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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
Ui ! c s t PUBLISHED THURSDAYS. W. S. RAKRH Puhlishor Entered at tiic postoflice at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mail as second-class matter. 3T The IIkralu is the Official Publica tion of Box Unite county and its circuhv tion is nearly twice that of any other AW liance paper. ADVERTISING 7 ATES: Display, per single column inch per month.... 5 Business locals, per line first insertion .10 Each subsequent insertion, per line .05 Legal notices at statute rates. Subscription, $1.50 per yoar in advance. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Miss McCrnckcn will open the tccn Cafe, Sunday. She is nn accomplish, cd, popular and well known caterer. Opening Sunday. ' Tom Watkins was over from Bayard yesterday, congratulating everybody on the now train scrvica on the Guernsey line. He says It's u good thine for the people in tho valley ns well as the pco plo of Alliance. Dr. Krcamcr, tho dentist has moved into new quarters over tho Norton store and now has a most elegantly equipped muf furnished suite of rooms for his convenience and tho accommo dation of his patrons. Tho subjects of the sermons at the U. P. chinch next Sunday are: morn ing, "The man resurrected by Christ:" evening, "Waith.K on God." Tho L. M. S. will meet with Mrs. Harry Ham ilton Wednesday at 2 p. m. Mrs. VV. H. Maplo and children re turned from a visit to Chicago, Mon day. II will be remembered that when she went cant, she was on the train that was stuck in a snow drift near Yotk for twenty-two hours. Old Wilhelm Kcttlcman, who has been selling "natures lenicdicB" here for some years, has moved into the room vacated by tho Mathics tailor shop, and opened a little fruit store. He is scvtnty-Bcven years of age. The fire department wns called out Friday afternoon Jo put out a blaze in tho rooms over the Marks Saddlery. A pot of tar was being boiled on a gasoline stove and the tar caught on fire. Very little damage was done ex cept to the stove and tar. At a meeting of tho A. O. U. W. held last Monday night the gollowing delegates were elected to represent the lodfic at the session of the grand lodge, to he held in South Omaha Tuesday, May (j: Dr. Allen, Louis Buechscnstcin. Alternates, W. O. Barnes, L. McFall. Saturday afternoon the horsemen of this city gave ti street parade, or horse show with as fine n bunch of draft stock as you would see at any county fair. There wcic a dozen animals in the bunch, belonging to Simon Spryt S. H. Dcsch, Ira Reed and others. J. E. Joder, formerly of the firm of Aclicson & Joder, has bought the drug stock of W. D. Butler and has just com pleted invoicing. He will employ a registeied pharmacist and carry a com plete drug stock. Mr. Butler will close out his stock of notions nt the earliest possible date, Mr. and Mrs. John Pilkiugton, ac companied by their little daughter, ariived from their sojourn at Long Bpach, Calif., last Sunday, coming via tho Denver route. They will now make Alliance their permanent home, which will please their numcious friends in Box Butte county. John Elmore returned from Mary laud, Friday, where he has completed his contract. He leaves again today for Chicago, thence to Missouri, where some work awaits him. In speaking of the Burlington railroad extensions to Thcrmopolis, Elmore said he could not bid on the grading as lie had more work planned now than he could do. SCHOoTnOTlS. Examinations for 'Eighth giade and Normal certificates will be hefd iu Ilumiugford April aGth and 27th and in Alliance Apiil z 1st and 22nd at the Superintendents office. A well attended and well rendered enter tainment marked the close of school in the lioyeart district last Friday. Miss Anna Nerud was the teacher. The Hemingford school board would do well to wa'.ch the work of teachers like Miss Nerud, so as to Rive Box Butte teachers who demonstrate a talent for teaching an opprtuuity. The Junior Normal will again be held in Alliance, tho term beginning eatly in June that the session may be over before the extreme warm weather, This gives the teacheit. the oppottunity to continuo the studies begun during tin last yuar's Normal, and to again havo tlm benofit ot the practical school. A large attendance is hoped for, all teachers being expected to attend. A now law parsed by the recent Leg islature is of inteiest to teachers and is as follows: Bouse roll No. 4&, by Warner of Lan caster, to provide for a more uniform sys tmn for the certification of teachers Cer tificates shall' be of three classes state, county and city and the two former shall be divided into three grades. The state superintendent shall prepare questions for the examination oi applicants for state or county certificates and prescribe the rules and regulations for such examinations. He shall also examine, mark and file, or cause the same to be done under his direction and supervision, all answer papers and may appoint a committee of three to assist him for that purpose. Approved March 30, The public school in districts No. 15 and 46 closed last Friday aud an enter- tninmtnt wn rich under the direr ttjn of thi teachers, Missr Cecil and Natalie Wilkinson, ablv assisted In tho patrons of the school. Tlu ladii's of the neighborhood provided a splendid dinner, which wns onjoed by tho pupils mid visitors. In the aftottioou an excellent program was londorcd by the pupils of both schools. The walls of the room worn covered with speci mens of the childrens' woik, from the pi unary grade work to the examination paper of the ninth grade latin and bore the marks of careful training and conscientious labor. Much cicdit is due to the teachers, pupils and parents who, by the interest taken in the work, havo made these schools so successful this winter. wrw, NORTHEAST ALLIANCE. Naomi Washington is under the doctor's care. Mrs. G. W. Elliot will leave for Denver today. ' Mrs. Iodcuce is the guest of Judge Spacht this week. Mr. E. Ufford is shooting on the Rice ranch this wcok. Ed. Owens lost his mustache while starting a fire with kerosene. Ellis Kay left this week for Omaha where he goes to a hospital for treat ment. J. A. Crowthcr entertained a host of his friends at a surprise party last Fri day night. w. LAKESIDE LIGHTS. We are beginning to think of Easter and Easter eggs. II. J. Thompson shipped another car load of hay Saturday. Spring chickens are beginning to sprout and some are already peeping. Our school will close next Friday, April 21. Schoolmaster J udson is preparing for a school cntertainmeut the last day. Schoolmaster Judson has accepted the spring term of school in the Foster dis trict, to commence shortly after the Lake side school closes. The term lasts three months. Mrs. Rev. Burleigh and daughter, Gladys, of Hcmingford, came down Fri day evening on 46 for a few days visit with net sister, Mrs. J. H Lunsford, Miss Gladys is visiting with Miss Blanche Crowthcr at Ellsworth at this writing. Tho baby boy of C. C. Joy, of Jess, has beeu very seriously ill for a couple of weeks past of pneumonia, in that his life was despaired of for several days, but began to mend Saturday, and Sunday they were quite hopeful of his ultimate recovery. The third quarterly conference for the Lakeside M. 12. church will be held at Luella, Saturday April 22. Quarterly meeting and sacrament will be held at Luella church on Easter morning at 11 o'clock and at Lakeside in the evening Presiding Elder D J. Clark is expected to be present and preach for us. Rev. Geo. D. Egner, of Crawford, will give an illustrated lecture on "Ten nights in a bar room." at the several points of tho Lakeside circuit as follows. Foster school house, Monday night April 17; Lakeside, Tuesday April 18; iLuella, Wed nesday April 19: Ellsworth, Thursday April 20. Admission 10 and 20 cents. Mr. Egner uses a steriopticon. I.imd Offico Notices. Liintl Ollloo ut Alliance, Nob., Mar. 13, 1005. Nutlcu Is liomby Klven tlint the follow lnj iiuiiiihI M'ttlcr lias (Hod tiotlco of tils Intention to insko llnitl proof in support of his claim, and thai mid proof will Ihi liuulis Ixifori' Itt'KUtur mill Keener at Alllimcu, Nub , on April 1M, UXVi, rl7 OVllUSCJOY of J"ss, NebusKii, on II. E. No. 203 for the nm or sou Motion iu town 'jo 11. rmiKu 44 w. I In nntiics the following wltnesucs to prove his continuous reslilencu upon and cultiva tion of said ltwul, viz: It 11. Bourno. of Itusli vtllu, Nchr.,umi James Kpcler, H. M. SmyMii, It. M. Hamilton, all of Alliance. Nobr. 13 0 llitot'B Wilcox, ltouMcr. Land OlIIco nt Alliance, Nobr., March 30, 1P03. Notice Ih hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of her Intention to make filial proof In support of her claim, and that Kald proof will bo made before Uefc ister uml Kocrlvur ut Alliance, Nebr., ou May 18, iWfi, Iz: MAKY IJI.ISS of HemliiRford, Nebraska on homestead entry No. 3100, fur lot 4 and tU MV'i section 1. lot 1, and SBi SV.'l section-', township 5, N. rnuKofiOW. Hlio names the following witnesses to prove iicr coiiiiiiiHius resiucncu upon aim 1:111m anon of said land, viz: Alllo Mitbln, ltohort Curij. UeorKH W. I.oer, William I'. Walker, all of Hem nil igford, Nubr. 15-0 Hiiuck Wilcox, Itecelrer, Land Olllcont Alliance, Isebr., Apr. 1 1 tit. 1905. Notice Is hereby uien that the followlng nanietl hettleV has tiled uotlco of his intention to miilio liual nroof In suiiKirt of his claim and that suld proof will bo madn before ltpglslerauil Uwolvor at Alliance. Nebr. ouiio nuium), vu mciiAUD h. m:v.N, of Hemingford, Nehr, on Homestead ontry No. BllW for tho North I.11M. h section 31 township '.'tl N-lt &0 W. Ho names the following witnesses to provo his continuous rosiduueo upon and cultivation .. "- ..... .. . or Mtui lauu, iz: uhvhi t. rum, reier 11. t'hithtensen, John Mlcli.ielsou and Frank Uovnu, till of lleiiiingfurd, Nehr 17-0 liitt'ci: Wilco.x, ltegUter. Insurance We are General Agents for Amcricrn Central Insurance Co. Title Guaranty A Trust Co. We are Local Agonts for Royal Insurance Co. Glcnns Kills Insurance Co. I'rovidentWashington Ins. Co. United Stjites Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Fidelity A Casualty Co., of New York. RELIABLE FIRE INSWiANECE SURETY H0SDS Ob ALL KINDS German Investment Co. ALLIANCE. NEBR. FREY & BALFE, "bteopathio pHYsiciANo. fliS IlOX HUTTH AVKNt'P v Phono 96J. CnIN Hfimu'nst In town or country, J. E. MOORE, M. D. I'LinCIII'lf 1SI.OCK, ai.i.i.vmji:. ni:ii. Galls answered from oHIco day or night Tclophono No. 62. H. H. BELLWOOD F, E. CLOUGH PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS. lloUtcn llulldlng, - ALLIANJE. NKB L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Ofllco In First National Hank block. AMI ance Nebrimkn. Physician nne Surgeon Day and night catlH, Odlco over Uoruo Store. Phono 150. nRTcST II () At 1: 0 P A T II I c IMIVSIOI.V'N AND Sl'RQBO.N formerly Interne Homeopathic Hos pital University of Iowa. Phono 251. Onieo our Alliance Shoo 8toro. Night calls answered from office. Quy Lock wood GKADL'ATE CHICAGO SCHOOL ()! EMHALMING Funeral Director and Embalm'er. Phones Office 214. Res 205 Exncrt I.ndv t Attcndnm .. Alllonce. Neb, WILLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. BOYD & BARKER, ,. A.ttoiiiyw nt Luvr ALLIANCE, NEtlRASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. ilMtTII l. TUTTI.K. lit A K. TA n. TUTTLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE, North Muln St., - ALLIANCE. NC11. Notice of Application for Liquor License, Notice is hereby given tlmt William King has filed his petition ns required by law with the city clerk to obtain a liquor license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, in the building situated on lot 7, block 22, fronting Box Butte avenue, in the Second ward of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the year ending May, 190O, and that he will ask that said license be issued to him on the second day of May, 1905, be'-'g the regular meeting of the city council n the city of Alliance, Nebraska, William King. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 6, 1905. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is herebv pivnn thai EH I. Bnrrv has filed his petition as required by law with the city clerk to obtain a liquor license to sell mnlt snirilnnns unrl vinous liquors, in the building 'situated on lot 5. uiock 21, ironiing uox unite avenue, in the First ward of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the year ending May, 1906, and that he will ask that said license be issued to him on the second day of May, 1905, being the regular meeting of the city council of the city, of Alliance, Nebraska. Ed. J. Barry, Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 6, 1905 Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that Simon Spry has filed his petition as required by law with the city clerk to obtain a liquor license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors, in the building situated on lot 2, block 21, fronting Box Butte avenue, in the First ward of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the ear ending May. 1906, and that he will ask that said license be issued to him on the second day of May, I905, being the regular meeting of the city council of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. Rimnn !?nrv Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 0, 1905. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that F J Het zold has filed his petition as required by law with the city clerk to obtain a liquor licensu to sell mait, spirituous and vinous liquors, in the building situated on lot 17, block 27, fronting Uox Butte avenue, in the Second ward of the city of Alliance, Nebraska, for the year ending May, 1906, and that he will ask that said license bo issued to him ou the second day of May, 1905, being the regular meeting of the city council of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. F.J Hetzold. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 6, 1905. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that V, N. Cor neal has filed his petition as required by law with the city clerk to obtain a liquor license to sell malt, spirituous and inous liquors, in the building situated on lot 9, block 27, fronting Uox Butte avenue, in the Second ward of the city of Alliance, Nebr., for the year ending May, 1906, and that he will ask that said license be issued to him on the 2nd day of May, 1905, being the regular meeting of the city council of the city of Alliance, Nebraska. V. N. Cornel. Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 6, 1905. At the annual meeting of the Marsland Cemetery association held on the 8th inst. the following officers were elected. C, H. Richey, chairman; J. Sullenberger, clerk; Mrs. K. R. Snow, treasurer; L. Snow, location of lots, T. J. Poole, E. A. Tollman and J. H, Clark, directors. 0 , WALL 1 PAPER ME want to show you our new line just ar rived. Every pattern new. We know you would buy if you saw our pattern. That's why we're so anxious to show them to you. HThiele Prescription Druggist 306 Box Duttc Ate. W.5.ACHES0N Hardware ad Plumbing Windmills and Pumps Opera House Block Phone 98 ALLIANCE J. ROWAN DEALER IN fFLOUR, FEED, ! HAY and G-RAUNT WIIOLLSA.LR AND IfKTAU. IIANDI.K8 Seed Wheat, Spring Rye and Spelt. 'Phone No. 71. Residence, No. 95. Ifn. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD 'Phone Alliance, ISo. 5. Nebraska. is cheaper than new. and often just what you want. Or, we will trade new for second hand goods any time, and pay highest cash price for second hand goods. See W. M. WILSON, Tin: sr.coM hand .man. I'honc 200 ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN Flour 1 Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It 'PHONE 105. WEST SIDE MAIN STHEET Checkered LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELER, . Proprietor. SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For house moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box curs, etc .... ALLIANCE, NEBRARKA F. M. WALLACE DRAY LTNE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . , Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance Local Market Report. Butter" Potatoes ...... t 20c 15c Second-Hand Furiiitiire Hf McCl TT flave just bought the swellest "line of Dry Goods and Ladies' Furnishings ever seen in Alli ance. They will begin to arrive this week. The Very Latest Things in Laces WWWWtWwwfcfcwrWTF Forest Lumber Company I'HONK LUMBER WOODEN DIPPING Why Suffer with a Headache? GET Holsten's Headache Tablets They are safe and sure and leave no bad after effects. F. E. HolstenYDi'Dglnfjlewelry Store IVJEILSOIN ITLIGXCMlDXt FIRE INSURANCE AGENT REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIE8. Hartford Klro Insuriiiico Company. North American of Philadelphia. I'hountx of Ulooklyn. Now York. Continental of Now York City. Niagara Firu Insurance Company. Now York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union Assurance Co , London Dray and Transfer Line. w The only spring dray mem Phone 139. Palace Liveiy S. H. XUCSCir, Prop. ONE I1LOCK Wi:ST O T1IK NEW ZHINDEN . UUII.DING. 'I'honc. For a Full Line of... Staple -k Fancy Groceries Best Cote, Finest Teas, nor r That Can't be Beat in Town.... Queensware, Tinware and Enameled ware S -?? CALL ON. Aovxts fax 3alv "DeaWrvq, A. D. RODGERS. FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. 'Phone,. No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB. iiaafl 11 Siipc VWFP'tIp wf W ' 7.1 AND COAL TANKS VATS Liverpool. London and Globe Ins Co. German American Ins. Co., New York. Farmers and Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Fire Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. I'lioeuK-Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn. Office IVStnlrs.rietchcr Illock. HEN YOU GO TO LEAVE TOWN, don't worry about what to do with your Household Goods. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store them in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship wueiever uesireu. unarecs rcasonaDie. line in the city, S. A. Miller. 3Bax2n. Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, and courteous treatment to all has won for us the excellent patronage we enjoy. Try us. For that small repairing we have the fixings, Boards for sidewalk laying, fencing and the like, can be had from us at reasonable price. Try Dierks' Lumber and Coal Co. Also agents for Neb. Cent. Bid. & Loan Asso. 'Thone 22. BDFF WYANDOTTES The hen that lays Is the hen that pays And hero you havo them. They lay more eggs than the Leghorn, and being Buff in color, they ate not a prey for hawks. Come and bee them and be convinced. Remember, the Buff Wyn dotte is not the Buff Cochin. Eggs Si. 50 per 15, S2.50 per 30. L. A. SUPRISE, Alliance, Neb. iv8v. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing -call ox- I. D. NICHOLS caoinrsu0ck.a new line of GENTS' bHOIIS of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money. At R. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. HOUSE AND SIGN n A I H.I rr w .. . m I .JUy n i i IV ti Yc t V PAPER HANGING DECORA TING fSee us befote you contract for spring housecleaninir f I .. P rcifw I'alntcr for the Pcoplo Tf ALLLUNCE - - - .NElt.UtSKA V - VJJI vl 5 M 1 1. & Bv ! VK ,J S5 ff. vjft III . m M . 4tf m s m 1 5 vV- ?n," .5' JJl V 'r fit i jft-c T . fV, i "m , -a l - -v-