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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1905)
BARGAIN BULLETIN VW lEOIES w MAY 15c Boys' Work Shirts 19c Boys' Bib Overalls $1.00 Men's Working Pants 39c for Good Fast Color Shirts 25c for Men's riuleskin Gloves 25c for 3 Fine Silk Bow Tics 25c for a Laundered White Shirt IzJC pair. A Lot of Boys' Knee Pants Broken Sizes $1 so 3e of Boys' Suits $3.50 for Douglas Shoes Trrmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm UNHEARD-OF PRICKS ON NEW GOODS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE LOW PRICES THE FAMOUS A STORE FOR MEN! 307 Box Butte avenue. 2 doors south of P. O. 71TH sa' ' once ar,d we say ' tU- again: If old goods were re- demable in gold coin, we would have to pass. No old goods at any price Spring of 1905 is stamped on every garment. See the goods. See the Goods, They are much belter than the Ad. CLOTHING FOR HEN AND YOUNG MEN.... we are showing the handsomest line of Spring" Suits we have ever shown. Every new weave and color is in onr stock. A Big Showing of Men's Suits FROM UM. to 5 These goods are manufactured for style, fit and wearing qualities. Your money back or a new garment when any of our guaranteed goods go wrong Sole Selling Agents -FOR- II art. Schaflncr & Marx David Adjor & Sons Perfection and Sterling CAKHARRT HAWES DOUGLAS WILSON BROS. HANAN TIGER HATS ELGIN STETON HATS LION AMERICAN" HOSIERY CO. EARL'& WILSON HOLE PROOF SOX CORLISS, COON & Co. Jack Rabbit Trousers SARGENT'S RAILROAD GLOVES Lt 1 1 JBencb Uailoreo Clotbes .. -.,,.- rTr!rri . ?.,.., V JT1 1'f J At$t fl . - iVTi W Itll WvWj ,'u'S'M 1 W v.;' 'i I !.! iWl ""t-t. l rv m i"ti -vfj Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing; is to be had of us alone in North west Nebraska. During this sale in order to introduce these fine goods we offer and place on sale 35 Suits in most beautiful patterns, regular $22.50 grade at $18,00 WE HAVE A MOST BEAUTIFUL LINE OF BOYS' SUITS. As a special, we have on sale 60 fine imported worsted suits, 8 to 15; regular $7.50 values, Your Choice at $4.9 $1.65 for Boys' Fine Tan Blucher Cut Shoes for Boys' Buster Brown Suits Now Goods ISIccly ftada m. n for Wilson Bros.' Fine Union Suits Pink and Ecru $1.95 $1.25 $4.90 $1.00 39c for a fine, solid Leather Suit Case for the well known Sargent Glove for Hen's new Yacht Caps CT for the J IsU best Black SatineShirtl on earth for boys 50c for men's fine Egyptian Balbrig- gan Underwear if, each for - a lot of Boys' Caps 5(JC Black Light Weight Hen's Underwear 95C flen's Fine Fur Hats 75c for the new Mohair Shirts for Men 5c a pair for Men's Ribbed Top Sox 5 pairs to a customer 10c for 3 Fine Hem stitched Hen's Handkerchiefs for Boys' Straw Hats 50 for a Fine Stetson Hat HEMINGFORD. iKtltli Ij. I'lorcu In fully uutliorUrd to m llcltfubcrl)ll()iiN und Job work iniil colloct and receipt for nmiic, uml trunsiict till other buMiuss fn connection with hlb position as an nccietlltcd reuri'iieniiittva of this pupur.) T, J. O'Keefe was in town Monday. Gertrude Olds has bean sick this week. Vm. Tubbs went to Clcarmont, Wyo., Sunday, Ole Uedgecock returned to Marsland Monday. Miss Mao Enyeart came from Alliance Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Staggs were iu town Tuesday. Mrs. Garney is visiting with her sister. near Canton. I Principal Baker departed for Shenan-' doah Monday. Tli a band are to give a concert and dance next Friday night, Mrs. Sever, formerly Mrs. O. A. Miller, of Casper, was in town Friday. Mrs, Stone is improving after the oper ation she underwent a few days ago. Geo. Smidt and Geo, Nordness, former ly employed at Bcrea, were in town Tues day. Mrs, Bliss went to Alliance Monday eve ning to make final proof on her home at tho honlo of Mrs. B. E. Johnson. Price 25 cents. Congregational ladies. Insure your house, barn and livestock now, Lightning season just beginning. K. L. Pierce, ftgent. Wlldy's celebrated Black Ilambletoninn "Roy Van Wilkes" will make the season in Ucmingford. 21-2 Fritz Hochcnitrasser has been repairing clocks in great numbers here this week. 1 Hu has also doctored up several wheezy organs. I Miss Bertha Rowland went to Dillon, Montana, Monday, to get her sister, One , ta, who has been going to school there I this winter. J. W. Broshnr underwent an operation Wednesday for tumor of the neck and is getting along nicely. Dr. F.ikner did the surgical work. The most exciting, pleasure producing, and facinating game of the season is hand ball. See M. Frohnapfel aud John Ander son for particulars. The class which Rev. Schulz has been preparing for confirmation will bo con- I firmed at the Methodist church next Sun day afternoon at 1 p, m. The electric storm of last week has made Electrician II. K. Green plenty of work and given him some experience in new phases of 'phone troubles. 1 Louis Zajic has planted a great many iiccs ou 013 mrm souin 01 town tuts year, It is interesting to note nennln nro On memorial day wo will serve dinner beginning to think that trees will grow THERE IS A SPECIAL SALE ON AT BOGUE'S THIS WEEK AND MONDAY AND TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY! Iborace 3Bogue tore. Palace Livery Bam S. II. DESCH, Prop. ONE 11LOCK WEST OF Go0(j turaoulg( str;ct attention q our busjnesS( TUE NEW zihnden , and courteous treatment to all has won for us the uuildinq. 'Phone. excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. here and that it is worth while to farm. It is in marked contrast to the chronic pessimism of a few years ago. E. M. Sindu will leave for Burlington, Iowa, Tuesday night to spend a few weeks with his father, who is poorly. Ho will be accompanied, by his wife and daughter. I have for sale at KedgecocKs' pharma cy, sulphur in any quantity wanted. Special prices ou half ton lots or over. G. I. Uedgecock. Appropriate exercises will be held here on Decoration day. The old soldiers under the leadership of Jas. Barry will have charge of the program and arrange ments. James Hunter received some severe bruises and sustained a broken collar bone by being thrown from a horse Mondav. Dr. Eikner attended to his injuries and he went to Alliance on 41 that evening. Rev. Karns, of Lincoln, an ante-saloon league lecturer, will preach at tiie Congregational church Sunday morning and at Collins Chapel Sunday afternoon He will lecture in Hemingford Sunday evening. P. R, Burke and family, including Vern Burke, departed for California Saturday. U I -y went to Whlttier from here, the hoi.i of Rev. J. L. Wornom. Mr. Burke will bry a farm of an acre or so and will settle there permanently. The towu board has passed a new ordi nance as to their place of meeting. Here after they will meet at the N. Frohnapfel store in place of the C. A. Burlew store as heretofore. K, L. Everett was elected clerk by the new board and K. L. Pierce was re-elected treasurer. Tours in tlto Kucky Mountains. The Denver & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande Western offer to the tour ist and tho trans-continental traveler the choicest resorts and the grandest scenery in Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. This route has two separate and distinct lines through the Rocky mountains, all through tickets being available via. either. The direct line to Cripple Creek, the gteatest gold camp on earth, Three trains daily' with through Pullman palace and tour ist sleeping cars between Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland, aud Chicago, St, Louis and San Fran cisco. Tho best line to Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Wnghington via. the "Ogtlen Gatewa " Write b. K. Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo., for illustrated descriptive pamphlets. ooooooovoo 2 - 0 rire 0 Insurance. Hemingford, Nebraska, .8 A pent for the Caledonian, of Scotmud,. which Insures towu property only, uud the Colum bia, which Insures town und farm property and live stock, lloth are reliable old Hue com panies Notarial Work. - ;OVfO00000 r&ittMUi'S Buy where a dollar gets most value Weigh all pricesprinted or spoken Maummmmmomin3iKSsms3sxssssgiisssssma -. yT ,:. v ;; - 1 THIS DRESSER caps the climax on good, honest values. Made of solid golden oak, rubbed finish, "with quartered front and top, beveled double top 21x42 inches. Swell front divid ed top drawer. All drawers fitted with lock and key. French bevel plate mirror 25x31 inches. Sale price only $tfi QQ (Exactly Like Cut.) I (Exactly Like Cut.) You know the Couch All steel, strong- and sanitary. Can be made into a comfortable bed in a moment's time. Sale price $ez QQ We have mattresses to fit, and couch covers in many patterns and colors CD E want to increase our sales, though they are larger than ever before at this season of the year & & & & cfi Geo. D. Darling, Housetumtsher Jr 1