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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1908)
The Alliance Herald. Official Publication of the City and County. Largest Circulation ot any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. VOLUME XVI. ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA? THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1908 NUMBER 2 K W m viPHHv mr? n T.I m MV4-Jf Y BYROWWIZ&AMS metropolis Christmas treads .upon the; heels, of Thanks,Hv- j'cagerJto exploit its wares. MM S Xt l.-C Al L - t , r! .J m..!lU. vv xnc windows 01 uic great, stoics, uiai nave uccn iruigcu wiiu Autumn leaves, now present the entire gamut of holiday goods. Images of? Santa vClaus ''appear in bas reliefs, backed with reindeer and Wedges, capacious chimneys and snuf fire-places. Toys and sweetmeats Jrun riot upon the counters, and mcjhbjrisjrrias shoppcr appears mincingly in She long aisles of the great department stores. sThcrc are yet many days for snaking Christmas choices andeshoppcr'has about her none of that mad, pcrambling air so noticeable duririg "ItheTast few djiys of the runaway season. )In the streets Santa jnforks ajejyery-cpracjT asking alms for the needy (arid the sick, that j their Ghrisrfhas, too, may be brightened and of good Jcheer.Witthe'giyjrjefaces of trufcrowd take on a happier smile; Rhc heart is answeJngto the message oftfgood will on earth." Inch by fcnch we are drawn into the ni&ry-making, the Jbustle and the spirit of the time. In ouminds wpafe turning overhand over the problem of what lor this deaj one apowhat for that andin-our .list wc include those who We less apt-to-be .joyous fn mis day than e arp and now comes the trcal joy of Christmas: the doing jof gocdNhattrnakes our hearts sing with (happiness! ciy I J There is the little girl we met away upirrthe pine woods last summer who will be delighted with a pretty bookJhe (lame boy who sells papers jat the corner of Hit and Miss streets, the widow who, takes in washing out "in the suburb where wc Ijvethe jolly boyfriend of a business associ ate who has so many thingsone cannot justdecide on his present, the 'elevator man who has met us morning Nand night with a " cheery good morning and a respectful good night andtheny there are the closer ones: the mother, father, wife arid babies 1 What a galaxyof needy folk for all arc needy 'on"Christmas day! Those who do not need food, or clothing," or money, need something that jwill prove our love, (prove that we have not forgotten them and that on this, the day commemorating the coming of the King Jof JBethlehemvour heart is attuned toheirs in gladness and rejoicing. .And now the holly" and the mistletoe appear upon the street " corners and rushing business men stop on their hurried way homeward to buy wreaths of the green aad the red to hang in the windows of their homes and from the chandeliersof thcioliving rooms. J On and on, surges the spiritfChristmas! Like a mighty tcnveloping shaft"Tsunshinc, it breaks" through "'the clouds of every-day mediocrity and racing across the world sends its glow ing glory into every home! Garlands hang everywhere, bells chime and merry laughter echoes through the halls of time. And with the ringing of the crystal spheres, peace spreads her mantle like a cloak and plenty sits enthroned among the merrymaking and the praise! ' "Peace on earth, good-will to men." . i i . t r rUEmBL r I r r I III! jL f J j i5Jd? l Find Out for Yourself That Alliance has one VI of tlie best banks in Nebraska. ' That this; bank per forms with intelligence and discretion any legitimate banking service it can properly undertake is proven by the volume of its busi ness. Our business now foots over $622,000.00 We thank our friends and customers for this splendid showing. The First National Bank, Mf AUTKTt NO. 4220. . At AllliHiiv, In tlio Statu of Nebraska, ut th 'loM'iif Ihj.nIiios. November 27, llMS. ItKgOltltCEN. lx:ms uikI (lixcoiilils $3)1,755 Sit OvordrufUj.Mjeured ami iiimocureil.. l.OflS 07 U. t lunula to weuroettwiilnUoii.... 50,000 00 Otlierllomls to secure U. H. l)!PotlM 55,fi00 00 Hanking houso, furnlturo and fix tures 11,000 no Duo from national lismks (not it- .. servo aKents) $10.(W 40 Duo from Stale Han Us and Bankers .... $ 0.155 38 Duo from approved reserve itKCiiU ti",54J78 Olieck and otheri-asli Item SW 00 Notes of oilier national bunk l.'iOOOO Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents ISO 53 liAWFtn. Money Heskiivi: in Hank, Hpocio n.2oa oo Iital tender uoles 1,000 W I07,10$.i; Itedemptlon fund with U. ri. Ttvasurer (5 tier cent of circulation) 2AXWM Duo from U.S. truUMurer other than 5 Mr cent rodeinptlon.fuud 2.M 2.50-.'.50 Total SS.108f8 L1AIIIUT1M. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplu fund 50.000 00 - Umfivlded pronts, less expenses aud taxes paid.... --? 5 National bauk uotesouthtundliiR... . W.000 00 Duo toHUitti Jlanks and . Hankers 3.0i IS Individual deposits sub- Jcct to check 2S5.002 0 Demand ccrtlUcates of do- Clt tl,3i5 i certificates of deposit 129,838 09 UulU-d States Deposits... 45,000 0D iUWW Total a32,W8C3 State of Nebraska, county of Box llutto, ss. I, 8. K. Warrick, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is trim to thQ host of my knowledge und belief. H. K, Waiihick, Calhler. , foBKecT Attest: n. M. lUxnos. i At B. UtiBi). DlreclorN. CHA8. B. KOBU, HultM-rllKMl und sworn to before me this 1st day of Deeuiber, A. 1). J908. KUGKNK linitTON. fHEAi, Notary I'ubllf. Mycomni sslon expires July 7th, 1012. The First National Bank of Alliance i4 Uibings of (Sreat 30." will be a special observance of Christ mas by tlio Sunday School class next Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock, when the cominc of tlio Messiah will bo tlio theme of discussion. The paBlor will also address the class on the important subject of "The Birth of Christ" and the "Holy Christmas Time", Rov. Huston will also speak in the evening on the New Year. A general invitation is extended for nil to be present. OUSHRVANCr. AT HOLY KUSARY CHURCH Observance at Holy Rosary church will ho as follows: First Mass at six o'clock, second Mass at 7:30, third Mass at g and High Mass at 10:30 o'clock. Masses at St. Agnes' acadeinv will take place at midnight and 8 o'clock. There will be special music suitable for the feast of Christmas, and sermons appropriate to the 6ccasion, Reception of the Ulesscd .-Sacrament will take place nt nil the Masses" mid the faithful are urged by the church to. receive. , CHRISTMAS TRBK AT M. B. CHURCH Christmas observance' at tlio M. E. church will consist of a Christmas tree this evening at the church, when old Santa Clans will be on hand (o tJi&lrl bute presents to all the little ones, and a number of the older people, A musical and literary program will be rendered and the eveniug will, doubt less, be one of extreme pleasure for all who attend. The Herald wishes merry Christmas. its readers a Attention Parents Sunday, December 27th, 1008, will be Promotion and Rally qity at' tlio .Al liance M. E. Sunday School, V A spec ial program has been prepared, Come and spend a plesant,' profitable hour with the eh ildren. S. K. Warrick, Snpt. L9I4 Mmmm )t Christmas' spirit gftristtttfls is the season of kindness. Tor CDristmas celebrates the coming of Christ in to the world, and the heart of the Christ message is love love expressing itself in homely channels of friendliness and good will, love that "sttffereth long and is hind." If we have kindly emotions, let them have their way and blossom into kindly thoughts and kindly deeds. et the Tree child spirit of openhearted friendliness prevail. Tor this is the child's festival, celebrating the birth of a child, the wonderful Giver who gave himself for mankind. Cet ns carry the Christmas spirit through all the following days that come and go with all their meas ure of care or pain or pleasure, and bear in our hearts the inspiration and hope of the blessed Christmas festival of love, bearing ever ringing above the sounds of earth an nn$t, the song of the angels heralding in the birth of the Saviour of mankind. vkt&&t&wm: cur HO Wa krfSW I 'at ?& How the Churches will Observe Christmas The holy season of Christmas is up on us, and all mankind will rejoice that the anniversary of the birth of the Christ Child is again at hand. In all the churches arid' homes of the city let this spirit prevail and songs of joy ring out now that man's redeemer is born. "Glory to God in the highest" is the song that startled he shepherds on the hill ol Judea that eventful morn, when a baby was born in the village of Dethleham who was King of kings. He brought with Him peace, and preached peace, gave to mankind all spirit of peace and love the world has never known. Therefore, let us stop in our rush through -life long enough, at least, to stand on the hill-top of life and cry out to heaven, "Blessed be the name of Jesus." Even though we may con sider ourselves unworthy to raise our voices, and our conscience twist us for transgressions of our past life, let us forget all long enough to tender homage to our Creator and give Him the praise due a creator. Let us love our broth er and give him the kiss of peace, so to speak, thereby rejoicing for mankind's redemption is at hand. C AT Till: fRBSHYTBHIAN CHURCH There will be no observance of or religious exercises Christmas day at the First Presbyterian church but next Wednesday the congregation will enjoy a bounteous Christmas supper in the parlors of the church. UAI'TIST CHUKOll HAS I'HOC.RAM SUNDAY Rev, J. M. Huston, pa'slor of the Baptist church, announces that there ip p ' J5YJKUW iE hear of Christmas early in the,' country! days faded .into,, tswlight at six o'clock, ,than fe(. nocdrAor 2fWfic3urJpcr dishes ore put a' yyfacfthe sitbjriknfi'er&fatljer js rpadii mizixm No sooner Itavc the tner oegina ncr 11A eVW t-fcfH. U..H1 vwyJ.ij.Sl draws Jj.evvorlbaskct to' k.14.m'x4 rNntnlra VtSt t ti1 "M4 lCn U. liiusu uvauuiu. m li' stmas will be here beforcywe Irith his eyes.,. 5, how time flies I" hecomm jht after night she sews and out of the house some deep corncfand 3r Willie, laces for Nell to the leasj c the.cbirdren trnieuWo Mttfenfei hehiacsensiUve iaVI H.U.nOIU U.lHnS (r-WhJ. into anentUv'frSilEferJ at&kZiiVtvF&k. AVvSterrcchdfirT oresebtsi fof6fcddTfieunaa vminc men meeLtrfcTOurier Iwducs UllgilUUl UVA.UUUUUIII uw rXrjowi 1 i )." ervrs.aJi rr Uw!. and -ocrj hjfi u-:wxux.. u tiitprAu .iww rusioSTtbe :?ins to fashion tsne smiles nis ncwpapejv ngswjuoriDniy tlessTathcr ques- ncar Prattle), y ScHool tal eTurnSvhis Daocr. d crochets and no sooner are' iiisework finished, than she goes uncompleted presents for them., for5 Dad. Guardedly she worksy slightest danger of a surprise. Ijome after school, she hurries the worfo jrdeft hands to the regular routine!,. Christmas tree and of (the1 or? added numbers and the; strintr ooDcorrind fashion decorations. 7irfthe days now gone, all men have strung their hearts upon the threads and passed them awkwardly to rosy-cheeked maids with hair braided down their.. backs, with ruby lips and eyes that sparkled with the first love glances 1 And the Christmas parties, the sleighrides, the renewing of friendships with those who have been away at school and have returned for the season, of gayety and good cheer t And the stockings that are hung on Cbri'trrr eve in tlc country! In every home they reap their harvest year by year on Christmas mTning.j Reap their, harvest at the "Merry Christ.-n:!" sikitattcn rics throughout; the housc.'w And it i mother,' usually, that steals in upon the sleeping ones and wishes, thm a glad and happy Christmas! And always on Christmas morning she will do this! Though she be m the land of bliss beyond, or in the flesh of the present, she will speak to u ef the Chrictm&s morning, speak to us from her loving heart and wish us happiness. Nor time, nor death, nor changes, nor wars, nor. misfortunes crr can take from a man this Christmas wish of mother's:' "A Merry Chrktma and a Happy New Year I" From the enAese aeon8"ofjtne turquoise sky shejspeaka'to meo dhric4m3 morning aad she speaks to you, too but, mayhap nearer by.' for Christmas in the country is tndiMolubly associated with her.1)! And fer that n aacred.' Chritoias in the country ie doubly dear. to. me and doubly'' X i. "With tremblinV fingers' did we weave The holly round th CtuiMmas hearth; r A rainy cloud possest'd the earth, And sadly feu our Christmas-eve." (Copyright, 190$, by Wrlsht A. Pattereon.) i