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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
Announcement. I take this mnnt!t to announce mvtelf n candidate for the dIiik of Police Judgo of Alliance, for the ensuing term. I have held the ofTice for one term, and have tried on nit occasions to act for the bet interests of the dty. Having been for thirty years engaged iu law builnoM, I thio rrttrclf fitted for tho position. If cbosen to fill the position, I promise to give the office the same careful ayeniloii which I have given to It dutfatf tho term about to close. L. A. Bhrrv. Alliance, March 2, 1905. FREY & BALFE, osTKOpATHio t PHV8ICIANS. ni!) ItOX IWTTI3 AVtiNUK. Phono 8M, (Jails answered In town or country. J. E. MOORE, M. D. I'LKTCIirit III.OCK, ' ALLIANCL, Mill. Oallt answered from olflco ilay or night. Telephone No. ftJ. H. H. BELLWOOD F. E. CLOUGH PMYSIOIANS and SURGEONS, llolatcu IliillJIiifi, - ALLIANJK, NKIl L. W. BOWMAN, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Onico In Klrst National Hank block. Alll nnco Nt-brmtka. DR. G. W. MITCHELL, rhyslchin nno Surgeon Day and nlshtcalls. OITlco over ttojtiio Btore. Phono JM. DR. GEO. HAND, II O M 15 O I A T II I G I II V S 1 0 I I N AND SUIIO I! O N Formerly Inlcrno Homeopathic IIos-' jiftul University ot Iowa. Phono ai. Onico over Alliance HI100 Store. Night calls inswcrcd from ollleo. Guy Lockwood . . GHADUATK CHICAGO SCHOOL 01' EMBALMING Funeral Director and Embalmcr Phones Office 214. Res 205 Expert I.iuly Attendant.. AlllflllCG, NOD, SEE Jos. Carey & Co. For liouso moving, well boring making and cleaning cesspools moving box enrs, eto . . . . ALLIANCE, NEHKARKA - - " - -- - - r . j FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Stoam and hot water Heating. 'Photic, No. 356. ALLIANCE, NEB WILLIAH MITCHELL ATTORNEY AT LtW, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. Omoi: Piio.Nn IN), uksidvincb Piidnksox RTTNOLEMANi . ATTORNEY AT LAW. . ,lo?m? ,a n"a 3- 1''ll"t National lunik build Ins, Alliance, Neb. Notary In ofllco. BOYL&BARKER .. -rVttnyH at, T-uw .. . ALLIANCE, NIU1KASKA. Collections given Prompt Attention. L. A. BERRY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. SMITH I TUITI.K JUA B. TA II. TurrLE & TASH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. REAL ESTATE. North Main St., - ALUANOK. NEIL W. M. WILSON New and Second-Hand FURNITURE Bicycle and light re pairing1. We buy and sell second-hand good. Phone 502. 260 Box Butte Ave. J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED YTIIOLKBALK AND HKTAIL HANDLES TDK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At Partington's old stand, 'phone No. 71. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Simon bprv leaves for Went lladcit, Ind., tonight for n month. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. A. Ralls, on Wcdnoadny evening, March fith, n son. A. D. Rodgors linn just receivotl a now fito and burglar proof safe weigh ing 1700 pounds. ' Zbiudcn the feed man has bought thu Davidson feed stock anil wilt con solidate it with hW own. . Feather, the caterer, received n con signment of shell fish yesterday which contained a lobster weighing over four pounds, It would niake your month water to look at it. Glcason tiic confectioner has leased the Norton block opposite tllo Herald office and wil move as soon as the room can ho renovated. , hi addition to confectionery ho will put in an ar tistic ice cream parlor. Tho Anti-saloon league met at the U. P. church last Monday night and business matters of interest to Alliance were discussed. A goodly number wore presont withstanding the stormy weather and tho league adjourned to meet at tho Baptist church next Mou day night. Hope all members will bo ptcscut. On Monday afternoon, March 0, at four o'clock, Mr. Georgo Kcesjr,, of St. Joseph Mo., and Miss Ada Schlupp were married nt tltq parsonage of Holy Rosary Catholic church, Rev. Father Galvin officiating. Mr. and Mrs. 'decs left on tho early morning train for a short visit to Denver and vicinity, and will be at home in St. Joseph Mo., after March 15. Frank McCoy furnished entertain ment at his commodious ranch homo Friday night to 48 couples of his friends who enjoy dancing. The music for tho occasion was furnished by tho Snaka creek orchestra. A regular old fashioned time was had and over 100 plates were laid for the guests. The McCoy ranch is known far and wide lor its hospitality. Dr. Anna Jensen formerly of this cityis here visiting Miss Edith Hicks, after nn absence of five years from Alliance. She is n graduate from an osteopathic school and for several years followed that profession, but for tho last year she Iuir been a mission ary among the Indians pt Tama, Iowa. She camo out for her health and to rest, having remembored the delightful climate here. Putn Watson, tho wolf catcher came down from Marslaud Friday on 4G to attend the Isham Bros, horoo sale hero Saturday. Pete has retired from tho hunting business now, and lives on the old Larson place up on Whistle creek, whore he has about three hundred head of stock1, but ttraiige to say ho doesn't own a dog. Ho says ho has served his tiipo killing wolvos and is getting too old to get around as he used to in old times when the country was new. Tho Burlington station agent at Crawford had a thrilling experience Tuesday' night with a "sneak thief. While the agent was attending to the loading of some cars a short distance from the depot tho thiof cntored the office and was in tho act of going through thr money drawer. The agent returned before ho had com pleted his work and looked the depot door thus, caging his ptisouor until the city nightwatch was notified and the stranger taken into custody. Gregory Zurn has decided to locate his family on a farm three and a half milos north of this cit- now' occupied bv Henry Watson. Mr. Zurn pur chased this tract of land from Dr. Knight this week and with the help of his son and other niembcis of his fam ily will commenco ranch life in earnest. Mr. Zurn does not export to quit tho carpenter trade ontiroly and according to tho arrangements ho has outlined, will fiud ample time to pursue the same. Ho expects to rent his home in town and move on his new possessions soon. "Ghosts' ot the Opera Mouse. Henrik Ibsen's masterpiece "Ghosts" will be tho attraction at the opera house Wednesday night under the management of Sanford Dodge. You all know Dodge, he always has a good show. This time Miss Laura Franken field will be the star. Dodge says it is a "powerful moral drama." You know what that means. Wednesday evening March 15. The war is on again between the Japs and Russians and the wily little Japs are choping up the Russian army and are moving on to Harbin. The Alliance Herald and Nebraska State Jmirnnl the leading weekly, both oneyear ior 3i.5U. Commissioners' Proceedings. Alhance, Nun., March 2, 1905. Board of commissioners of Box Butte cotintv, Nebraska, met pursuant to ad journment. Present, Geo. W. Loer, chairman, Frank Caha and L. F. Smith, members, and S. M, Smysar, clqrk, Board examined treasurer's report and claims on file, but took no action relative thereto. Board adjourned until tomorrow nt 0 a. in. G. W. Lour, Chairman. S. M. Smysiir, Clerk. Allianck, Nun., March 3, 1905. Board met pursuant to order of ad journment. Present, same officers as on the first day. Tho entire day was spent by tho board in consideration and decision of plans for planting tho south half of the court houBe grounds .in grass, trees and shrubbery and fencing tho same; and in the consideration of tho purchase of steel furniture for tho vault, board ad journed until tomorrow at n a. in. Attest. G. W. Lour, Chairman. S. M. Smvsbr, Clerk. Alliance, Neil, March 4, 1903. Board met pursuant to order of ad journment. Picsent, same officers as on the first day. The rcpoit of tho county treasurer for the fust half of the year was ap proved. The official bonds of C. A. Rowland, ovcrseor road district No. 1 and James II. Skuinor, overseer of road district No, 11, were examined and approved. Ordered by the board, that S4.71 tax assessed against SW. qr, of sec. 7, twp. 2G, range 49, for 1896 and 1S97, when the tract was government land, be refunded. Ordered by the board, that tho bal nnco remaining in the following funds bo transferred to the general fund, lo-wit: Bridges $1,200 87 Jail 265 60 Poll I08 00 ad '.333 78 Poor 2G5 66 Miscellaneous 38 17 aurvey ; 2 Advertising 296 00 30 wen 35 County seat 11 44 89 Total 53,557 77 The following claims were examined, allowed and ordered paid by county warrants or held for taxes as follows: Claimant Nature of claim Amount J. L. Acheson, supplies $1490 it. j. noon, guarding insane Geo. W. Loer, conmissioncr's fees Frank Caha, " " Dierks Lumber Co., lumber and coal O. F. Fosket, overseur highway. . , Cal Hashman, work on roads and bridges C. Klemke. refund on nurchasc 8 00 IS 00 20 00 5 05 20 oo 8 00 price of land 257 60 C. A. Newberry, supplies. 3 25 11. S. Owen, work on road , 1 50 W. C. Phillips, "overseer highways 27 00 Ira Reed, feus in insane cases. .... 26 50 Gao. Reitmeier, janitor 30 40 W. S. Raker, printing and adver tising 73 99 John Henderson, election room 1903-4 IO 00 L. l Smith, commissioner's feos.. Wm Mitchell, supplies for office.. D. K. Spacht, costs in threo cases nndexp.'Scct Elmer L. Vaugh, board and nurs ing paupers , C. .1 Wildy, lumbar., , 17 00 20 60 26 So 148 90 76 20 w. ,i. wuson, mattress lor poor houso, , 250 Omaha Printing Co."; supplies 412 55 A. II, Pierce, livery '2 00 . Board adjourned to meet March '29, 1905, at 9, a. m. Attest. Geo. W. Lour, Chairman. S. M. Smysbk, Clerk. City Council Proceedings. Regular Meeting, March 7, 1905. Called to order by Mayor Bowman. Present; Councilmen Franklin, tdollriug and Snow; absent, Jodor. Minnies of January and February meot iv ,3 road and. on motion of Mollring, mily seconded, accepted. Tuition of Broome, Jodor and Mc- 1-ee. 1 lor extensionot water main on east side wf Cheyunne avenue and north from Colorado street to county road was read. On motion of Snow, petition was placed in hands of water committee to invostisate and report at next meeting, all voting yes. rciiiiuiioi minis, ucscii auu atrong lor crossing across Wyoming avenuo on west side of liig Horn avenue, was read. On motion ot Mollring, peutiou hands of sidewalk committee mons vote. piaceu in by unani- Petition of J. M. Donovan to licenie bill posters, etc.. was read. Moved by Mollring, that it be carried over for fur ther consideration, all voting yes. Reports of city officers, showinu as fol lows, wero road and on motion of Franklin wore accepted; Water Com., rents collected. . Police Judge, fines. ..$130 C5 -S223 91 Do. Mar. fees.. 48 30 178 95 City Treasurer, Ual. 1-31 652 53 Do. Bal. 2-28 93653 Following claims were read, nassed to committee on claims, aonroved. returned. and on motion warrants ordered drawn by unanimous vote; v. w. Harris, salary clerk 2 mo,.$ A. Hill, salary water com S. C. Boon, salary marshal A. Cardwell, salary Ni Marshal.. 21 OO 65 OO 75 00 55 o x-. uurreii, si reel laocr.. 14 lo M. A. Shay, St. com., 14 00 A. F. Brennan, well work, n2 50 C. A Newberry, hardware 3330 Forest Lumber Co , coal, lumber, 30 45 Dierks Coal & Lumber Co., lumber. 79 65 H, J. Ellis, printing and staty.... 10 75 Pioneer Grip Co., printing 35 90 L. A. Berry, Police docket 5 75 C. B. & Q. Ry., put down well,. . I75 95 F. B. Dismer, meal tickets 17 5o R. J. Lawrence, light, pumping... 362 77 J. A. Baxter, board, and room for paupers 4 50 On motion of Mollring the following were appointed as clerks and judges of city election, to be held at Bell's hall for First ward and city hall for Second ward, on Tuesday April 4, 1905: First Ward; Clerks W. O. Barnes, L. A. Suprise. Judges J. Brennan. A. Tnplett, J, H. Carlson. Second Ward: Clerks C. W. Brennan, D. K. Spacht. Judges Frank Hamblin, Jim Keeler, R. H. Watkins. M'Y T T T v RAILROAD RUMBLINGS. !! :k-'k..x:. Brakcman H. Webb returned this week from Kansas City. Machinist . 15. Ellis of Alliance shops has left the sarvico. Mrs. K, Morris of Alliance hna gono to St. Louis to visit friends. L. Smith arid wife of Alliance left this week for Omaha to visit relatives. Engineer L. B. Stonor of Alliance is laying off and visiting in Omaha and Denver. Thero was a heavy fall of snow in the vicinity of Dcadwood and Lead this week. Conductor J. M. Fcrrierof the Dead wood line Mras-in Alliance yesterday en route home. z Brakcman E. A. Speer of Alliance has resignefl from the service and gone to Fremont. The pay car will arrive iu Alliance uauiraay Marcu letn, at 10:45 a- "' on train 302. Assistant Superintendent J. C. Bird- sell of the Dcadwood line was in Alli ance Tuesday. Contractor D. J. Burke will finish the grading for the additional tracks at Alliance this week. Brakcman T. J. Campbell of Alli ance has been transferred to the cast end local temporarily. Conductor 1. W. Gaddis of Alliance is laying off and spending the time on his ranch near Guernsey. Engine 1766 is- out of Havelock shops this week and will be sent to Alliance and put iu service out of here. C. A. Wctherell clerk in the mechani cal department at Alliance is visiting at Omaha and Dorchester this week. General foreman L. R. Dewey of Alliance shops will leave next week for Chicago to take up the duties of his now position. Conductor G. W. Bctebenner of the Minnekahta-Hot Springs run is laying off and conductor F. L. Skalinder is relieving him. Brakcman J. E. Debauo who has been sick nt -Alliance with pneumonia for the past month has sufficiently recovered to be able to leave his room. Tho car repairers' and switchmen's shanties in Alliance yatds wero moved this week to make room for the addit ional side tracks that will be put in. Brakcman J. J. Hull of Alliance is laying off on accnunt of an injured foot. Tho injury was caused by the accidental discharge of a 22 rifle the ball of which badly lacerated one of his toes. Train No. 41 was run in two sections from Ravenna west yesterday. The first section consisted of eleven and the second seven cars. It was tho regular, cheap rate day to the north west and many arc taking advantage of tho opportunity. One of the railroads out of New York ran sixty bections of a carded passonger train lrom New York to Washington for the inauguration last week. Each suction had from beven to ton cars and thoy wore all crowded.. This is a record breaker for sections of a train. The board of directois of the Bur lington have presented F. A. Delano formerly general manager of the Bur lington oast of thu river with a purse of 3 1 S. 000. This was the amount of his salary for a year and they gave it tc him in recognition of his valuable services while with the road. Frank Newton has been appointed acting traveling engineer of the Ster ling division. Mr. Newton has been working out of Alliance for the past two months coming here from the Sheridan divibion. He ran an etiL'ine a number of years on the Iowa division of the Burlington before going to Sheridan. Birds Stuffed with Sauer Kraut. Deputy Game Warden E. Hunger of Lincoln, says the State Journal, known throughout Nubraska as the "Dutch deputy," was born in the "faderlant," and he demonstrated his ability to tell the difference between a barrel of sauer kraut and a barrel of quail. "You can't fool the Dutchman that way," said the station agent in Greeley coun ty where two barrels of game were con signed for St Louis one day last week. Deputy Hunger is also aware that sauer kraut is shipped from St. Louis to Greeley county fnstead of being sent the other way. Two hundred and seven prairie chickens and fourteen quail were in the two barrels. The barrels were of the large size used for shipping whiskey and still bore the distiller's brand. They were labelled "sauer kraut." In the head of each barrel was a dummy bung hole filled with a wooden plug. Beneath the plug was nailed a large tin cup so that if the bung was removed for inspection nothing could be seen except the bot tom of the tin cup. No arrests have been made. As usual in such cases the shipper will probably elude detec tion and escape prosecution. If the legal fine can be imposed, he will have to pay $1,105. One barrel of the con traband goods was sent to the soldiers home at Miltord and the balance of the birds will be distributed to charitable organizations in Lincoln. Right You Are. Lincoln Daily Star: "In Box' Butte and adjoining counties they are brag ging about their potatoes, and they are able to make good. There is nowhere else in the United States such a potato country." 1 IHA I!. IUSILM.LL nRSEST C. OLIlAY BUSH NELL & OLDAY Proprietors of the Palace Meat Market Choicest Fresh and Salt Heats Always on Hand , ' Fli AND OYSTERS IN SEASON m Your patronage solicited. Give us a trial j Phone In your orders We have the goods and will deliver them ML k,Ml m.k. 1 f rol ",T? . ., w m -"?'"' j. hoi uuui uuiiu ui rosi winte. When you buy candy buy the best. Buy Hoyler's We have tlie exclus ive agency, ' Every package guaranteed FRESH. TThiole Prescription Druggist 9 306 Box Butte Ate. 2 0 For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing -call or- I. D. NICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of the best rrfanufrirtiiro nnH n prices tha't will suit. Call and examine tne stoci; bctorc you buy and you will save money. At R. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. F. M. WALLACE DKAY LINE Moving Household Furniture and Trunks a specialty . . Phone No, 1 Young's grocery, Alliance :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming Company Calls snswered promptly day or night, Claude Humphry, Undertaker. Hrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant. 'Phone 421. 000000000Q K 0 0 -l Fire Insurance. 0 $ 0 NUUKASKA. -K A iibiuiuruii; u. ..,,. 0 Agent for the Unledonlim. of a Scotland, which Insures tnu-n V 0 8 x proporty only, and tho Colum- bla, wliluli Insures town und 0 farm property and live stock, i Itotb uro rulkiblo old Hue coin- A panics. JH. -,. .w-.. w., Y TsTrtoin1 "5rt7"-vl 0ofOrOOOOOOO W. M. FOSKETT -A-iactiozcLeer Will Cry Sales in This and Adjoining Counties. . . . I On COMMISSION, or BY THE DAY. C3T Satisfaction guaranteed. If you want to buy or sell ranch prop erty, list it with me Hemingford, Neb. - HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING m lW s t V PAPER HANGING DECORATING If See us before you contract TC for spring housecleaning. L. E. COOK Painter for the People f .I ALLIANCE - - - NLHARSK JfeJfcjMbjfcJlb ? "! -rr-W5Tf J"tT -F r I'iunrc ui The Winter Season Is here. So are We With Special Prices on provisions, of all kinds.' Call in and see us before buying. Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. . ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALEKS IN Flour i Feed. 44 Home Comfort Flour Is Our Leader. Try 'it 'PHONE 105. WLST SIM. .MAIN STKEET.. LIVERY AND FEED BARN JAMES KEELER, . Proprietor. A4W4tiVAu! For a Full Line of... z StapIe.N. Groceries Finest Teas ; 8 nor t lours to That Can't be Bear In Town,... s1' Tinware hl Enameled ware CALL ON -. Dea.Vij, A. D. RODGER! Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone Alliance, No. 5. Nebraska. Do you like PAN CAKES? Oriental Pan Cake Flour will suit you Oriental Coffee & Tea Co lOHN A HIlH7iri-r.n . . " Call at Davidson's Feed store. Orders delivered nnvivbr Phone 448 Alliance' N-hr. C fleckered Fancy Stipe lie. I i D J rH Li R 1 - n 'i 4 'il (