peaches Fresh Apricots Fresh Strawberries Fresh Cherries Fresh Pineapples Fresh Banannas Fresh Oranges All kinds Fresh Vegetables QuickMealGasolineStoves $ The above Is the "Quick Meal" Trade Mark. If you want to see the little "Quick Meal" chick get a quick meal, put It close to your eyes and your nose on the cross () Look at It that way steadily for a minute and you will see the chick make a "Quick Meal" of the bug. People who use a "Quick Meal" know how to cook a meal quick and cat It In comfort "Quick Meal" Stoves look well, cook well, bake well and last well. They could not be made better at any price. Their Immense tale is due to their merits to nothing else. Over 300 Stoves to Choose from Prices, $2.75 to $32 New Land FLATHEAD INDIAN RESERVATION: Register at Kalispell, Mont., on the Great Northern Railway. COEUR d'ALENE RESERVATION: Register at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. (Buv tickets to Spokane.) SPOKANE RESERVATION: Register at Spokane, Washington. Registration dates June 15 to August 5th, inclusive. This is another of the re maining few chances for this generation to obtain good government lands Call on nearest ticket agent for descriptive leaflet, showing conditions, ex cursion rates, train service, etc The Burlington. Great Northern, Spokane and Seattle train takes vou through the wealth producing Wenatchee fruit country, and shows you the wonder ful upper northwest empire; every mile is interesting. BIG HORN BASIN: A splendid choice of the government irrigated lands is still left to homesteaders in this fast growing country. 320-ACRE MONDELL LANDS: Thousands of acres of these larger sized tracts are now available for free homesteading in eastern Wyoming and are going fast. jfiimM stfM$M fm o Plinnn Make Happy Homes A Quick Meal Stove will do any and all work that can be done on a range or cook stove. Only it does it QUICKER, CHEAPER and in a more agreeable way Newberry's Hardware Co. Chances D. CLEM DEAVER, . GENERAL AGENT Land Seekers Information Bureau, Omaha, Nebr. STATEMENT ON SIQEL MURDER Inspector McCafi'erty Confident Leon Ling Will Be Captured. New York, Juno 29. Inspector Mc Cafferty, chief of tho New York doteo tlvo bureau, gava out tho first authen tic statement on tho murder of ElaJo SIgel that has been made by tho po lice Blnco tho discovery of tho glrl'n body on Juno 18 In a trunk In tho bed room of Leon Ling, an Americanized Chinaman, In Eighth avenue. "Wo shall catch the murderer," tho Inspector said "Delay does not alter that, nlthough It chafes' us. Tho LEON LING, whole country Is one vast rat trap, wjth every exit guarded. Tho girl was killed between 10 o'clock In the morning and noon of Juno 0, and wo believe Leon Ling is tho man who did It, with Chung Sing, his Inti mate, as a posslblo accomplice. Wo have Chung Sing. From his room In &lghtu avenue Leon Ling went Btralght to Washington and tlinro sent the 'don't worry' telegram , signed 'Elsie' received on tho night or the murder by the SIgel family. From Washington he returned to Now York and somewhere about midnight of Juno 9 took the body In a trunk to Newark, arriving there about 2 a. m. on June 10. Leon Ling returned to New York and from that moment wo lost all track of him. No murder that I can remember has nttracted such wide, or such enthusiastic, co-opera: tlon on tho part of the police of other cities. All the forces of tho country are working as one great .machine. We have fifty men of our own force on the case. The only steamer on which Leon Ling could have left tho country Is due to arilve In Yokohama on July 3. She will be watched. Wo chall catth him." HEAT KILLS TEN IN CHICAGO One Man Drowns Himself by Jump ing Into the Lake. Chicago, .lime 29. Ten deaths, su perinduced by the excessive heat, were reported to the police, Numer ous cases of heat prostration have been enred for at the hospitals and It Is probable that there have been many more which have not been reported. Tho last fatality reported was tho death of Police Sergeant Bernard Bockholz, who died at his home. Carl Sommers jumped into Lake Michigan while temporarily Insane. Ho was rescued, but died at a hospital. A cooling breeze Bwept over the city and brought temporary relief, al though Professor Cox of the weather bureau holds out little hope of a per manent relief. The thermometer hov ered around the 80 mark all day. Nine More Die In Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June 29.- Nine more deaths wcie adCed to the list of heat vlct.'ms In this aty. This makes tho total for tho present hot spell more thnn tv.o wrr". CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chicago, June 28. Rapid' progress of harvest operations In tho southwest prompted general selling of wheat on the board of trade here today, result ing in sharp declines in the price of all deliveries. At tho close the net losses were from c to l&c. Corn, oats and provisions followed wheat, and closed weak. Closing' prices: Wheat July, $1.15; Sept., $1.10. Corn July, 70'4c; Sept., G74c. Oats July, 49T,c; Sept., 43Vj543c, Pork July, $19.95; Sept., $20.20. Lard July, $11.60; Sept., $11.C7'A RJbs July, $11.07i; Sept., $10.95." Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard wheat, $1.241.2C; No. 2 corn, 72g 73c; No, 2 white oats, 5556ftC. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha June 28. Cattle Re ceipts, .3,500; light strong, heavy, slow; native steers, $5.2506.75; cows and heifers, $3.006.05; western steers, $3.2505.85; stockers and feed ers, $3.0005.50; calves. $3.0007.00; bulls and' stags, $3.0005.25. Hogs Receipts, 5.500; 510c higher; heavy, $7.7007.85; mixed, $7.6007.70; light. $7.4007.75; pigs, $5.7506.75; bulk of Bales, $7.5507.75. Sheep Receipts, 7,500; slow to lower; yearlings, $4.60 05.60; wethers, $4.0005.00; ewe. $4.0004.73; lambs, $7.0008.50. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Juno 28. Cattle Receipts, 8,0(10; strong to 10c higher; steers, $5.5007.35; cows, $4.0005.25; holfors, $3.6O0G.5O; bulls, $3.4005.25; calves, $3.0007.25; stockers and feeders, $3.30 05.25. Hogs Recolpts, 28,000; 50 lOe higher; choice heavy, $8.0008.10; light, $7.0007.85; packing. $7.7507.95: pigs, $5.6007.25; bulk of sales, $7.SO0 8.00. Sheep Receipts, 20,000; lambs strong, othors weak; Bheep, $4.00 6.50; lambs, $7.5008.75. NEBRASKA NEWS John L Webster Makes Open ing Attack on Bank Law. HITS PRIVATE BANK PROVISION. Stato Files Answer In Opposition to Injunction Setting Forth That Plain tiffs Have No Cause of Action and That the Court Has No Jurisdiction. Fifty State Banks Are Named as Complainants Against Act. Lincoln, Juno 29. Bcroro Juilgt Willis Vnndevcnter of tho Eighth cir cuit and Federal Judgo T. C. Mungor, J. L. Wobster began tho attar'; on th bank guaranty act passed' by tho last, legislature. Webster alleges that tho act Is unconstitutional because It drives out private banks and forces their owners, If thoy wjsh to continue business, to Incorporate. He furthor urges that tho act takes property, through tho legislature, for the pay ment of prlvnto debts. Tho right of tho legislature to declare any buslnesB quasi-public was ulso questioned. Fifty state banks are named in the bill In equity as complainants agojnst tho act. Tho state filed an nnswer in oppo Bltlon to tho Injunction, Betting forth that tho plajntlffs had no cnuso of ac tion; that thoy havo an ndequato rem edy at law; that tho plaintiffs nro Im properly Joined; that tho plaintiffs hnvo failed to show that tho amount In question la over $2,000, and that tho court has ilo Jurisdiction. KIDNAPS OWN CHILD James Ersklne Runs Away With Girl Given to Wife by Court, North Platte, Neb., Juno 28. James Ersklne kidnnped IiIb own child and Is now. In Jail, charged with tho of fense. Sometlmo ngo n divorce was gianted to his wife and certain priv ileges were given to Mr. Ersklne In regard to vjsltlng his llttlo girl. These privileges, It is charged, wore abused, and later tho decree was modified and ho was enjoined from visiting or hav ing anything whatever to do with hla child at any time. He violated the or der of tho court and took tho child", saying he was going to Hershey. How ever, he brought the child to North Platte, where the mdthor complained and ho was placed under nrrest. He was bound ovor to tho district court on the charge of child stealing. Net being able to c've bends, he was lodged In Jail. FALL FROM HORSE FATAL Professor S. F. Wright Is Killed on Ranch Near Chadron. Chndron, Neb., June 29. Professor S. F, Wright, for many years principal of the Kansas City schoolB, was killed at his ranch near hero by a fall from his horse. He was rounding up some cattle when hlB horse shied and throw hlr.i over a gate. His neck was broken by the fall, and though he lived six hours, ho djd not recover conscious ness. The body was taken to Bedford, la., where he has a number of relatives and It will be burled there. Dr. Pay ton, a brother of Mrs. Wright, nccom panled It from here. He leaves a wife and two children. Professor Wright had recently bought the ranch. Omaha Entertains Eastern Bankers. Omaha, June 29. A special train of six Pullmans, carrying 150 eastern bankers, who have been visiting tho Irrigated districts of the western states, stopped In Omaha on their way homei The train, which left Chicago June 21, has visited Oregon, Washing ton, Idaho, Colorado and Wyoming. The bankers composing the party are from half a dozen different stntes or the east. They are guests of a Chi cago bonding company. They Were entertained by tho Commercial club while here. Lightning Tears Building. Omaha, June 29, Lightning gutted a saloon building at the rear of Tenth and Davenport and tore a hole in the south wall twenty-six by twelve feet In dimensions. It also ripped up a lot of the flooring. The thunder and light ning were terrific all over the city and the rain came down Jn veritable torrents, it was accompanied by only a moderate wind. The water flooded BtreetB and sewers and cellars, but did not do as much damage as the bl Etorm of last week. Unusual Accident at Lyons. Lyons, Neb., June 26. Mrs. John O'Connor, while sewing, ran tho ma shine needle through her finger and was held fast by It, not being able to gxtrlcato herself. The chlldroa werft all away from the house, and her cries for help wore In vain until she attract ed some ono passing Jn the street. Neither could this party release the woman, but went Immediately for a doctor. Wheu he came she was noJ relensod until she had borne the tor lure while waiting for the neodlo to bo filed Jn two. Metcalfe Will Preside. Lincoln, Juno 29. HIclmrd L. Met calfe has accepted an Invjtntlon tc preside at the temperance meeting In York on the night of July 8. Several promlnont spookors wul ! on hand at tho night meeting nnd Mr. Metcalfe will tel v!v the Democratic purty should Itidur..' oui.ty option. fj TORNADO WRECK3 CHURCH ... 1 frozen Residences Demolished by Wind at West Point. West Point, Neb., June 2C. St. Jo 6cph'B Catholic church 1b In ruins and a dozen residences seriously damaged as the result of a sudden tornado which struck West Point. Tho tornado tljd extensive damage to property, but caused no injuries to life nnd limb. Tho dnmnge done by tho storm seems to havo been largely local, though reports are coming In from tho surrounding country of bnrns bo Ing blown down nnd shods demolished. Tho tornado came down on tho city almost without warning. Its general direction waB northwest to southeast, but Its forco was largely Bpent hero. Tho business portion of tho town did not suffer from tho wind, though tho torrential rain which followed dhi considerable damngo to paving nnd sidewalks. Tho tornado struck the Catholic church with terrific force. It whipped off the roof as if It were a leaf In a light breeze and tho enst wall of tho church was blown down. Tho other three wnls are standing, but likely will fall. Tho interior of tho church la n scene of utter havoc. Tho church waB considered tho fin est In this pnrt of Nebraska and cost $22,000 to build. Fifteen thousand col lars In tornado Insurance was carried on It. Of the dozen residences which suf fered, that of Fritz Rosenthal received tho moBt Injury. Tho roof was torn off and tho cellars were filled with wnter. NEBRASKA OUT OF DEBT State Treasurer Pays Off Last Claims Against General Fund. Lincoln, Juno 26. Nebraska has no state debt. Deputy State Treasurer Frank Brian paid off tho last cent of tho debt running agojnst tho general fund when ho took up warrantB to tho amount of $70,911.93. This Is the first time the books of the treasurer havo been In tho clear sinco any one around the Btnto houso enn remember, though on Bovornl oc casions bondu have been IsBucd and pnld. But there hns been a Btnto debt practically over since tho state waa organized. When Mr. Brian took charge of tho ofilco of treasurer the stato debt against the general fund amounted to practically $2,000,000. In March, 1907, when he began to keep n dally balance sheet, the stato debt Had been cut down to $1,500,000. While the state general fund Is clear of obllgatjons It will be only a few weeks until tho stato will again be be hind. The appropriations made by tho last legislature have to bo patd within this blennlum ana until Decem ber or January thoro will be llttlo money pnld Into tho treasury. Thus Jn the Interim gonoral fund warrants will hnvo to bo registered. Tho legis lative npproprlatlons totaled over $1,. 000,000, of which the lnrger amount run against the general fund. FRATERNITIES FIGHT TAX Commander Root Telegraphs Protest to Senators and Representatives. Omaha, Juno 20. In his cnpnclty of president of the Associated Frater nities of America, J. C. Root, sover eign commander of tho Woodmon of tho World, telegraphed n protest to several United States senators and representatives against the proposed 2 per cent corporation tax. Mr, Root says the associated fraternities Is com posed of sixty societies, with 2,000, 000 members. In his telegram ho de clared the tax would be destructive to the limited reserve on existing con tracts or policies, which arc exempted from such taxation by virtue of their provisions. HERMAN BOCHE IN CUSTODY Slayer of Frank Jarmer Must Begin His Ten Years' Sentence. Madison, Neb., June 28. Sheriff J. J. Clements of Madison county re ceived a telegram from the clerk of tho supreme court commanding him to Instantly procure and commit to Jajl Herman Boche, who was sentenced to serve ton years In tho penitentiary at Lincoln for the killing of Frank Jar mer nt Norfolk about two years ago, and who hns been out on ball for over a year awaiting a decision of the su preme court. Boche is now in the cus tody of the sheriff, having bade adieu to his family at his home on his farm, southeast of Norfolk, at noon. Woman Accused of Stealing Bible. Hustings, Neb., Juno 28. Claus Lay, a wealthy farmer of Hanover town ship, has filed a charge of burglary against his daughter, Sarah Merkle, nnd her divorced husband, John Mer kle, accusing them of mnllclously breaking into Ills home and stealing a bible. Tho trial Is set for July 9. Mrs. Merkle admits takjng tho bible, but Insists It Is her property, and that sho did not enter the homo by force. Injunction Asked in Church Case. David City, Neb., June 26. Judgo Holland of Sowurd, representing Bish op Bonacum of Lincoln, called nt Judge Roper's office and' asked for a temporary restraining order ngaJnst William Murphy with reference to the possession of the church property nt Ulysses. Judgo Roper refused to is buo tho writ without a hearing. Man Killed by Lightning. Arcndla, Nob., Juno 25. Frank Er chen, a farmer, was killed by lightning on tho' F. W. Toby ranch, while mow ing alfalfa. One of the horsos he was driving was nl?o killed. Mr. Erchon came to Custer county early this spring from Odcl, i. n PP" Thuet Bros. & Melady South Omaha T Have JIM HORN Sell Your Cattle TAKE YOUR FAMILY TO Nohe's Bakery and Cafe for your Sunday dinner We solicit your order for SPECIA Bakery GOODS Order on time FOU SALE BY F. J. Brennan Wm. James, Exclusive" Dealer in COAL & ...WOOD 'Phone Alliance, No. S. Nebraska. I AlWiker AGENT FOR i Grand Island Granite Marble ( All kinds of Granite and Marble 2 Tombstones and Monuments. -2 Lower prices and less 2 freight than from firms S farther east HAVE YOU PAID YOUR PERSONAL TAX? SHIP TO 1 FREE FROM UCE. Taxes are due Nov. 1. Personal taxes delinquent Dec. 1. Land tax delinquent May 1. Interest 10 per cent from date of delinquency. Real estate advertised for sale the first week in October and sold for taxes the first Monday in. November. In all com munications relative to taxes, please give description of property; Fred Mollring, Co. Treasurer" I