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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1908)
"f ? hr - ,. a,. Are You BuyingYour Groceries Right ? If you want anything in fancy or staple Groceries, Fresh Fruits, Vegetables remember that we have the largest stock in the city and our prices are always right . , ,.-,- - Ml II , - !,, ..,.,. ..l-.. Yours for fair dealing A. D, RODOERS ISTISLSON JPUICXCHTSll. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING Hartford Kiro Insurance Company. North American of Philadelphia. Phoenix of Hlooklyn. Now York. Continental of Now York City. Niagara Flro Insurance Company. Coiinoctleutt Flro Oomtnorolul Union Assurance Co.. London (Jermanla Klre Ins. Co 'tute of Omaha Palace Liveiy Barn. c. c. sanrH. i?rop. (Successor to S. II, llcsch) one in oCK wi:st op Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, THE NE'V zhinden and courteous treatment to all has won for us the HWl.DCNG. 'Phone excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. LLIANCE GRADUATED NURSES IN ATTENDANCE HOSPITAL STAFFDr. Bellwood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Copscy Open to All Reputable Physicians. Address all communications to .THE MATRON, ALLIANCE HOSPITAL, Alliance, Nebraska. The Home P&net r, issue will prove a welcome visitor to should head your list of newspaper and 11 First-class Views and Commercial Work u Alliance Art Studio M. E. UltEiii:, I'ropr. Artistic Portraits, n Specially ALLIANCE. NElllt. V . NOTICE Owing to the fact that .our patronage has increased nearly one-third in the last 30 days, we would kindly ask patrons to give us their orders as early as pos sible. Phones ,13 la and 131b. Palace Meat Market S. H. DESCH, Prop. ifi. J?a Yfhy, BUCKSTAFF We use tho old-fash-loticd genuine Oak Tan California leather. Very bait obtainable. Gives long, faithful service, T r I m in i n k 5 perfect. Ihread, Irish linen, Workmen, master nie clianlcs. Made in all styles. Ask your dealer he has them. Stand, up for Nebraska. ENDS OF TRACES STAMPED BucKst&ff Dros. Mfr. Co. - -"A!"TtiT3wirrpfw'yiwi,jJw ' '" '" JE8. ! lobolr Llrernool. London and Glutio Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co.. New York. .ow Hampshire Columbia Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Ins. o.. Hartford, Conn Klromans Pund Insurance Co. I coi-1 tester Herman Iw. Co. Office L'o-Stair.s.rictchcr lllock. HOSPITAL hM?ylnhh?& terest the home news. Its every every member of the family. It periodical subscriptions. Enlarged Portraits In Every Style & & $t Lincoln, Nb. SiES 3E2CS32dISU INSURANCE COMPANIES BB HARNESS I V-vlj3p IS THE BEST MADE g nJDJ REPORT ON INSULAR AFFAIRS. Dill to Amend Philippine Tariff Acl Is Indorsed. Tho Philippine scoutB are commond cd, 1 1)0 bill to amend the Philippine tariff act now pending In the senate li Indorsed, encouraging progress In the Philippines and the malntennnco ol peace and order In Cuba throughout the j ear are announced In the annual report of Brigadier General Clarence R Edward?, chief of the bureau ol Insular affairs. General Edwards sajs the Philippine scouts aro an Im portant factor In the education of the Filipino people and In the creation ol a higher standard of living In the Islands as well as In the extension ol American Influence. The report re counts the settlement of the Catholic church claims, and refers to the bill which passed the house at the last ses sion, but was still pending In the senate before conunltttee when congress ad journed, to provide free entry Into the United States of Philippine products, with certain exceptions, and free entry of United States products Into the Philippine Islands and free trade be tween the United States and the Phil ippines without exceptions after April 11, 1909. The report says the friends of the measure are entirely agreeable to the Inclusion of a clause limiting Philippine sugar to 400,000 tons an nually. This the sugar people admit would be sufficient to restore some ol the former prosperity to the sugar In terests In the Islands. SIMON TAKES OATH OF OFFICE. New President of Haiti Sworn In at Port au Prince. General Antoue Simon, the now pres ident of Haiti, took the oath of otllce at the palace In the presence of for. elgn diplomats, the officers of the American and Italian warships and the Haitian officials of state. Senator Paulin, who presided at the session of congress which elected General Simon ' officiated and demanded that the president respect the laws of the republic. General Hyppolyte, minister of the interior, who responded in bebalf of General Simon, promised every effort should be made to forward the agricul tural and commercial Interests of Haiti. Preident Simon then attended a ser vice at the cathedral, afterward going on horseback, followed by a brilliant escort, through tho principal streets of Port Au Prince, where he was ac claimed by all. STEAMER HAS ROUGH VOYAGE. Laurentlan Arrives in Boston After a Tempestuous Trip. The steamer Laurentlan, arrived In Boston four days overdue after a tempestuous passage. In which the vessel was forced to heave to eleven times, once running 100 miles back over her course before the gale. The steamer had twenty second cabin and seventy steerage passengers On the night of Dec. ft a hurricane struck the steamer and the passengers became terror stricken. The -weather grew worse and It became necessary to turn the ship about and run before the gale. Lclter and Wife Fight Mine Fire. Zeigler, 111., Dec 52. With a stub born lire slowly fighting back hun dreds of men who have ben cease lessly at work for das seeking to save the coal supply of the great Zeigler mine, Joe Inciter, Chicago millionaire, and Oils beautiful young wife have joined forces with the workmen and a:e personally combating the flumes. Crushed to Death by Shoppers. Chicago, De;C 22. Pushed by crowds of Christmas shoppers, Elmer Birds eve, the seven-year-old son of George Blrdseye, a wholesale grocer of Sat tip, was oruhhed to death In an ele vator of the Boston store here. The boy was being taken by his grand mother to seo the toys. The elevator operator was arrested. Langford Wins In First Round, San Francisco, Dec. 22. Sam Lang foid. the colored middleweight, mak ing his first appearance in a local ring, made good with a vengeance and incl equally made short work of Jim Fly nn of Pueblo. Colo Langford Knocked out his man in the firat round alter two minute of fighting American Fleet Sails for Suez. Rear Admiral Sperry of the Ameri can battleship fleet has cabled the navy department that the fleet made its de parture from Colombo for Suez The fleet has begun the longest single leg of its world's cmlse through the' In dian ocean, the Arabian and Red seas Double Suicide at St. Louis. St. Louis, Dec. 22 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Albere were found dead from gas asphyxiation at their borne, at 143S Chambers jitrael. Apparently they had committed suicide The cause Is not known. Suydam Dead of Vound. New York, Deo 2.-Harry B. Suy- j dam, the curb broker who was shot In his, Broad slret office, by John C. Lumsden, an Inventor, died jn the Hudson street hospital Lumsden is under arrest ( Rlttenhouse Succeeds Langham. New York. Dec. S2 K. 18 ntttan houi Insurance commissioner of Col-' or ado, was elected prwldant of the Provident Savings Life Assurance w cift of New York, si-rnding Aithur O l.angham of Ixxiiaville, Ky. President Felton to Resign Mexico Citv )f 22 Sainu-1 M. Felton will i tir iiom '! pMJ-nry or tbe Mexican Cfeiitral iil.u(l within thp next fortnight, according to au autbmitative report. OF Stoecker and Henry in Race for Speaker of House, Bryan May Be Asked to Express c Preference Friends of County Op tion Will Take a Hand "In Work ol the Legislature. Lincoln, Dec. 21. As the opening ol tho legislative sossion draws nearoi the competition for the position ol speaker gradually become? stronger, and now it is possible thai William J Bryan will be asked to take a hand la it, although he has alt along decline to express n preference. Friends ol Representative Henry of Holt county claim he has tho Inside track, but Stoecker of Douglas Is still making an active canvass for the place. There Is now little doubt that the friends of county option will take a strong hand In the work of tho legis lature, nnd it is nut at all improbable that they will receive some assistance from the Republicans, Ono thing Is sure, that if Governor Elect Shallen berger has any preference In tho or ganizing of the legislative body ho haa not thus far shown It. Mnny Interests are already Interested in the curb stone lobby, nnd their representatives are taking n hand in tho embryo work of organizing tho houso and senate. If n bank deposit guaranty law has been framed no person has thus far conn forth to father It. lu fact, it Ij stated by many who are familiar with affairs legislative that the detail has not been worked out. EAR TORN FROM HEAD. Attorney Gutterson Badly Hurt In Au tomobile Accident at Broken Bow. Broken Bow, Neb., Dec. 22. Judge C. L. Gutterson, prosecuting attorney for Custer county, was badly Injured by being caught between two automo biles while, driving in a buggy with his wife. He was taking the middle of the road when the two machines, driven respectively by Messrs. Willing and Johnson, attempted to pass On either Bide. Tho horse took fright nnd made a quick turn and upset the buggy, throwing the occupants violently out In the raixup tho judge's head was badly crushed. One ear was torn from the head The injuries aro sorlouB, but not necessarily fatal. Mrs. Gut lerson ms slightly injured In the side. Family of Seven Have Close Call. Tocumseh, Neb., Dec 22 J. W, Morris, living on a farm near here, and his family of six had a narrow es cape from being burned to death in a fire which destroyed their home. The flames were In every room when tbe fathei woke up. He grabbed tho live children in a half suffocated condl tlon and threw them out of a window and then removed his wife, who had lost consciousness. He took them all to the barn, where he kept them warn until nelghbois arrived and helped care lor them. The home and its ev tiro contents were df-stioyed Accused of Fur Robberies. Lincoln. Dec. 22. Details of a re cent heavy robbery ot furs r-ame to light when Acting Governor HopeweM issued a requisition on the governor of Iowa for the return to Lincoln of two men giving -the names of O. W. Silvers and Philip Mauve, undor dr iest at Sioux City A detective frotn here went to Des Moines, where the requisition was honored, and he re ported from Sioux City that he had the men In custody and would return with them today. The men are charged with similar robbetles at Omaha. William R. Kelley Kills Hlmseif. Omaha. Dec. 21. William It. Kelley, cashier of the Union Pacific railroad at South Omaha, committed suicide by firing a bullet through his brain. The bod) was not discovered until after midnight, when J, S Westover, a elose friend of Kelley, went to the letter's home, at 142S North Twenty, third street, In South Omaha, to pres ent him with an Elks' pin, the dead man having recently joined that order. Weetover found KoHey's body lying across the bed. with a bullet In his brain. Samuel Wymore Is Dead. Wymore. Neb., Dec. $&. Samnsl Wymore, after whom thle place was named, and who owned all the land on which Wymore and Blue Springs ven built, Is dead1 of apoplexy, aged seven ty.three year. Wymore. although h) could neither read nor write, was on of the wealthiest men in southeast Nebraska He came here forty-thre years ago and settled on the home stead on which he died Havelock Mob Tears Up Tracks. Lincoln, Dec. 22. A telephouo mes sage from the Burlington railroad shop town of Havelock, six miles from Lincoln, this morning said a mob of ISO men was tearing up the tracks ot tbe Lincoln Traction company and au attempt made to burn the barn The actiuu ot Havelock people 1 due to resentment agalnat the street car com pany over car fares. Tuberculosis in a Dlry Herd. Aubm n N'eb , Dee. 22. For tnni time the proprietor of the Spring LalM dairy had noticed something wroiiir with the dairy rows and he sent "for the state ins. pert or, who lntppeted the enure herd He found twenty-two cows that were infected wtth tuber culosis and-they wete shipped to Ome ha to be killed. NEWS NEBRASKA ROQBER9 LOOT TWO BANKS. Safes Blown aW Keene and Gibbon. Neb., Netting 15,600. Omahn, Doc. 19.The Commercial bank ot Gibbon nlul the Farmers and Merchants tmnk of Keune Were robbed, the thieves In each enso making tholr escape. The towns are thirty miles apart and it Is possible men, who were seen In an automobile at Gibbon, may havo douo the two jobs, as the explo sion at Keene did not disturb any por son In tho vicinity, and the exact time la not known. The bank at Gibbon sustained a loss of $2,500, and the bank at Keene $3,000. The sheriffs ot all central Nebraska counties are busily engaged In a search for tho men. Both banks are members of the Nobraska Bankers' association. Sec retary W. B. Hughes has offered a re ward of ?600 for the capture of tho lobbers In ench caso. Both carried burglar Insurance. NEBRASKA MILLERS UP IN ARMS. Will Oppose Bleached Flour Order of Secretary Wilson. Lincoln, Dec. 19. The entire milling Industry of Nebraska will oppose the recent order of Secretary of Agricul ture Wilson prohibiting the transport ing nnd Bale of bleached flour In Inter state commerce. A meeting will be held In Lincoln In January to oppose this order, which Is thought to bo n death blow to millers In tho state. Ne braska ifelllers aro forced to grind winter wheat. Only by blenching can they produce a white flour that ranks well In the market. Bleachors aro used in practically all of the 92 mills In the stale. It is probable that the millers will be bncked In their protest by Nebrnska railroads. DELAY FOR R. MEADE SHUMWAY, Supreme Court Grants Stay of Execu tion to Slayer of Mrs, Martin. Lincoln, Dec. 18. H. Monde Shunv way, sentenced to be hanged Jnn. 8 for the murder of Mrs. Martin, secured n delay, the supremo court fixing Jnn. 29 as the date for tho execution of the sentence. Tho court requires fuither time for examination of the transcript, because of tho reorganization und the Inability of the new Judges to do the work In the time at first fixed. WILLEY NOT GUILTY. Jury at Lincoln Returns Verdict for Defendant In Murder Case. Lincoln, Dec. 18. A Jury In the dis trict, court returned n verdict of not guilty In the case of W. A. Wllley, ac cused of murdering Joseph Watklns loBt September. Self defense was "WJlley'a plea. He asserted that Wat klns attempted to eject hm from a hack. Poultry and Pet Stock Show. Omaha, Dee. 18. Tho annual poul try show of the Transmississlppl Poultry and Pet Stock association will begin a week's show at tho Audi torium December, 28. The premiums this year will exceed $10,000, by far the largest sum ever offered for such an event. A feature of the show will he the large display of fancy dogs, and ninny society people of Oninlia.aml ad joining cUIps will have their family pels at the show. Robbers Make Good Their Escape. Wnhoo, NpIj.. Dec. 21. The robbers who made Hip big haul at the O'eresco hank Inst week have ovldontly made good their escape. Sheriff Dailey thinks they reached Omaha before the rob bery was discovered. Jainos Boyle, the young clerk who was bound and gagged, was asked to identify seven suspicious characters nfter he recov ered his senses, but was unable to con npcl any of them with the robbery. Wild Animal Kills' Stock. Callaway, Neb.. Dec. 21. Tho wild nulinal which has been killing Mock nnd Intimidating the people iouth of this city Is still at large nnd con tinues its depredations among Hip :nt tlc, horsps and hugs A huntlui; party is being organized in Lhe locality, nnd tomorrow n grand roundup will lake pluco, at which time men with dugs nd shotguns hope to capture the an imal Deadlock on Football Captain. Llneolu Dec 19, No captain for tbe. 1909 football eleven has been chosen yet. At tho ounuul election bW In the TJnlvernlty armory before rtiH h thiol lc board the fourteen letter men of last season's team tied thejr votes for Collins and Kriim, the two levBng candidates Six ballots were cMst and nn each of these seveu vot"R unt for each of tho two candidates. Skalla Retains Office. McCook. Nob . Deo. 19 Tho contest case of W M. Hitlers (Dem ) of this olty against Charles Skalla iltop.), county clerk, fur the county clerkship of this county, came up In lhe dietrict court and was dismissed on motion of the complainant, Mr. Hitlers. This leaes Mr. Skalla In possession of the ofllLe. Black Diphtheria Near DMIer. Beatrice. Neb.. Dec. 18. Black diphtheria has broken out near Dft lev, and to said to be epidemic One child. In the Adam family, ie dead and two more are eertouely ill, wJU tbe (Hfte. Tbe (kdooIs of Dlller have been cloc-d and Quarantine baa btn provided agiut the infected quartets Brakcman Crushed Under Wheels. Sut'on Neb, IK- 21 - Uninjett Pen dergrat, a biakeman on the Kansas City and Omaha road, while trying to make a coupling fell beneath a, mov ing triin and was so bad!) crushed that he died within a short time. "BO. T5U& WQrW&V IWWutet, "KtVutVa ,5oTjoWvf( m& SwrVcaV Casw 8rttAe E. Cvmc, Sw. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. DR. G. W. MITCHELL, I'hyalclnn nno Snrgcon I)y nnd nlRhtcrlls Office over HoguoHtoro. Phono ISO, H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon Phono 300 Calls Miswcrcil promptly day anil night from oil) I co. Alliance National Hunk Building over tho PostOlllcc. DR. CHAS. E. SLAGLE with DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work GEO. J. HAND, iio.mi:uiatiiic physician and surgeon Formerly Interne Homeopathic Hos pital University ot Jowa. Phone 251. Ofllce over Alliance Shoo Store Ili-Mldeiice I'tiono 2t. DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND JsL'RQKON (Successor to Dr. J. B. Mooro) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Onico hours 11-12 a.m., 2-4 p.m. 7180-0 p.m. Office Phono 62 Res. Phone, 85 Drs. Bowman & Weber PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS First National Bank Bldg. Roouib 4-5-6 Ofllce hours, to to iz a. m., 1:30 to 4, 7 to 8 p. in, Office Phone 65 Res. Phone 16 & 184 T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer OFFICE l'HONE 207 RES. 1MIONE 498 ' ALLIANCE. NEBR. 1 rT T HMBH) A. II. THORNTON, Physician and Surgeon Office Phone, No. 4 Res. Phone, No. 1S7. OFFICE IN NORTON BLOCK Drs.CoppernoII & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS tSuivi'usors to Dri I-ify .V Unlfo) 17 and iS Rumer Block OfRce JMione 43. Residence 20 AUG. F. HORNBURG Private Nurse Phone 493 WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HW, ALLIANCE, NEBR EUGENO BURTON Attorney at I aw Ofiit rjjj) . lonnorlt 1 K. .' lUui-iii, Fir- .Ni , j.i "Plion 1M0. ALLIN'l- iP H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, AJL,T..I.AIVC:iC, NIOI3. .tUITII P. TUTTLE. IIU K. TAHU TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. Morth AlHlnSt., AU.IANOfi. NKH WILCOX & BROOME I..IW ,1X11 l-ANI) ATTOJOJBYS. Long experience in stale and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U. S. Land Olhee is a guarantee for nromnt and efficient service. Orfico In l.uuj Office lluilding. AI MAXri: . NKWUSKA. tiFt