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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1905)
LIN' Ol.N ' M n. 11 ' v Official Paper of Both County and City Largest Circulation in Northwest Nebraska yOLUMEXIl. NEBRASKA? THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1905, NUMBER 28 I VmA ALLlAINLt, BUA BUTTE COUNTY, ' I XT' I: to i"). ? . l t WW 5 13 o X! O 0) CQ 0) c o 2 I V3 0) o CJ s o V) 1) 0 o c O c .2 u T3 C3 P o , u 0 0 C o .j.s-vvv-x-x--x--x--X"X--x--x--X"X-:- DEITTIST J ;. - : In Alliance 10-30 of every month. $ Office over Norton's ...! 'Phone 391. . xxxx-xx-xxxx-x-:x? Save Doctor Biflis BY EATING FRESH FRUIT EVERY DAY At GLEASON & FRANKLIN'S Ice Cream Parlors rririrSirt BUSINESS LOCALS. frAl0sSs Another car of Puritnn flour, the best flour in the city, at A. D. Rodg ers 0999 (?) 'ats, 25c, Norton's. Buy feed and flour at Tilkingtou's. "Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. E. E. Barr, Physician and Sur geon. Calls answered promptly day or night. Phones: Office 201. Resi dence 151. I2-tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Go to the Alliance National Bank to deposit your money. Oct. 7-tff Dr. Koons, dentist, Office over Norton's. Wanted A woman cook. Apply at Hila Grand hotel. 24-tf Buy j'our sheet music at Miller Bros, and hear it sung on the talkini? machine. 23-tf. For Sale: House ami two lots, two blocks east of First National bank. Enquire at the house or saloon W, N. Corneal. 6-tf Buy "America patent" flour at Pil kington's.1 wwwwwww 25tf If you want bargains, look at Miller Bros. 5, 10, 15 and 25c counters. 23-tf Tor Sale or Trade. A desirable acre of land adjoining the city of Alliance. See Win. James the coal man. 24-4. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. "America patent" flour is the best in town at Pilkington's. 25th 9999 (?) uatsi 25ci Norton's. IN POLICE COURT A Night of Carousing and righting Disposed of by Judge Ridgcll. Judge Kidgcll had his hands full Tuesday lining up several offenders of the law, and as a result several night prowlers arc in durance vile. Monday night John Connelly, an employee on the Eldred ranch, some 35 miles southeast of the city, got into a social game of cards with Tom Cra ble and others. The outcome was a misunderstanding, which wound up in a free-for-all fight. As a result, Con nelly vn badlv used up. Night Police Dougherty appealed on the scene and hostilities censed. Tuesday morning Connelly swore out warrants against Crable and Whitehead and on their appearance before Judge Ridgell, the former was fined $15.00 and cost and the latter $10.00 and ttimmings. Geo. Nardonoss was before Judge Ridgell the same day for being intoxi cated. It cost him S5.00 Ed Raney and Herman Haak had some altercation Monday night which brought them before Judge Ridgell, who on hearing the evidence, fined them each $5.00 and costs, which they paid. Had a Hunch." Dr. Bellwood' is a matter of fact plain thinking sort of a man and the least given to superstition as mysterious hunches, but last Saturday night he had an experience that has ever since caused him to speculate seriously on the whichncss of the whyfore. Hav ing been on a professional call that night, Dr. Bellwood passed by W. D. Rumor's store on his way home. While going by the front of this establish ment the thought ran through his brain that tlje double doors were not locked. Dispelling the impulsive imagination he continued his iournev homeward. but somehow, like Bunco's ghost, he thought would not down. To satisfy his curiousily, the doctor returned to the store, tried the doors that had given him so much concern and sure enough they swung open at the touch of the latch. He immediately tele phoned Mr. Kumcr the conditions. Now the W. D. is at a loss to know who or by what power was he given the hunch which brought to light this incident. The Only Remedy. The best weapon the home mer chants can use in their fight with mail order houses is the weapon of the enemy the advertising cannon. One day last week the merchants in a city of five thousand people in Missouri held a meeting to discuss the mail order evil. The rcsuH of the discussion was a resolve to meet the mail order house in the open field. The merchants agreed that for one year each would advertise in the local papers to duplicate the price offered by any mail order house for any goods in their lines, and to constantly advertise in the newspapers the prices at which they would furnish merchandise to home people, with an every-week ap peal to the home- people to give the home merchants an opportunity to quote special prices on any goods ad vertised by the mail order houses. Such a campaign cannot fail to bear good fruit in that city. Of course there may be found iu every commuuity some few people who prefer to buy goods away from home, even when they know they can buy cheaper from the home merchant, but there are pot many such people. The average citizen will listen to reason, and will not send his money away from home. If the home merchant will talk to him 'through the local paper, and talk to him right. Columbus Telegram. Beats Alliance or Boston. Oshkosh, (Nebr.) Herald: "Billy "Newkirk has his bath tub and fixtures in order at tho barber shop. . You can get as good a shave or bath right here in the city as at Alliance or Boston." The Hobo Nuisance. A large delegation of hoboes are en camped near the stock yards in the west part of town. They are located beyond the city limits and hence the city officials have no jurisdiction to make them "move on." They have pitched their tent, on railway property and it is up to the company's officials to get rid of them. Tuesday a dele gation came to town and purchased n keg of beer. The result was an all round drunk in the camp of the hoboes with several disgraceful fights mixed in. Death of Bcrnicc McCrackcn. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McCracken were called upon to part with the idol of their heart in tho person of their onlv child, little Bcrnicc, who died yester day afternoon of scarlet fever. She had been confined to the house but a few days when she yielded to the rav age of the fever and the tender spirit passed into eternity. Bemice was about five years of age and a child of endear ing disposition. Her disposition wits such as to draw hor playmates" nearer to her each day. So sweet and gentle was she that her soul will add anothor bright light in the cluster of angels that surround the throne of God. For this she was created and for this she was taken. The parents have sustained a severe loss in tho death of little Bern ice, but draw back the curtain of death and see how happy sho is in the world beyond. The funeral of little Bernice was held this afternoon and interment took place in Greenwood cemetery. Will FiglluroljtTrCourt. Gregory Zurrfis on the war path, and tree agents or any other kind of solic itors are warned to give him a wide berth. The cause of Gregory's wrath comes from a tree deal in which an agent for the Arlington Nursery is try ing to make the defendent pay S16 for gooseberry bushes which he claims lie never bought. Tho agent, according to Zurn's testimony is to the effect that the bushes were left on his premises until disposed of. The agent. holds, different and the case will be tried in Justice Court some time in the near future. But Gregory has his fighting clothes on and there's liable to be some fun over the matter. ' Eighty-Eirjht Years Old. Mrs. Will Reed entertained eight little girls at dinner Inst Saturday in honor of Grandma Elmore's eighty eighth birthday. The little ones reminded the good old lady of her childhood days of long ago and no doubt grandma was a little girl again in her second childhood and hence en joyed the party as much as the others. Granted a New Trial. The people of this vicinity were greatly surprised last Friday when the daily press .contained the statement that August F. Jahnke would be grant- ed a new trial. Jahnke, who was tried in this county three years ago on the charge of murder, was sentenced to tho penitentiary for life, and Tuu Herald docs not believe that there is a person in tho county who believes that he did not receive his just deserts, The case was prosecuted by Attorney Mitchell who, by the way, secured the first con viction in any of the several murder cases in the county and established tho precedent that it was time that crimi nals should be prosecuted. The trial cost Box Butte county about $1000 while the second will pro- bably cost as much and it is the gen eral impression that the accused will fare worse than he did during the first trial. It is said that our friend Judge Hamer is responsible for Jahnke secur ing a new trial. The Judge makes a specialty of "butting in" to cases after other attorneys have quit and occasion ally scores a point. He tried hard to have a reprieve granted in the cele brated Densmorecase and is now work ing like a Trojan to secure a new trial for Mrs. Lillic. A. F. and A. M. Officers Installed. Alliance lodge, No. 183, A. F. and A. M. installed tho following officers at theil lodge rooms last Friday evening: W. M. Irali, Tash. S. W. William Mitchell. J. W. F. W. Irish. S. D. Jas. H. Ilewett. I. D. Thos. D. Tames. , Tyler J. A. Rowan. secretary L. H. Mosher, Treasurer W. H. Corbin. Sr. Steward V, H. Bartz. Jr. Steward J. B. Franklin. J. B. Hulburt was in froni his ranch on upper Snake Creek Tuesday. " ON THE DIAMOND Buster Brown's Aggregation Win Off of Bridgeport. Last Sunday was the second triumph for the Alliance ball team and Manager Brown, with a confidential smile, left the grounds fcoling that he had made a wise selection in the line-up of the team. The Bridgpert team arrived at noon Minuay, ana the game was called promptly on time, with Alliance nt the bat. Roy Beckwith with his life in his hands acted as umpire. His sense of fairness in decisions was of'SUCh a nature that his life was safe from the rooters and in fact he was cheered time and again by the grand-stand and bleacher aggregation which was Inrgeand onthus iabtic. jO In the first inninu tho local team scored one by good batting. Bridgeport followed with three scores. Alliance fanned out in the second. Bridgeport fared likewise in the last half, held their con "Come In. EvurylKMly !' testants down to ono in the thud and lined the leather out for two more scores. This gave the visitors encouragement, but it was shortlived. From the third inning to the close of the game Condon, the Alliance pitcher, did the business and only one batter j succeeded in scoring. The local ag gregation was able to find the ball all through the game and rolled up twelve scores, making it 12 to 5. In the fifth inning the Alliance team pounded out five scores and as the base runners were chasing one another around the diamond, the "fans" shout ed, "Come in, Everybody !" Following'is' the sc&re by innings": Alliance , 1 o Bridgeport 3 o alliance AB Morris. 3b., 5 Wiker, -ab 5 Kills, c 5 Badgley, If 5 Chandler, rf 5 G. Hampton, ib... 5 Meyers, cf 5 Miller, ss 4 Condon, p 4 5 3 o o H 1 o 1 2 o o "1 o I o I o o 1 12 O 5 R J o I I 5 o o 9 o o I A o 4 3 o' o o o t 4 o o o I 3 43 12 6 '17 12 7 imiDGHi-ORT AB R H O A 11 Wehn, 3b 5 o 2 03 o luriner, ri 4 2 o 00 o nelson, ci 4 2 2 10 o G. Treuier, c 410102 Powell, ss 4 o o 20 2 Morris, p 4 o o 34 j Trenier, 2b 4 o o 1 1 o Hill, If 4. o r 00 o Mount, ib 4 o o go 1 37 5 5 17 8 C Struck out By Condon I3,by Morris 12. Double play In forth inning, Condon, Wiker and Hampton. -xxxx-x-x--x-x-x--X"X:..M. I NORMAL SCHOOL NOTES $ :-X"X-x-:x::'-X"Xx-x-:-x Tho enrollment has now reached 15. Miss Clara Johnson is on the sick list. Supt. Borky of Sioux county visited normal this week. Mis. -Staley and Mrs. Eaton visited chapel this week. Mrs. Frankle and Mrs. Connett visit ed model schopl this week. Rev. Jeffers conducted the devotional exercise at chapel Monday morning. Supt. F. P. Johnson of Scottsbluff county visited Wednesday of last week. Tho oration given by Earl Mallery was enjoyed both by the instructors and students. The students at Holdredgeare think ing in poetry and writingSheir normal news in rhymes. The new pupils registered this week are Bessie Losey, Maggie Banuan, Mammie Griffith, Thomas Griffith, A. E. Judson. The lecture that was to have been delivered last Monday evening by Mr. Robertson, was indefinitely postponed on account of his wife's illness. Prof. Bartz has every thing going like clock work. The man behind the office desk has proven himself to be "the right man in the right place." The practice work in . the model school began this week and will be con- ,V Itoutur mmjMK tinued during tho remainder of the model school. Tho teachers who have had chargo of the classes arc: Miss Mae Heath, sixth glade geography, Miss Natolie Wilkonson, sixth grade rending. State Deputy Superintendent E. C. Bishop gave the studonts an interest ing talk Wednesday, his subject being "Studies liked and disliked by pupils and teachers." Ho brought out many helpful hints which were greatly appre ciated by the students. The agriculture class under the man agement of Prof. Eaton is one of the most interesting in tho school. The pupils worked in the gardon Wednes day inorninB under the direction of Supt. Bishop Htul Mr. Eaton. Thoy hoed tho com. potatoes and onions. They also mode four ideal beds which are to bo planted by the pupils. Supt. Bishop took their pioturo whilo at work. :: X"X"X"X"X"X"J- RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS T :X"X-xx-x:x..:..!. .VVV."."." ::.:::-!. Harry Millegan is again at his post of duty in the ticket office. Frank Newell, traveling engineer, of Sterling, Colo., was in Alliance yester day. H. II. McLcese, employed in tho train dispatcher's office, has left the service. J. II. Waterman, assistant supply agent, of Omaha.Avas in Alliance tho fore part of the week. Traveling Passenger Agent White head was here for n few days, return ing to Omaha yesterday. A. A. Martinez and bride passed through Alliance Sunday on their way from Denver to Sheridan. : W. A. McAllister and bricjareturned troni JJenver, and Mac has resumed his duties iu tho superintendent's office. Roadnmsler Buckloy of tho Sterling division came . up with Superintendent McFarland on his gasoline motor yes terday. E. G. Englchorn has been employed in the office of the chief dispatcher in tho place recently vacated by II. H. McLecse., J. R. Phelan and J. C. Birdsell ac- companied the special train of congress men from Alliance to Ravenna, return ing Monday afternoon. A special train of congressmen con sisting of five cars passed through Alii ance Sunday afternoon going east. They were returning from a trip to Alaska. E. Gillette was iu Alliance the first of the week on his way to Sheridan. He was returning from Ravenna, where he had accompanied the special train of congressmen. Engineer Mike Nolan and Fireman Pendorgast took out enable No. 719 on 42 Monday morning. She had recent ly been overhauled at the local shops and at Havclock. Last Thursday noar Park man the helper engine ran into the engine on No. 45, there was considerable damage to both of the engines and one of the engineers gWIfiVleft arm broken, Last Thursday there was a wreck near Spencer, Wyo., caused by the breaking of the flange on a wheel of a box car. Two cars were ditched and the track was torn up for a distance or 600 feet. D. F. McFarland, superintendent of the Sterling division, came to Alii- ance Wednesday on his new gasoline motor inspection car. The car is one of tho new four-seated Sheffield motor cars. W. Josselyn, supply agent of Omaha was here yesterday looking over the supply department. He had been to Guornsey to inspect rail fo be placed in the spur track being built to the Chicago mine, about nine miles dis tant from Guernsey. The roundhouse employes at Chadron received notice recontly that they were to work only eight hours per day and be laid off Saturdays. In all, this will reduce their time 20 hours per week. It is hoped these shorter hours and this shorter pay will not be for lonir. says the Chadron Journal. HOW WE PROSPER Assessor Reed's Returns and How Box Butte County Stands. That property valuations havo in creased materially inBox Butte county is noticcnblo from the returns of CountyAssessor Rccd.who has just com pleted his work. Tho total assessed vnluation of all property except railway and Pullman Palace Cur Co., is S3t1.3to.35; ns scsscd valuation of railway S30G.940.00; Pullman Car Co., St.9S3.47; making a total of S6iO,233.82,whioh is S30.5O0.00 more than Inst year. The number of caltlo nssossad this year is 31. 779 against 25,870 ltiat year, making a not gain of 4,009. The total assoMod Valuation of qatlle Is $103,-179-80, anil avorngc valuation nor hoatt at 20 per cqnt being S3. 25. The number of horso assessed this year was 5147 agajntu 5038 last year, an increase of 109. Total assessed value at S43.289.20, per head, S8.41. Total value of cattle is approximately, and that of horses, 200,000, The assessed valuation of unim proved laud is S1S8.776.88: improved acieago, SnC.845.G5. The actual com bined valu of both improved and un improved lands is given at gi, 005,-623.31-This report is a prosperous showinir for Box Butte county. In fact it leads in valuation some other counties. For instance, the report of Dawos county shows a decrease of S444, 972.67 from last year. Tho prosperity of Box Butto speaks for itself in Assessor Reed's re port, and the value of land is surd to advance as the advantages of bur , re souices become better known. Stole Valises..-; V<v. 9aHnajWpJ$aJ'cl1 o tlie Denver train ycstulday Toreuoon being enrou tc from Grinncll, Iowa to Seattle. Whilo waiting for No. 41 they strolled up town, leaving their baggage on tho depot platform. Upon their return, tho valises worn missing and inquiry revealed the fact that three persons weic seen carrying off the property and going west."' Mar shal Shay and Sherifr Reed wore noti fied nud one was run in by the marshal while tho sheriff located the olhois at the stock yards, where they had car ried their booty, and after taking what chey desired, throw the rest away. They were burly fellows and swore they would not bo locked up. It re quired much physical forco to demon strate that thoy would be and the sher iff and his assistants had n merry time of it for a while. The trio had a hear ing before County Sudge Spacht this forenoon and wero seuteuced to serve thirty days in jail and their bill of fare will not contain all the delicacios of the octiouu muicr. iuey nrc about as tough characters as vu find and would probably go where they belong' were it possible for Mr. Baum to be present the next term .of couit. Notice. All persons are- hereby notified that anyone firing off sky rockat or firo crackers of any description in the main business streets of the city on July 4th between the houisof & o'alock a. in. and 8 o'clook p. in. will be prosecuted. By order of Louis Bcixhsk.vstkin, wwwwww Mayor. For sale 45 head of cattle at Mrs, Hood's ranch, fourteen milos north of Alliance. 27-jt House Cleaning. Can supply the services of a thorough and experienced man for general house cleaning. Phono 139. Geo. Darling, See F. E. Reddish for loans on real estate. 27-tf Wanted. First-class saddle maker, two har ness maker to make farm harness, ono good man who understands putting up hay harness made from summer oak harness leather. These harness will be for sale by Geo, A. Hills. 28tf , Steam Threshing. Dilling Bros, will be prepared to do steam threshing this season. Those desiring their sen-ices can find them at Box Butte Postofiice, where mail is received. 28-4W 5