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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
I i fcv W N I a f HEMINGFORD. - (Keith L. Tierce U fully authotltefl ton Melt subscription una Jot work mad collect ami receipt for mime, and trnnsart fcll oilier alnrii In connection with hl ptmltlon m tin accredited wirruutWe of this paper-1 , Ham Graham this week. lost a valuable stallion Revival meeting are (till in progress this week. Henry Shimek has sold a bunch of colts recently. Melvin Cheney has been quito ill with 4 pneumonia recently. Mrs. Wm. Dclsing has Rone to New Hampton Iowa to bo with her, who is very M. ' James Watson from Waunetta, Neb. is visiting .ith Pete and Dan ' Watson his nephews. Mrs. Mario Carey was up from Alliance the first of the week. She returned from a trip east about tho first of the year. John Coy an aged man living with Rev. Kirklc died Sunday and was buried Tues day in tho Uemingford cemetery. 1 B. L. Fennor's little daughter. Hratrice, wits quite sick with the grip while Mr. and Mrs. l:enner were visiting in flie sand hills. Mrs. H. II. Funk is reported as very ill having recently had nn operation per ' formed. She is said to bo very low and with small hopes of recovery. The meeting of the Telephones Co. will begin at 10 n. tn. on Feb. 2nd. Every member should bo present at that time to take up tho business of the dny, ' Jambs Barry, President. o A danco will bo given in Green's Hall Friday evening Feb. 3rd. A supper will bo served in connection with it. livery ' ono invited to como and enjoy himself or herself as the case may be. W. J. Brilton suffered a stroke of par alysis Saturday evening and has been very sick since. It Is the 'second stroke he has had in the last few years. At the last re ports he was getting along nicely. S. D. Lack received news of the death of his mother near Hillsboro, Ills., the first of tho week. She was 8G years old and had been well until a day or two before her death. She took cold nnd died of lung fever- Tiik HxkaLD readers sympathize t with Mr. Lack. Sam Graham, Ham Hall, II. II. Pierce, Vf. J. Dritton. I). L. Fenncr, L. Neoland, J. ,A. Hunter, Henry Lichte, Jno. Barn- stead, N.-Frolinapfol, Peter Annen, Bar ; 'riey Pitts, T. L. Hopkins Jr., E. Mabin nnd Thomas Katen are new members of - the Hemingford Telephone Co. 1 no wnuy Drnncn 01 ine railroad is ., being built this week, It consists of an extension of tho mill spur for over half a ' block. It will give Mr. Wiidy access to to his potato cellar and will also give him room to unload or load several cars of merchandise at the same time. It is planned to have a wolf and coyote hunt on St. Valentino's day in this end of the county. It will be pulled off if there is a sufficient number to take nn, interest in it. A good place for the final round up t is in a canyon about four miles north of i town or a little northwest about a mile or two north of Britton's ranch. It has h ticen suggested that thoe interested meet on the forenoon of Feb. ind the day of theTelephouo Co-'s meeting and make the "necessary rules and provide for the stakingjjoiTt of tha circle usually about a ; a mile in diameter where the final shooting is to take place. The usual thing is to drive all the coyotes and wolves Snd other game into this central place be- fore killing thfem and then to shoot only those who try to break thru the driving JJme before arriving at said place. The west lino will start probably -from the x county line, the north lino from a couple pf miles north of tho river, the east line from. Dunlap running in a southwest i direction to llerea, the remainder nf the distance to the point of beginning as may ijbe arranged for. The idea is to start a- Rbout 7: a. m. and form as complete a line as possible nnd to drive tho wolves into fig. rrttnf nnraaaii rin All 4n wm1. r1 point about 3:00 p. m. Some one has suggested that a couple of leaders be ap pointed in each precinct at the meeting on Feb. 2nd already spoken of. At the meet- 'if f 1 a ng we ruies coma oe lormuiatea and a synopsis of them published. Every one Seems interested in the hunt and it will do doubt be pulled off on the 14th of Feb ruary. Coyptes are, reported to be thick everywhere. K& f V"VA,3?L . HwaEoocK. , , MARSLAND. C. A. McGogy shipped a car of hay to Alliance. - fV Sullenberger Js hauling lumber from "Wendt's mill. ( m Neal Evans who qualified as constable bas had one case already. ' Mr, and Mrs. A. McLaughlin attended the funeral of Lewis Larson last Sunday, r ! -j r 'Henry Shimek sold nineteen head of horses recently which brought him near r $80 per head. , t .y4Mrs. M. McCoy and Mr. Frank Honey- ! man, both living northwest of town are re- porte'd as being very ill. Dewheret & McBeth, horse "buyers from the eastern part of the state shipped a car load of horses from this place last Mon day to Indiana. .-Lewis Larson, one of the old settlers of fius valley, but late of Crawford, died on ".; -i. .n-r. . .."'.'' Thursday last after a somewhat lingering - . - -, ... -- ... . illaess and was buried from the, Congre- ioiM churcfa :;Sund. Mnu-LatBotf: man'y friends are' sad"to learn of her be reavement. J. G. Cooley of Mullen, Neb., was In town recent! canvassing for a splendid publication, The book contains ten vol umes tn one. Mrs, Cheney of Sioux county and Mrs. Roland of Hemingford have been here some lime nursing Mell Cheney, son and brother to the two ladies. Mrs. L. snow who went to Alliance a fortnight ago to superintend the arrival of a little grandson at E.V. Cramer's home, still remains in the metropolis. The Misses Anna and Nora Niece, the accomplished daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Niece, came in on 41 Saturday having been down tho lino visiting. T. T, Pool, who had partially recovered from his recent illness has had an atiack of the grip besides two serious gatherings in the head which has given him great pain. Marsland has need of more hotel ac commodations. Two traviling men sat in tho depot wailing room all night Wednes day becauso there was no room at the Inn. Henry Brundage came down from the Allison ranch on Saturday to meet his twin brother, who is enroute from Wis consin to Idaho and stopped off for a visit. Mrs. II. F. Mooro and son Harry tarried in town a short timo Saturday having been out to the poultry farm of Will Dc Wift where they purchased several fine cockerels. Miss Anna Niece is having a month's vacation of her school in tho Hughes dis trict, and is spending the time on her homestead, which is a valuable hay claim near Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Wilson of Sioux county and P. L, Wilson of O U ranch have been in town several ilays 'recently, having como to assist in the nursing of their mother Mrs. James Wilson. Dr. Richards of Crawford, and Dr. Eikner of Hemingford wero in consulta tion at the bedside of Mell Cheney last Friday. We aro glad to state that a change for the better has taken place. Frank Branch of Casper, Wyo., writes to parties here to know if he can get a car or two of Rood heavy horses. The exten sion of the F. K! & M, V. R. R from Casper to Thermopolis no doubt causes the demand for grading teams. Henry Hunter left over the B, & M. Sunday night for Ft. Dodge, Iowa, to bring back George Barngrover who has been taking treatment at a hospital there, his wife having received word that he is failing fast. Mrs, Barngrover and family live on a homestead nine miles west of this place. CANTON Arthur Bass was trading in Hemingford Monday. Wendall and Kvcrct.lohnson are on the sick list this week with lagripp. Mis3 Mnry Hickey's saddle horse fell with her a few days ago and gave her quite a shaking up, that's all. Owing to tho absence of conductor J, W Broshar Arthur Bass had charge of the over-land flyer and mail between Gnn ton and Lawn l.ibt Saturday. Henry Shimek. of Lawn precinct, was in this vicinity a few days ao to buy one and two year old steers, and aside from this would buy some good young horses. Roy Hickey is having some new frame houses built on some homesteads for his friends, nnd JG. II. Clayton and W. A. Randall are the contractors and builders. Friday is Fresh Trent Dny a Glenson's Delicacy Store. Nov. n-tf imm Persons to buy first-class mining stock, sure prof its. Par value, S5.00. li nr ii belling $i.oo per share. Writu to branch office Lacota Gold Mining and Redu ction Co. , Crawford, Neb. Box -57. tf-lO-Kw smm High Grade Shoe Making is an art. "Florsheim's" J ability to origin ate smart creations for men in durable, footwear has won popular favor for the "Florsheim" Shoe. There is a vast differ ence in shoe making. Atrialofthc"FLOR SHEiM"SnoEwillconvinceyou of its excellent construction. We are desirous of con vincing you. W. W., Norton. i.. i JkiP 0 v 3 EjEuC JR KMci'iV Wr TO KEEP FRIENDS. e Interest In Tktn, bat Kar9 cea to CarloaItr. If you would have frlcndg be Inter ratal lu them. There Is n difference between Interest tnd curiosity. Never bo curlqtis. Interest r.sks nothing, but Is glnd of ethers' Joys nnd orry for others' mis fortunes. Curiosity seeks to Ami more thnn Is written upon the surface, necks It for the purpose of distribution, for Innocent slander. One's friends like otic to be interested. They detest one who Is curious. To be Interested In those one meets needs but to wish them well. To see the best of those about us will cause us to wish them well. To our wcllwfshers we pour out our Joys nnd sorrows. They arc Interested. They undcrstnnd. Tho interested friend nlways under Btnnds. The curious acquaintance nev er sees through' motives. The curious one Is blinded by his own Interpretation of causes nnd his prejudiced view of results. Don't, therefore, seek to know what Is hidden. If your friend conceals something from you he hns a reason for doing It. Prove your interest nnd your lack of vulgar curiosity by trust ing him In spite of tho coucenlmcnt. Those who nro truly Interested nnd never curious are surrounded by friends. Detroit Tribune. A CITY WITHOUT TAXES. All Km ExpiMifien Arc Pnlil lr ho In come" Kroni ItH 1'ropcrtr. In tho Blnek forest of Germany Ib the llttlo city of Freudenstadt, with about 7,000 Inhnbitanto, n busy lndustrlul placo with Iron and chemical works of some Importance. Small as it Is, Frcudonstndt Is n full fledged city, with a mayor, nldormen, hnlf a dozen policemen and a tiro en gine. The public business Is conduct ed on un economical bnsls, nnd the to tnl expenses do not exceed 5,000 in a year. Frcudcnstndt has the distinction of being tho only city in Germany nnd perhaps In the world which does not tax the citizens n shilling for munici pal expenses. The yearly not revenue from the public property covers all tho expenditure. This property consists of about 0,000 ncrcs of flue forest, which, being man aged under tho best forestry methods, Is a permnnent source of Income. One or more trees nre planted for every ono that is cut down. No tree Is cut till it can yield the maximum profit. After deducting nil the expenses of the lndustiy the annual profit to tho acre i(j about 1. Pearson's Weekly. BRIEF TWILIGHT. At the Eqnntor It I.nntn Only n Little Over nn Hour. As twilight Is cnused by tho refrac tion of the atmosphere, without which we should be Instantly In darkness t sunset, all parts of the earth hnvo twi light, though of varying duration. When the sun has sunk eighteen de grees below the horizon no more light can be refracted nnywhere.but tho path of tho sun at the equator Is so nearly vertical that its disappearance Is pro- porlionnlly rapid. Tho shortest twillrbt at the equator is ono hour and twelve minutes at tho equluoxes lu March and September; the longest Is one hour and nineteen minutes nt the solstices In .Tune nnd December. In London from May 22 to July 21 it is twilight all tlirougu uio nigur. rio wonder, with n disparity so great, peoplo speak of night In the tropics as coming on almost suddenly. Farther north still, In tho Shetlnnds nnd Nor w:,.v, wo speak of the midnight sun, Wl to men never lose sight of tho orb of u.,- and twilight Is unknown. Lon don i pectutor. Enrly Action In Tuliercnloals. The whole secret of success In tho treatment of tuberculosis Is to so increase the resistance of the patient as to bring about fho arrest of the tuberculosis process and to prevent secondary Infection. Early recogul Uon and proper management In tbo beginning of the disease arc tho chief elements of cure. If tho family physi cian encourages the hopeful patient to believe thnt "It Is only a bad cold" and that It "will wear off," or whea warm weather comes ho will bo "all right," be not only seals the patient's doom, but falls to take advautngo of the opportunity presented today for tho euro of consumption. Suggestion. The Demand Waa Granted. A certain city in England sent a dep utation to Charles II., who was very 111, soliciting some favor, The orator, without any mercy to the sick man, made a long, tedious discourse. "Ilavo you anything more to "-ly?" asked the merry monarch liap- uently. "Noth ing," replied the orator, "except that If you do not graut our request I am Instructed to recite my speech over again." Cbarlos ordered that all bla demnnds should be freely and instan taneously compiled with. , 1 An I2xioanre. "Johnny," said tho teacher, "a He can be" acted as well as told. Now, if your 'father was to put sand In bis sugar nnd sell it be would be acting a lie and doing very wrong." "Thafs what mother told bin," said Johnny impetuously, "but he said he didn't cnre."-London Tit-Bits. The Orlfttnnl Muclnfoah. "Macintosh boasts a good deal about his family, doesn't he?" "Yes, I thinlc ;bo claims that the head of his, family jwaa the original Macintosh that Noab. hacf jwlib'him during tbaVrainy'sM r"r-PWladlphla Pjesji, " ' VS RwfKftgtea Ewttclifl. WINTER TOURIST RATE To Cal ifornia, the Gulf Country, Cnba, Florida, the South and Southeast. LOW ONE WAY SETTLERS RATES first and third Tuesdays of January, Feb ruary, March and April to Southeast points beyond the Ohio River. .IRRIGATED LANDS. In the Big Horn Basin, North Platte Valley and eastern Colorado several big irrigation enterprises are practically com pleted and will be prepared to deliver water this year. They are offering spec ial inducements in the way of low priced lands and water rights to early settlers. Buy land now ahead of the water and reap the big increase in value which will surely follow. It is the best investment id the world for your son if you want to start him out right. In a few years he will be independently wealthy. Wri'.e me for reliable information. L. W. Wakely General Passenger Agent, Omaha Nebr .. - TRAVELING IN INDIA. 1 One 31 nut Hire 11 Nntlvc Servant or L3 ml u re KnillvhH Trouble. Every one who goes to India to travel or live at hotels, fays the Chicago Ucc- ord-Ucrald. niltst have n personal serv ant, a native who performs the duties of vnlet, waiter and errand boy and whatever else may bo required of him. 'l'hls Is 11 Used custom of the country, to resist which brings endless trouble to tho traveler. Many of tho Indian hotels expect the guests to bring nil their own servants, both chambcrmnlds and wallers, und aro consequently so short handed tliat the traveler who conies without them has usually to wait upon himself. On tho railways n native servant Is quite indispensable, for travelers are required to carry their own bedding, make their own beds and furnish their own towels. The company provides :t bench to sleep on similar to those in American freight cabooses. Each car has also a washroom and sometimes water. But If the traveler wishes to be sure of washing his face in the morning and If he Is wise he will send his servant to the station master before4 the train starts inyl nMc to hove tho water tank filled. Then a Hindoo with a goatskin full of wnter will climb to the roof of the car and fill it and, having descended, avIH stnhd be fore the door and touch his forehead every time the traveler looks toward him till he receives a penny. At the eating houses along the road the bcrvnnt "will have to raid the ta bles and shelves for food and bring it to the car for his master, since no wait ers are provided. In addition he will biro baggage carriers and will nttend to all the details of catching trains and engaging rooms. A good servant can be hired for $15 a month. Poorer "bearers," as they are called, can be engaged for 52 or $3 a month nnd expect to ''find" them Belvcs, but the traveler must pay roll way fare for them. THE BOOKS THEY READ. Cowper read only his Bible and bis 1 prayer book Chopin rarely read anything heavier than a French novel. Voltaire's favorite classical author was Juvenal, the satirist Itosslnl for nearly thirty years read nothing but French novels. Jean Paul Ulcntcr uau only flvo or 1 Blx books, all philosophical. Lord C.lve said that "Robinson Cru soe" beat any other book he ever read. Franklin read all he could Dnd re laUng to polltlcnl economy and finance. Michael Angelo was ondest of tho books of Moses and the psalms of Da vid. Bach was no great reader, but much enjoyed books of Jokes and funny sto ries. Do you like PAN CAKES? Oriental Pan Cake Flour will suit vou Oriental Coffee & Tea Co. JOHN A. HUNZICKER, Agti Call at Davidson's Feed store. Orders delivered anywhere. Phone 448 Alliance, Nebraska Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD ' Phone ISo. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. For Fine Boot and Shoe "Repairing CALL ON I. D. NICHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the stock before you buy and you will save money,. . At R. Madsen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory, Dray and Transfer Line- ... - Piane 139, w: :V ELSON PL1CTCHEU INSURANCE AGENT FIRE REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES, iUrtford Klro Insurance Company. Korth American of Philadelphia, l'lioenlx of lilnoklyn. Now York. Continental of Now York City. Niagara Klro Insurance Company. New York Underwriters, New York. Commercial Union AsMirunco Co., London Office Cp-Stnlrs, I'lctchcr Illock. DR. FENNEFTS Kidney AND OS Backache Also Puimfics tub Blood. Don't becoma discouraged. There is a cure for you. If necessary wrlto Dr. Fcnner. Ho lias spent a llfotlmo curing just such cases as yours. All consultations ITEE. Diseased Bladder and Kidneys for Twenty Years. 1 1 y Sold byDruggists, 50c. and $1. the Kidneys FREE. HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming- Company Calls answered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. Tlrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant Residence phone 269. Contractor ami Builder. Turning and Scroll ' Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. Q. GADSBY, Itrlck Shop West of AUlnnco NittIo..ul Hank, Alliance, Nob. PHONE 400, ZBINDEN BROS,, DEALERS IN Flour 1 Peed. 44 Home Comfort" i Flour Is Our Leader. Try It 'PHONE tos. vi:st SIDC MAIN STKEET.. J. Rowan DEALER IN FLOUR and FEED WHOLESALE AND KF.TAIT. HANDLES THE CelebratedjiRavenna Flour Ui fcwAtuPllklngton's bld' if. stand, 'phone No. 71. WHEN YOU liU TU J-fcAVli lUWll, uuu i about what to do with your Household GoodJ. S. A. Miller will take charge of them; store the g in a nice, dry and cool place and pack and ship 0,6 them wherever desired. Charges reasonable. The only spring dray line in the city. S. A. Miller. ...... . A .,,V 1AI. ..M Liverpool. Loudon and Glolw Ins. Co. German Amorlcan Ins. Co., Now York. Partners und Merchants Ins. Co., Lincoln. Columbia Flro Insurance Company. Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoenix Ins. Co.. Hattford, Conn. Alliance, Nebraska. All Disoases of tho kidneys, bladder, and urinary organs. Also catarrh, heart disease, gravel, dropsy, rhoumatism, backache. female, troubles. Cure Dr. II. M. Fenncr, Fredonia, N. Y. Dear Sir: I have been troubled with my Madder and kidneys for tho last 20 years, having doctored with many different physicians in that timo, with no results. I was told to try a bottle of Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure, which I did and which is the only medicine that ever gavo mo relief. I am 71 years old and am in tho best of health today. I will heartily recommend Dr. Fenner's Hemedy to any one suffering from their bladder or kidneys. Besides it is not a moan doso but pleasant to take. HENRY ZURRE0VESTE, Muncio, Ind. Get Cook Book and Treatise on. For a Full n, flv. Mr Line of... Staple AND Fancy Groceries nor That Can't be Beat - In Tovn Queen sware, ." Tinware an(f Enameled ware ftil -7ft CALL ON .n-1 "DeaVu$, A. D. RODGERS. The Winter Season Is here. So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying-. Lee Acheson 'Phone No. 4. Checkered LIVERY and riAMES KEELER, . Propriltor. -Ms Sip i n w nr. r ymmt.