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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1908)
-,t-y "Wt "t- The Alliance Herald. Official Publication of the City and County. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. -- VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1908 NUMBER 1 ! Find Out for Yourself That Alliance has one of the .best banks in s Nebraska. That this bank per forms with intelligence and discretion a n y legitimate banking service it can properly undertake is proven by the volume of its busi ness. xOur business ' now foots '.over $622,000.00 We thank pur friends and customers fr this splendid showing. The First National Bank, CIIAKTKU NO. 4226, At Alliance, In (lie Stato of Nobr.islfa, at tho i-loso of business, November 37, 1WH KKSOimCES. Loan nrnl discount . 8304,765 ftf Ovenlrafts.seeurcd anil unsecured U.S. douusio secure circulation.... Otherllonda to secure U. 8. Deposits lltinklng honsu. furniture ana fix turoM. ... .. Duo from national banks (not re servo agents) 110.003 40 Duo from Stuto Ilanks awl Hankers 9,155 33 Duo from approved reserve iiRcnts. . ... . . . 05,542 78 Chocks and other cash Item .TO ) Notes of otlicr national bank ... 1,700 00 1'rnctlonal paper enrrcney, nickels iind cents ... . M &i L.AWMTL. MoMCY KKflKHVH IN IU.NK. BimwIo ?in. 00 i.ooao7 50,000 00 65,800 00 11,000 00 L'iil tnndor nutPM . Uedemptloii fund with U. H. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) Dun from U. H. treasurer other than 5 per rent rMlcmptin,tund Total 1,000 (XI 107,108.17 2,500 00 50 2,502,50 $ii,liM n IIAIIIUTIF.?. SipllUU)ck paid In $..0,000 00 Surplus fund . 50,000 00 Unillvlded prolltp, less expenhaud taxes tmlil., . . . 2.S53 07 National bank tioU'soutstimdhiR ... f0,000 00 Duo toStiKo lUmkH and ItauUeis 3,02412 Individual deposits sub ject to cberk 285,002 40 Demand cert locates of de posit fi,34435 Tlmeoerllllc-ilesofdepoit 12!MTM 09 United ptates Dt'JwsltS 15,000 00 4W,308 TO Total . . Si.MtW.3 Mate of Nebraska, county of Hot llutto, sv I. S. K. Warrick, i-atliler of the above? ilauiiHt batik, do Milemnly swear iliat the alxjvii btatcnimt In true to tho best of my knowledge and M 8 K. W&nmrK.OMlilor. CoiiHKOT A test: It. M. llAMrrox, I " A. & Hr.r.n, , Dlinwtors. Cham. i:. Kouu. 1 SuIjmtIIkmI and sworn to before- mo this IsKtay of Deft-mix A. I). 1008. KUOENK IIUUTON, Isbai. , Notary 1'iiullr. .Mycnmm sslon expires .luly 7th, llHJ. ; The First National Bank of Alliance ,Mina'-'mixMJlt jwrs'.w.'- Typhoid's Fatal Work An epidemic of typhoid (ever seems to have spread over this part of the country lately, which is prevalent among the railroad men. The latest victim of the disease was Fireman L. V. Greene, who died at the Alliance hospital yesterday morning at 6:30, after being confined to his bed for three weeks. Deceased came here from the east end to work last Septem ber. He contracted the disease at Edgejnont and was brought to the hos pital here. Greene was twenty-thrco years of age. His father arrived from Broken Bow Tuesday and was with him when he died. A brother and three sisters, also from Broken Bow, arrived yesterday morning shortly after he had died. The remains were prepared for ship ment by Undertaker Darling, who, in company with the bereaved relatives, departed on 44 yesterday afternoon for Broken Bow, where the funeral will be held. Conductor Bachman Dies of Typhoid Sadness prevails not only among the railway men with whom tie was most popular, but also among, the many friends of tho popular- young conductor who passed away last Satur day morning about eight o'clock, after a battle with typhoid pneumouia. Tho sudden change in the physical condi tion of Mr. Bachman Saturday morn ing dispelled all hope, and rejoicing and confidence were rudely shattered when suddenly the patient collapsed and the light of his life went out for ever. Beside his death bed were his faithful wife and little son uhose sad ness was mingled with the tears of warm friends. Win. Bachman was one of the well known conductors of the Alliance divi sion" and wasUinversalb'raspected and loved by all, being genial and warm hearted and made friends on every hand. He una a native of Glen wood; Iowa, where ho wab born June 10, iou, and possessed real estate therein the way of a fruit farm. He had made arrangements to give up his position on the road here next month to remove to his possessions in Iowa, but the life of Win. Bachman again illustrates how little a man knows of the future. A brothor of the deceased camcj last week from Omaha to visit with Tiim and left the night before his deatlfj with the assurance that he would soon lecover. The remains were shipped Sunday morning to Gleuwood. Iowa, for in terment, after brief religious services at the home by Rev. J. L. Vallow of the Mr E. church. They were accom panied by the bereaved widow and little son and Mrs. Brown, of Kansas, a sister of deceased who arrived hero Saturday. In the death of William Bachman tho Burlington railway has lost one of its most reliable employes and the order of conductors an honorable mem ber, and the city of Alliancva highly respited citizen. V New Grocery Firm Commences Business A partnership was formed this week between John G. Wallace of this city and Ben Swanson, residing near Can ton, who will conduct a retail grocery business. The new firm have acquired possession of the Chas. Hill stock and made arrangements to carry ou busi ness at that place. Both members are well known. Mr. Wallace is a grocery man from the ground up, and his gen ial maimer lias always secured for him liberal patronage. Mr. Swanson is one of the prosperous and popular ranchmen in tho western part of the county and stands high in the com munity which he tesides. We be speuKfor the "new tlrtif bfWal)ace & Swanson (1 successful business career. Commercial Club After Public Library As will be seen by tho proceedings of the last meeting of the Commercial club, there W an energetic effort being put forth to secure tho assistance of Andrew Carnegie, tho well known philanthropist, In tho erection of a public library In Alliance. Tho past record of Mr. Carnegie In promoting educational affairs Is so well known that It is useless to deliberate on the samo. Almost every city of any prom inence In the United States has taken advantage of the steel magnate in se curing a public library. Sheridan, but recently, built such an Institution. Mrs. Helen M. Rowan, who has always shown a favoritism for educational matters, In a buslncss-llko manner pro ceeded to 6CO what could be done in securing Mr. Carnegie's assistance, with the result that she received a favorable reply, and which Is printed in the Commercial club proceedings. Besides the raising of funds, the secur ing of books for the library Is In order, and donations of this kind are asked of the citizens of Alliance. A committee composed of 1). W, Hayes, Mrs. J. Rowan, Mrs. H. J. Wilson ami Mrs. J3. K . Warrick, has been selected for tho receiving of such gifts, and now that c are in the season of gift-making let us all remember the public library project and make the oiTeriug of one or more volumes. These donations should be handed In to this committee ut once so that there may bo no duplication of publications. Submit your selection 11 nil the committee will advise you If tho same has already been listed. This Is the beginning of u good cause, and let us all get busy. Popularity of the Crystal The managers of the Crystal thnatie, Messrs. Burroughs & Hevncr, are to be complimented on the success achieved in presenting to the theatre-going pat rons of that place bucIi .higlu standard programs eacfi evening!' Every per formance is largely attended and the music and picture selections vigorously applauded. The vocal and instrumental numbers rendered by the Misses Edna Rose and Ruby White arc most pleas ing and attractive features of tho per formances. The selection of pictures are such as to interest all, Comic, dramatic, tragedy and the like. Another feature that is attracting many to the Crystal, are tho presents given. Last -Tuesday night Miss Mary Regan was presented with a beautiful 48-pIccc din- ' ncr sot. Next Tuesday some lady will ' receive a fashionable shirt-waist, that Is now on display at Regan's millinery store, v Unavoidable Delay of Christmas Edition The Herald publishers mado ar- ' rangement to issue an attractive Christ mas number this week, in Way of an illuminated cover and special reading matter pcitaiuing to yuletide holidays, but wc arc greatly disappointed in not receiving the material in time fur Mils' week's issue. It is something most attractive, and will please tho little folks particulaily and also nrouso in the hearts of older folks an appreciation ' of Christmas time, However, we will issue this attractive number next Thurs day morning, so that all will have an opportunity to sec how Santa Glaus will visit'AMiance this year. Charity BaiTto be Given by Knights A grand ball will be given Monday night, Dcccfnber 28, at the opera house by Alliance council, Knights of Colum bus for tho benefit oharjtyThe price of tickets will be $1,00 and there will doubtless be a large attendance- f . Those who enjoy tho blessings of good j health and plenty of this world's goods should not forget those in straightened. s circimistaucest but jhere is little doubfaf tins will ho done, for the liberality'of ' Alliance people is proverbial. WHAT TO BUY HIM I F YOU willxome to us we will show you America's best makes in every line from Hats to Sox. With standard goods such as we sell he will appreciate his Xmas present. In men's clothing there is'only ONE line in this town, Hart, Schaffner & Harx, for which we are sole agents. In the cheaper grades, such as some stores have for their best, we will show you a dozen different lines. npHIS is the all absorbing question right now. Only 12 more working days to complete your holiday buying. In the list below you may get a suggestion that will be helpful in making your suggestions. COHE EARLY. . Don't Aeut Until the Last Day Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Smoking Jackets, Umbrellas, Neckties, Fancy Hosiery, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, Shoes, Slippers, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Fancy Vests. BIG ASSORTMENTS LITTLE PRICES $20 100 Hen's Fine Suits worth $25 to $30, specially priced at Overcoat Specials at $10.00, 12.50, 15.00 HART SCHAFFNER & MARX CLOTHES Stetson Hats, Douglas Shoes, Hanhattan Shirts, Dents-Adler Gloves. Fine lines of Boys' Suits and Overcoats Rightly Priced. SILK LINED MOCHA GLOVES 98c i Linen Initial Handkerchiefs 25c SILK HANDKERCHIEFS 25c Reservations cheerfully made upon small payments until Xmas The Famous sells for Less Come early while stocks are at their best. You will get better service, too The Famous Clothing House .! i', v ' VI HEADQUARTERS FOR MEN AND BOYS