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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1909)
.yrran "' RMrt H1'.-- oal So-luty hfDT at K Diversity fa The alliance Herald. Official Publication of the City and County. Largest Circulation 'j of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. I i" f i '-.- V VOLUME XVI. ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1U09 NUMBER 5 H .. ii It, mi I n.M MJTn t K , Bank with the First National it Pays "The Old Reliable" Its many safe-guards for the peoples money: Its large capital and surplus; Its alert Board of Directors ! w Its conservative policy are for YOUR PROTECTION " i. District Court Convenes District court will convene in this city next Tuesday morning, rain or shine, and there's going to be some interesting do ings if the grand jury lines up the boys as it is said they will do. The much dis cussed liquor question will play a loading part and the way subpoenas have been served by Sheriff Wiker there will be many actors in the play and no doubt the audience will enjoy the doings. Those who have been "bootlegging" XXX rye or old Hermitage had better take to the tall timber or they'll get medicine that will not be sugar coated. Besides this there are nine tlivorce cases showing that the peace and happi ness of our matrimonial relations have not been as sunny as an Italian summer. Fourteen criminal cases are docketed which include the liquor violations. Following is a list of the gf and and petit jurors CiRAhD JURY C. M. Lotspiech J. Ho wan John Herlein A. F. Baldridgc E. M. Baker Merman Fredriech Frank Devan Robert Graham BOOK SALE $1.50 Books, $1.00 75c Books, 50c 35c Books, 20c THIS WEEK ONLY itVOCVOAA 5.ffl fe,v We always give you the Most of the Best for the Las W. C. Hibbs, Mgr. John Jelinek S. O. Tillett C. S. West Joseph Raymond John O'Keefe O. L. Harris N. S. Nelson F. M. Knight PKTIT JURV Wm. Roth T. H. Barnes A. W Walmer Frank Slote Joseph Duhon N M. Hayes H, T. Carey J. P. Gatldis C. A. Burlaw K. C McClour C.V: Caldar John Mabin ludgej. J. Haumgton will preside at this term of romt. Roy Hickey F. W. Irish A D. Rodgers J. ii. Gray G. W. Duncan W. 1. Young F. K. Phillip Peter Belgum Joel Sheldon John S. Oerdes Glen i.?iller Maurtus Laursen wilt be published in next issue. Besides the claims allowed, official bonds were approved, estimate of expenses for 1909 was made, the ntnount being $22,000, same as Inst year. Dr. Bcllwood was reappointed county physician, The Herald and Times designated as tho official papers of tho county for the ensuing year. The next meeting of the board will be Feb. 23, Rego and DeCoteret at the Crystal Beginning next week the leading feature at the Crystal theatre will be the well known colored comedian and song and dance artist, Rego and DeCoteret, who have won the reputation of being the best stage people sent out by Mr. Fox of this circuit. They aro clever in burnt cork acting, comedy and song and will prove interesting to Alliance patrons of the Crystal. Messrs. Donoghue and Hamilton, the acrobat and clown now at the Crystal, will conclude the week's entertainment with song and dance specialties both clever and interesting. Five Per Cent Dividend TLfn I nc ALLIANCE NATIONAL BANK Capital,. $50,006 Surplus, $25,000 of Alliance Solicits your business County Commissioners Transact Business l -fi-M.' t,w.....i ..( .,,.,i.. .,.,..,.:,...,.,.,.., convened Tuesday and adjourned at uooii'todav. The official pioccedings, which are not ready foi publication, At the close of the first year's busi ness of the Alliance Creamery and Prddticc Company this institution has mtMta good under the efficient manage ment of V. E. Spencer, who has bad charge of the business dining that tijljo and the sum of fivu per cent djoideud on investment was reahzod, lhe ciCiimcry from the start proved si paying pioposition uud this showing phts it on n substantial foundation. It fallow decided to enlarge the ca pacity of tho plant by using another binding and adding other machinery j so that the volume of business expected can toe taken care of. It is estimated that, this will require an expenditure of ?S.QJo and with this end in view addi- topic will be issued, half of which GREAT REDUCTIONS FS.Wo i s lfftfcudy tfybsctibad.Tlnf carj.1cjtv.0f j the plant will be doubled. Last year the Alliance creamery produced 235,000 pounds of butter. LADIES' AND MISSES CLOAKS and JACKETS YA.- W.-1NR'TQN- MB IG CLEARANCE ALt lo U 1 all Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats to be Sold at a Radical Reduction SUITS AS LOW J& $1 Boys' Over Ci ETII and coats at liOU Up Hen's Overcoats at $8.85, REDUCED FROH $12.50, $15, $20,' $25, $30 $IOoo, $!5oo and $20.oo flen's Suits, $5.85, $6.50, ND i WERE $10, $12.50 AND $15.00 730 R I 150 Pairs Pants, worth up to $5, now $3.50 FAMOUS CLOTHING The F a m o ia s HOUSE Sells it for Less