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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1905)
, ;s' n r II ; If I? m i The Alliance Herald T. J. O'KEEFE, Publisher. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Brief Telegrams Tho town of Snpalnx, P. I., wnt damaged by n tornado August 27. Bishop Nicholson of tho Episcopal diocese of Milwnukco, on account ol his ndvanced ago, consents to a coad Jutor. Sir .Ernest Cochrano of Dublin de nies that ho has any Intention of chal lenging for tho America's enp, as ro ported. Premier Bond has arrived In London to ralso a loan of 12,000,000 to be paid R. G. Hold for tho Newfoundland telegraph lines, Patrick Hnnloy, aged 22, a miner, was shot and killed nt Butto, Mont., by J. P. Barnes, a barbor, after a quar rel on Main street Roports on oil production In tho Texas district during August show a decrease as compared with July of wore than 1,000,000 bnrrols. Massachusetts stato census shows a Btnrtllng decrease in tho growth of population In tho last five years. Old maids are moro numorous and short age of Iho bean crop is a factor. Tho first freo Roman Catholic col lege in Illinois and tho second in tho west, was dedicated at Jacksonville. It Is Reutt collego, built at a cost of 160,000. Tho third trial of Congressman J N. Williamson, charged with suborna tlon of perjury in connoction with th Oregon land fraud cases, has beea commenced. Despondent and heartbroken over tho death of her sweetheart, to whom Bho was to bo married, Miss Leona Kroutslngor committed sulcldo in Chi cago by inhaling gas. ' A dispatch from Madrid to Paris, to tho Eclair, maintains that, desplto tho denial, it Is probablo that King Al fonso will marry Princess Eugono of Battenborg. nloco of King iSdward. Edwnrd Tlldon, for years prominent in Chicago packing and banking circles, has been elected president of tho National Packing Company, to succeed tho lato Samuel MeGlean, Jr. Tho secretary of stato of Missouri has granted a charter to tho Control Rnllwny company of Kansas City, ex tending fifty miles, from Miami to So dalla, Tho capital stock Is $2,500,000. Edgar Balloy, under sontenco of death for tho raurdor of Albert Fer guson, a hnckdriver, during tho hack drivers' strlko In Kansas City last year, was granted a second reprlovo by Governor Folk. Topoka officials of tho Santa Fo railway have discovered what appears to bo tho systematic theft of railway tickets bolng practiced by telegraph operators acting as ticket agents on that road in Colorado. Whether tho Panama Canal shall climb over intervening hills by means of locks or bo cut through at tho sea level will bo decldod by tho consulting engineers from all the world who havo begun their sessions at Washington. Tho ABSoclatod Press, In rosponso to a written Inquiry about tho Glasgow rumor mat Emperor William is ar ranging a trans-Atlantic yacht race for ,1907, 1b informed by a mqmbor of the 'emperor's suite that tho roport Is truo. , John WIIHq of Chicago, got tho de cision over Mlko Schrock of Milwau kee at Salt Lnko in tho tenth round. Tho light was glvon to Wllllo on Schreck's being unable to contlnuo after receiving a blow In tho stomach. Dr. Franklin Clnrko of Boston, Mass., who was arrested nt Kingston, Jamaica, July 17, and tried Thursday before tho chief Justlco for breach of the official secret act by taking photo graphs, of tho fortifications at Port Royal, was liberated. . Brigadier General O, C. Carr, com manding tho department of Dakota, In his annual report, touching upon tho subject of desertions, says thoy nro mainly attrlbutablo to tho Blight re gnrd the enlisted man Is held by tho average American citizen, Rov. Robort Lowls of Linden, la., while returning on tho train from the Frontier park was robbed of $40 In c&Bh and his round trip ticket from Linden to Denvor. A new ticket was purchased and tho $40 mado up by other members of the Iowa delegation. Tho Atlanta, Ga.. city council. In oxecutlvo Bcsston, adopted stinging resolutions condemning Major James G. Woodward for hiB conduct at tho recent meeting of tho League of Amer ican Municipalities at Toledo, O. Ho Is alleged to havo appeared on tho floor of tho convention Intoxicated. President Charles F, Thwing of the Western Reserve university of Cleve land announced that Andrew Carnegie has given $25,000 toward tho estab lishment of a fund of f 100,000 for tho endowment for a chair of political economy at Western Reserve univer sity to bear tho name of the lato Unl ted States senator, M. A. Hanna. Commissioner Richards of tho gen eral land office at Washington returp ed Friday after an absence of several weeks, devoted to tho opening of the Uintah Indian reservation in Utah. Ho says that the total filings for the first six days was a third less than was possible under tho regulations. At Belleville, 111., In a dispute bo tween Henry C. Link, a saloonkeeper and John Trappe, over 10 cents. Link was shot dead. Colonel Flnlay Anderson, a wel Tcnown Journalist, died at a private hospital in New York, death follow ne a long illness. A WOMAN'S SUFFERINGS. Weak, Irregular, Racked wlHi Paint Made Well and 36 Pounds Heavier. Mrs. E. W. Wright of 172 Main St, Havorhlll, Mass., says: "In 1898 I was suffering bo with sharp pains In the small of the back and had such fro quent dizzy spells that I oould scarcely got about tho house. Tho urinary pas sages woro also qui to irregular. Monthly periods wero bo distress ing I droadod their approach. This-was my condi tion for four years. Doan'a Kidney Pills helped mo right away when I began with them, nnd thrco boxes cured mo permanently' 'ostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For salo by all dealers. Prlco, CO cents per box. ( Making Children "Show Off." Hero is something with which few mothers will agree, and yet it is tho opinion of ono of tho leading physi cians of Now York. Says this au thority: "It Is cruel for mothers to try to mako tholr children bo smart and show off before pooplo when the; aro little. Abovo all things let a child bo stupid not only stupid, but ugly If it is allowed to bo stupid' and ugly when it Is llttlo and growing it will have a much better chanco of becom ing bright and beautiful. Llttlo minds aro overtaxed by being made to mem orize versos to say beforo people, bj bolng taught this, that and tho other thing for showing off. Children should bo left to grow up Just what they aro llttlo animals." Good Housokeoping. The Stranger Needed a Knife. "I was traveling somo months ago In tho mountains of North Carolina," said Mr. J. P. Dickens of Boston, "and stopped at tho log cabin of a farmer to get a llttlo rost and a blto to cat Tho farmers' wlfo was a kind-hearted soul and set about getting mo a din ner with most hearty hospitality. Al tho table ono of her children, a lad of 12, said to her in a loud tone: 'Maw, glvo tho stranger a knlfo.' His mother answored that sho had given mo one, which was truo, hut again the youngster piped up: Maw, I tell you to glvo him a knlfo; don't you eeo he is eatin' his greens with a fork?'" Washington Post Cure to Stay Cured. Wapello, Iowa, Sept. 11th (Special) Ono of tho most remarkable cures over recorded in Louisa County if that of Mrs. Minnie Hart of this place. Mrs. Hart was in bed for eight months and when Bho was able to sit up sho was all drawn up on ono side and could not walk across tho room. Dodd'a Kidney Pills cured her. Speak ing of her euro, Mrs. Hart says: "Yes, Dodd'a Kidney Pills cured me after I was In bed for eight monthH and I know tho cure was completo for that was threo years ago and I have not been down slnco. In four weeks from the tlrao I started taking them I was able to mako my garden. No body can know how thankful I am to bo cured or how much I feel I owo to Dodd's Kidney Pills." This caso again points out how much tho general health depends on tho Kidneys. Cure the Kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills and nine-tenths of tho Buffering the human family is heir to, will disappear. A Graceful Carriage. A graceful carriage is as necessary to good health as to good looks. Oor tain exercises will do much for the woman who hasn't always cultivated the habit of standing and -walking correctly, says tho Brooklyn Times A great aid In tho development of n good position is to raise" tho crovn of tho head as high as posslblo and then try to mako tho chest meet tho chin. This will mako a graceful car riage smaller stomach, a fuller chest and moro lung power. To reach either above tho head as far as pus Blblo or to tho floor without bending tho knees will decrease tho size of tho waist and round it; also fill In the hollow In front of tho arms. ' Tho biggest willow In tho stato Is at Norrldgewock. It measures twenty three feet in clrcumferenco at tho baso and has a ponderous spreading top. Its largest diameter is a llttlo moro than eight foot Tho ago of the treo Is about 100 years. Tho tradition is that a man traveling from Now Hamp shire on horseback stopped to give tho horso water there and stuck his whip, which was a Bmall willow twig, In tho ground and gorgot to tako it You never hear any ono complain about "Defiance Starch," There Is none to equal it in quality and quantity, 1C ounces, 10 cents. Try it now and save your money. When death, tho great reconciler, has como, It Is novor our tenderness that we repent of, but our severity. Georgo Eliot I am sura Plso's Curo for Consumption saved my life three years aco. Mils. Tnos. Ronwas, Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17, J600. Tho chief end of man Is to mako both ends meet FITS J""" cored. Wo flu or nerrcaotM att W 1 1 bnt dr' hm ot Dr. KUnA-i Orrat Vtrrm KMtoi jr. fend for FitKH H8.00 trill bottU and trutlie, PS. B. 11. Kuxz, UL, 111 Arch Btreet, ItmadalpUa, 1 Bo sure you aro right, and then take another look. pARMS FOR RENT OR SAI.S ON CROP x payments. J. MUUIALL, Slou City, Uu Don't measure a man's sincerity by the vigor of his handshake. rmQWkt . yTIHsKeSBWW It was said at the recent marriage of PrlncesB Margaret bf Connaught to Prlnco Gustavus of Sweden tuct it was one of thoso rare exceptions a roya lovo match. Perhaps bo, but there Is no such proof of it as was furnished by tho marrlago ot another Swedish prlnco in England seventeen years ago and under very different circum stances. Just because that was noth ing but a lovo match, entirely of Cupid's making, no ceremonious fuss was made over it, and the European sovereigns all held aloof from It and did not oven send wedding presents to tho bride and bridegroom. Prlnco Os car Carl Augustc, Duke of Gotland, second son of tho king and queen of Sweden, wns 25 years old when.ho fell In lovo with his mother's prettiest and favorite maid of honor, Miss Ebba dc Munck. She was a scion of one of the oldest and most distinguished ot Swe dish families nnd could claim to have more bluo blood in her veins than- tho descendant of tho man whom Bona-, parte had placed on. tho throne of Sweden. Prlnco Oscar told his father as much, but that did not soften the king's opposition. Ho insisted that Mb handsome eon should wed only within the charmed circle of royalty, and be content with tho pick of some half INSECT PEST OF MILLERS. Over Forty Varieties of Moths and Beetles Bother Them. "Millers havo a good deal to con tend with In modern times," said A. H. Hull of Kansas City, In the Mil waukee Free PreBs. "Moro than forty species of destructive moths and bee tles Infest granaries, some of which woro only recently Imported and some havo beon known as an enemy of stored grain ever slnco very dnclent times. It takes a keen eye to detect In apparently sound wheat the pres ence of a 'granary weevil,' but If the grains havo been stung by, it, Incalcu lable injury may bo done In a short time. Another destructive Insect thnt Infests mills Is tho flour moth, known as tho scourge of tho flour mill. These Insects excel In web-splnnlng, and ,sometImes mix up so much with tho grain that tho machinery is clogged and mills aro stopped for long pe riods. "Tho Indian meal moth .excels in devouring tho germs of wheat, injur ing It for seed. A flat little beetle called tho 'flour weevil' often makes Its appearance In flour otter It has been barreled or bagged. They are tho worst pests in tho milling world that I can think of now, and I some times wonder that the American pub He Is blessed with such excellent flour In tho face of all this Insect opposl tlon." Don't Put Stings In Words, The girl with laughter In her eyes, a pleasant Bmllo for everybody, of kind words and gentle deeds, will be much moro charming though far less GULF STREAM CHANGING ltL I S-v iy&ndland j i I x- OvAbic oP"71""" JwJzZ " UNITED SAMTCi JmtfffA N T I G Jm7 ocean 7EST TNMJ5S JAkT Unco Jncliaae j s , !- Bihlfr&e!ceo,tju7fStreuh Reports from many Bea captains tell of encountering the Gulf stream says the ocean river Is as far north now as it was south during last winter twenty miles from Nantucket Lightship. The dotted lines Bhow the course Atlantic coast The continuous lines show the customary patr dozen pretty princesses. Tho course of true lovo nevor did run smooth for many a long day. Mies Munck her self refused to listen to the prince's suit and absolutely forbade him to make the sacrifice for her sake. Sho resigned her court appointment, and when sho found that her royal lover was bent on following her to her fath er's house, she left home and entered a hospital to train as n nurse. But Oscar would not glvo her up. Rather would he lay aside all his ti tles and privileges that his royal birth conferred upon him. In his despair ho turned to his mother for comfort and aid. Queen Sophie, herself a princess of Nassau, had her own prejudice to conquer but she was greatly attached to her favorite maid of honor, and still moro deeply, of course, did sho lovo her son. Ho convinced her that ho could never bo happy as tho hus band of any other woman. Tho mother In her triumphed over tho queen. Sho sought out the hospital nurse and pleaded her son's cause with success. To win tho king's consent was moro difficult task. Finally, when sho wns about to undergo a serious operation which sho might not survive sho In duced him to yield to what she urged might be tho Inst request sho would beautiful than tho girl of pretty face who is "stuck up," supercilious, disa greeable and has an exalted opinion of her own importance. While there Is a charm In tho pret ty fnco there must bo back of It womanhood in Its perfection. The art of being a woman Is indeed a great one. There aro women who always do things right nnd there are others who always do them wrong. How often do we see this in public? A woman Imagines, often without reason, that somebody Is encroaching upon her rights. Sho cuts loose with a volley of angry words, making her self Intensely disagreeable, whereas if she had spoken softly she would havo accomplished far more and there would .have been no sting In her words. Chicago Journal. Her Plan to Save. The two women were talking about children's parties. "Yes," Bald tho visitor, "I'm going to glvo Wllllo a party next week. About twenty-five children will be there. How much Ice cream do you think I'll need?" "You won't need moro than a gal lon If you work a scheme I always use," replied the other woman. "When the children all reach the house I pass around some cookies the yellow sugar kind. I let them eat all thoy want. They always eat so many that when tho Ice cream Is served one small dish is enough for each child. Nothing works so well as the sugar cookies and they are easily and cheap ly made. If you don't use this scheme you'll have to buy nt least three gal lons of Ice cream for the twenty-five children," Kansas City Star. ever make of him. And when she had recovered from tho operation Bho went1 over to Bournemouth and herself gave away tho bride. There was none oher of Prlnco Oscar's relations present. In a rose-covered house on tho south const tho happy couple havo lived since that day, occasionally vis iting their native land, but making England their real home. Their boys go to English schools and they live tho quiet llfo of English country gen tlefolk. jOf course, when he married, the prince renounced his royal rights and all prospects of succeeding to tho throne. Tho king granted him thfe title of Prince Bernadotte; and the Duko of Luxembourg, head of Queen Sophie's family, more recently created him Count of Wlsborg, but it is little ho cares for such dignities. He has never regretted cutting adrift from tho throne, and Prince Bernadotte has long been satisfied that it was no sac rifice after all he mado to marry her. The Norwegians would bo glad to havo him as their new monarch, but ho has no deslro to assume the responsibili ties' of a crowned head. Of stalwart figure, tall almost as bis father, with clear, earnest eyes and a noble bear ing, ho would attract attention any where and in no company would ho appear to greater advantage than in one composed of the scions of royal ty. The princess has lost much of tho beauty that first won his admiration, but sho has gained the crown which only rests on the brows of happy wives and mothers, and his devotion to her Is ns fervid ns ever. Ho did not attend the royal wedding of his nephew, nor did his wife. His younger brother, Prince Eugene, was there, but as soon as the grand func tion wns over ho lost no time in mak ing his way to tho rose-clad house. Prince Eugene Is still a bachelor. It is said ho has declared that a bachelor ho will remain unless fate brings in his way another woman like sho who was Miss Ebba do Munck. TO SEE STARS IN DAYLIGHT. No Trouble at All, If You Followed Professor's Advice. Tho astronomer, who was to lecture in the town hall, rested contentedly after his noonday meal. His peace of mind, however, was soon disturbed by tho reception committee, who had called to mako the day pleasant for him. This committee was handicapped by having on its membership a young man of the Impressionistic class. He would talk deliberately and persist' ently on some deep subject; glvo ut teranco to long and complicated sen tences, sprinkled with still longer words, and then conclude his un wieldy effort by convincing his hear ers that ho had said absolutely noth ing. "Professor," observed this man severely, "It has been Baid and fro quently reiterated In my presence, that It is possible to see the glittering stars In their scintillating glory In daylight. Can you convince me ol this unusual phenomenon?" The astronomer's eyes twinkled mis chievously. "Yes," ho answered, chuckling merrily; "if you'll come to my office In Now York with the price ot two matlneo tickets, 111 point out some of the leading stars of this coun try before dark." Chauffeurs In Army Uniform. Among . tho staff of tho royal gar ages of Italy a seml-rallltary system has been Introduced. Tho director will wear the uniform of an army cap tain and tho chauffeurs that of tho ranks. ITS COURSE In unexpected places. Ono master for a time. Ho passed through it as it is now and how close it is to th Galumet Baking Powder A wonderful powtlor of rora merit and unrivaled strength. Shrewd Father-ln-Law. Very original was the idea of a bar ker who, on his daughter becoming engaged to his nsrlstant, dorcrmlneil to regulnto her dowry by he sweet henrts ability. A certain sum wa9 accordmgly set aside, from which a fine wan deducted every thao tho f.anco chanced tc cut a customer when Killing a razor. This had the affect of putting him upon his mettle, and nis reputation as an, easy shaver soon 30 Increased the shop's cliontele that on his daughter's marrlaga Figaro's extra takings more than compensated for tho money ho was called upon vo disburse. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't keep Defiance Starch. This Is because they have a stock on hand of other brands containing: only 12 oz. In a package, which they won't bo able to sell first, because Defiance contains 16 oz. for the same money. Do you want 16 oz. instead of 12 oz, for same money? Then buy Defiance Starch. Requires no cooking:. Don't court troublo unless you want to marry It DISFIGURED BY ECZEMA. Wonderful Change In a Night In a Month Face Was Clear as Ever Another Cure by Cutlcura. "I had eczema on the face for flvo months, during which tlmo I was In tho caro of physicians. My face was so disfigured I could not go out, and It was going from bad to worse. A friend recommended Cutlcura. Tho first night after I washed my faco with Cutlcura Soap, and used Cutlcura Ointment nnd Resolvent, It changed wonderfully. From that day I was ablo to go out, and In a month the treatment had removed all scales and senbs, and my faco was as clear as ever. (Signed) T. J. Soth, 317 Stage Street, Brooklyn, N. Y." Grow Up with the Children. A hisy woman once Bald that, she never knew how much sho could ac complish until she became tho com panion of her young sons, sharing their sports and limiting her own working hours to theirs. Today they are young men and sho looks like their sister, says tho Brooklyn Times There are other young mothers o) grown men, and they nro rather for midable rivals to younger women The sons unconsciously mako com parlsons, generally In favor of mother. It is beautiful to "grow up" in this fashion with one's children, to Jteop pace with them in new studieand new thoughts, something liko a sec ond youth. We aro so quick to pu away youthful things unlesB wo have some such incentive to hold them. Handel In a Passion. Handel was onco conducting one ol his own oratories, at Carlton, before tho Prince and rlncess of Wales and o distinguished company. Certain maidf of honor began to chatter, whereupon Handel, throwing down his baton viciously shook his fist at the fall ones, reviling them In terrible-sounding German. Tho Princess whispered: "Hush! hush! Handel is in a pas sion!" And there was sileaco. Lamp Post Cellarette. A novel cellaretto has been found In the shape of a lamp post, with e letter box attached. On tho front o) the letter box In place usually occu pled by tho placard giving the hour of collection, there Is a list of bibuloui deliveries, Including everything from the morning cocktail to the night can STRONGER THAN MEAT. A Judge's Opinion of Grape-Nuts. A gentleman who has acquired a Judicial turn of mind from experience on the bench out In the Sunflower State, writes a carefully considered opinion as to the value of Orape-Nuts as food, He says: "For tho past 5 years Grape-Nuts-has been a prominent feature in our bill of fare. "Tho crisp food with tho delicious,, nutty flavor has become an indispensa ble necessity in my family's everyday life. "It has proved to be most healthful and beneficial, and has enabled us to practically abolUh pastry and pies from our table, for the children prefer Grape-Nuts and do not crave rich and unwholesome food. "Grape-Nuts keeps us all in perfect Physical condition as a preventive ot disease it is beyond value. I havo been particularly impressed by tho benefi cial effects of Grape-Nuts when used by ladles who are troubled with face blemishes, skin eruptions, etc. It clears up the complexion wonderfully. As to its nutritive qualities, my ex perlence Is that one small dish of Grape-Ntits Is superior to a pound or meat for breakfast, which Is an im portant consideration for anyone. It satisfies the appetite and strengthens the poWer of resisting fatigue, while its use IhTolves none of tho disagree able consequences that sometimes fol tWp ?Eat reaMast-" Name giveo. r-n8t.Um Co" BatUo Creek. Mldu There's a reason. i J ?f. IW