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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
v '1 "SO m t Many Persons Have Catarrh of Kidneys, Or Catarrh of Bladder and Don't Know It. President Newhof and War CorrcspondentRichardsWoro Promptly Cured By Pe-ru-na. I"r. C 11. Newhof 10 Dolninnrentreet, Albany, N. Y., President Montetiore Club, Writes: "Since my advanced age 1 find that J have been frequently troubled with urinary ailments. The bladder seemed irritated, and my physician said iha It was catarrh caused by a protracted cold which would be difficult to over' come on account of my advanced years. I took Pcruna, hardly daring to believe that 1 woud be helped, but I found to my relief that I soon began to mend. The Irritation gradually subsided and the urinary difficulties passed away. 1 havc.cnjoyed excellent health now for the past seven months. I enjoy my meals, sleep soundly, and am as welt as 1 was twenty years ago. 1 gh e all praise to Pcruna." C. 13. Newhof. Suffered From Catarrh of Kidneys, Threatened With Nervous Collapse, Cured by Pc-ru-na. Mr. P. 11. nichanls, 009 E. Street, X. W., Washington, D. C, War Corics- fOndcnt, writes: "Exactly six years ago was tirdercd to Cuba as stair corres pondent of the New York Sun. I v as in charge of n Sun Dispatch boat through the Spanish .American war. The effect of the tropical climate and the nervous strain nhowetl plainly on my return to the states. Lassitude, depression to the verge of melaneholla, and incessant kidney trouble made mo ptactically un invalid. This undesirable condition contimiod,despite the best of treatment. Finallyjv brother newspaper man.who Ijke myself had served in the war. in duced ino to give a faithful trial to 1'cruna. I did so. In a short time the 'lassitude left me, my kldnejs resumed n. healthy condition, and a complete euro war effected. 1 cannot too strong ly Tecommcd Peruna to those suffering itli kidney trouble. To-day I am ab,le to work as hard as at any time in my life, and the examiner for a leading in surance company pronounced me an "A" risk." In Poor Health Over Four Years. Pe-ru-na Only Remedyof Real Benefit. IMr. .Tohn Nimmo, 315 Lippineott. St.. Toronto, Can., a prominent merchant of that city and also a member of the Masonic order, writes: "1 have been in poor health generally for over four years. AVhen I caught a bad cold last winter it settled inthe bladder and kidneys, causing serious trouble. I took two greatly advertised kidney remedies without getting the There are Many Imitations of Baker's and Baker's Chocolate Dorft be . Ml IJLijjS Lockfciti&we-Muk tocoa or s onocoiate Our handsomely illustrated recipe book sent free. Walter Baker 3Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts 45 Highest Awards in Europe and America (T NOTICE! Wo desire to announce that wo bought tho entire wholesale and retail stock of tho Dewey & Stono Furniture Co., Omaha, who aro the larg est exclusive furniture dealers in tho west. We have taken the stock over to our present location and inaugurate a special sale to close out at once all of their goods. Tremendous re ductions on furniture of every description. Orchard & WHhelm Carpet Co. x: I-4I4-1S.I8-20 DOUQLA8 SfREBT, OMAHA, ISEB. :: 32 YEARS SELLING DIRECT We are the largest manufacturers of We Have but chip anywhere for ex amination and approval, Guaranteeing ery. You are out noth Inz Knot aatlstied as to . style, Quality and price. We make 2001 styles of vehicles and' No us lomMciucn nigrr un extra 55 styles stick teat and 3. la rubber tires Pries . coULJctetesOO. Atcooduitllt , "JP J iwiMmwc Ellthart Carriage (22 Harness -I lfU?WAi 1 -.? . HTAl LU ItS WHrHF All MSI- (HIS. I Bctt Cough fcijrup. Taiic UouO. TjM I in iime. sola ur aruviiiM. maiiziraHac. I p- ! Ill Ill W ( i1 -- it ' l' llipll '' -LsstssHsKsMsK ! 0 PRES. C. B. NEWHOF, j' Sufferod From Catarrh of Bladder. 1 j! desired 'esnlts. Peruna is tho only remedy nieh vas really of any hencfit to me. I hac not had a tiace of kidney trouble nor a cold in my system." Pc-rii-na Contains No Narcotics. One reason why 1'cruna has found permanent use in so many homes in that it contains no narcotic of any kind. Pcruna is perfectly haimluss. It can ho used any length of time without acquir ing a drug habit. Peruna does not pro duce temporary results. It is perman ent in its effect. It has no bad effect upon tho system, and gradually eliminates catarrh by removing the f.ause of catarrh. There are a multitude of homes where Peruna has been used off and on for twenty years. Such a thing could not bo pos sible if Pcruna contained any drugs of a narcotic nature. Cocoa misled by them ! Our trade-mark is on every package of genuine goods. Under the decisions of several United States Courts, no other chocolate or cocoa than Walter Baker f Co.'s is en titled to be sold as "Baker's 1 Vehicles and harness in the world sell ing to consumers exclusively. No Agents w&szaEsaas aale deliv of harness. ... lts? Ho.ST Cm py Top Surrtv Price rxtoptttt .. 91J n c xki u feu lor za more Miif. Co.. Elllliart. Indiana, When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper, BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach. News in Nebraska The Commercial eluh of Seward will gle a hatuiuct on St. Patrick's day. 1.. G Todd and wife, I'lnttsmuuth. last wcok celebrated their golden wed ding. Columbus' In booked for n great deal of building this year. There la no boom; Just a healthy growth. Two spnf.3 of tho Union Pacific bridge oer Hear creek, four miles cast of Hcatrlce, wore taken out by the lee, completely tying up tho Kan sas diUs'on. Miss Mabel Oweni was awarded a verdict of ?20S against thetchool ills trlrt of Hickman, the full amount for which she sued. She said she was dis charged In mid-year without cause. Lieutenant Knderick Dow, son of Colonel J S. Dew of Tecumseh, who is In the I'nlted States army, being sta tioned at Vancouver barracks, Wash , has been ordered to the Philippine isl ands for service. The "bucket shop" which has been operated for several months at Stella closed suddenly last week. The man ager gles no tenson. It is conceded he had nhout i'U tho patronage ho could take care of. While resisting arrest at Kalrbuiy John Sullivan .eeeived Injuries from which he died, llo was struck by an o Ulcer, and in fulling his head came In eontnit with tho stone pavement, producing concussion of the brain. Rev, W. 13. Vann, for three years rector of tho ISplscopal churches of Tecumseh and DeWHt, has made the announcement that he has accepted a chaige at Wadena, Minn., and that he will leave for that city by March in. While digging a ditch in North Pa pillion, Antono Nlppo was stricken with an epileptic lit and falling face downward was suffocated in the mud and water. He was found by some school children, who summoned help. The local Knights of Pythias lodge of Humboldt, at their legular meeting voted a gift of ?200 to James U. Davis, one of the leading members, who had occupied a place as chairman of the building of their new hall, just com pleted. With an old army pistol as a weapon Captain Theodore Suebbes, 70 years old, a veteran of the civil war, com mitted suicide by bhootlng himself through tho brain at his home at Wllkesbiirre, Pa. He formerly lived In Nebraska. The first potato special ever run in the United States left Omaha on the Northwestern for Harrison, Neb., where tho train starts on a two days' lecturing trip, running cast to O'Neill and making twenty stops of one hnlf hour each. The business men's gold medal con test took place at Laurel last week. There were thirteen contestants. Clinton Price, from the grammar de partment of tho schools, was awarded first place among tho High school con testants and n gold medal. Grain still continues to pour into Omaha for delivery at tho gulf ports, and in spito of tho fact that tho Mis souri Pacific has called Into servlco all of Its extra train crews and en gines, It has been found necessary to turn 400 cars of grain over to tho Burlington to bo redelivered at Kansas City. W. H. Enhart, a farmer wno re sides near Pacific Junction, waB in Plattsmouth to find, If possible, some trace of his 17-year-old daughter. Tho girl left home for tho purpose of vis iting friends In Plattsmouth, hut it now develops that she did not call on the parties whom she Intended to visit. WASHINGTON Joseph J. Langer of Nebraska, consul at Solingen, Ger many, has resigned. He asked that his resignation take effect March 1, but tho president has extended tin time until tho ISth, thereby permit ting Mr. Lnnger to reach the United States before his resignation becomes effective. Washington dispatch: AH of the Nebraska members, save Judge Kin kald, will go at once to Nebraska upon adjournment of congress. Mr. Durkett will, of course, have to attend the Bhort session of the senato and par ticipate In his new office. Judge Kin kald will visit In Pennsylvania and West Virginia a few weeks. A message from Senator Dietrich was received by Commander Payne of Silas A. Strickland Grand Army of the Republic post No, 13, Hastings, stating that ho had secured for the local poBt a complete set of tho rec ords of tho confederate and union armies. This set contains over 100 well bound volumes and will he In stalled In the post library. In the Nebraska state penitentiary there Is a prisoner whoso time expires March 24, but who has made applica tion to bo allowed to remain longer. Tho heroine is Mrs. Worsbaker, sen tenced for seven years from Dakota county for shooting. When tho an nouncement was made to her that she had flfteon months' good time to her credit and that she would bo released March 24, tho woman objected seri ously to leaving tho establishment. At a meeting of tho board of trus tees of the Methodist Episcopal church of Hartlngton It was decided to build a new chinch to coBt at least $1,000, luning tho most modern equipment for heating, seating and lighting. Governor Mickey has signed houee roll No. 3, providing; for six supreme court commissioner. P. N. Prout, ex attorney general, ha been mentioned as one to be appointed. Judges Dufilo and Fawcett of Omaha aro considered available, although It Is concoded that Omaha can have but one of the places, fhe third may be solatod from tho western part of the state. Forget One's Self. If ojii' will hut n t fornct one's self and ihlnk only of tht comfort, iho plriisute and tho happiness of oth ers, there can bo no gelfeonselous noss. If In tho company of the oppo site sev, do not be always- thinking of whether you aro producing a good Impression or otherwise; bo constant ly on tho nlert to find what your com panion or companions aro most Inter ested In, nnd turn tho conversation In that direction. Minkc In Your Hliors. Allen s Foot-Kase, a powder, cures pain ftiL smarting, nervous feel and InRrqwing naili. It's ihe ureaiest comfort discovery of the arc. Makes new shoes ensy. A certain cute for sweating feet. Sold by all druggist, 2.c. Trial pack-ana VUU.IL Address A. S. Olmsted, Lb Roy, N. Y. Sarcasm from DearOld Punch. 'Pllll fl1lUll..l, tnt.l , t ...1.. llniilmi Wood's pretty little JIriR eat was auf forlng fiom disposed .Tver has no foundation In fact The liver was pot fectly good, unci similar to that usual ly supplied London Punch. Lewis' "SlnpleT3hu1tir"strniKhtr,clj!nr. No other bund of clciu s in mi popular wltli tbosinokor Ho luist learned to rely upon its uniform high quality. Low Is' Factory, Peoria, 111. Artificial Foot for Doj. Mr. Wlllfam II. Heeis, n "wealthy New Yorlc broker, whose pot St. Ber nard dog had Its forefoot crushed by n car. has ordered an artificial foot mado for tho dog, regardless of cost. Why It Is the Best Is becnupo made by an entirely differ ent ptooesx. lV'.latu-v .Stafi.Ii Is unlike any other, better and one-third more for 10 cents. Large Sum for Historic Door, Five thousand dollars was recently paid In Paris for the door tlnough which, during tho Fionch revolution, Mario Antoinette, Charlotte Corday and Danton went out to execution. All Up-to-Date Housekeepers use Defiance Cold Water Kttuch, be cause It Is better, and 4 ounces inoio of It for name money. Bounty for Rats. An International league for tho ex termination of tats ha3 been formed In Denmark. In Ilerlln tho municipal authorities are offering a penny for every rat's- tall delivered. "Dr. Iavll lOnnpil.v'ft rntnrlto Kemcily Is irHlcnt for the llrrr CurKt inr- tlff Hicbf. irrtriof r-ffrrlnif." B. )'i r, n, AlUnj-, . w orlit Utuuui. II. Back to the Soil. At an agricultural dinner the fol lowing toast was given: "Tho game of fortune! Shuffle tho cards as you will, spades must win." Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with I.OCAI, Ari'LICATlONP.M tbrjrcannut retch tho rest of the dlinur. Ca'.srrh U a blood or conll In order lucuro It you mini uke Internal remedies. Hall' Catarrh Cure In taken In ternally, and acta dlrt'illy im pie Mixxl ami iuuioui urtacen. Haifa Catarrh Cure I nut a quack medi cine. Hwu precrlheil by one of the but pbftlclani In ihli cojntry for jeari and li a reidilar pretcrlptlnn, It la commit ed of the bet tonlca known, combined with the bait blood purifier, actinic directly on tho muonua surface. The perfect combination of tbe twotngredlentalt what produces such wonderful re sults In curing catarsh fend frr testimonials, free. K.J. 0111 NKY & CO .I'rops., Toledo, O Sold by Druwlsu, price 75c. Take Hall's j auitly rills for constipation. Regulate Prices of Medicine. In Prussia tho price of medicine Is regulated by the slate, a new price list being published every year. Mrs. trlnaltiw'H Boatlilnrf rtrrnn. Tor children teethlni;, softens tbe Buret, reduces tr nammatlon, allays pklii, cures wind collu. 23cs bottle, I Three thousand marriages aro per formed every day all over tho woild. Extensive coal mines are now Do ing worked on tho island of Sumatra. In tho looking-glass factory they do Ihlngs Just for the looks of it. WOMAN For the relief and cure of the many del icate, intricate and obstinate ailments peculiar to her bcjx, a remedy carefully ucviecd and adapted to her delicate organization by an experienced and skilled physician. Fuch a remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The treatment of many thousands of those chronic weaknesses and distress ing ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has alforded a vast ex perience in nicely adapting and thor oughly testing remedies for the cure of woman's peculiar maladies. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is tho outgrowth, or result, of this great and valuable experience. Thousands of testimonials received from patients and from physicians w ho have tested it in the more aggravated and obstinate cases which had baflled their skill, prove it to be :i superior remedy for tho relief and cure of suffering women. It is not recommended as a "cure-all," but as a most perfect specific for wom an's peculiar ailments. As a powerful invigorating tonic, it Illinium Eirengui ij uiu twiwiu ojoreui i ani to the wo.nb and its appendages in particular. For over-worked, worn - out" debilitated teachers, mi liners, of uoiaen.iiotiicai wiscovery-onuiourviais drumtrsfSS. ' 8& iKSnC girls," house-keepers, nursing moth- i am also cured of those lorrlblo headaches, era, and feeble women generally, "Fa- t would ad vljo U "; i to jro to l)octor vorile Prescription" is the Brealert i ft earthly boon, being unecjualed as an know how to thank jou enouch for all tlio appetizing cordial and restoratic tonic. eooU jour mediclno has done for me. As a soothing and btrengthenlng win, . . i-hSiv v nervine, "Favorite Prescription is eSuAtadaor Ascnuc. Llmlr.N. Y. unequaled and is invaluable in allaving All women should read Dr. Pierce's and subduing nervous excitability, irri- thousand-page illustrated book, " Tho tability, nervous exhaustion, nervous I People's Common Sciimj Medical Ad-p-ostratlon, neuralgia, hj ateria, siiasniB, ,Mur." It contains more clear and chorea, or St. Vitus's danec, and other comprehensive advice on medical sub dmtrtiMiug, nervous symptoms com- jccU than any otlier book ever pub mouly atfendant upon functional and lished.' A paper-hound copy sent free organic disease of Ihe womb. It in-1 for twenty-one ono-eont stamps to pay duces refreshing sleep and relievos i the cat vt mailing only. Or cloth mcnUl anxiety and dixipondoncy. bound for thirty-one stamps. PUTNAM tolor mora ooodi brighter and latter colors than any Ask atiier or Mill stnd cost paid at 10c a package. Woman 's Kidney Troubles Lydia E. PlnKham's Vegetable Compound is Espe cially Successful in Curing This Fatal Disease. fnrs.J.lA.Lany and Of all tho diseases known, with which women are atlltcted, kidney dis ease is the most fatal. In fact, unless early and correct treatment is applied, tho weary patient seldom Mirvivcs. Ilclng fully nware of this, Mrs. Pink hnm early u her career, gave exhaust ive study to tho subject, and In pro duclnir her trrcnt remedy for womun's ills Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable. Compound was careful to sen that it contained the correct coinhlnatlon of herbs which was sure to control thut fatal disease, woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetables Compound acts In bar mony with the laws that govern the entire foinalo system, and while thero aru many so called remedies for kidney troubles, Lydla K Plnkham's Vege table Compound Is tho only one espe cially prepared for women, nnd thou sands have been cured of serious kidney derangements by it. Derangements of the feminine organs quickly nffect tho kidneys, and when a woman has such symptoms as pain or weight in tho loins, backache, bearing down pains, urine too frequent sennty or high col ored, producing scalding or burning, or deposits llko brick dust in It; un usual thirst, swi'lllngof handsand feet, swelling under the eyes or sharp pains in tho back runbing down tho inshlo of her groin she may he sure her kid neys are alTectcd and should lose no timo in ctMitlmtlng tho dlseuso with Lydla 12. Plnkham's Vegetablo Com pound, tho woman's remedy for wo man's ills. Tho fcllowlnrr letters show how marvclously successful it is. LYtlla E. PlHkhaa's Vegetable Cempsund WMCBST3R RIFLE (&PJSTOL CARTRIDGES. " It's the shots that hit that count. " Winchester rl Rifle and Pistol Cartridges in all calibers hit, that is, ,' they shoot accurately trating blow. This is the kind of cartridges you wxa get, if you insist on having the time-tried Winchester make. ALL DEALERS SELL WINCHESTER MAKE OP CARTRIDGES. WANTED Knur Rtlesmen In this and arihtnlnif territory, to represent and adrertlae the Wholesale Department of an old entabllsberi commercial house of solid nnsnclai standing, staple line. Kalary sJ-Wipemsy, paid weekly, with expenses advanced dlrtct from njauijuaners. nurse ana I necessary. We furnish eerv Horse and buitvy furnUbed when ent. Address. O. E. BLEW, Secretary. 32 in Monon Bulldinu, Chicago, III. NEEDS A prospective mother cannot begin too early to look, after her own health and physical condition. This is sure to be reflected in the baby. Any weak ness or nervous depression, or lack of vigor on tho mother's part should be fect health and btrength of the organ ism specially concerned in motherhood. It makes the coming of baby abso lutely safe and comparatively free from pain; renders the mother strong and cheerful, and transmits healthy consti tutional vigor to the child. Du. R. V. Pience. Buffalo, N. V. t Dtar Sir tome lht years aeo. after the birth ot our first baby. I was left in a weak, run-down condition and It scorned my nervivj wore badly unstrunc Did nut surfer much pain, but belluvo I hutTciod everything that anjono could trulTtT with nervousness. Idfo was a mUury to me. 1 doctored with a irood nh)lcluu buveral Irani but obtained no ro liof. Thou I took almost all kinds of patent medicines and almost all tho old "trash" that caino around I cot no relief, but crow worso all tlio time. Finally chanced to cet hold of ono of l cur pamphlet and tliouirht I would wrlto to jou 1 wan In fear that you Mould write) that there could be no cure, but. lJVcih'urU1 FE$i'&JSZ 1 tioof l)r iMerco". Favorite I'rtcriDtlon. two overcome early miring tno expectant time ty' tho use of Dr. Pierce's ravonte Prescription, which promotes tho per FADEL'ESS DYES ot'nt r die. One tOc package colors silk, ool and cotton equally well end Is Guaranteed to one perler results, VVrl lor tree booklet- How to Die, Bleach and Mix Color. MOSitoKUU Ou CO., I nluntuit, X wnvurt Mrs. S.Frake g Mrs, Samuel Fralco, of Prospect Plains, N. .1.. wrMca; Dear Mrs. l'ttikhnm I cannot thank you enntigh for what Lydl E. Plnkhnm's Vegetable funitwund has Unas formo. When I flint wrote k you I had suf fered for yearn with what the doctor catlwl Icldnoy trouble nnd congestion of tho womb. My back sclied dreadfully all the time, and I muTerwlsowlth that Ix-arlng-down feeling I c oald hardly wnlk ncrw tlio room. I did nob g. t any better, so decided to stop doctoring with my physician and take Lydla B. Plnk ham's Vegetable Coinxmud and 1 am thank ful to SAy It lias entlrttly cured nw. I do ull my on a work, havo no more Iwckache and all tho bad symptoms lisva disappeared. I rannot iiralf.0 vour medicine enoueli. and would advise all women suffering with ktduey trouulo to try It. Mrs. J. W. Lang, of 020 Third Avo nuc, New York, writes: Drar Mrs. Plnkhanv , . , ,, I hao Ikx'Ii a givat sufferer with kidney trouble. My latck ached nil tlio time and l was dlsroiuagpcl I heard that Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetablo Compound would euro Icldnoy dlsoiiK-, and I began to"uknlt: and it I us cured mo when everything c1m had failed. 1 have recommended It to lots of people and thuy all praleo It ury nlguly, . Mrs. l'lnltluun'8 Standluff In vltutlou. Women suffering from kidney trouble, or any form of fomalo weak ness uro Invited to promptly communi cate with Mrs Plnkhatn. at Lynn, Mass. Out of tho great volumo of ex perience which she has to draw from, it is more than likelv she has tho very knowledge) that will help your case. Her advlco la free aud always help ful. I a Woman's Remedy for WoaaB's lite f and strike a Ei, hard, pene SPINAL CURVATURE Can be Curia ALSO OThtR DCrORMITUB. Wrlto or call at office for free IntortnaT lion. Itcheit testimonials from prom Inent statesmen, anil physicians. Coir mlt your I'amlly Doctor. No braces or appliances used. Treated aucceiifully by mall. SU years' esperience. I he Blomevlit fumsntk & DM htnriMr tut. Cswtsjnt 194Z. iNcenronaTfD, capitsl as,oo oo. IS TO 21 ARUNOTOII SUK.. OMAHA. NEB. ftEMPSTER IMPROVED STEEL WIND MILL BOltEP BIM OEABi THEY STOP THE ANO IEJ5EN TH WEAR. LATEST. STRONGEST. BEST. FACTORY. BEATRICE. UE&, BRANCH HOUSCSl Kansas City, Ho.. Omaha, Heb EIoux Falls, 8.D. Be nsarst dealer or writ tot clrcalar. Salzer's National Oafs Oralfst oat of the contorr. Yielded In Oblo 187. In Mien. f. In Mo. v&, and In N. Dakota 3iuoa. per acre. .. . You cau beat tbat record la 1566. For 10c and tkls notice we mall yoo frc lota of farm ad aampic sou ikuuirwuvc, wit I0( ail aooui m i oas wooutrmua , mousanoa or oinsr accua. 10HNA.St7ERSEEDCO. w ""? - VIM. INCUBATORS. The OLD TRUSTY In culialur are made by JoUnsou, the IncalatcT Ms4,B0iriadeM.ilie rrn !anllu Lis OLD IttUSTV. A lsy filuclf hat h r loity days' free trial sad a Hie year's hui an lev For ulir free ci" lojcae, aao Huliry i, tiaUuas, addreM, M. M.JOHNSON CO., Box O. T.. Clay Center. Neb. W. N. U Omaha. No. 101905. . tTv i. m jrfSTl 4iiw AiPrivfyv &MXWAVJL NO 7? v fit vllfir U 4j i v rill j 1K0I5C