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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1908)
-a. V'-ftf -OTJlM & -j. , r2T "TjLXKsawaswei za&tac&uiSis .z.' .a-v sfrKjEwasaV"-'-- - rffc, JC3f 4 4 4 4 4 DECEMBER SAL 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 s v. m, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 Children's Coats $2.79 FURS AT Half Price XMAS SALE FANCY LINENS LACES Gloves Imported and FOR Stall We Have Two-year-old Colts Weighing, Over 1800 Pounds Call and Inspect Them Headquarters at PALACE LIVERY BARN SMITH & WILSON, Props ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA WINTER EXCURSIONS LOW RAT ES Winter Tourist Rates: Daily reduced rate excursions to California, Old Mexico, Southern and Cuban Resorts. Landseekers Excursions: Advise your friends back east of the cheap Landseekers Excursions on the-first and third Tuesdaj s of each month, and help settle up your coun try. We run personally conducted excursions on the first and third Tuesdays also to the Big Horn Basin and Yellows stone Valley and help buyers locate on the new Government Irrigated Lands. Excursions in charge of D. Clem Deaver, General Agent, Landseekers Information Bureau, Omaha. Tell our old home friends about this good chance to own an irrigated tarm watered by Uncle Sam, the greatest1 irrigator the uorld has e er known. 31 Visiting Cards Fine Stationery Olr. !.. . . lit. W W J v8 1 w t? ot . . tf s v at 1 " j Home-Bred ion SALE I F. D.CAMPELL,Agt.,. Alliance, Neb. L. W. WALELY. Q. P. A., Omaha For Xmas - at The Herald Office U. . .A .!. s. Ut .si. 1 Olr. .. At. . ..At V Jl JH ' jpi 41 Jfd fi '4V REGAN S OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ht ta vt yt ,j ,, gt vt t vst jt ..n v wt ji & & vt vt at a i . o at a at at as ' ' ' " "- ' NEW LINE OF LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS Official Proceedings of County Commissioners Alliance, Nebr., Dec. n, 1908. Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment; all members present J. M. Wanek, ist dist., Sang C. Reck, 3rd dist., J. P. Jensen, chair man. Petition of Chas. S. Wilson and 18 others to vacate public road, com mencing at the southwestern corner of 18, 27-47, thence running cast 6 miles to county line and terminating at the southeast corner of section 13, 27-47, rejected. . Petition of T. Shanklin and 23 others to lay out road commencing at north east corner of section 25-24-49, run ning east one mile on line between sections uj and 30, 24-48, thence north three'fourths mile on line between sections 19 and 20 and running thence east one-half mile, thence north one fourth mile to section line, thence east one-half mile to lino between sections 17. and 20, thence north two miles be tween sections 16 and 17 and 8 and 9 and terminating at the intersection of public highway at northeast comer of section 8, 24-48, and also request a bridge whore said toad crosses Snake Creek on line between sections 16 and 17. 24-48, also nmunded petition of P. R. Workman and et al, reading as ' fol-1 lows "Commencing at the southwest ' corner of section 24, '24-19 and run-1 ning thence east oil section line botueon ' 24 and 25 and 19 and 20, 24-4S to east line of railroad right of way to inter section of iuaiter section line, 80 rodB 1 south ot the north line of said section 19, thence east with said line as center to the point half wav across suction 30, thence north to section line. thence east to the southwest corner o,! .section lb, thence north and terminating at ' corners of sections 4, 5, S and 9," ' Upon motion and second botli peti- j tions were rejected.. " ' ' Petition of Henry Hopkins and 24 1 others to lav out road commencing at 1 southeast corner of section 5 and the southwest comer of section 4, 25-48, and running thence north and termin ating at northeast corner of section 28, aO-.jfi, rejected. The following oiuims wore auditod and allowed and the clerk ordered to draw warrants on tlia general fund for same: , Nebraska School Supply houws, ttup-; pli6h $1 50' W 11 .ehruug, labor (all tax). . . John Rekumn. uleetion John Rurns, election tall tuxi . A 15aumgurdiur. election rent . Jphn TIernan, elueUon V M Joileiica eleetion dill Uim Rov llickev refund. . 14 50 4 00 I 00 00 t uu 1? 40 .J. ..!. .s4. s 1. .si. s. ., sA. .i. .. .i. 4f J Jl W W T w M Jf Jfl -IP1 J Jl ,s jh & w ,t t pt jt t ?t vt jt jf jt j jt jc . . tS vt j at at vt at at at at at at t at at at at at at at & at at at at ... , , . i i . I.. Hurt Miller, labor 15 00 C B Phillips, election (tux 81).., 00 Nelson FJetchcr, Fire Insurance Co., insurance , 84 00 .lohn O'Keefe, canvassing a 00 Klopp & Itartlett, supplies 35 00 Peter Uunsaker, road (all 'tax) . . 3 50 Albert Ilovorka, road (all tax)... :i 50 Thos Ilovorka, road (all tax). . . 3 50 Prank Duhon, road (all tax) 7 00 Frank Logun, road (all tax) n 50 .lames Shitnek, road (all tax).... 3 50 .lohn Dulion, road (all tax) 7 00 los Wnnek, jr., road 3 50 John Shimek, road 3 50 Jos Planattbky, road 3 50 Jos Duhon, road (SO 37 tax) 4'J 00 Ueo Severson, road. , . . 01 00 C M Parker, pub. supplies 000 John Lenzen, road (tax $11 45)- -10 Sft Calvin Derr, road (tax $7 33) 42 85 John severson, road (all tax).... 31 50 Alliance Hlectric Co., lights (all " tax) 7 35 D Iv Spacht, election.... 0 00 Harney Halbur, election J 00 N II Nelson, election (all tax).. . 4 00 Alliance Telephone Co., phones. . 18 00 Acheson Uios., hardware ., 5 00 n W Zoble. d raying 1 50 O E Phillips, Supt 172 X Hockey road (all tax). J! 25 Clyde Whelan, road 3 25 Ira Rowland, road (tax $8 34),,,." M 50 Chester Wright, road (tax $4 03). 20 00 John Kuhn, road (all tax) 0 75 Orvillo Holloway, road 30 00 lid (iarrott, road 47 00 Will Shores,, road (all tax) 2 O I, Harris, road 3100 Jas Daughorty, road (all tax)..,, rt 00 Will Crane, road 3 20 Ilomur Crane, road 3 40 Chris Hanson, election. . ,. 4 00 l M Kennedy, road 50 00 Kugenu Hurton. county attorney. 10J 00 (Soo Simpson, road ,. ..... H 20 Hurt Rodger, road, . , 5 25 Chas Fergubou, road 22 40 Clius Smith, road.... 12 SO Pat Kinbley, rpud.... 25 50 .Inhn llnrnstmiil- rimil A 4ft !,.,. r... ,.,; ,., ,,.,,. mill wutiuiv, l uuit . .. .....4lw uv Fred Mollring, refund 352 05 Madeline Carey salary 05 00 T A Green, election 100 II II Pierce, road (tax $10 05)... 17 $8 .hit Ivenuedy, road all tux). .... 30 uO Mrs Con Stirkle, labor , 00 C A Newberry, hardware 07 do Al Wiker, fees 51 00 i Mrs Al Wiker, board 14 00 May Watson, rout (all tax) $7 50 The. following official bonds were CAtfujiiitju aim ijiurqui J.M, Kennedy fur road oveisoer of Dist. tfa. S, P. K. Christiansen for road ovenear of Dist. No. 5. Wherouiwn the board adjourned un til tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. W. C. Moikis. Clerk. Alliance, Nebr., Dec. 12, 1908. County Cummissiouets met as per adjournment; all members ireont. The commissioners proceeded to diaw names dccjidin to law hum LADIES' COATS Special Values $9.50 A si A A ifl W W n LADEIS' SKIRTS Specials $1.95$2.79$3.25 Ladies" Wrappers 98c to $1.13 All $1.25 Corsets $1.00 ;h;-- which the clerk is to draw jury for the next tdrm of court, which list is duly filed by the clerk. The following olaims were adited and allowed and the clerk ordered to diaw warrants on the general fund for same: K F Lockwood S.. Co., supplies (all tax) 828 CO O E Phillips, expense.. 7 00 II M Hullock, fees 0 75 11 M llullock, fees (tax SsUO) 4 70 J M Wanek, commissioner 12 20 SangC. Reck, commissioner...., 10 1(1 J P Jensen, commissioner 1140 Henry Llchte, hauling 2 00 Chas. Ferguson, road 271 85 The following official bonds were examined and approved: Eugene Burton, for county attorney. C. J. Benjamin for road overseer of Dist. No. 4. Whereupon the boatd adjourned to meet at the next regular meeting on January 12, 1909, W. C. Mounts, Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE fu tliu DUti'iet Court of Ho llntte rounty, XNOIir.tSiKIl. Jumei F. lttclmraS l'lalntltT I v V Nellie O. Riclmrd-.. Dcftudnnt To Nellie (i. ltlolmnls, uun-rooliU'iit (lefi'iul- itnt: You am lioruby not If led that on the .lnl day of Deeeinlwr, HHh, .lames V, Klflmrds Illfil :i petition iiKalityoii lit the UNtrh't court of llov llutte t'uunty. Nehmskit, tlm object mill prayurof whk-li are to ohtuln 11 cllori'n from you 011 the Krotindi Hint you liuvit been uill of extreme. erulty towards ihephtlntltT, with out jut mtiieor urovooatlouon imrtuf plani tttr. You iiru required to answer sultl il4tloii on or buforu Monday, tlio 11th day of .lauuary, UW). jAMHri !'. IllCHAKlti, Plalntllf. by . Mitchell, his nttornev Hated IkMviHlior'u'ml, Uhh. fpllK. a-4w ct) Noncr. Alliance, Nebrusku, Uetolwr. 2H, IflOs A Mllilcleut contest utlldavll having bron llled In tills ollice by Prod J. llnrnes, conteHt ant, against hotnestoud entry No. 5035 and ser ial No. OlltK. made April X!. IU1U. for 11W4 Mi'tlon SO. township 35, range ,Vi. by James V Coleman Contestee, lit wblt'h it is aliened that Hald Jamus K Coleman has failed to reside up on atid improve ald tract as requlretl by law, and litis wholly abandoned tho same for more than six mouths last past, ealil partle are hereby notified to utinear. resound and offer evidence touching said allegations ut 10 nelox'k a. 111. on January K, V.WX iX'toie tin KugUter and Uecelver at the United Htates lauil Ollice in Alliance. Nebraska. The said contestant having, In 11 proper utndtttlt, llled Oetolwr S3. 100S. sut forth fucts whiah show that after due diligence personal service or thU notice cannot bo made. It Is herelu' ordered unit directed that such notice uo given uy line ami proper puniicuiiou f p Nov. VI-Ow W. Nv. woiin, iim-ener. .EGA I. NOTICE. In the District Court of Ho llutte county, NuhnWVtt Luey llernh. Plaintiff I vo. 1'rHiik llrnh. Difemlent To Ifmnlk llersh, mni-resulant dofendaut. Von are hereby notineil that on the t!th day of Decftmbor, IVilri, Lucy llerli filed 11 petition against you in tb dUlrict court of llo Hint county Nebraska, the objeit hikI praivruf WHH'U are to oDtHtn a divon-e rrooi you on ttui ground that yon have oewn iruhy of extrenw cruelty lowunik 1 lie puiiiini wit Imut junt m use or provocation on part pari H toniv U ortiwpwiiiuir wilifnliy Mud aim iihv itrosi. wantoni I cruelly fulled aud failed nud iiegl,s-i4l 10 support am1 I uruvltle fcult.ibl" muliuooun fur the nlaln I tiff although of sutllcjeut atiillly to do so. Veil are roqulM-d to im- wer aiil petition on jr before Monday. Itw Imu of Juuuary ItlW Mi v ItEHMll 1'lnliitltr II V U AJll.-liiil !: r utiitiie v Dut-: IK -inl, r -I h I lp lie. Iu-t LEGAL NOTICE- in the UUtiti't Court Of Boy Unite County Nebraska. John O'lfeufo, Plaintiff 1 vs. j liobert Onrry and Mrs. I Curry, wife of defendant, liobert Uurry, first real I name uuknonu, Defend- 1 ants. J ltoburt Curry and Mrs. Curry, wlfo or de fendant. Robert Corry. Ilrnt real mime un known, non-resident defendants, defendant, will tuko notice tlmt 011 the 2nd day ot Uecem ler, UW8.. lohn O'Keefe. plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in tlie, district court ot Box llutte Countv, NebrasUti, against said defendants, tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose' a certain mortgage executed by the defendant, Kobert Curry, to. 1. 1. Case Threshing Machine Company upon the Southeast Quarter of Sec tion ;ir, in Township 3), of Hango r0, in Dox liutte. Comity, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of two certain promissory notes, both datwl August 15. IPOS, both for tho hum of 3120O,.Oi) each, one duo SeiUombor lsu lOOtl, and other due October 1st, ISO), which said two promlHHory notes and mortKafte securing same wa, duly assigned and sold to the plaintiff, for a viihiuhlo consideration, on February 9tU, 1IW, by .1. I. Case Threshing Machino Oom pany, and plaintiff is now the owner and bold er of said two promissory notes undsald mort age securing si 1110 and entitled to all moneys uo thereon: that there is now duo on said two notes and mortgage tho sum of $rjy.KI, for which sum, with Interest from this date, plaintiff prays for a dwree that de fendants he requited to pay Mimeor tlmt said premises maybUMiU) to satisfy the amount found due. iou are requited to answer said petition on or before tho llth day of January, 1IW. John O'Kbkfb. Plaintiff. Ily W. MitcJiell. IiIn attorney. Dated December 'Jnd, 10CK. fl. De". :t-4w Xmas Presents - AT Brennan's DRUG STORE ULWUTII'UL LINE (1 IMPORTED Hand Painted Chinaware liaviland Japanese and other importations m most pleasiug artistic designs. Also a fine line pf Cut Glass Ware Call and see the new stock 1 1 HHOBMaaHMMMMMMM Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in GOAL & ...WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliancet Nebraska. - ft 1 - . s , - - r v-T A f1 vf - 1 V - ' I it, fi ' $ s-t "f t '"J ,n ' .v M ''i 1 a 1 .r