Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1908)
it : i z jS I Spring Has Come and now is the time to get busy We have a large assortment of FLOWER and GARDEN SEEDS in packages Onions Beans Turnips Peas Sweet Corn Pumpkin ROGERS IN DENIAL FILES ANSWER IN GOVERNMENT SUIT AGAINST U, P. MERGER. also Onion Sets in large quantities We want your trade A. D. RODGERS ee9e3909M490toe0cS9e ieee i FIRST STATE BANKi of Hemingford, Nebr. Our first consideration The safety of the funds de posited with us. Our next To take care of the legitimate demand for money to carry on business in our territory. Wo want well secured conservative loans from ranchmen, farmers and merchants, all the time. Our depositors, whose balances are good, receive spe cial recognition when they become borrowers, both in the length of time given and tha rate of interest charged. A deposit account iu some good bank is a business necessity. No one conveniently located to Hemingford can afford not to be a customer of the First State Hank. We have a savings bank for every boy and girl in the county. $1.00 opens an account. Write for particulars or call in person. SI9atr:: sae9e &' & NOTICE 45 Owing to the fact that our patronage has increased nearly one-third in the last 30 clays, we would kindly ask patrons to give us their orders as early as pos sible. Phones 131a and 131b. Palace Meat Market S. H. DESCH, Prop. Oil Magnate Avers That He Bought No Railroad Stock for Conspiracy Purposes and Asks That He Be Granted Damages, Stilt Lake, May 5. H. H. Rogers and James Stlllman, named as defend tints with the Harriman and other railroads in the so-called merger suit of tho government, filed their answers In the federal court hero. They, with 13. H. Harriman, Jacob Schlff and oth ers, and the Union Pacific, Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fo, Southern Pa cific and other railroads are charged with unlawful conspiracy In attempt ing to gain control of othor railroads and rostraln and control commerce be tween tho states. Mr. Rogers makes a swooping danlal of ovary allegation and deuiandit that the caso against him be dismissed because ho Is not a resident of tho Utah district and therefor not within tho jurisdiction of tho court. He also asks that he bo granted oosts and damages for Injury to his character by reason of the al legations made against him. He denies Umt ho Is or aver was a member of any body of men who at tempted to gain control and restrain commerce and tram o betwocn tho states or that ho ovor bought Into any railroad to gain oontrol. He acV mlts that us bought hMTlly into tha Atchison, Topekn and Santa Fo, but says that ho did so purely a an In vestment, aven though tha purchase was heavy anough in soma oases to ab sorb half the stock, and thoro was not the slightest latent to conspire or gain control to an unlawful an. Mr. Rog ers gives as his belief, through Infor mation and observation, that no one of tho defendants in tha big mergor suit had any Idea of creating a com- bln for the unlawful control of tha Southern Pacific. H denies acquaint ance with all deals made prior to Oct S, 1901, the data he became a director and before which time the government claims that all tha attempts to gain control wore made. St&ca that time. Uogor avers, aelthor ha, Harrlmau, Stlllman, Kuan. Ifrlck or W. A. Clarke have mado In aayway an efTort to got control of tha road'. Similar adnila slons aad denials are mado concern ing the purchases of Ualoa Pacific stock through Kuan, Looa & Co. and tha Oregon Short Lino. James Stlllman, whoao answer was also Mod, follows tint lines laid down by Mr. Rogers, admitting Invostmonts of money, but donylng a monopolistic or other unlawful purpoao. Mr. Stlll man became a director of the Union Pacific Dec. d, 1907. It.- CAUCUS FAILS TO DECIDE Adjourns Without Reaching Conclusion on Currency Question. Washington, May 6. Tho Republic an members of the house of repre sentatives wore In caucus for throe hours last night In an effort to agree upon a plan for currency legislation, but adjourned without achieving any doflnlto results. Tho meeting was early resolved Into a conference and proceeded with the understanding that tho result, whatever It might be. should not bo binding upon members. There was a largo attendance, hut no very tuarkod enthusiasm, except of a personal character, when Sponkor Cannon took tho floor. It was ovldent from thu boglnnlug that there woro so many mombcru who would desire to bo heard that it would ha Impossible to reach a conclusion at ono Bitting, and it was unanimously agreed to adjourn until S o'cloak tonight. A number of speeohes for and against tha resolu tion wore heard, notably ono by Speaker Oannon warmly supporting It. Bennett (N. Y.) offered a resolution that the cauoua approve the underly ing prtuclplo of tha Vreeland bill, namely, the use of commercial ptipor as a currency basis, favor tho creation of a curronoy commission and declare for tho appointment of a commtttoo of the house to drnft a temporary cur rency bill for present consideration, that committer ta report within flva days. Watson (InU.) proposed a rule giv ing ono hour nud twenty minutes for debate, to bo divided equally bctweon Fowler amd Vreeland. Prince (111.) offerod a resolution de claring the meeting to be a confer ence, not a caucus, and stipulating that thoso present should not be bouad Individually In future by anything that might be agreed to or reject la the conference. Speaker Cannon roso and was warm ly applauded. Ha eald tho question raised by Prlnca had often been raised beforo. Ho said that a majority or a minority may rofuso to ha bound; that thoro waa no way to coerce any member; that each member had tho right to glvo such weight to tha con census of opinion as ha thought tight; that a caucus ana a conference rvre the same, because no one oould be held' to the action of either. Vroeland saw ao objactlou to PTluce'a resolution. He said that If a member did not want to be bound by the action of his party associates ha did not have to be. The Prlnca resolution was thoa adopted unanimously, as was tha time resolution offered by Watson. Townsond (&lch.) moved that o Thursday evening tha Republican members meet In caucus to decide tho attltudo of tho majority on nn antl injunction bill. Tho motion was ruled out of order. NEWS OE NEBRASKA. THAW IS OUT OF MATTEAWAN OHIO FEARS NIGHT RIDERS NELSON JFLTCTCraiSR, FERE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford Flro Insuranco Compnny. North American of I'hlladulpliia. Phoenix of Hlooklyn. Now York. Continental of Now York Olty. Miiparu Klro Insuranco Company. Conuocticutt Klro Commercial Union Assurance Co., London Liverpool. London nnd Globe Ins. Co. Herman American Ins. Co., New York. Now Hiunpuhlro Columbia Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix lus. Co., Hartford, Conn Office Uo-Stairs.Flctchcr Mock. JfflJJi JJ if ( mamtomBtfgtiiGJmtzzg3ik -ma m i Wallaces Transfer Line Secures Release from Asylum Until Case is Settled. Poughkeopslo, N. Y., May 5. Tem porarily, at least, Harry K. Thaw 13 out of the Mntteawan asylum for tho criminal Insane. As a result of the proceedings on the writ of habeas cor pus brought in an effort to havo him declared sane, ho will remain In Dutchoss county jail until tho final de cision on the writ 1b handed down. Tho formal hearing In tho case will como before the supreme court hero next Monday." Tho adjournment was taken upon the requost of a represent ative of tho district attorney of New York county to glvo District Attorney Jerome an opportunity to appeur in person to oppose Thaw's roleaso from tho asylum. In tho meantime Thaw will remain In the county jail here in stead of being returned to Matteawnn. Thaw appeared to bo In excellent health, having gained fully twenty pounds In weight since his transfer to the asylum from the Tombs. One of the Interesting features of the proceedings was an announcement that Evelyn Nesblt Thaw, although she has brought suit for annulment of her marriage, will appear If necessary as n witness in her husband's behalf. ATLANTIC FLEET AGAIN UNITED 4Uiilj3Zf-XUti!eilCk& ' '- J Household goods mnvprl nrnmnHu :SrMJ and transfer work &Li& solicited. Phone i Frank Wallace, Prop'r. Palace Livery Bsurn. C. C. SMITH, Prop. (Successor to S. II. Dcsch) ONE III vCK WEST OI' THE NK'V ZI1INDEN IIUII.DUVG. 'Phone Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, and courteous treatment to all lias won for us the excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. Checkered Front LIVERY AND FEED BARN OSCAR BRAMAN . Proprietor. Battleships Leave Santa Cruz for San Francisco. Santa Cruz, Cal., May 5. The Atlan tic battleship fleet was united onco more when tho ships of the second squadron arrived from Monterey and the flotilla of six destroyers joined it from San Pedro, the latter after one of the stormiest voyages of the cruise The second squadron, headed by the Alabama, flying the flag of Rear Adml ray Sperry. came across Monterey bay, arriving at 5:30 p. m. yesterday. The flotilla came In at 1:30. Admiral Thomas moved from the Connecticut to the Minnesota. The Connecticut will proceed to Monterey and take on board Admiral Evans, who returns to resume command of the fleet. No ceremonies whatever will attend tho return of Rear Admiral Evans. The fleet will sail for San Francisco this afternoon, arriving off the light ship at the entrance about 9 p. m. They will anchor there until the morning. Cleveland Steadily Gains. Lakewood, N. J., May 5. Former President Grover Cleveland continues steadily to recover from an attack of digestive trouble, which has prevented him from returning to his Princeton home All reports from the Lakewood hotel were to the effect that he cou tinues to improve and that his condi tion Is not alarming Ten Inches of Snow In Wyoming. Cheyenne, May 5. About ten inches of snow has fallen here The precipi tation Is general throughout the state and is of great benefit to the farmers. State Troops Ordered to Burley To bacco District. Columbus, O., May C Threats to burn tho towns of Abor"dcen and Hig ginsport, emanating from unknown sources, but resulting from the bitter warfnro In the burley tobacco district of Ohio and Kentucky, are largoly re sponsible for an ordor Issued by Gov ernor Harris to Adjutant General Crltschfleld to dispatch troops to tho towns montloned. Troop B of Colum bus felt for the scene of threatened troublo this morning at 5 o'clock. Cap tain R. W. Knauss has fifty cavalry men In his command. Compnnlos F of tho First regiment of Cincinnati and Batavia are also said to bo await ing orders. Tho request for troops was mado by Sheriff Randall of Brown county. A mass meeting of tho tobacco growers of Kentucky across tho Ohio river from Brown county Is to bo held to night. Tho meeting Is said to bo planned to induce the growers to Join in the movement not to rniso any to bacco this season and the Ohio Inde pendent growers, who have refused to join the movement, fear that there may be an invasion of the state following the meeting. Connecticut Will Be for Taft. Hartford, Conn., May C The Re publican state convention, when It chooses fourteen delegates to Chicago today, will instruct its delegates to vote and work for the nomination of Secretary of War William H Taft for the presidency. This instruction will be Incorporated In the platform and means the throwing aside of a prece dent. At the same time tho conven tion probably will override the do sires of United States Senators Bulk eley and Brandege and refuse to send them to Chicago, because their atti tude toward Mr. Taft has been non committal. Big Bond Issue Is Authorized. Salt Lake. May 6. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Union Pacific railway, at which 7C per cent of the stock was represented, the directors were authorized to Issue $100,000,000 in bonds for Improvement of the sys tem and for the purchase of tho Kan sas and Western and the Topeka and Northwestern roads. Frisco Employes Laid Off. Springfield, Mo., May 6. Two thou sand' employes of the Si. Louis and San Francisco railroad shops here were laid off for an Indefinite period. The reason assigned by the company for the shutdown is financial depres sion. Mount Etna In Violent Eruption. Messina, May C. The erup'tlon of Mount Etna continues, accompanied by numorous earth shocks. The deto nations have terrified the people llv Ing In tho villagos in the vicinity of the volcano and they are camping In the op:n air. CUT RATES OR RAISE WAGES Railroads Seeking Aid o Business Men Meet Dilemma. York, Neb., May 4. Tho employes of tho Chicago nud Northwestern rail road of this city, who circulated n pe tition to bo signed by business men, shippers and citizens of York and York county, asking for it let-up In antl rntlroad legislation and that no more petitions be mado for lower freight rates on the ground that it meant u re duction of salaries to employes, did not mcit with tho reception nor bo cure the number of signatures tho ofll dais of the rallrond hoped it would get. The rsprcBontntlve of tho com pany wu asked' to change tho word ing of tho petition and havo it read, "that If the present rates bo main tataod tht railroad company lncrcaso the wages 'of all employes at least 20 per coat," and ho was promised thnt if tale was douo the petition would bo signed. It 1 understood tho railroad com panies havo employes In overy city nnd twn in Nebraska circulating pe titions of this kind, hoping to havo Influence with tho statu railroad com ruliiloft wS probably to bo usod when thu next Nebraska legislature con venes. GOVERNOR FINDS OLD FRIENDS Former Residents of Nebraska Give Tourists a Plcnlo at Long Beach. Long Oeach, Cal., May 4. Almost J, 000 former residents of Nebraska gath ered In Long Beach for the annual pic nic U the Nebraska society of Lee Ajv geles. The feature of the occasion was the visit of Governor Sheldon, his staff and a big party from that statu. A meeting was held in tho Auditorium immediately after the arrival of the distinguished visitors, at which numer ous speakers toasted Nebraska aud the state of their adoption, California, nnd showered greetings on Governor Shel don and bis officials. The reception aid exercises wero conducted by Judge W. It. Morris of Ios Angeles, president of the society, and M. M. Davidson, secretary Ad dreises were delivered by Messrs. Richardson, Binyzer, Ludden, Senator McKesson antf Governor Sheldon. A quartet of women from the Long lltich Nebraska society sang several Sulectloug. ENGINEERS OBEY ALL 8IGNAL3 "Surprise" Teats on Harriman Llnoi Prove That They Are Alert. Omaha, May 4. A summary of the results of "surprise testu" on the Hues of the Union Pacific and Southern Pa cific railroads for the month of March shows aa efflctoncy of 08.8 for tho en glnemon. During tho month 1,258 tests wero made. Tho "surprise tests" consist of flash ing all kinds of signals upon unsus pecting englnomeu. At dozens of plnccs, at all times df tho day and' night, the testa aro made. They must be obeyed absolutely, else severe dis cipline is meted out. Running pust a danger signal means dismissal for tho culprit. In the March tests the small number of violations, amounting to nbout 1 per cent, were not of tho kind thnt might havo caused serious accidents. STATEMENT OF STATE CASH Almost Half Million Dollars In Hands of the Treasurer. Lincoln, Mny 2. Tho roport of Stato Treasuror Brian for tho month of April shows a balanco on hand of $184,090.17 in nil funds, of which all but $14,301.09 is on dopolt In Btato depository banks. Tho bulanco on hand April 1 wnH $510,1G3.G8. Tho re ceipts during tho month wero $180, 966.54, and tho disbursements amount ed to $507,013.05. Tho lnrgest balanco In any fund Is $31f.,731.0C, in tho tem porary school fund. This runu win be disbursed tho lattor part of May for the support of school districts throughout tho state. Tho recolpta from the 1 mill levy for tho redemp tion of state warrants woro $22,919.55, and the payments, $1,720.17 t tho bo ginning of tho month tho variotw stato institutions had on deposit in tho Btato treasury as cash fundh, $9,798.20. Dur ing tho month $6,S23.GC was added to this and $4,323.05 drawn out by tho various Institutions, leaving a balanco of $12,99t.S7. Tho state now has $8,099,388.05 in vested In Interest bearing flocurltios, of which $7,083,687.59 is in bonds and $1,105,700.46 is in Nebraska warrants. WOOL MARKET IN OMAHA Site Selected for Warehouse and Work Will Begin at Once. Omaha, May 4. Arrangements wore completed by Charles II King, bnnker and promoter of tho wool market of Omaha, for a location for tho first storage house nnd work will begin to morrow on a houso 100x300 feet, with a capaqlty of 20,000,000 pounds, half way between Omaha and South Oma ha, and accessible to all tho railroads. The first season's clip, which Is al ready bolng sheared, will be stored in Omalin, four railroads and the Com mercial club of Omnhii usklng the in terstate commerce commission to grant special permission to put tho wool rates in force May 5, Instead of May 27. Protest on Rate Reduction. Lincoln, May 4. Representatives of railroad labor organizations havo been holding conferences in this city dur ing tho week and concluded their work. Tho meeting hnd to do with wage scales, and a protest will ho mado to tho stato railroad commission against any further reduction In rati roniL rates, bocauso the loss will event ually fall on the employes. Hotel Clerk Tries Suicide. Bontrlco, Neb., May 2. John Kerr, employed for the last threo months as night clerk nt tho Paddock hotel here, attempted sulcldo by shooting hlmsoir behind the left ear nnd is lying In the ganltnrlum with slim hopes held out for his recovery. Domestic trou ble Is supposed to have been the In centive for tho act, as Kerr and his wife had separated but a few weeks ago and since the separation Kerr has appeared morose. Burglars Busy at Weston. Weston, Neb., May 2. Burglars broko into the safes of the Weston Grain and Stock company and the Chi cago Lumber company. From tho lat ter place they got about $25. A cash ier's check for $400. received too lato for banking, was loft untouched. They made their escape. BAN PUT ON STOCK WATERING Nebraska Railroad Commission Pre vents Issue of Street Railway Stock. Lincoln, May 6.By ruling that tho Citizens' Street Railway company of Llncola may not Issue additional stock or pay any dividends on stock alrendy lmued until it puts more money into tho plant In operation, tho Nobraeka railway commission takes Jurisdiction of the stock issues of common carrier of the state. The question la one of great Import to Nebraska citizens uud corporations. Application has beon mado by tha company to add to tho stock issue. which is $336,762.50. City Mtornoy John M. Stewart filed hia objections beforo tho railway commissioner nnd after . long hoarlng, tho ordor wnrf promulgated. The board holds no ad ditional stock may be Issuod at pres ent and that until tho sum of $15,000 la Invested In the plant no further dividends may ho paid' on tho stock al ready out. Tho company Is ordered to devote Hi resources to payment of all obligations outstanding March 31, 190U. HKAVY REWARD FOR TAYLOR Kearney County Board Offers Fiftecp Hundred Dollars for His Arrest. Mluden. Neb., Mny 6. Tho county board offered $1,500 reward' for tho ar rest of Bert Tnylor, who brutally as suulted his sisters-in-law. The hoard met In rogular session and tho offer has the county treasury behind it. Pearl Taylor, who wob most Borlouu ly injured, is slightly bettor, though thoro is little hope of her recovory. Sho was ablo to take two tabloapoonsful of milk, one of tho most encouraging symptoms, alnco sho has been con Btuntly In convulsions and Buffering from extreme nervousnoss. Sho has nt no time been rational enough to mako an ante mortem statement. When approaching consciousness, sho constantly calls for her parents. No further trnce has been found of Tay lor. Tho search made at Atlanta, proved fruitless, e . i. in w ""' Coon Case May 25. Lincoln, Mny 5. Tho trial of Will lam Coon, charged with manslaughter for having run down nnd killed Nellie S. Smith wltli his automobile, ima been set for May 25. Coon Is now un der bond, having waived preliminary hearing. Tho killing of Miss Smith has had an effect on automobile own ers, the result being greater care is exercised in running machines. Burglars Carry Away Sixty Watohes. Omaha, May 0. Burglars hurled a bucket through tho Douglas street show window of the Mawhinney& Ryan Jewelry store, at Fifteenth and DouglaB streets, seized nbout sixty watches valued at $600, and escaped. Tho glass door at the Miller, Stewart fz Beaton furniture store, at Sixteenth nnd Howard streets, was also broken In, nnd tho store ransaqked, but tho burglars secured nqthlng there. Bryan Introduces Lecturer. Lincoln. May C. Professor John U. Lloyd of Cincinnati delivered a locturo here last night, under the auspices of tho Lincoln Medical college, on "An Evening In tho 'Orient." He was in troduced by William J. Bryan, who re lated their experiences In quarnntino at Suez, two years ago this month. Mr Bryan and Mr. Lloyd met at that time and were companions in forced exile for several days. $5,400 Verdict for Mrs. Bond. Lincoln, May 2. A jury in the fed eral court lias awnrded Mrs. Rebocca Bond $5,400 in her suit against Her man Schaten of Nebraska City, in whose saloon sho alleged that her hus band, Frank Bond, bad been made an habitual drunkard. Kearney Can Advance 'Phone Rates. Lincoln, May G. By a ruling of Stato Railway Commissioner Williams, tho Kearney Independent Telephone company Is permitted to advance its present rates of service. Tho ruling sets a precedent in that it is the first time such a concession has bcea granted since the commission assumed Jurisdiction over tho telephone lines. Shoots Self Through Heart. Harvard, Neb., May 5. H. O. Fletch er, manager of the brokerage houso of II E. Gooch ,& Co. of Lincoln, Is dead at his home hero, as a result of a gun shot wound through the heart, thought to be self inflicted'. His wife found him dying on her return home, No cause Is known L. H. Korty Resigns. Omaha, Mny 2. Louis H. Korty, for twenty-ono years Buporlntoudout of telegraph for tho Union Pacific system; has resigned on account of 111 health. J. B. Sheldon, who has beon manager of the headquarters' telegraph' office, has been promoted to succeed Mr. Korty. f