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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
r VALUES THE FAMOUS THE FAMOUS Sole agents for Douglas Shoesm- Sole agents for Carhartt's Work Clothes BE CLOTHNO h 1 s , HATS! All Styles, All Qualities, for Men and Boys, 50c to $5.00 Fish Brand Slickers We bo'ught joo below the price. We offer them at $2 50 One to a customer. None sold to dealers. Boys' Shoes A New Dongola Bluchcr in the NEW TAN; worth 2,00; Our special price, $1 .65 A ? Handkerchief Special... We bought $0 dozen nice hemstitched linon hand kerchiefs, which are yours at 5c each BOYS' HOSE The kind that wear so well TWO PAIRS FOR 25C $ Men's Fine Union Suits Wilson Bros, fine Bal briggans, in PINK BLUE and ECRU At the low price of $1 IK PER uJr SUIT MARSLAND. ,1 No school on Monday, the teacher being sick. Harrv Horner's potato patch, which he planted two weeks ago, is not yet in bloom. A. b. Wier, of Chadron, working in the interest of life insurance, was in town Sat urday. Mrs. Laura Catlin, of Alliance, spent a day or two with her sister, Miss Owen, at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hunsaker, of Bel- mont, came down Saturday, returning home Sunday. A. E. Dyers is treating his store building to a fresh coat of paint, which improves the looks very materially. Carpenter Laravie will soon begin work on a wash house and store room at the rear of the Commercial Hotel. E. T. Gregg received another car of corn on Friday. He is doing quite a business, grinding feed and selling grain. Wm. Lack, a former Marslander, was down from Hough on Friday. He is farm ing this spring with Mr. I3urk. Miss Pearl Evans has returned home, having completed a very successful six months' term of school near Crawford. L. Snow has a fine fountain spray erected in his door yard, and there has been several baptisms among the small boys. Court will convene in Dawes county soon, and we understand there will be a arge delegation go over to the county seat rom here. The Crowells, who raked in so much mnnev from the show lovinK people of Marsland, got the G. B. in Crawford, and took the first freight out of town Mrs. Barngrover and family returned recently from Ft. Dodge, Iowa, where 1$3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 flOUR stock of Men's Fine Clothing is now ready V for your inspection. We are very proud of our selections, and the way the trade has been buying is positive proof that we have chosen the nicest weaves and patterns. You know that when it's new it's here, and our BUYING QUALITIES make for LOWEST PRICES. EVERY ADVANCE OF $1.00 SHOWS 100c IN VALUE BIG LINES OR SUITS to choose from, ? Why We know clothes don't make theman, but if you want tolook like "Ready Cash" you can, bv buving one of a dozen different styles of our iA 50 12 Line of Men's Suits BefiEvery garment absolutely guaranteed, bearing our Famous label. 3ie FAMOUS I they went to visit Mr. Barngrover, he J unable to accompany them home. ' Mrs. Hadley and Mtss Ream, attended I the social at ueimont on rriu.iy night, I Given tor the benefit ot the Baptist church. Doth we understand took part in the pro' gram. Mrs. Kate Stanard, a former resident of this place, but late of Gordon, Nebr., has moved to Homer, Nebr., where she has taken a position asxtcacher of day school work among the Winebago Indians. Mrs. Ashbrook arrived on 41 Wednes day from Kansas City and was driven out to the Ashbrook ranch, where she will spend a fortnight. Mrs. Ashbrook resides in Kansas City in order to give her chil dren the benefit of school. C. H. Richey is out at present serving notices on parties drawn as jurors for the April term of district court. Those drawn from this part of the county are Frank Honeyman, Vm. Hollinrake and James Montague. Mr. Laytons came down from North Table on Saturday and moved Grandpa Jaroleman to their home. The Jarolemon home here will be closed for a few months and Mr. and Mrs. Griff Jarolemon will go to the country also. Mr. T. J. Poole moved his fence last week to the new line of survey, and it is to be hoped that those travelling to town from the east end will hereafter hold their peace Much credit is due our new com missioner, E. A. Kendric. for beginning improvements at home. C. II. Richey was out a few days the lat- 1 ter part of last week with two teams awt j carryalls, driving for a party of Omaha- lans, who came out on the land seekers excursion, fie took them to the sand hills, south of Jim Cook's, and it is need- ; less to say, they went back without filing on land. It was reported in railroad circles, that Agent Baglej had been changed from this 3USEH83S3K5 aaaKKSjfiaasKi Oxford Footwear... mujxx.winvt isc&i EVERY MAN will be wanting a pa,ir of Oxfords this summer, and we believe YOU WILL. If you want the latest and 'best style in black or tan OXFORD, you'll find it here. We are ready with the best to be had. including HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX'S Pay More This line is our very strong one. From this price and up wards we give you custom tailors' work at about one- half of the tailors' price. See the stfe M IHHH Satis 15 new X k H faction Harvard Yale and guaran teed or l'rincc IHA m money ton cuts. H llHtfv rcfurned Fine Worsteds and Cheviots. Clothing House place to Terry, S. D., we are glad to say however that Mr. Baglcy is still on deck doing business at the o'fhce of the B. & M., Marsland. Nebr., and the patrons of the office hope to have him remain here for a long time, at least. It is hoped there will be a good attend ance at the Elecutionary and Musical entertainment at the school house on Fri day evening the 14th inst. No pains is being spared to make it a success, Bills adorn the windows of our business houses, which were drawn by one of Omaha's most promising cartoonists. Come and see Mrs. Hadley and her helpers in many different impersonations. A wedding took place in our city last week, one day too late for the Herald itsms. Mr. George Binkard and Miss Jessie Halibough were married on Wed nesday April s, at the home of the brides parents, Marsland. We are not in posses sion of all the particulars regarding the happy event, but learn that the ceremony was performed by Mr. Richard Mengle, of Belmont, an Elder in the "Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Miss Stella Owen acted in the capacity of bridesmaid and Mr, Ralph Hallibough as best man, Mr3. C. G. Hallibough per formed the wedding march. Twenty-five five of the bride's own immediate family were present and these with the brides maid and officiating Elder, composed the company. We aro not informed as to where the newly married couplo will reside but as both have homesteads near this place, they will doubtless take up their residence thereon, They have the best wishes of the writer for a long and happy life. HEMINGFORD. Mrs. Ward came up from Alliance Mon day Miss Wright was quite ill with monia last week. pneu- A largo acreage of bromi. grass will be put in this spring. A. B. Ashbrook was in from tne ranch the first of the week. Fritz Lickte and Fred Ortmann went to the Pacific coast last week, Mr. and Mrs. Young came up from Alli ance Sunday to visit friends. S per cent paid on interest certificates. First State Bank, Hemingford, .Nebr. A very pleasant church social was held at the home of C. A. Rowland last Thurs day night. - John Wildy and family went to Denver the last of the week, where they will make their home. G. F. Hedgecock is circulating his peti tion for a permit to sell liquor for .medical purposes, this week. Mrs, Holdtdge of Alliance will have a complete line of millinery at Fronapfel's store April 20, 21, 22. 16- 2 The best line of implements known to the farmer, the celebrated Deere goods, for sale by Anton Uhrig. 15-3. I have a few implements carried over from last year, which I will sell at greatly reduced prices. Anton Uhrig. 15-3. F. H. Johnston returned to his home in Iowa Saturday. He disposed of his ear of 1 bulls to B. E. Johnson and his Shire horse' tfOU WILL do yourself as well as us a great injustice IJ if you don't come in and look through this elegant stock stock of merchandise bought from America's foremost clothes makers. We overtop them all, except in the price. Never in a town twice this size have clothiers excelled our selections and low prices. Read about our $12.50. $15, $18 and $20 suit propositions. and Get In this line we show the Im ported Worsteds, Cheviots and Thibets, double and single breasted, as well as the New College styles. There is ele gance in everv inch o these goods. Sterling quality. A STORE FOR MEN 2 doors soutli of I'. O. to T. L. Hopkins. He left his horse with H. H. Pierce, who Percheron will keep mm in ncmingtoru. George Hatch has a sale advertised for the first of May. He expects to go to Nevada soon and go into business, A phone in the depot is now an assured fact, thanks to the energy and attention of the Telephone company's management. A. B. Perkins, from Lead, is the guest of G. W. Hatch this week. Mr, Perkins expects to accompany Mr. Hatch on his western trip. Harry II. Pierce has two second hand cream separators almost as good as new for sale. See him at once if you want a fine article cheap. Insure your stock now against fire and lightning. $1 So per $100.00 for five years. Covers increase and all, actual value. K. L. Pierce, agent. j. H. Jewett having proved up on his homestead recently regards himself as sufficiently footloose to pay a visit to his daughter, who resides at Hubbard, Ore. Drafts under $5. 3 cents; under $15, 5 cents; $15, to $100. 10 cents. Cheapest, safest, best way to remit money. Get a bank money order. First State Bank, Hemingford, Nebr. The .safest, best, cheapest way to send money away is by bank draft (money order) New York drafts always wanted by all mail order houses. First State Bank, Hemingford, Nebr. Notice Anyone having claim of indebt edness against Fred Uhrig, deceased, will please present same to Anton Uhrig at once. All claims must be in by May 1st next. Anton Uhrig. 15-3. Mr. Will Goodcnough, Mrs. Mattie Ols' father, arrived from his home in Gretna, La., Wednesday, and will make her a short visit. He is expecting to locate in Nebraska for the reason that his health is very poor in the south. We have a carload of fine short horn bulls for sale at Hemingford. from one to three years old. Also one good imported Percheron stallion registered, and one good Shire stallion, registered. Terms to suit purchaser. Johnston Bros. i0-3 Some of the finest exhibits of school work the writer has seen was done in the schools taught by the Misses Wilkinson in the eastern part of the county. It com pares very iavorablv with the best work on exhibition at the Educational building in St. Louis. Mr. E. Mabin returned from Omaha, where he had his arm amputated again and the nerve which wds causing him so much pain removed. He states that the feeling was somewhat different, though the pain had not yet ceased. The surgeons told him that it might be sometime before that would happen. This is the third oper ation on his arm. Millinery. I will be at Burlew's store in Heming ford on April 28 and 20. with a fine line of trimmed hats, street hats and children's hats, also trimmings of all kinds with which to retrim hats. This will include the best assortment of millinery ever brought to Hemingford, and I hope all my old time customers will wait until I come. Satisfaction guaranteed, Miss Mangak, 1 0-3 Alliance, Nebr. 18 Less ? Among the World's great est tailors is a designer who gets a salary of $18,000 per year. Think of it ! That is what Hart, Schaffner&Marx pav their man. Is it r man. Is it won- to der b work is the finest to be had. All stvles. all weaves. Alliance, Neb. IJiamonds, l Souvenirs . Repairing in all its Branches. A. O. Barnes Jeweler and Optician. HAVE YOU SEEN BILL? Wrffi Stirring Plows Breaking Plows Disc Plows Steel-Tooth Harrows Disc Harrows Watking Cultivators t Riding Cultivators End-Gate Seeders Disc Seeder Attachments Potato Cutlers aud Plnntcrs Call and see them. . banning Mills Feed Grinders F. J. Brennan & Co.... DEALERS IN" Drugs, Perfumes "d Toilet Articles. Paints, Oils and Wall Paper FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLOCK. tit TELEPHONE The Palace For a Leg of Mutton A Loin Roast ' A Fresh Fish or . . . A Soup Bone If you haven't time to cook them, we can f send you a Steak, a Chop or some Oysters QUICK! Phone 1 1 1 BUSH IS ELL d? OLD A Y. 4 Boys' Overalls Star Wcavo Hibs ,sizcs 5-14 years 25c per pair Boys' Clothing A lino new lot in all the I tlnur utvlno fit Imv nrirAn I aw u7 wu aw iwv0 Free I Free I Freeli A Hall and Hat with every Hoy's Suit. Muleskin Gloves Asbestos Tanned Are hard to beat; per pair 25c ? Stetson Hats All the new shapes direct from the factory. Stetson's novelties, fine grades only. $3. 50 OUR $1.50 HATS OUR $2.00 HATS OUR $2.50 HATS arc the best values the market affords. See Them! anv any Men's Pants Wo aro showing a very flue line of Men's Pants that were mado to sell at ?4.oo and $4,50. Special C Q 50 Sale, at l'c',PerPflii. J Watches, Gold Jewelry, flail orders promptly attended to. Alliance, Nebraska. r Heat Market -