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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1905)
MARSLAND. (f i t f mini JW iimimi n ,- .,. . .,. - n. I ! i i C L.OCKWOODS AGAINST EVERY FURNITURE HOUSE IN THE UNITED STATES, tW MAIL ORDER HOUSES INCLUDED In Open Competition with Every Furniture Dealer. A Clipping from the Alliance Herald. "It should not he forgotten that when the Elks recently bought their furniture, that local dealers hi competition with Omaha and Chicago merchants can ied off all the business. In one case six tables were bought and one of the Al liancc dealer's prices f. o. b. Alliance was as low as the same goods were quoted by Chicago merchants f. o. b. Chicago, and yet the freight on each of these tables was Si. Si. The same is true in most other lines. You can save money by patronizing home merchants." We landed the lion's share of the furniture and furnishings for the Elks' swell club rooms. In one instance on a seven dollar table we saved them one dollar and eighty cents apiece. Just think of it ! A Fair Field and no Favors is all we as"k. What we did for this order we can do for you on all lines in our establishment. Come and figure with the OLD RELIABLES. Lockwoods THE HOUSEFURNISHERS Where Your Credit Is Good Who Trust the People I BICYCLES NEW and second-hand Bought, Sold or Repaired. Have just opened a new shop. New stock. New prices. Cheaper than walking. Let us repair your old wheel or sell you a new one cheap. W. L. BASKINS, - - the Old Bicycle Man IT WILL PAY YOU TO GO TO H. FROHNAPtfEL The llemingford Merchant WHEN YOU WANT DRY GOODS, GROCERIES OR CLOTHING In Everybody's Mouth! Newberry's Line of Buggies. Prices lower than ever before. Style and finish unsurpassed. Road wagons from 52&. to S85. Top buggies from $jp. to $100. Spring wagons from S50. to Sioo. Freight on buggies from Omaha to Alliance is 1.51 per 100 lbs. And from Chicago to Alliance it is $2.71 per 100 lbs. We are prepared to meet any and all prices on the best as well as the cheapest buggies. See them at -NEWBERRY'S IMIGLftJOIV XfJL.ICTOIIISTt FIRE INSURANCE AG-ENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. Hartford I '1 10 Insurance Company, North American of Philadelphia. I'hoenlv of lilooklyn. Now York. Continental of Now York City. Nluguru Firo Insurance Company. Now York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co., Loudon Liverpool, London nnd Globe Ins. Co. German American Ins. Co., Nw York, Furmci-M und Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Kiro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. 1'hoeulx lus. Co., Hartford, Conn. Office CpStalrs.llctchcr lllock. Dray and Transfer Line. m w HEN YOU GO TO' LEAVE TOWN, don't worrj about what to do with your Household Goods , S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store then in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and shit mem wuerever aesirea. cnarses reasonable. The only spring dray line in the city. Phone 139. S. A. Miller. Stockmen Coming June 1st. The tenth annual meeting of tho Nebraska Stockgrowers' association will meet in the opera house at Alliance Thursday and Friday, June 1 and 2, and a merry bunch is expected. A number of musical attractions have been arranged, as the following will show: Music by All Saints' Quartette Invocation Rev. C. W. Hay Music Vocal Solo Mrs. Wm. Cruickshank, Alliance Address of Welcome K. C. Noleman, Alliance Response J. L. Mcintosh, Sidney Music Vocal solo Miss Inez McCorkle, Alliance. Address by president John M. Adams, ...Potter. Report of Secretary ...E. M. Earle, Jr., Lincoln, Report of Inspector C. L. Talbot, S. Omaha. Music Quartette The South Omaha Market ....Bruce McCollough, Editor Jour nal Stockman. Appointment of committee1) President Adams. Adjournment. EVENING SESSION, Concert at opera house given compli mentary to residents of Alliance and vis itors by quartette from All Saints church at Omaha, procured by South Omaha del egation. Miss 13arr, Soprano; Miss Por terfield, contralto, J. M. Guild, tenor; C. S. Haverstock, basso; J. II. Simms, accompanist. FRIDAY, 930 A. M. JUNK 2NU. FOR MEM HKRS ONLY. Roll call. Remarks by President Adams. Secretary's report. Report of auditing committee. Report of nominating committee. General discussion. Remarks by C. L. Talbot, inspector, AFTERNOON SESSION, 2 I'. M. Music by Quartette. "Experimental work,". , ....Prof. E. A. HurneU, Stats Univ. "Transportation of livestock to market J. C. Birdsell, Supt. U. &M. Alliance. Music Solo . . .... Mrs. E, S. JacksOD, Alliance. "Disease of Animals" Dr. W. A.Thomas, state veterinarian. "The relation of the commission man to the stock-grower J. A. Hake, South Omaha. Music , Quartette, "The West's growing needs" ...Dr. A. T. Peters, State University, "Government Inspection Dr. L. Clark, Chief Government in spection, Denver. FRIDAY EVENINO. Stockmen's ball. Following committees were appointed. Arrangements II. M. Hampton, F. M Knight, M. Frankle, Fred Mollriug, W. W. Norton. Press H.J Ellis, F. M. Broome, W. S. Raker. Reception Mayor Buechsenstein, J. R. Phelan, Wm. Mitchell, F. V. Harris, W. D. Rumer, C, A. Newberry. W. O. Barnes, R. H. Watkins, S. K. Warrick, A. T. Hemingway, F. E. Hols ten, Robt. Ura ham. F. M. Ramond, Dr. H. H. Hell-wood. M. McCoy sont out a oar of horse, Tuesday. J. B. Gtoy was hero Friday in the inter ests of hit trncle. Dr. Kikimr was In town Friday visiting his patient, Mrs. Richey. T, J. l'oolo, who tins been in Alliance for about ton days, came up on 41 Mon day Master Edward B)crs in buying ooppor, rubbor and brasspaying the lilghost mar ket price. I' S. Wilion was down from the O. U . ranch Friday looking healthy ami brown as a berry. Mr. Glaze, of Whitney, is erecting three monuments in the Marsland ceme tery this week, John Kay anil family were down from Liuton ranch Wednesday, nnd wero vis itors at J. Sullenborgers. Ransom Byors came down from Chad ron Saturday, having been called homo to assist his father in the store. Wm. Ilarley, formerly of Flag Butte, but now located on a ranch twenty miles west of tills place, was in town Friday. J. B. Burke, of Harrison, spent a couple of days in this place the latter part of the week, going from hero to Wilson Creek to organize an S. S. Ben Miller was in town Tuesday, tho hrst time since his encounter two weeks ago with a bucking broncho, in which Bon came out second best, with n broken col lar bone. The remains of Ellison Lemons, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lesvis Lemons, nnd brother of Mrs. Hughes, were brought from Whit ney, where they were interred In August of 1897, and re-Interred in the Marsland cemetery Sunday last. Tho oung man was thirty years old at tho time of his death, which took place eight years ago In Omaha. Mr. A. J. Hodge, an old veteran of the civil war and who has taken a section of land in the K. C. ranch, twenty miles west of this place, was down on Thursday, bringing a huge load of tho old fashioned pitch wood to this market, for which ho found ready sale. Mr. and Mrs. Hodge moed onto their homestead last fall hav ing as a restdetice, three tents, in which they lived the entire winter, suffering no inconvenience from the cold. Mr. Hodge says thoy have both kept well nnd are en joying life splendidly. lakesldfTlights. Many changes verily we see. J. B. Brown his ranch hath sold To Barney Reed for lucre. Frank Nelson his Lakeside ground To Chas. Tully did sell. His House, barn, chicks and gentle frau, He will hie to his homestead. Ollio Arnold hath purchase made, Of the house by Ed. Estes kept: J. H. Foster doth title grant. Mr. Estes his effects will move To house by John Adams vacant Made. Mr. Arnold soon will his Family move into tho new Acquired home, Frank Westover and Ira Ash, two roving lads and Kind, once again are home. Fred McClnin too, north on business Bent, hath gladdened his wife's heart, And came home. Mrs. Cull has From the Black Hills, where for the Whole winter she sojourned. To her daughters home returned, Mrs. 1). D. Barker, near Luella. Her sister, Mrs. Williams with body disease Cumbered, and bright little lass, Preceded her, visiting now Good neighbor, J. D, Pattison. Several of our youth, sport Loving, sought mirth and pleasure At Reno's social Friday eve. , Our Epworth League, too, did much fc.ntoy ice cream and cake, while They with night caps were adorned, Both lads and lassies, Thursday night. Neighbor C. W. Brown today Will with his effects assume The long anticipated, Carefully premeditated, removal. Camp Lake his future home to be. Leon Hancock, now at Webster ranch Soon will grace his home, his friends Will please, with his presence. Not A few of Lakesideitcs expect The hospitable qualities f row-ess, skill to entertain And qualifications various Of the Luella Ladies' Aid Next Friday to test. And sister to Ollie and Lee Arnold Their kindred are visiting here. They from Dallas, Texas, came. We with sadness and sympathy Note the accident severe to Granddame Fatmore and little girl. With corn in hand and lass beside In pasture field a horse to catch: Too long she tarried, her son sought And unconscious his mother found And littleirl with limbs twice broken. Henry and George Ashburger begun Their barn today their hotel barn Down to pull. Again they will erect At the ranch southwest of town. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Switzer spent Sun day afternoon at the Patmore ranch, Mr. and Mrs. Olmstead and son and daughter and Mrs. Berry spent Thursday at the home of J. F. Strong. J. C. Berry has a very fine black Span ish jack, wnich he is standing at his ranch at Reno. He is one of the finest in the country. Patronage solicited. 22-1 Potato planting seems to be the order of the day. Most every one is engaged in it to some extent. Messrs. L. D. Blair and Dan Hill are putring out quite large crops. The school here closed last Friday even ing with a fine entertainment and box supper. The box supper was given for the benefit of the church, and the amount realized was thirty-eight dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Olmstead and son and daughter, of Broken Bow, Nebr., arrived here Tuesday noon for a visit with rela tives. They are on their way to Portland, Oregon, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Ange les and other points in California, where they expect to spend three months visit ing relatives and sightseeing. Mrs. Olm stead is a sister of W. G. A'ilson and Mrs. J. C. Berry. Father AUCTION SALE! On Saturday, July 1st The STANDARD CATTLE COHPANY will sell at Mullen,Neb.110:30a.m: at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder for cash, aproximately the fol lowing1: Three hundred head of horses and mares, which will include the company's best haying teams for mow ers, sweeps and rakes. Saddle horses and some mares with colts by their side. This number will also include about 60 head of young native mares and geldings (by pure bred Percheron stallion), raised on the company's ranch and running from yearlings upward. Also their best wagons, mowers and a large as sortment of various kinds of farming machinery. In addition to the above auction sale, the Standard Cattle company will hold the following sales: At Pass Ranch, Friday July 7th. At Big Creek Ranch, Monday, July 10th. At Carve Ranch, Wedndesday, July 12th. At these sales they will offer for cash to the high est bidder all of their haying and farm machinery not included in the Mullen sale. V. E. Hite, assisted by George Tracewell, will conduct the Mullen sale, and George Tracewell the three sales on 7th, idth and 12th of July. 22-8W mm - " III A Big Come-down in lumber is not at nil likely, unless tho unexpected happens. Prices arc moro likely to go up'. We carry a full line of LUMBER AND COAL f.rrr'iki Dlerks Lumber and Coal Co. D. H'ATCRS, Miter. Also agents for Neb Cent. Bid. A Loan Asso. 'Phone 22. &$ TiT TELEPHONE The Palace Heat Market s For a Leg of Mutton A Loin Roast A Fresh Fish or . . . A Soup Bone If you haven't time to cook them, we can send vou a Steak, a Chop or some Ovsters QUICK! . Phone m BUSHNELL $ OLD AY. T iamonds, Watches, M Gold Jewelry, Souvenirs . Repairing in all its Branches.- flail orders promptly attended to.- A. O Barnes, Jeweler and Optician. A WORD WITH YOU WOODEN TANKS AND sheep Dipping Vasts CATTLE We mrke a superior article in our factory "d want you for n customer. Our material is the best and our prices nre right. New list just out. Send for it. FOREST LUMBER CO. - Alliance, Nebr. Absolutely Pure Paint STANDS THIS CLIMATE BEST Every Gallon Guaranteed.. FOR SALE BY F. E. HOLSTEN Xs&'j JN il ,-. .v,