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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1909)
T7-T- . (A 3 o o $1 5,000 worth of the Highest Grade Furniture, Stoves o x: JONES, HE PAYS THE FREIGHT AND THE PEOPLE GET THE BENEFIT c o Q C G El o V W sc CD c u JS QC 'l T3 G C tt. c cd a CD H o U O I 1 LOOK FOR THE RED TICKETS. They denote a saving of M to 1-2 on your purchases and Queensware Going out to all the People 1 I I....IM I, I , . WE ARE GOING TO DO THE BATTLE OF OUR LIVES LOOK FOR THE RED TICKETS. They denote a saving of 1-4 to 1-2 on your purchases We are going to battle for the masses and not for the classes. Our entire stock of Furniture, House Furnishings, Hardware, Stoves and Queensware will be sold for cash or on easy payments, at prices absolutely unheard of in this section. We propose to unload every dollar's worth of this gigantic stock of merchandise during this sale, and the people get the benefit while it lasts. All former attempts at merchandising by us or any other concern in this city will be eclipsed beyond all question. THE CITY WILL BE IN A STIR AS NEVER BEFORE. A hustle and bustle throughout the entire big store that will wake mortal man from his slumbers. It will be a wonderful gathering of the people. We are determined to close out this stock and we are going to give the people the benefit. We will raise the roof if necessary. There will be a hot time in the old town. There never was such an undertaking in this city, and we do not believe there ever will be again. Absolutely $1.00 here will do the work of Si. 50 to $2. 00 elsewhere, and next Saturday morning, Jan. 9, when these doors open, you will bco such a gathering of people as never appeared on the streets of this city before. Rain or Shine, the Battle goes on. We have put our word out to the people and you know how well wo have kept it. Our word to you will be our bond, and there is not one item in this house, or a half a dozen going tobe put out for a bait as you will find plenty trying to do, but over 49,000 items, all at a price that never, met mortal man's eyes before. From one end of this big store to the other you will find the greatest buttering of red tickets, with the price of destruction marked on them and staring you in the face, no matter which door you come in. The whole Bhooting match goes to the people. We want to do ten times the business of our lives, because we want to iuit business. We expect multitudes in line and your share will be here for you. We have put on extra sales-people, and no matter whether the sun shines or whether it is snowing, it will pay you to gather up your overcoats and come down and see the greatest display of furniture sold for the least money that ever appeared to your eyes. Not one item will bo held in reserve. We are going out of business and we are coming out and asking you to part with your money at a season of the year when all men expect to make their 50 to 100 per ccut profit; but with us profit is a thing of the past. Wholesale prices and less reign throughout this big institution. Great Sale Values in Stoves Ranges There comes into being every season more or less offering's in stoves and ranges at more or less reduced prices, but it is seldom that the merchandise offered is of equally as substantial a character as that carried by Lockwood. The great Closing Out Sale is important to every probable buyer of a stove or range; for every heating stove or range in our stock is reduced, and none, no matter how low the price, ever finds place here except it be worthy. These are standard-made Ranges and you will never have trouble in getting extras and repairs for them. v $50.00 Peninsular Range at... , .... .... $45.00 National Range at $35.00 National Range at $25.00 National Range at Hard Coal Heater (used) which sold for $40.00, at Illinois Gas Consumer worth $30.00, at A line of heating stoves worth from $10 to $20, at from $5.00 to.. KITCHEN CABINETS Substantiall made of thoroughly seasoned oak. Hosier Kitchen Cabinet worth $22.00, t J Ci at 14.DU A line of cheaper Cabinets as low as $2.50, worth from $4.50 to $6.00 IRON BEDS These beds are large and massive and of very striking designs. The frames are of extra heavy tubing and have large ornamental chills and come in the latest finish. $34.90 32.50 27.50 16.50 12.50 18.00 12.00 ROCKING CHAIRS Your back aches when you get home, doesn't it ? How do you like sitting in a straight back chair any way, when you are tired? There is no need of it, at least there won't be in the future if you are wise enough to act on the suggestions we list below: Genuine Leather Upholstered Rockers (JQ ( EZ worth $14.50, at tJOOD' Solid Quartered Oak, hand-polished Rockers, worth $12.00. at Birds-eye Maple Rockers, worth 8.50, at '. Rockers, sold formerly at 3.00, at . .. . 6.98 5.98 198 $6.50 $4- 50 $13.50 1250 7.49 425 390 229 , Mattresses -and Springs at 6riatly Kwfocwi Prices SECTIONAL BOOK CASES Prices to suit every user. Honest material, perfect cabinet work and highest finish guaranteed. Come in and see them. Thev are marvelous values. Beds sold 'formerly for $25.00 Closing Out Price Beds sold formerly for $20.00 Closing Out Price Beds sold formerly for $1 1.00 Closing Out Price Beds sold formerly for Closing Out Price. Beds sold formerly for Closing Out Price. Beds sold formerly for $3.00 Closing Out Price Pianos and Music Instruments Six Pianos in Mahotranv and Walnut finish, rang ing in price frsm $250 to $375, marked down to $149 and $249. Violins, Mandolins, Banjos, Victor and Edison Phonographs, at about half price. All the Edison Records on hand at half price. The agency for the Edison records was taken from us on account of us cutting the prices. They are ours and we sell them as we please. La' in your supply. Furniture Bargains Every day of the closing Out Sale in the great Furniture Store will be a big one. The cfimpleteness of the display and the superiority of our values will be appreciated by the general public. THE HOME FURNISHERS, NO MATTER HOW MODER ATE OR EXTRAVAGANT THEIR TASTES, WILL FIND SOMETHING JUST TO SUIT AT A DISTINCT PRICE SAVING HERE. SPECIAL VALUES BUFFET Fine quarter-sawed oak (j & Tj Neatly carved top, worth $2S. fjt Mr yj PARLOR STAND In golden oak and mahogany finish, heavy rims aud strongly made. J fi Worth $6.00. Closing Out Price. .. TTLl DINING ROOM TABLE Fine Mission Oak, 54-inch top, extends to 8 feet. Worth $38.00. Closing Out Price LIBRARY TABLE Selected early English oak, large shelves. Worth $iS, Clos ing Out Price DINING ROOM CHAIRS In endless variety, highly polished, worth from $1.25 to 0 Jim n&mj KJ ism English oak, 1150 3.50. Closing out Price from o8c to The Chance of a lifetime to get Sewing Machines at Greatly Reduced Prices - Many ladies will be here during the first week of the sale, and many of the bargains will be sold before the last customers arrive, but we quote the following machines as long as they last. First come, first served, so take advantage of the opportunity at once. All are standard makes, no trouble to get at tachments and needles. New Roal, cabinet case, worth $40.00, at ' New Royal, Louis, the Fourth case, worth $35.00, at Cheaper makes, worth $25.00, as low as $26.50 18.50 12.50 Quilts and Blankets We are offering the cotton ones as low as HZsy Worth $1 DDL, Extra large 12-4 Blankets at $1.98 Wool blankets we are closing out from ftd Q g Worth from $3 to 7.00 2.25 to Pt0 Couches and Davenports Over there opposite the piano it looks kind of bare; perhaps you never noticed it, but it's true just the same and you wont have to stretch your imagina tion much to appreciate the. effect of one of the these Davenports occupying that space; just see the highly finished oak frame with its fine upholstering, figured in symmetrical designs comfortable and inviting. It would look nice, wouldn't it? Why not? No reason why, not at the prices we are quoting. Genuine Leather Couches, worth ifcOft CSft 38.00, at PJZO.OM Chased Leather Couches, worth 2 tZf 18.00,. at Plush Couches as low as $12.75 Davenports, oak frame, mohair up holstering, worth 45.00 33.50 China and Glassware Our whole stock will be slaughtered. Do not forget the basement for there you will find our en tire stock of China Ware on sale at such unheard of prices that you can not resist the temptation. Come early and get the pick. Lace Curtains and Portiers New Lace Curtains add 50 per cent to the ap pearance of the home, both from the inside and out side view, and there is no reason why your home should not show the very finest Lace Curtains in every window when we are quoting these prices: Lace Curtains, sold formerly from fffl $1.25 to $6, now at 56c to t7 - v- Portiers, sold formerly from $2.75 to $7.00, now at from $1.50 to 3.00 Sales Manager Carpets and Rugs Ingrain Art Square worth $8.50, at 0.0 All-wool Carpet, ,'worth 85c, at per yard 55C Half-wool Carpet, worth 60c, at per yard oVC Granite Ingrain Carpet, worth 35c, at per yd ZSOC Kitchen Utensils at about half what you usually pay. ACpnr Finn 'tC Don't wait too long; don't miss the opportunity; don't fail to tell your friends; don't hesitate t5 come; don't over-buy your rC W LU1I Id. sef. don't be broke next week; don't miss the place; don't kick and crowd; don't get mad if someone tramps on your corns in the rush for bargains. . Attend this Closing Out Sale such as was never attempted and carrted into effect in this city. Lay in your supplies. Now we say when the doors open next Saturday morning, WE BID YOU WELCOME. You will find gentlemen at the frontdoors and at the side doors wel coming you in as never before. Everything is on display. Nothing in reserve and nothing in the house but what costs considerably less than elsewhere, and you will find the most courteous set of clerks that ever stood behind counters in this city. All we can say is to come and attend this Closing Out Sale that commences SATURDAY, JANUARY 9th. WE BID YOU WELCOME. F. W. Schroeder, 1 1 IT 1 w -J f" Alliance, JL J I JL 4 K-J K r. JJ V-J V- K V KS Nebraska DAILY SPECIALS WILL BE A GREAT FEATURE DURING THIS CLOSING OUT SALE a CD O o CD G m CD a 3 ma. 00 n CD rf ST CD O n a n pt D o sx CD a O o CD