The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 16, 1905, Image 5

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Chicago Society Woman, Who Was So
Sick She Could Not Sleep or Eat,
Cured by Doan's Kidney Pills.
Marion Knight, of 33 N. Ashland
avenue, Chicago, orator of the West
SIdo Wednesday Club, saya: "TIks
winter when I
started to use
Doan's Kidney
Pills 1 ached
In every bono
and had in
tense pains In
the Kidneys
and pelvic or
gans. T h o
iirlno was
thick and
cloudy, and I
could barely
en! rnmi1i In
3lve. I felt n ehnngo for the better
within a week. The second week 1 be
wail eating heartily. ! began to Improve
generally, nnd before seven weeks had
passed I was well. I had spent hun
dreds of dollars for medicine; that did
not help mo, but ?C worth of Doan's
Kidney Pills restored me to perfect
A TRIAL FREE. Address Foster
Milbum Co., nuffalo, N. Y. For salo
by all dealers. Price, CO cts.
Not Appendicitis.
A little lad whoso parents attend
the church of the Ascension being
taken to the morning service for the
first time was greatly Impressed by a
refernce tho clergyman made to tho
creation of Eve. A few days later ho
oamo to his mother, announcing: "My
side hurts mo very much bad and I
thinks God is getting ready, to tako
out one of my ribs and make mc a
wife." New York Sun.
Even Trees Are Dead.
There -is a cemcteiy In Savannah,
C,n where no one has been buried
for fifty years. Hero for three-quarters
of a mile In extent the trees seem
to meet In the clouds and present n
most fantastic sight. Not a leaf is to
be seen on tho branches, but they
are covered from trunk to twig with
Spanish 11103s which, spreading over
tho great arms of the trees, saps
their vitality.
Tailor Is Overworked.
A London tailor, suing for wages,
testified that ho worked from Thurs
day morning to late on Saturday night
without a break, nnd when he col
lapsed on his bench and was taken
home is employer dismissed him sum
marily because he could not work on
the Sunday as well. He won his case.
Backache Quickly Cured by Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Mrs. W. H. Ambroso
tells how her pains vanished never
to return when she used the Great
American Kidney Remedy.
Dover, Ky., Feb. 13th. (Special) -
So long has Backache been the terror
of the women of America that tho
numerous reports of the complete and
permanent cures of this ailment now
being mado by Dodd's Kidney Pills
are causing wide satisfaction and not
the least remarkable of these cures
is that of Mrs. W. II. Ambrose of this
place. Mrs. Ambrose says:
"I had such pains In my back at
times I could hardly move and! other
symptoms showed that my kidneys
were affected. One box of Dodd's
Kidney Pills drove away all the pains
and I have never been troubled since."
Backache Is the kidneys' llrst notice
that they are out of order and need
help. If they get that help In the
form of "Dodd's Kidney Pills all will ho
well. If they are neglected the dis
ease may develop Into . Diabetes,
Blight's Disease or Rheumatism.
German Forests.
Forests cover nearly one-fourth of
the surface of Germany about 48,000
square miles.
How's This?
1f otlar One Iluuilreil Dnllara Reward for any
cue 'tf Catarrh Hut ctauot be cured br llalii
Currti Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O.
We, His undertlgoril. bate known K. J. Cheney
forllicla.t 15 yrar.,and belters liim perirttlr li n
nL!fl In all tiualn-aa transaction ind noani'lauy
able lu carry out any obllicatluitainadeby ulaflriu. Ki.nkan Mabvii,
Wlioleaale Urucirlata. Toledo, O.
Hall' Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucoua surface! of lb
ayatem. TeatluiunlaU aeot free. 1'rlce 75 ceuu Pax
bottle Sold by all DpiKirUti.
Take Hall'a family Tula forcoutttvattoo.
If evil thoughts were crimes, what
penitentiaries would we need.
.Sulicr'a Home Hnlliler Corn.
So named hecatixe 50 acre ptoauced 80
beauty, that its proceed built a lovely
lioine. See SaUer'a catalog. Yielded m
Ind. 157 lm., Ohio 100 bu., Tenn. di bu.,
and in Micli. ','l'O lm. per apie. ou can
beat this lecord in 1'JOj.
120 bu. Iieardle.v lljiley per acre.
310 bu. SaUeiV New National OjU per A.
M I bu. Saler Spellz and Macaioui U heat.
J, 000 bu. PcdiKUf Potatoes per ncie.
tii tona of rah Billion Dollar Grata Hay.
110.000 lbs. Victoria Rape for sheepper A.
300,000 lbs. Teoainte, the fodder wonder.
tH.OOO lb. Saber's Superior Fodder Corn
ruh, juicy fodder, per A.
Sow ,li yields jou can have in 1005.
IX you will plant my need.
.ll'ST 8h.M) THIS OTIC3 AND 10O
in ataiiijis to John A. Saler Seed Co., Ln
Ooe, Wig., and receive their great cata
log aud lots of furwaeed samples. jW.X.b.
.Why preach eternal happiness nnd
deck ourselves with crepe?
Mr. Wlnatown Bnothtna- yTnp.
ForrMWrro teelbJDf, aotteua InaR'trui, rrdurra to.
iisuilluii,aila;aiaui,t.urca wluuuuk. Uoauouia.
ToJay Is tho father of Tomoirow
anil the child of Yesterday.
, . - a . t
Defiance Starch Is guaranteed blggept
nnd best, or money refunded; 18
ounces, 10 cents. Try It now.
lawt m
llhullaaK "w 'fi
P 115l
Copyrlcht. 1SP7, by V 'J'riui) mn Necly.
No ono Is hurl, but each man draws
n long breath, as if comprehending
that the battle Is now on, nnd that It
will not cease until much destruction
has been wrought.
So Jack scrambles to bis knees nnd
has his arm out of the window almost
immediately. That hand holds a
werpon, and ono lie knows well how
to manipulate.
The guerrillas present as fair a tar
get as anyone could wish, scon In tho
light of tho fires. Jack Travers has
had many opportunities for becoming
an export shot.
If ho were dealing with wild beasts
of the chaparral ho would have no
moro thought of mercy than he feels
toward these lawless outcasts whose
hands are- raised against both- sides
and whose daily calendar Is marked
by terrible deqds. ,
So Travers opens right merrily
upon tn&ni, Tils only "desire being to
make each one of the six bullets give
a good accounting. ,
Ho is not allowed to monopolize the
wholo affair. Smlthers Is just as eager
to have a "hand in it, and his gun
sounds about as regularly as .lack's.
The senor nnd Spencer also manage
to get in a shot or two, and taken
nil together, the reception they spring
upon tho astonished guerrillas Is fully
as efficacious as it is sudden.
A temporary demoralization seizes
upon the nssallants, and they melt
away. Some run to tho shelter of
trees, others to tho opposito side of
the carriage, while-a few drop to tho
ground, hoping that among the
wounded they may bo safe for tho
"Well done." cries Don Rafael; "but
is anybody hurt?"
They have luckily escaped all In
Jury, which fact may be laid to the
unprepared condition of tho enemy.
Perhaps when a second engagement
has ended they may not bo able to
present such a fine showing.
"Listen!" exclaims Jack.
The report of firearms can be heard
"Some of them hnve entered tho
carriage!" exclaims Roblado, for tho
shots certainly sound close to their
Jack scouts the idea.
"Not quite so bad as that," ho says.
"But llBten. Those reports are sure
ly just beyond this thin partition.
Carramba!" as two shots sound at
"That Is true. Hut they aro fired
"by the guard and my servant, who,
cut oft from this compartment by the
advance of the enemy, havo been com
pelled to tako refuge in there."
"I believe you nro correct, senor.
That Is a piece of luck in our favor."
A sudden silence has fallen on tho
scene n sllenco that seems to pro
sage the coming tempest a silence
that is even moro terriWo than the
clamor that has preceded it.
tug situation is certainly very
black, and even sanguine Squire John
does not dare to think of what the
immediate future may hold for them.
To successfully defend the carriage
against these dard-devil guerrillas is
a task well-nigh Impossible. Above
all, Jack dreads lest the enemy con
ceive the idea or utilizing firo in order
to accomplish their end. The old car
rlago if once kindled would burn
like tinder. So Travers finds himself
in tho position of a mnster at chess
who discovers a weak point In his de
fense whereby he may be mated, and
as it is Ills opponent's move, ho sits
there on nettles awaiting tho discov
ery that will bring his defenso to
Smlthprs knocks on tho wall.
"Hello, there!" ho calls, and the
guard answers.
"Hold tho fort; load up again, and
Travers opens right merrily upon
be ready for a sortie if necessary,"
again calls the agent.
Tho sllenco does not last long; but
in tho Interim tho guerillas have evi
dently been heavily rolcforced, If the
fearful chorus of screeches and
"Again!" shouts Roblado, pushing
close to tho opening; "and let It be
to the death, senors all:"
A Change of Base.
They enmo sweunlnir foi-wnnl von-
'hoarse yells that marks their second
advance is any criterion.
like tho hurricane that somot-'mos
devastates Cuban sugar plantations.
Copyright, ISM. by Sttect nnd Smith.
Jack Is really appalled at tho number
of desperate men opposed to his little
bnnd. aud moro than over does ho
renllzo what tin uphill task lies before
them; Indeed, it must bo through a
mlraclo that they escape, if at all.
As the guerrillas advance they open
nro on the carriage with nil mannor
of guns; so while this firing lasts it
Is necessary for tho tlefeiidors to llo
low, lest some of the missiles that sing
so lively a tune, and snap spllntors
from tho framework nbovo, find a
moro congenial lodgment within their
Smlthers scorns to rcallzo that their
enemies aro poorly provided with fire
arms. Ho believes thoy will speedily
exhaust their fire, when it may bo
reasonably safe for himself and allies
to reply.
Just as ho figured so It comes to
pnss. Tho shots, which dropped so
fast in tho beginning, become moro
scattered nnd about ceaso.
"Now, give it to them!" roars
A gallant burst follows firo flnshes
in spiteful streaks from that sldo or
tho carriage.
Again they scatter, as before, leav
ing a portion of their number on tho
ground; but Jack notices a difference
In their actions. Tho majority dash
alongside tho carriage. They aro
thus out of the allies' range unless
ono dares thrust his head and nrm
outside, which action would be al
most suicidal.
Sounds nro heard ns of somo ono
pounding. They conio from under
neath the carriage, and mystify even
Smlthers for n time. It is evident that
their enemies surround them, and
havo even mounted to the roof, as
thoy can bo heard moving about.
Tho suspense is torture.
Smlthers has kept on guard, watch
ing tho opening; nor does he watch
In vain. Without warning, ho sud
denly fires his pistol, and from tho
floundering on tho roof, together with
tho terrible Spanish curses that cause
the girls to clap their hands over their
ears, it seems positive that Bomo
reckless follow allowed curiosity to
get tho better of discretion when ho
lowered his head In tho attempt to In
vestigate the Interior of tho carriage.
Jack can stand it no longer.
He already imagines ho can hear
the crackling of flames underneath the
carriage. Something desperate must
bo dore.
"Senor, assist mo in opening tho
othor door just wido enough to allow
tho passage of my body," ho says to
"Cnrajo! what would you do. young
senor?" asks tho Spaniard, while Jack
sees tho girls riso to their knees at
his words as though in alarm.
"Something must bo done Imme
diately. I do not liko to alarm tho
ladles, but I fear those wretches mean
to burn the carriage that they may
bo oven now starting: fires underneath
us." returns Travers, quickly, des
perately. "But toll me. how would your going
havo any effect? They will shoot you
on sight. You aro a bravo man,
senor, but we cannot afford to lose
you." declares Roblado.
' "I must go. I bellevo I can change
our conditions. Tho light of these
fires is apt to prove our ruin. See,
they are upon the curve; this other
sldo Is almost In shadow. I will tako
my chances. Once out, senor, I enn
send tho carriage perhaps two hun
dred yards away from this fatal spot."
"Alone you, senor?"
"It Is easy, I tell you. There, you
have tho door ready to open, I shall
"Senor. I seo you aro determined,
so good-bye, and Heaven protect you,"
says Roblado. squeezing his hand.
Jack gravely wrings that of Smith
ers. for he hardly expects to seo him
again at least, tho chances arc
agnlnst it.
Then, as he turns to squeeze
through tho narrow opening, ho is
stopped by tho senor's daughter, who
seizes his hand.
"Sir. tho Virgin guard you. This
night you may win that which you
prize nbovo oil else on earth. Jessie,
bid him Godspeed," says tho Spanish
girl, hastily.
Then Jnck for tho second time In
his life holds the hand of his wife
in Ills own, nnd ero ho releases It ho
has pressed a kiss there.
Ho dares linger no loncer. but fill!
with high aspirations regurding tho
desperate plnn that has flashed upon
his mind, he slips through tho narrow
Just as ho feared, the crafty assail
ants aro endeavoring to start a new
blazo under tho forward end. Their
diabolical Intention is to havo the
carriage afire, when those who have
twice given them such a warm recep
tion must come forth to their fato or
roast in the flames.
Travers has a chanco to put his
'ittlo plnn Into operation.
Creeping along besldo tho carriage,
he reaches the wheel where Ah Sin
placed tho Iron pin.
Much depends on his ability to with
draw this. As the weight of tho car
riage must in a measure be resting
upon it. ho may find this task be
yond his strength.
Backward and forward ho twists It,
whllo the fire rises hlghor. His energy
increases; in sheer desperation he
puts forth gigantic efforts. AH the
while ho Is encouraged by the fact
that to pin moves more freely.
At length a tremendous rally on
Jacks part given him success tho'
coupling pin 1b In his hands.
Now, if tho carriage will only take
a. notion to descend the short grnde!
But there Is no occasion for meulkl
anxloty with regard to this, since the
withdrawal of tho lrou pin is instant
ly succeeded by a movement on tho
part of tho railway carrlnge.
Jack has driven In his f)rst stake,
nnd It remains 10 bo seen whether ho
can hold his claim ngntnst all comers.
Upon finding tho car la motion
there Is a burst of shouts from those
underneath and others on top.
In this omorgency nothing can bo
found with which to block tho wheels,
and already too much momentum has
been acquired to accomplish this re
sult by mere muscular effort.
Jack, finding that It will not bo nec
essary for him to stand by nnd pre
vont nny detaining action with his re
volver, ceases to rim alongsldo tho
carriage, clutches hold of tho side,
and swings himself on tho footboard.'
Tho heavy carriage gains mo
mentum ns It proceeds. Jnck only
wishes thero might bo a down grado
all tho way to Havauu, when thoy
would reach tho Cuban capital with
flying colors. '
Alas! It is hut a baby run perhaps
two hundred feet, then n short level,
nnd after that a rise, where thoy will
ngain bo stopped.
Well, that is tho limit of his hopes,
Backward and forward he twists It.
and he can find no causo for com
plaint. Already thoy aro on tho level; the
momentum acquired causes the car
riage to ascend tho other riso thirty
yards or more, when It gradually
ceases to push onward. Jack Is on
tho alert; ho jumps off. nnd makes
an admirablo use of tho Iron pin,
against which tho burden of tho ad
venturous carriage again rests.
Jack Is pleased with tho result.
Thoy havo a fighting chanco, now
that tho light of tho tires does not
betray them.
No sooner has ho mado sure that
tho pin will hold than ho rushes
around to the other side, and reaches
tho door.
"Senor, It Is I!" ho exclaims, not
wishing to bo too warmly received.
Ho is greeted with exclamations
of Joy from within, and his hearing
must Indeed bo very ncuto to catch'
feminine voices from among tho rest.
"It was beautifully done," declares
Roblado, with enthusiasm.
"Very good; but wo havo only'
mado n beginning, senor. Listen, nnd
you will hear their shouts as thoy
follow. Seo how they wave torches
snatched from tho fires as they come!
We havo Btlll moro hot work awaiting
"You never spoko truer words, sir!"
exclaims Smlthers; "and wo aro fools
if wo allow them to build moro fires
around us. Out. then, every man, nnd
keep them at bny. Hello! there, in
tho other section! Open the door and
join us. The situation has changed,
and wo trust not allow ourselveB to
bo shut up again. AH hands on deck
to repel boarders!"
(To bo continued.)
A Famous, Courthouse.
The Banner received a special this
morning from Jamestown, giving nn
account of the burning of tho court
house of Fentress county, which oc
curred at an early hour this morning.
This is tho courthouse made fa
mous by Mark Twain in the "Glided
Age," of which ho said tho sows and
pigu wore cleaned out to make ready
for tho coming of tho circuit Judge,
and on the fenco citizens sat nnd hot
which could first spit tobacco julco
on bumble bees. James Clemens,
lather of Mark Twain, llvod for somo
years nt Jamestown. Fentress coun
ty Is located In a remote region of
tho upper Cumberland country.
Besides tho interest nttached to tho
courthouse by Murk Twain's referonco
it Is ono of tho oldest buildings of Its
character In tho stnto, and many o.1
ll.k .k. Imam.- 4...ln. f..t...lf .1
cellor Allison of this city, have fre- I
quently held court within its historic
walls. Nashville Banner.
Not In the Senate.
Ono of Senator Frye's scintillations
as presiding officer, when tho Philip
pine bill was near Its passage in tho
senate, should not be lost to tho
world. Such measures, till perfected,
aro considered In coriittce of tho
wholo, not In the senate, as tho term
goes. Tho distinction is of littlo pop
ular significance, but of great parlia
mentary Importance.
Senator Bacon, wishing to make a
certain motion, was informed that the
bill was not In tho senate, but In
committee of tho whole.
"Oh, I thought wo wore In the son
ate," replied Mr. Bacon.
"We arc In the sonate," Mr. Fryo
lespondpd, "but the bill is uot."--Waahington
Depth Suitable for Bride Was Too
Much for Hubby.
When Miss Kllen Jones nnd Mr.
William Smith wero married tho
neighbors remarked:
"Tho couplo certainly represents tlio
long nnu snort or .tones and Smith."
Ho vas tho shortest member of a
family noted for their dwarfish
stature, while his brldo was tho tallest
ono of n numerous household of al
most gigantic height.
They Joined Uio Baptist church soon
nfter their mnrr(nge, and wero candi
dates for baptism nt tho samo time.
In thnt rural district baptistries wero
unknown, a lake near tho church serv
ing tho samo purpose.
Tho minister, llko Mrs. Smith, was
of unusual height, nnd ns tho thrco
walked out Into tho water ho seemed
to forget tho short member nnd sought
n depth sultnblo for baptizing tho
When thoy wero somo dlstanco from
tho shoro thero nroso sounds of sup
pressed mirth from tho spectators.
When tho minister stop'ped nnd turned
around tho cause of tho unseemly
hilarity was evident. Littlo WHIIo
had passed his dopth and was quietly
swimming behind tho'm.
Tho parson, being n man of expedi
ency, turned to tho swimming candi
date, nnd after repenting tho bnptls
mnl formula ducked his head, that bo
Ing tho only part of his body out of
tho wnter.
Mr. Smith swam bnck to laud, while
tho minister proceeded with tho moro
difficult task of baptizing hiti gigan
tic bride. hlpplncott's Magazine.
A Matter of Blended Chords, and
Even Discords.
It has been said that "tho two es
sentials of a perfect homo aro free
dom and sympathy." in considering
this, tho two may seem ns lrreconcll
nblo as free will nnd predestination.
If each member or tho homo circle Is
free to fly off nt his or her particular
tangent, where 1 tho binding nnd
uniting sympathy to come in? Doubt
less It is a hnrd saying, like any other
counsel of perfection. Yet that tho
truest homo must combine tho Inrgost
liberty nnd tho closest love is certain,
and nlso that tho omission of either
destroys the heart of homo life.
A good homo-maker needs to seek
both these essentials with all her pow
er. Many women skilled In house
keeping, full of tender lore to hus
band nnd children, nro yet imperious
and exacting through their very love.
Freedom Is to them a departuro from
what thoy consider harmony. But
harmony Is not n matter of one note
It is tho science of blended chords
nnd oven discords Into tho desired
theme. Sometimes It Is necessary for
tho wifo and mother herself to play
second fiddle, so to spenk, in tho
orchestra, or to let another member
develop a motive all by himself or
herself Just as necessary as to under
stand tho other parts, and sustain
them when tho music requires it.
For Inck of perception of this, many
homes, full or love, aro also full of
discord, till the household ceases to
expect anything oIfo nnd accepts
family jars as an Inevitable part of
family life. Montreal Uornld.
New Uses for Electricity.
It Is a French engineer who seri
ously nnnounces his invention of a
suit of electric clothing, with fino
wire woven in the goods and a stor
ago battery. By means of this Inven
tion ho affirms that tho body can be
kept at n comfortnble temperature In
tho coldest weather. There is no nn.
parent reason why wo should stop
with this. Little If any moro curront
would bo needed to produce a light
such ns persons on ' tho vaudeville
stage display. Thus every pedestrian
at night would Income n wnlklng
Inmppost, with electric force enough
to shock nn Inebriate who might wish
to cling to him. It would be practic
able, too, for an American Inventor
to connect tho current with roller
skates, thus allowing every man to bo
his own trolley car.
, The Weather.
' " l"1 npoloitieji to Tennyson.)
And mouldy subjects, old In story;
llio llmrllKlit shaViw on lmcktiejed fakes.
And the wild chatter not eekn new
Go, weather, go; set the male tongues a
. , tlylnif.
And nnxwer, Indies, nusnei; trylnir, try
Intr, tryliiK.
Oh. limit' oh. hoar while men make
Thru ere to-morrow 'twill be snowliiB;
How nwiet nuilds are with thouRhts nfar
Tho wenthei for next Tuesday showing:
do, wcnlher, go; sot callers' tongues
And iinswei.'hostiM. answer; t:lns, try
ing, trying.
Oh. love, that's why In yon rlali sky
.-'V0 's'!" an1 shliio will fall us novor;
Their object solo Ix this: to loll
The bait of c-onwrMitlon wer,
Co, weathei, go; sot lovers tohgtioH afly-
And aiiMwer, maidens, answer: trying,
tolng. trying.
Thomas It, Tbarra.
On a Business Basis.
Bliss Carman onco called at tho of
fice of a country editor up tho state
with a poern which ho thought would
bo of Interest to the readers of tho lo
cal paper. After exchanging greet
ings ho said:
"You don't object to an old con
tributor dropping Into poetry, do you?"
"Not at all," lepllod the rnolder of
public opinion, pushing the waste bas
ket toward tho poet; "drop ahead, and
go as far as you like."
Mr, Carman was nonplused, hut tho
editor added still further to his em
barrassment by saying earnestly:
"Oh, I was only Joking, but if you
leally want to seo your stuff In print
I will run it at regular advertising
rates, at top of column, next to puro
reading matter," Saturday Evening
lb Helps Woman to Win and Hold
Men's Admiration, Respect and Iiov
Woman's greatest gift a tho power to
Inspire admiration, respeot, and lore.
Thero is a beauty in health which la
moro attractive to men than mere regu
larity of feature.
To be a successful wife, to retain the
lovo and admiration of her husband,
should be a woman's constant study.
At the llrst Indication of ill-heuUli,
painful or Irregular menstruation,
hcadncho or backache, secure hvdta 12.
Plnlthnm's Vegetable Compound and
begin Itn use.
Mrs. Chas. F. Brown, Vioe-Pre.sldent
Mothers' Club, 21 Cedar Terrac. Hot
Springs, Ark., writes:
Dear Mrs, Pinkhnm:
" For nine years 1 drugged through a mNer
abln existence, Hulferlng with iuunmiimtlon
and falling of the womb, and worn out with
ludnnndwenrinotis. I one day noticed a ntuttv
nient by n woman suffering as I was, but. who
had lieen cured by Lydln K.l'inkuain's Veg
etable CotnK)ui!il, and I dotoruilned to try it.
Ait the ond of three months I was a dlirerout
woman. Every ono remarked nltout It, ami
my husband fell in lore with mo all over
again. Lydln, E. Pinkhaiu's Vegetable Com
IHjund built up my entire system, cured tha
womb trouble, mid I felt like a now woman.
I am sure It. will make every tmfferlng woman
kttong, well nnd happy, as It has me."
Wnuen who arc troubled with pain
ful or irregular menstruation, lmclt
ache, bloating (or llatuluncc), Jetieor
rhuca, fulling, inllnmmntion or ulcera
tion of tho uterus, ovarian troubles,
that "bearing-down" feeling, ilizzl
.nets, falutncss, indigestion, or nervous
prostration may be restored to perfect
health und strength by taking I yd!
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound,
UU MACtnri
ma m
00 " HthacaU-
nui B
KO pound! caiwtity w tottr for
E9tt.nAr Mi iniiinU ni...u. u.
ti ah liv In A a J. a AA a
th Mtl (
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AtparaUr thai
u iisV ofS"h,r t",m "0B
OUR 0FFE1. ''
ritif n ur SO i Iff trial
..-re. u4uivBinQiiiuuno4mn(l
Bf thll .n... I, .... .... .....
sua by romrlm tot od n
,, win stii', i-iufrr. tkini
rolltr tall It, Uro ilrr, rx
uZi U.ob uy a.!.rr CWiu
Btptratbr nitar ru cn r-
turnthStrrUr Uuatur
ttlr return afw mlf
nt n BlitTrrtl-
may ha aald tar frtl
chtrtff r thtrwut. m
thia ad nui at ,n..a ...
ua,u4uu-l I !! bf i.
turn mall. tr. pi ttrald, nur
.....MJ... Z '.."'- VA"
j. . -. ... .., ..... ....
HrMmun wAiALUvuKa TUURiiiTV'-Qtir tik'r ntrtnci i-ropocHlon .!! ft. ( 5 fe.taua
l.ilatlf literati raa rWinUr ftr tr faltn. . jtVrirrta,
iH.iryWrKifonntrlysBrOkfJ hob sracfi ' '
Tour jobber or direct from Factorr. l'eorla. in.
Workmen Find $40,000.
A strange atory of troasurc-trove
comes from Perpigiiim, Fnine. Knnifl
mochunlctr working in a housn that
had belonged to nn eccentric nhl no
tary named Tarbouricch, who bail
just died, wero removing an uultmie
chair, which had been fastened to a
wall when they discovered behind It,
in tho wall ltfieir, a recessed hiding
place, from which wub at once taken
H0.000 In gold and notes.
More Flexible ar.d Lasting,
won't shake out or blow out: by it-dutr
Deflnnce Starch you obtain better re
suits than possible with any other
brand und one-third mote for tmme
money. Twelve O'clock Precisely.
Puzzle: If tho parlor clock says
11:40, and tho library clock nayn
12:03, and tho kitchen clock tay
31:54, and tho dining room clock aH
11:40, and your watch says 12:07 and
your wife's watch says 12 o'clock to
a second, what time In It? -Soinfr-villo
Extreme Degrees of Heat.
A temperature of 4,000 degrees or
C.000 degrees, can bo produced only
between tho carbon points of nn 'l'-c-tnc
arc light. The next hottest piui-o
in tho world is the- crucible uf a.-i
c-lcctrlc furnace.
I am sure Plso's Cure tor Consumption "it
my lite three years ato. Mas. Taos. i.ui.ns,
Muple Street, Norwich, N. V., Feb. 17, IVou.
Pork Pie Inflicts Injuries.
A resident of Woking. Kns-J?i.
sued a local baker "for injuri sus
tained by eating a pork pie." Ii Tost
his suit, but the incident is ha.lf.l hs
a cheering precedent.
ItctilDit. llllad, Weeding or 1'ruiruillQtf l'li-v ..ur
drugftlit lll refund wooer If I'AZil ll.rltr
fU to curs you la i to it Uaya. aOc.
Hard to Find,
The Alabama man wlio kissed an
unwilling woman and was sent to jnil
for assault might appeal to a. Jury
of unkissed womon If twelve could
be found In his county.
A woman does a lot of thinking try
ing to figure out whether the liay t.i
going to be a ;reut man or a food
man. Nnw York Pnsss.
(4frs. ChasJ?Brown )
El 'J HI