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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1905)
IMEi ffllipflB PUBLISHED THURSDAYS. W. S. RAKER Publisher Entered at the postollice at Alliance, Nebraska, far transmission through tlio malls, as second-class matter. C3T Tub Herald Is the Official Publica tion of liox Dutto county and its circula tion U nrarly twice that of any btlior Al liance paper. - ADVERTISING RATES: Display, per single column inch pur month.. so Business locals, per line first Insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, per lino .05 Legal notices at statute rates. Subscription, $1.50 per year in ndvance. ;,i-ruui:; ,1. . . , ,t-s.j a TicTr-i Prkpahk to entertain the Banker's Association meeting here next Wednes day. Another "Million Dollar" rain is falling nnd Box Butte county is no longer in tlio mid belt. Ai.manck nnd Omaha sue now in the same class, both were "passed tip" by President Roosevelt, on his homeward tour from his Colorado boar hunt. Tint "Baptist Herald" is no more. Rev, J offers, tlio publisher, evidently feels that the journalistic field in these parts is pretty well filled without it. Siinator Mallard has formally announced his candidacy for re-election to the senate. Quite unnecessary Sen ator, every body in this end of Nebraska are proud of the senior Sen ator and the same condition prevails in tlio eastern part of the state, except where some ambitious politician wants the job. ' RnrouTs from Denver say that a now freight tariff bus gone into effect ou the Burlington, which materially rcduqes rates from Denver here and to otliur points west and north on the Burlington. The result of the agita tion of the chamber of commerce of that city, looking after the trade of this part of (ho world. TiiKiiB times 47. A peculiar coinci dent happened last week and 47 is now considered the lucky number. Satur day night 47 members were initiated into the mysteries of the Benevolent and 1'iotcctivc order of Elks. Sunday afternoon 47 charter members rodo the "goat" in the Knights of Columbus, and Sunday night 47 new recruits were added to the roster of the Methodist church. Tint city of Alliance is indebted to the county for the handsome park the county fathers have just completed in the very heart of the cit-, on the couit house square, nnd not one taxpayer's voice will ever be raised against the expense if the taxpayer can see what a beautiful spot their officers have made of the court house square. Now let the city go and do likewise and park a half block ' south of the courthouse square, nnd future generations will rise tip and call thein blessed. Do it now! Indications of prosperity are every where apparent in both city and county. The business house and residence that is not being repainted and improved is tlio exception and not the rule. The fanners are busy as beavers in making improvements and turning up the vir gin sod to produce more and more of the things we need to cat, and, as if in keeping with the spirit of prospeiity and progress, nature is doing her full share. Frequent and copious rains have fallen all spring, and a more pros peious outlook for this part of Nebraska could uot be imagined. Tun projected railroad from Casper to Thermonolis, Wyo., is now assured. Work has commenced in earnest and will be pushed rapidly, but as the dis tance is 250 miles it wjU take a year or luoro to complete it. Meanwhile the Burlington has been completing plans to build from Frannie Wyo. to the same destination, and no doubt dirt will soon fly from that end of the line. A prom inent railroad official is authority for the statement that thore will be some thing doing in Burlington circles after May 20th, when the big guns of the Burlington meet. The extension and improvement of the Alliance railroad yards is a good omen that there will bo something big doing and that mighty soon. Siiukidan has reorganized their "commercial club" and rechristened it, "The Chamber of Commerce." Good! And while we think of it, it might not I out of ordei to say that through the efforts of the commercial club that that city, no bigger than Alliance, has re centiy completed a new Carnegie libra ry, a $30,000 hospital, a 45,000 court house, and will vote bonds for sewerage June 2, Isn't it about time to get a commercial organization hero and call it either commercial club or chamber of commerce, just so it gets busy and docs some things that are now badly needed. As it is, a few enterprising citizens do nlone, what the whole busi ness clement should take liold of and would if there was a proper organization. X LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. X And still it rains. The high school boys are organizing an athletic club. A daughter was born to Mrs. Alva Lishmau on Friday May 13. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaiser on Saturday, May 13th, a son. C. C. Barker attended district court at Broken Bow last Friday and Satur day. G. W. German, of the German In vestment Company, is in Lincoln this week on business. Lee Hague is laid up at his ranch south of town and is' being visited by physicians frequently. Master Russell Norton is slowly im proving fioin his serious attack of inflamatory rheumatiiu. Miss Mao Enycart, of Hcmingford, visited friends and relatives in Alliance returning home Monday. R. J. Lawronco, the electric light man, returned from Denver, Monday, after a week's absence on business. Geo. A. Jones, who had his leg hurt about two weeks ago by a piece of fall ing ice, is still confted to his bed. The Modern Woodmen of America have leased the hall in the Marks block where their meetings will be held in the luture. ' Charlie Tully has been up from the ranch the past few days, calling on Stock Inspector Campbell, with reffer cuce to dipping. Lost, strayed or stolen a man's size cravetielte, or lain coat. I need it. Please return to Dr. II. H. Hell wood bufoic it rains again. F. R. Bellamy, who is not "looking backward," but who travels for si Grand Island house us special cigar man, was was delayed here over Sunday by the washout at Cairo. Ellis Ray, who recently returned from a hospital at Omaha, where he had an operation performed, is not im proving as expected, and will probably return there again. Don Do Spain, secretary of the State labor bureau, is combining busi ness and pleasure here this week, com piling statistics from the land office here, and is the guest of his old friend L. B. Stancr. The opening of the Steen restaurant by Shectz and Mason, Tuesday morn ing under the name of the "Elite Cafe" is another indication of the needs of the city, more people to feed, more people t6 feed them. Messrs. Ritcbock and Moycr, of Crawford and John Westberg, of Har lison, were guests of the Masonic lodge here Friday night, coming down on purpose, and went home Saturday well repaid for their visit. John Jelinek, the Running Water precinct assessor was in town yesterday and reports a few days more work and his wotk will be finished for this year. He reports an unusual amount of crop planted this year, but much delay has been caused by exces sive wet weather. John B. Miller, commonly known as "Jack," the enterprising life insurance salesman, has secured the agency for the New York Life insurance company, in this field. General agent, Stephen son, of Sioux City, was here this week and closed the contract with Miller. Now that company has a resident agent who can supply your wants in that line. Usual services at the U. P. church next Sabbath excepting evening preach ing which is omitted. The subject of the n. m. discourse is "Prepare to meet thy God." The ladies mission ary society meets Wednesday at 2 p. in." at Mrs. Fernald's. Prayer meeting at 8 p. in., subject "home missions," prayer for the general committee of missions. Mr. and Mrs. Jules Zbinden will leave next Wednesday morning for an extended trip through the west. They will visit at El Paso, Texas, first, and then go to Los Angeles, and other California points, including the Cata line islands. From there they will visit Mr. Zbindcu's brother at Seattle and also spend sometime at the Port land exposition, being gone about two months. Frank Johns, who travels for a Grand Island grocery house with head quarters here, went into the cattle bus- iness some years ago and about a year ago lost his entire herd one cow, has launched a new industry where, he thinks there is less danger of loss. This time he will conduct a 'dog ranch having commenced business last week with a fine cockerel spaniel. When his flock or herd, which? is ready for the market he will advertise them in the Huuald. Ed Honcshka and G. Maun, both of Deadwood, were here Sunday re turning from Guernsey, where they had been to bid on the government "pathfinder irrigation works. Both are contvactors. Ed is the fellow, who with tho cowboy contingent at the Roosevelt inauguration, played the part of "Rattlesnake Pete," to the de light of the Washingtonians. At a reception tendered the cowboys by the president, on account of their having presented his son with a horse and saddle ridden in the parade, Roose velt grasped Ed's hand and called him the "Terrible Swede," which title sticks to him. Junior Normal. Arrangements for the Junior Normal are now complete and a large attend ance is expected throughout the entire term. The model school will be held during the first five weeks, under a competent instructor, and will be of great value to the teachers as it will be conducted as a rural school with classes from the first to the eighth grade. Tho uniform certification law passed by the last legislature makes a requite ment of normal training and higher educational qualifications. We arc therefore fortimate in having a slate normal in this part of the state, so that all in the teaching profession may fit themselves for these requirements. Tho students should make arrange ments soon for rooms and board that they may be able to begin work the first day school opens. Ankcny Goes East. Frank Ankcny was called to Clinton, Iowa, Saturday to attend the funeral of Dwight Lamb, president of tho Star Live Stock company, of which Frank Ankcny and Chas. Tillby aro mem bers. Mr. Lamb was here less than a month ago on a shooting trip. His death was causced by falling off a steamer deck on the lake, and before ho could be lescucd, was dt owned. Do You Wont To Dip? The Poverty Hill dipping company will commence dipping about the 12th or 15th of May. Would like all parties who want to dip to apply to George Zobcl, secretary, in good time, on the A. H. Grove property seven miles N. W. of Alliance. Chas. Benjamin, Puns. 10 If Gisokgh Zonni., Snc. LAND ENTRIES. Tiik IIiiRAU) will hereafter cive a cor rect list weekly of land entries made at the Alliance land office. We also wish to call your attention to the fact that The Herald is now prepared to publish your final proof notices. When you wish to prove up on your claim come to Tin: Hkrald office, We have blanks for that purpose. Beginning with April 24, 1905, entries to date arc as follows; the M. P. Furmnn. Kushvllle, Nub. A. A. Carlton, Crawford. A. G Huikkm, Aslibrotik, (i. I). Wonik, .Sidney, , II. U. Urakf, Kldorii. Peter l.ntxm, llunson, A. M. Kliodes, Mnislunrt. Poter Uocknr, Cliadron, A. N. I.1111K, Clutdroii, M. V. Mimjwotlier, Ft. Koutiison, I .owls Witt, lliirrlMin, K. li. llolulieiincr, Antlocli, n 11 M M x: x 10 tv 10 Si ft :ci l.t 12 !W 4 Si. 1 31 M 23 -i !5 25 -'11 K H II 21 25 31 21 3 :r 21 3:1 2S 31 :a 21 30 23 13 (I 35 32 2 SI 1 IS & 10 31 31 21 11 27 IS 20 31 32 H r. 12 30 5 13 11 15 13 31 33 211 I., rumijij. iiuiiiiMKHirii, 1.. Coiiwell Crawford, 1 1. Wolillioter, Harrison, 1). Hoi-Rip. HemliiKford. II. K.liurknr, HoinliiKfurit, II. D. Itanklii, Hei.iliiKford, A. II. McCmy, Hay Hprlugs, .1. V. Jackson. Hough, .1 . W. Tobias. Paris Crosslin;. Ind. II. C. Wolf, llliiKbatn, Nub. (i. V, Allen, AliKora, (1. 10. Wolf. Omaha, li. E. Heronl, Alliance, Kronen. Skeot, Coxvlllu, It. 1). IIiiIIIIhmkIi, Marslnnd, ChH8. WoIjsWt. Crawford,. WimCJoss, litiusldi', It. II. Itiickford, Lakeside. Fruiil; Marecok, Hay SihIiiks, A. E, ajjcr. Aurora, J. M. Kimliol. Orlando, Art Tripp, Orlando. Ted Days, Alliance. Thomas Campbell Mumper, U. C. Palmer. (Unison, Urns. Murphy. Lakeside. Mattel Smith, Alliance, C. Hay. Alliance. O. PennluKtoii, Mitchell, J. W. EldtT, Eckard, l'unuen, lleiiiiiiKford, M. E. CiiKtch, Crawford, duo. O. Clark, Alliance, C. 11. DU. Oordon, .1. 1). ltohltison, Alliance, K C. II. l.yman, llayard. John VanCaiiip Hay Hprlngs, M F. (ieurhart, Uuvld City, Ida Call. David City, H. E. Hurdlck. David City, Annie Krujcl, Box utte. M. O. New, Kllsworth, A. Wanner, Alliance. J. It. Ovurntroet, Cliadron, F. K. Talbot. Huslivlllo, B. l'lilltlos. Ilurrison. 2(1 27 :n 3D 23 21 31 23 31 211 'M ... 2' 33 .HI 20 SO 20 SO 2 23 20 20 21 35 SO 211 SO 31 20 23 30 21 21 21 20 25 23 31 33 20 Si :ci 24 27 32 34 SI 11. An druws, FL Collins, Colo.. wm if. rJll, liuu, t). J, Hull. HrottalilufT, J. II. Cluro. MInlUro, W. Scott. ScoltblilulT. K. ii. Baxton, Crawford. Jus. K. Huuw, Allluiicu Alice M. Lafovor. CruwforJ, a.H. IVrklus, David City, It ( Well. Alliance, 11. II. Lowis, " 1 1. N. OurtwrlRlit. Whitney, H. McCoy, Crawford. II lti'iins, Crawford, J. I). Hi-ywood, Crawford, H. K. Davis llnrrlhon, MIiiiiIhKuiIIIi, Hay Springs, (1. H. Vldi'tto, Mlnaturo, V. Sehull. Mori 111, I.. Ford, Allliinco, F. A. Cody, f-.ake.sldi), S. A. LuiiKford, Heron, A lntA 11 II IttllufMt X!lllk 18 33 :so Land Office Notices. Land Otllco at Alliance, Nob., May 4th 1P03. Notice Is hereby Riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to maku tiuiil proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before Heislstur ami Hecelvur at Alliance, Nob., on duly 15th 1W5, vU KMOKV V. AIIEEY of Uuraiiih'ford. Nelir. on II. E. No. 2057 for tho iioJi of section 14 town 20 n. range CO w. He names tho following witnesses to provo nls continuous residence upon and cul Itlva tlon of said land, viz: Georiio W. l.oer, Alvln Aiaiun, urvuio ftiuwcn, itouort Curry, all of llemluufnrd. Nelirasl.a. 21-0 IHiucB Wilcox. Hog later. Laud Otllco at Allliinco, Nebr., Apr. nth. 1005. Notice Is hereby ulen that tho following named bottler has tiled notlco of his Intention to muke llnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made Iwfore Keglstcrand Hecelvur ut Alliance, Nebr., on June lOth, HKXi.vU HICIIAItO 8. HKVAN, of Hemlngford, Nobr, on Homestead entry No. 21t for tho North Kast 4 section 31 township 20 N-H 50 W. Ho names the following witnesses to provo his continuous rusldoiice upon and cultivation of said land, vl: David A. Paul, Peter K. Christousun, John Mlchuulson and Frank llevan, all of llemiiigford, Nebr ,17-0 HitircE Wit .cox, HegUtcr. Divorce Notice. In tho district coart of Ho Hutte county. Nebraska. Etta Mossholdor. v Mlcliuol Mossholdor. To Michael Mossholdor, non-resident de fendant; You are heroby notified that on the 10th day of May, l!05, Kttu Mossholder, plalntlll. tiled a petition against you In tho district court of box Hutto county, Nebraska, the ob ject und iirtijcr of which aro to obtain a di vorce from you on tho ground that youtmvo wilfully abandoned the plalntlll with out good causo for the term of two years last past. You are required to answer said pwtltion on or before Monduy, tho 28th day of June, 1005. ETTA MOS3HOLDEK, Plaintiff. By William Mitchell, her Attorney, SM ITime Table IIIlrH A If. -RT-l-.. finance, in eDr. LINCOLN, DENVER, OMAHA, HELENA, CHICAGO, BUTTE, ST. JOSEPH, S. LT LAKE CITY KANSAS CITY, PORTLAND, ST. LOUIS, SAN FRANCISCO, and all points oast and all points- west and south. TllAIKS I.EAVR A3 FOLLOWS, MotNTAIK TlMBC No. 41 Passencer dally. Deadw vxl. Hilling, nil ixjlnts north and west 12: to p.m. No. 42 PasseiiRor daily, Lincoln. Omaha, Chicago and all iMdnts east S:15u.ra. No. 301 p.'usenirer dally, for Denver OKdeii.Snlt Lake, Htm Fran cisco and all Intermediate points, departs at 3-20a.m, No. 302 Passenger dally from Denver and all Intermediate points, arrives at 10:45a.m. No. 305 Tuesdays. Thursday, Htur- days, points south and west, departs 8:00 a. m. No. 308 Tuesdays. Thursday. Satur days, south and west, arrlves.0:25p. m. Sleeping. dlutiiK nnd reclining chair cars (seatH free) on throngh trains. Tickets bold nod baggage checked to any point In Hie United States or Canada. For information, time tables and tickets call oil or write L. S. Saoe, Agent, or L. W. Wakklev. Gen eral Passenger Agu'it. Omaha. Nebraska. Official Directory. BTATB OFIMCKUW. Hon. John II. Mickey Governor. Hon. K. (J. McGllton Lieutenant Governor. Hon. A. OalUsha Seereturv of State, Hon. K. M Searle, Jr. Auditor. Hon. 1'eter Mortcnson Treasurer. Hon. .Mi. llcltrinii Snpt. Public Instruction. Hon. Norrls llrown Attorney General. Hon. II. M. Hatoii-Com'r Public Lauds and ilulldliigs. Hon. Harry Lindsay State Librarian. smtDJir. couiit. Hon. S. A. Holcomb Chief Justice. Hon. Huniuel II. Sedgnwick Associate Justice. Hon John 1). Ilarnos Associate Justice. coNonns Hon. J II. Mlllard-IJ. S. Senntc. Hon. E. .'. Hurkett U. S. .Senate. Hon. M .1. Klnkald CoiigrosMii.iu SlxlliDKt. District, l'. H. LANS OFKIOR. Ilrtico Wllcov lleglstcr, W It. Akers-HcceUer. .1. II. H. ilunetb-Clerk. I.EOISLATUItF, Hon. V. M. Curry Ituprcseiitatlve 53rd Dlst. Hon. Chas. P. IlreKCC-Mcnator 11th Dlst. , DISTMUT JDIM1EM 15th IMSTnlCT. v Don. W. II. Wostuver Huslivlllo. Hon. .1. J. Hariliigton-O'Nt'lll. COt'XTT OKFICKIIH, 1KIX IIUTTE COUNTY. S. M. Sinyser-Connty Clerk, Recorder, and Clerk District Court C W. Ilrenniiii -l'reasurer. Ira Hced-Uherlir D. K. tjmcht- County Judge. Leora A. Hnstln Snpt. Public Instruction. William Mitchell -County Attorney. .1. P. Hazard -County Surveyor. A. S. Heed Assessor. (1. W. Loer Commissioner, Chairman, Frank Calm- Commissioner. L. F. Smith- Commissioner. II. II. Hullwocd. M. D.-County Physician. Dr. J.E. Mouro -Coroner. C1TV Ot'riCIAI.H Louis Huechscnsteln Mayor. Fred W. Hurrls-City Clerk. MlkoHhay-Ohlefof Police. W. 8. Hldgcll-Pollco Judge. It. O. Nolmun--Clty Attorney. Dr. II. H. Hellwood-Pliyslclan. F. 51. KnightCity Trcasorur and Water Commissioner. COUMJILMIIN. M;Wo,Woriys,Wft Fred llrunuaii -Clilef Fire Department. -Prof. W. II. Hum-Sup't. City schools. CIlt'llCllES I'l'ISCOPATr- Itegnlur Sunday snr Ices 8 n,m. 11 a. m.; 7:3'Jp. m.s Sunday schoolut 10 a.m. Charles D. Coerr, Hector. CATIIOLIC-Hegular Sunday sorvlcos-s a m.; 10 n. m ; 8 p. 111.: Sunday school at 7 p. m. father Julius Do Vos. METHODIST -llegnlar Suntlny servlco-ll a. in.; p. in.; BmiOay school 10 a. 111.; Junior League 2 ;i0 p. m.: Epworth League 7 p. in.; Prayer meeting Thuisduys, 7:30 p. in. Ituv. C. W. Hay, Pastor. F1H8T PHESHYTKHIAN-Hegular Sunday service 11 a. m.: H p. "m.t Sunday school 10 it. m : Christian Endeavor 7:15 p. m. ft. P. V. Hogue, Pastor. UNITED PREHHYTEIUAN-ltoHUlnr Sunday service 11 a. ni. 8 p. in.; Sunday school 10a. m.; Y. P. C. IT. 7:15 p, in. Hov.McCon nell, Pastor. IUITIST-ltegular Sunday servlco-ll a. m.; 8 p. 111.; Sunday school 10 a. ni. ; Yon rig People's meeting 7:15. Prayer meeting Thursday, 8 p, m. Kev. G. C. JefTcrs, Pastor. GEHMAN LUTHERAN-Kegulur Sunday ser vice 11 a. in ; Bunuuy hciiooi iu a. m.; Evening services twlc each month. Hev. Otto Hoehrig. Pastor. AI.I.IANCK 8EC1IET SOCIETIES. EASTEUN STAR-lst and 3rd Tuesday nights- Mrs Anna Davis, Worthy Matron KEHECOA8-2nd and 4th Friday nights. MrsGeoLeldy, NO DEGREE OP HONOK-lst and 3rd Monday nights. Mrs A E Reynolds, C H ROYAL NEIfIHHORS-2nd and 4th Wednes day nights. Mrs U N Hooklns, Oraelo L O T M-2nd and 4th Monday nights. Mrs O II Rocky LADIES AUXILIARY 11 of HT-2nd and 4th Thursdays 2 p in Mrs U N Ilosklus Mistress LADIES AUXILIARY n of L E-lst and 3rd Thursdays 2pm .Mrs R L Harris, Presi dent LADIES AUXILI AltY H of L F-2nd and 4th FridavM '2 u 111 Mrs W L Austin. ODD FELLOWH-Evory Tuesday night, h T Poole, Noble Grand A F & A M No. 13 Thursday on or before full moon. S A Franklin, V M HEULAII COMMANDERY No, 20. and 4th Tuesday nights. VY E IC T-2ud Zollinger, R A M No.51-lstand3rd Monday nights. 8 A Franklin, 11 P A O U W-2nd uud 4th Slonday nights, U Hutchsenstelu, Master Workman M W A-lst and 3rd Wednesday nights. Ed gar Martin, V C EAGLES-2nd and 4th Sundays, 2:30 p in W 8 Hldgoll, W 1' K P-lst and 3rd Monday uights. J II Mil ler, G O ROYAL HIGHLANDHRS-Every Tuesday night. R C Strong. 1 P R of L E 1st and 3rd Wednesday 2pm S A Franklin, C E It of L F-E, very Friday night. G W Tlllett, Muster O R CEvury Tuesday at 2 p 111 J N An drews, C C II of R T every Thursday ulght. W A Man chester, Master A O O P Alliance Harbor No.42-lst and 3rd Friday nlgliu, I). W. Hayes, Com. Iv. C every neulr. J. I). Kennedy, Grand Knight. 11. 1. O. K. Even- Tuesday night. Wni. Mitchell. E. R. T. .1. O'Keefo, Sec. Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELER, . Proprietor. WILLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. BOYD & BARKER, ,. yVtloi'iioyw ut Lnw .. AI.LIANCH, NltnRASKA. Collections j;iven Prompt Attention. HMITIt r. TUTtt.lW tllA B. TA H. TUTTLE & TASM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., ALLIANCE. NEIi J. E. MOORE, M. D. II. ETCHER Ill.OCK. ALLIANCE. NEII. Calls answered from olUce day or night. Telephone No. 02. H. H. BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. Hotstcn lliilldlng, - ALLIANJE, NER TTOWLANi PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlce In First National Hank block. A11I anco Nebraska. Phjslclan one Surgeon Day and night calls. Office over Hogue Store. Phono 150. DRToSTIiTANDi II OM E OP A Til IC P II Y S I C I 1 N A N D S C R G E O N Formerly Interne Homeopathic Hos pital University of Iowa. Phone 251. Ofllco over Alliance Shoo Store. Night calls answered from office. FREY & BALFE, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. 018 llOX HUTTE AVENUE. Phono 258, Calls answered In town or country. Guy Lockwood . GRADUATE CHICAGO SCHOOL OF EMHALMING Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert l.ndy Attendant.. Alliance, Neb, SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For bouse moving, well boriiiK making and cleaning cesspools moving box cars, etc .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA F. M. WALLACE DEAY LTNE Moying Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. Phone, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone Alliance, No. 5. Nebraska. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN. Flour 1 Feed. "Home tAt Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It.... 'PHONE 105. WEST SIDE MAIN STKEET.. DR. J. G. BRENIZER , IHiEEDEK OF Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped SHORTHORN CATTLE BROKEN BOW, NEBRASKA. Herd headed by CRIMSON SCOTT, i7735i Straight Scotch Breeding. Herd numbers go breeding cows that weighing 1400 to 1800 pounds, a large number being pure Scotch, and as good breeding as was ever brought from Scot land. Experience has taught me that for breeding purposes cattle shipped in are very little good the first year, their consti tutions must become accustomed to our high altitude and our grass. Hence ani mals raised here are preferable. I intend to raise them here. Good, first class Nebraska breeders, the equal to anything raised in the U. S. Come and see me. (20-Cm) That Dirty Chair EjjjyUEyWsWg'l could bo painted in a few minutes and for n few cents... with a can of Eclipse Handy Package Paints LOOK UP THE COLORS... ALL THE PRETTIEST SHADES AND ALL READY FOR USE.. .Sold by TI4ICJ p Prescription 1 HCL.C, Druggist 306 Box Butte 4e. what's in a man by looking at him, nor can you tell what's in a shoe by merety look ing" at it. You must depend on the man who sells you. We sell Selz Shoes. They are right inside and out. 11. D. Nichols Get Into a pair of Royal Blues tor $3.50. & 1 For a Full Line of... Staple Fancy Groceries I tat Teas, 11 ah If Inline 1U1 LIU III 0 ) That Can't he Beat in Town.... Queensware, Tinware Enameled ware 1 m 4 CALL ON. TieaVvu, A. D. RODGERS. jTyT?TTrTHfTvT is cheaper than new, and often just what you want. Or, we will trade new for second hand goods any time, and pay highest cash price for second hand goods, See W. M. WILSON, THE SECOND HAND .MAN. Phone 200. W.S.ACHESON Hardware aml Plumbing: Windmills and Pumps Tin shop in connection. Opera House Block Phone 98 ALLIANCE j YOU CANT TELL I 11nm Second-Hand Furniture I J. ROWAN DEALER IN FLOUR, FEED, HAY and G-RAIN. WIIOLESAI.K AND HKTAII, UANDI.KS Seed Wheat, Spring Rye and Spelt. Phone No. 71. Residence, No. 95, J J .. r i (( .