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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1905)
WE HAVE GOT TO MOVE Our entire line of summer goods. The summer season has been so late coming that we have for clearance a greater amount of seasonable merchandise than has ever been offered at any of our previous sales. In order to move this 4 I s stock we will make prices that will make this the biggest sale of UP-TO-DATE MERCHANDISE that Alliance has seen. ALE WEEK JULY 17- Arnold Goods 25c Mohair Lnotre x8o Dotted Swiss 75c Silk Organdie 50c Sjlk Novelty . Coo Novcltios . IOC tike 50c 39c 50c Black Silks fli.50 yardvido Hlack Poau , do Soio .$t.23 $i.'s5 ynrdvide Ulack 1'eau do Sole .... .... . . t.00 ftt.oo 24-inch wide illnck . 1'cau do Soio 750 65c IJUck Cliina Silk, 27 inches wide 50c jlr.oo lJluck Figured Pongee 73c $1.00 Black Silks,odd pieces OtjC ;dc Jnp. Silk, 24. inches wide 39c Clearances Ribbons gc 50c 5-in. Ombre KihhoiiB 2504-111. Roman Stripe Kib , bona i 5C sH-itl. vnrp Prints .. 7,5c 6-in. Drosdcn KribboiiB 390 Novoltion . 25c Novcltjes iqc '15c Persian . .- nc 5c Shirrjiihbon 3c IQC 59" gc I One Lot of Corsets 50c All Stylo ; All Color All Size Rugs 53.00 37x03 4.50 36x72 . 2.00 Smyrna 75c Smyrna S2.10 3-25 1.25 59C India Linens 7c Linon . yc Linen 15c Linon . 20c Lincn'v. 250 Linon 5C .12C .I7MC .igc Special Prices ON NAINSOOK ' ( FRENCH LAWX PERSIAN LAWNfv DIMITY .'T Linen 51.25 Linen, so-in. wide 95c ( 75c Lineu, 36-in. wide 59c 65c Linen,? 42in. wide 49c 40c Linen, 36MH. wide 33c Percale 24 inch 1 ;.. 5c 28 inch 7c 34 inch a 9c 36 inch Madras 12c 15c Scotch Cheviots :. 12c 15c Covert 12c 15c Silkolcin ..'. nc 20c Draperies . 15c 25c Draparies .,.- igc Any Fancy Silk Suiting Pattern $11.00 Vidua from $11.75 to $17.50 Waists 75c Whito Lawn Waists 50c $1.25 Lawn Wnifits .. . . 95c 1. 00 White Lawn WaiBtfl 69c 1.50 White Lawn Waists 1.10 2.25 WhiteJap.Silk WaiBts 1.85 2.50 White Jap.Silk Waists , 1.98 3.00 WhiteJap.Silk Waists 2.39 Wash Suits $3.00 White Linen 2.50 White Lawn 1.50 Wash Skirt 2.00 Wash Skirt 3.00 WftRh Skirt $2.39 1-95 . 98c . 1.38 2.05 Leather Goods ?2.5o Import'd Green Purse S1T75 2.50 Fancy Calf Skin Hags 1,75 1.75 I'nncy Fitted Rags . . 1,35 1.15 55C 43C 1-39 . i.ig ..'1.95 1.10 39 150 NovoltU3ags. 75c Pitted Bags 50c Fitted Bags j. 00 Pockotbook 1.50 Pocketbook ... 2.50 Seal Cigar Case.. 1.50 Wifllot . ... - 50c Wallet SPECIAL! 25c a box of, 3 cakes Toilet Soap I9C We cannot quote prices on ail lines that we are making great reductions on. There will be extra specials every day that Vill not be offered at any other time. You will just have to come in. Neckwear Clearance 75c Collars 55c 50c Collars 39c 35c Collars 23c 25c Collais -.. 19c 15c Collars gc $4.00 Lace Collar, S2.75 3.00 Lace Collar's. 1.98 2.0b Laco CdllurY i.ig All Dress Trimmings One-third off Straw Porch Seats ' 5c Pillow. Tops $1.50 Satin Top 750 Fancy Top : .... 50c 50c Fancy Top 39c 25c Fancy Top ,.. v ... igc 65c Silk Cord 1 '..... 50c 50c Silk Cord 39c 35c Mercerized Cord . . 25c Black Hercerized Petticoats 20 per cent, discount Saturday night, July 22, at 8 o'clock, we will give away a SILK DRESS PATTERN worth $17.50 to the lady holding the lucky number. One Ticket with every purchase of $1.00 during the week. Dress Goods 75c 54-in. Mohairv 50c 65c 3SMn. Mohair -. 50c 65c 38'in. W60I Goods.... 49c 50038011. Wool Goods.... 39c All $1.50 Suitings . .-,. Si. 20 All' 1.25 Suitings -.-.. 98 All 1. 00 Suitings ' . v... 3 $1.25 Grenadines -.".... 78c 1.35 Eoliennee gSc 5c Pearl Buttons. iod Pearl Buttons,. 15c Pearl Buttons.. 2C 70 .IOC Best Calico ,... ... i .. 5c Best Gingham 6c io-yard Dress Pattern 55c The Horace Bogue t:e3.:d:e 'wxjsrizrtt s tore Dray and Transfer Line. Mk W X HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods S. A. Miller will take charge ot them; store than in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and sbif them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only spring dray Una in the city. Phone 139. S. A. Miller. Palace Livery Barn S. II. DICssCII, Prop. ONU ni.ocK vi:st ok Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, Till". Ni:v .UINDF.K nlHi courteous treatment to all has wdn for us the lim.MNfi. 'l'honc. excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. fLEE t r ACHESON ALWAYS HANDLES THE BEST FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOR THE TABLE I IF YOU HAVEN'T TIME TO CALL at the STORE PHONE No. 4. DR. J. Q. BREN1ZER uni.i:ir.u or Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped SHORTHORN CATTLE BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA. Herd headed by CRIMSON SCOTT, 177035, Straight Scotch Breeding. Herd numbers go breeding cows that weighing 1400 to 1800 pounds, a large number being pure Scotch, and as good breeding as was ever brought from Scot land. Experience has taught me that for breeding purposes cattle shipped in are very little good the first year, their consti tutions must become accustomed to our' high altitude and our grass. Hence ani mals raised here are preferable. I intend to raise them here. Good, first class Nebraska breeders, the equal to anything raised in the U. S. Come and see me. (so-Gra) w If you want good, wholesome baking use Lexington Five-X Flour Guaranteed the best on the market. For sale by S. B. LIBBY TE GROCER (Successor to G W, Young) 4..-.XI-H--l'-WM'"J-- J NORMAL SCHOOL NOTES J :-xk':h:-'M::-m--:-wx-::-? The enrollment has reached 141. County Superintendent Smith of Dawes county has been visiting normal the last few days. The model school which was success fully carried on by Miss Carrie Robertson is" now closed. There has been a change; in the Junior normal daily program; school hours are from 7:30 a. m. to 4:15 p. m. The chapel hour which was at 11-20 is now changes to 10 o'clock and the study of Nebraska school law has been taken up at that hour. A new teacher has been added to the list of normal instructors. Mr. Juck takes charge of orthography, physiology, mental arithmetic and bookkeeping, 'I he regular junior normal social was held last Friday evening which was great ly eujoyed by all the Normalises. A very interesting program was rendered. This was followed by refreshments in the way of ice cream and cake. RUMER'S ZBINDEN BROS,, Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone Alliance, No. 5. Nebraska. J. ROWAN DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, HAY and G-RAIN WHOLKSALK AMI HKTAIL UAMU.KS Seed Wheat, Spring Rye and Spelt. Thoue No. 71. Residence, No. 93. .DEALERS IN. Flour Feed. 44 Home -fc Comfort' Flour Is Our Leader. Try It.... 'PHONE 105. WEST SIDE MAIN STKEET.. . 1(1 is cheaper than new, and often just what you want. Or, we will trade new for second hand goods any time, and pay highest cash price for second hand goods. See W. M. WILSON, THi: SECOND-HAND .MAN. Phone 'J(U). Clearina Sale To Clean Up All Summer Goods, We Get to the Front Quick. READ WHAT WE SAY Men's $15.00 Summer Suits - $7.50 Men's 12.00 Summer Suits - 6.00 Men's 10.00 SunvTner Suits - 5.00 Men's t8.oo Summer Suits - 4.00 Men's 7.00 Summer Suits - 3.50 Men's 5.00 Summer Suits - 2.50 All our Men's Light Colored Felt, Fur and Straw Hats go at :. .. Half Price All our Men's $3.50 Black Oxford Shoes will go at. $2.00 All our Men's $3.50, and $4 Ton Ovfnrrlc cm nf $225 F. M. WALLACE DRAY LINE Moying Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty , . I Phone No, i Young's grocery, Alliance. All our Ladies' Light Colored Summer Suits at Half Price for one week only. All our Children's Ready made Dresses, regular prices -50, 75C and $1.00 SALE PRICE ! SALE PRICE ! FOR ONE WEEK 35 and 45c For One Week we place on sale our entire line of Light C6lored Prints at 3 Our entire line of Lawns, Organdies, Linens and Wash Goods go on sale at Half to two-thirds regular price Ladies' Muslin and Gauze Un derwear for one week Half to two-thirds regular price We will make SPECIAL CUT PRICES on all Sum mer Goods in our Dry Goods and Clothing Departments. Special Cut Prices ON GROCERIES All Next Week. Get Prices, It Heans Honey for You ! At RUMER'S of Alliance, Neb. V f A r