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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1904)
RAW FISH AND VVASABI. I A BRAWNY EVANGELIST. . FORCE OF LIGHTNING Am AppvHdiiK I) lti Tlint U ft Furor, lie In J nun it. Not so well Known unions tlio occi dentals nM soy wince, but of etpinl merit n nn oji,i'lUor. Is wnsnhl. Us use Ih universal In .liipnii. It servos (he snino puipo-f tlint horseradish doct on occidental tnlilcH. hil Is less acrid. Mj' own Introduction to wnnnhl wns unique 1 count iiinonjx my nvM pleilH lnR OXpOrltMUCS in tills sunrise lit ltd my meeting with Tunilo Ynuo, novel ist nud diplomat. And nt I lie leant. Item In my debt of gintltuik1 to till . Is Unit lit1 taught mo to iipii.c. lute my rnw llsh nud wnsnhl. Mr. niio has boon the mikado's iiiiiImsimiIoi to China mid other hinds. One night nt the Xiujiou club ho led ui to n delic-nle fltihjoet on the iiiunii with much diplo macy. Ho fliinll.v got my assent to the Btnteini'iit tlint it cosmopolitan nppo tlto Ih one of the distinguishing ninths of cultivated travel. Then ho passed jiip raw HnhJ I confessed that 1 was willing to ho a stick In the mud or nny other variety of sllurlan rather than take place with the International elect by eating such a dish. My host, however, wits pain fully Insistent, dually adding that with raw flsh they, of course, ato wnsnhl. Now, I did not hnvo even a vuguo notion of what this might be. but with Unit rnw proposition before me it was comfoiting to know that at least It was to bo diluted with something. I conjured up nn experience In taking castor oil ambushed under sherry and Bnrsapnrllla, which, while not a bever age ono would grow to crave, might hnvo been worse. I figured out also that with my gaiicherles with chop sticks 1 might manage without ex citing suspicion to drop the llsh before the fatal moment, and eat only tho mysterious wasabl. lint whether through cowardice or courage I can not say, llsh ami relish made quick and simultaneous Journey to my re luctant palate, and in the never to bo forgotten Instant there Hashed Into my consciousness the undeniable truth that In (ill my occidental years I had been denied one of the most savory dishes In the world. Charles Lamb's Chinaman had Jubilant delight over his flrst tasto of roast pig, but that Is a degraded pnssloti compared with an A.'iglo-.Saxon's Initial ecstasy over an ' oriental morsel of raw numdmi gar nished with the appetizing mots of Eutrenin wasabl. All honor to tri umphant agrlctiltuial Japan, mid may this far eastern member of the mus tnrd s'amily take deep root and spread and tlourlH-!! In my native land! Har old Holco in Ilooklovers' MagsiKlne. Kleli! Ai'rltt-i!. After ICugeuo Weld's return from his first trip to Luropo, where ho "spoilt his patrimony like n prince," and be fore lie went to Denver, he hud a little close personal experience with hard tinuvs. one day ho walked Into a lead ing St. Louis hotel and, squaring him self before the leglster, Inscribed his nnme in his well known copperplate chlrography. The clerk had never heard of hltu. but ho read the name with a quick glance and said: "Do you wish a room, Mr. Field 7" "No," was thu answer. "Dinner?" "No." "Then may 1 ask what you do want';" coininued the eleik. "I just wanted to arrive." replied Field solemnly. "I had not arrived at a good hotel for many mouths. I feel better. Thank you," and he stalked out with long, heavy strides. riiiiiilniriii'M. A writer on ilamlngoes, which he has studied In their haunts In the Ha haunts, wiys of them: "They are prob ably -is near to the geese as to any other order of birds, having a similar structure of hill and feet and some what similar feather character. They are unique, however, in their curiously bent bill, which, though goosel-ke in general economy, is constructed In every detail upside down, as the bird In feeding readies down to the bottom and places the top of tho bill down. The tongue h also constructed In tho enme im cited way. The webbed feet are for sustaining the birds In tho soft ooze they love to feed In, acting like flnow shoes." Wiinlpd w lliibttk. i Sad Looking Man- I see you have ' . a sign out, "Maker of Women's Hub-1 it." Do you mean It? Ladles' Tailor ! certainly 1 do. Sad Looking Man Well, sluie my wife's been going to the club she's lost all the good ones she i had, and I wish you'd make her a com-1 pleto new sot regurdless of expense. I And please include the habit of staying I at home onco in awhile and mending , my clothes. ' i . ' " i rrncC lea 1 Flnnnclrrlnir. Raynor There's a dangerous new counterfeit flvo dollai v 111 announced. Better look through j r roll and ace If you have ono of 'em. Shayne Not ! much! I'll look at every Ave dollar bUl I take In, though, you can bet. Chi- "cago Tribune. Ai'connltil For, j "Phizzer has started up a soda water , fountain." "Why, bow could Phizzer do that? lie hasn't a penny of his own." "Well, I heard him say he had tho fountain charged." Cleveland Plnln Dealer. The foundation. "That's the new mansion of oue of our wealthy sugar refiners." "Ah! Another house built upon sand." "No; rather upon the rocks he made out of sand." Philadelphia Ledger. It 1b human nature to hate those whom we have injured. Tacitus. lie Flr Wlilppril n lltilly nnil Tlifti llrcmnlit Mini to Church. A method't minister tells ll.e fol-' lowing story about the lute Sam UukcI. ' the great Virginia evangelist, who In ' bis day was one of tho best, known pulpit orators In the south: "Sum It uel was a ery big man and had u wide reputation for hyslcnl strength, in his college dnjs he cuine off the Held of combat, usually a clr cutifHTlhtkl and secluded area of the campus, curing the lam el of victory J on iiiaiiy occasions', and after he be came u pieaeher stories of his phys ical prowes were spread trv ami near. "One day ho went to a village lo hold a protracted meeting. The village blacksmith; who was a very big man. and who was reeonnled. opeeiitl' among the tavern habitues, as a pugil istic wonder, heard about the coming of ltoxet, nud the villagers did not fail to tell him all they had heard about tho size of the parson's ami and the length of his legs, and of the con vincing way ho had of closing an ar gument with his lists. "All this nettled the smith consid erably, sj when Hozel reached tho town lie sought hlni out and nsked him to light. "Uozel. of course, said he did not want to tight, but tho smith kept on insisting, and finally Uozel became angry and agreed to gratify tho fel low. "They fought. Hocl literally wiped up the ground with the big man. When he had pounded him until the poor, vanquished bully was gasping hard. Uozel picked him up and thiew him over n fence. "The blacksmith had not said a woid since the affray began up (o this point. As he rolled over on the other side of the fence, however, he called out: " 'Say, parson, kindly throv my horse over too. I'm going away.' "Hut Uozel followed tho man to his home, and had him sitting on a front bench at tho meeting that same ulglil singing louder ihan any ono else." lialtimore Sun. NAST'S SURPRISE. Ilrmiinllc C'lliisnx In I he Coin cntloii Willed Z tn I ii tit ! ( I'll nt. lu May. 1M18, the Republican na tional convention enme along. Nast went to Chit ago to be piesent. It was settled beforehand that Gen eral Jraiit was to he tho Republican presidential candidate. The great sol dier hud maintained a calm and noble dignity through all the trying days of conlllct between congress ami Andrew Johnson and was now honored almost as much for his diplomacy as for his stucesss at it'ins. Indeed the mantle of Bweet renown left by Lincoln would seem to have been laid upon tiie shoul ders of Cram, ami he wore It with be coming grandeur and humility. Realizing that the convention would name (Jrant as Its choice. Nast pre pared a little Mirprlio for the event, lie painted upon a large curtain the White House entrance, with two ped estals, one on each side, bearing the woicIn "Republican Nomluee, Chicago, May :!(," and "Democratic Nominee, New York. July ," respectively. On the Republican pedestal was seated the llgure of (irant. while Columbia stood pointing to the empty place opposite, llelow were the words, "Match Him!" This curtain, with a blank curtain be fore It, was suspended at the buck of the convention stage. At the instnnt when (ietieral tirant was announced as the uuaiiliiioiis presidential choice of ills party the blank curtain was lined, and the great cartoon. "Match Mm!" was suddenly exposed to full view. The tiecuirence was so unexpected that the throng was silent for a mo ment, taking It In; then, -i enlisting that it was a spectacular climax, the picto rial epi'ehIon of a universal senti ment, the assembled multitude gave vent to an enthusiasm that turned the gieat hull into a pandemonium of exul tation. Albert Rlgelow Palno In Pear son's. A Vnlmililo Scrntilmok. To devote a scrnpbook to one subject makes It much more interesting and valuable, ami when you begin to gath er muteilal tui any one theme you will he surprised at the amount which will come to hand. Suppose vi want to know all about some f.i us person, either In the public eye present or some one of past times, .'roui maga zines and u" er sources en be collect- l ed articles, portraits, perhaps poems ' In relation to the subject, etc. When matter Is clipped, the serapbook maker may copy it neatly with a pen Into a book. The educational value of such n book Is something worth while, as well as the satisfaction of having gath ered oneself so much information on a single subject. ArteiuiiN Wnrcl'N I'rotector. Wlille In the show buslnoss in Peuu- i sylvanla Arlemus Ward was put to sleep in an attic wliero the sash had ' been taken out for ventilation. In the night It turned cold. Artcmiis got up and .was busy nt tho window. "What are you doing, Artemus?" his compan ion asked. 'I'm so c cold." he chattered. "I was hanging up some of these hoop skirts. 1 thought they'd keep tho coarsest of the cold out." Ilia Kxpcrloiicr. "There are some sngs that will never die," said the musical enthusi ast. "I guess that's right," answered Mr. Cumrox. "My daughter sits down at tho piano and tries to kill n few of 'cm every evening. But It's no use." Washington Star. Children soon loam that It Is father who has the money and mother who has the generous disposition. Atchi son Globe. 80ME OF "HE FEATS PERFORMED BY THE WVSTIC FLUID. Tlir Wnj llrraf nrMilp llnvc j IlccnMmttrrril AVIumi n'niilt StrlLm' n TriM- II (rnrrntrn Sl-iini Prum (lie Snp nnil Kiplotlm the linrlt. The cMdoMrc force of lightning act ing on duud wood Is not. as a rule, so great iiiCallicil living lives are struck, though Sir William Hauls shows that "the inists of ships of the line, three feet lu diameter and 110 fed long, bound with hoops 'of iron h.ilf an Inch thick and fhe Inches wide, the whole .velgbing about eighteen tons, have been lu many Instances torn asunder and' the hoops of Iron scattered about the decks." It will be found, as a rule, that trees are struck by lightning far more often than are buildings, even If the trees ami buildings are close to gether. This is partly because the trees are higher. lint there must piobably be some un known reason not only for the fre quency with which trees are struck, but for the recurrence of such shocks in the case of particular trees or trees in the same locality. The commonest form of Injury Is that the current passes down the bail; of the tree, strip ping off the band, wider or narrower, from top to bottom. Sometimes on nn oak two or three of these lightning marks are seen, evidently caused nt different times. There must be something in the form or situation or earth below the trees whfcli endangers it. An instance is quoted In Mr. Anderson's descriptive book of the Church of St. Mary in Genoa, which was frequently struck by lightning, sometimes as often as twice a year. It was not;ced that the electric force alwajs followed the same track. It was discovered later that the walls were-clnmped with Iron, anil that the lightning hail followed the patch In which the metal offered the greatest continuity, destroying the zone between. If the gtound below the lice or build ing Is hard and dry, the contact with the earth, In which the lightning ox pnuds its force and (" gpci'oCJ, is ditli ciilt. and the destruction of the object struck Is likely to result. This may explain the frequency with which a "blasted" tiee Is seen extending Its dead arum on the HUiumli of some rocky cliff or peak. The ground below it is dry and does not easily lead away the current into the earth. . At the same time thundercloud un doubtedly tend to discharge, or perhaps It would be safer to say that the trims mission fioni the cloud to the earth more frequently takes place, near pieces of water and -along the courses of rivers than elsewhere. In a park lu one of the eastern coun ties of Kughiud there Is n inrge lake. The park contains more trees struck by lightning than tho whole of the rest of the estate. Sonto miles away is a road called locally the "Lightning road" from the fieqtiency with which acci dents have occurred there either to tiecs. horses, cuttle or passengers. In this park there icccntly occurred an In stance of the explosive effect In cer tain circumstances not perfectly known. A very tall spruce, probably 100 feet high, was "exploded" from top to bot tom Into pjetes the size of the wood used In making chairs. livery shred of bark was snipped from them, and the wood looked as if it had been shredded up for tiring. A similar instance oc curred some years ago when an oak In r e grove be'ow the foot of tho White lodge In Richmond park exploded tin dor lightning shook. The bark flew olt and simply disappeared In small patch es, mid the rest of the tree was shat tered into wl.lto fragments. In these e scs it Is probable that the current sets up such a tremendous heat that all the sap In the tree Is converted into superheated steam, which ex plode. The greater the heat the more of the cells In which moisture lies are ex ploded and the greater the destruction of the tissues of the tree. As there Is most moisture between the bark and tho trunk the first and greatest explo sion takes place there, Instantly driv ing the bark away Into space. Fre quently the explosion only takes plnce at that point. As Sir Hiram Maxim pointed out after the great explosion of Mont Pelee, u very similar method Is now used by the American manufacturers of wood pulp. The logs of fir ore placed In a strong chamber, and there subjected to the action of superheated steam until tho water lu every cell is converted Into explosive gas. The chamber Is then opened and the log explodes, converting Itself Into wood powder. London Spec tutor. ISsyptlau AVeuther. As a topic of conversation the weath er Is branded with Infamy In Kgypt. It Is never mentioned eRcept by a fool, 1 am not saying tills maliciously, for 1 was that fool often enough. Mure than once on being Introduced to Europeans I would pass the usual compliments and add, "What a charming clay It is!" I got more than one withering look of contempt for this species of crass for getfulness. Why, the sun shines like a ball of tire for eight months each year, and there is practically no varia tion in the weather. In my diary 1 read tho following entries: "Beautiful morning;" "Beautiful morning again;" "Another beautiful morning:" "Oil, bother, they are all beautiful mornings hoi's, so I must take it for granted." Alexnndriu Correspondence. llercrird, "Mrs. Closely, do you still maintain your rules us to when the servants must be In ut night?" "Certainly. The only difference 1b that the cook now makes the rule." Detroit Free Press. p Don't Buy a Dollar's Worth of Goods m Dry Goods 5,000 ynuls Prints, per vnrd "t )'i to 2,000 yaitls Olnghani at per yard., 5c Outing Flannels per yd 5 to 7J3C Percales ta per yd 5 to y'ic Novelty Dress Goods, worth jjc at per ynrd 12 'Ac Black Mohair Dioss Goods atperyaid. ... 10 and 15c Thousands of yards Dress Goods per yard. . . . 20 to 50c Hundreds of yards of Silks nud Ribbons, Veilings, Velvets, Laces, liinbtoideiies, Flannels, Table Linen, lied Spreads, Muslins, Comfoits, lilaukels, Rugs, Hosiery, Fasciuatois, Corsets, Ladies' end Children's Undcrwenr. Trunks Our entire line of Trunks goes on sale at half regular price. The Knife Goes as Oatmeal, pur II) Sardines, per can Pork and Beans, pur can . . . Soup, pur can Oysters, per can , Potted Ham, per can salmon, per can Cream, pur can Tomatoes, por can Corn, per can Strawberries, per can Every Ala, "SETT IG DEPARTMENT YnplAvjv7Kvjit?uflK?EtHftXv tfP.ywfcfM!BtHFiMJBKia.. 3CJMiWBffflBMWyBQMS'?Ei?viflMt.fcl ILJfHFjEllKflUMH The Winter Season Is here. So are We With Special Prices on provisions of all kinds. Call in and see us before buying. Lee Acheson ''Phone No. 4. For Fine Boot and Shoe Repairing CALL on !? N I CHOLS Also has in stock a new line of GENTS' SHOES of the best manufacture and at prices that will suit. Call and examine the htock before you buy and you will save money. At R. Mad.sen's old stand, first door south of Cigar Factory. J. Rowan DEAL Kit IN FLOUR and FEED W1I01K8AI.K ANI IIKTAII. 1IAXDI.HS TIIK Celebrated Ravenna Flour At PUklngton's old stand, 'phone No. 71. until you visit RUMER'S STORE. You mnst see the goods to realize the prices we are making. We invite you, your family and friends to visit our store and get our prices" Cloaks Furs These goods we must dispose of regaulless of cost. See what wc offer: One lot of 50 Ladies' all wool Kersey and Chiviot short Jack ets, worth S5.00 to 8.00, sale ptice, S2. 00, 2.50 and 3.50. One lot of Ladies' medium length jackets, regular price, S8.50 to 15.00; sale price, S4.50, O.50 and 8.50. One lot Ladies' long cloaks and toiuist coats, tegular price, 12.00, 15.00 and 2000; sale piice, 6.00, . 11 and 12.00. All our Ladies Tailor Made suits must go with the cloaks. Wc make them up in two lots. All our ic . 1 2 rnd suits go at 5, 6 and 7. All our 18, 20 and 22.50 suits go at 10 and 15. We place on sale one lot of 50 Children's cloaks, regular price, 3.00, 5.00 nud 7.00: sale price, '75, .?.oo and 4.50. 5C Shoes tWTOiir entire line of Ladies', Children's and Men's Shoes and Overshoes all go on sale witti other goods. Our Ladies' $2, z.50 and 3 50 Shoes, we sell for $1,50, 2 00 2.75 Onr Men's $2.00, 3.50 and 5.00 Shoes wc sell for J2.00, 2.50, 3.50 Our Men's Snow lixcluder $1-50 Overshoe we sell at $1.10 our Si. 00 overshoe nt 75c Children's Snow Excluder Over shoes 35 and 45c Into Our Grocery Stock and Slasher. Prices in Other Departments. We Sell 3 c Pumpkins, per can . i'ic Raspburries, per can , 0 c June Peas, per can . 0 c -Molasses, per can , 7J2C Soda, per pkg . 7'ic Corn Starch, per pkg ,10 c Gloss Starch, per pkg .10 c Birdseed per pkg . S c Lamp Chimneys , . 8 c 15c linking Powder . 8 c Quaker Oats b c 10 c 10 c 10 c 5 o 5 c 5 c 5 c 5 c 10 c 10 c Woman and Child will This Sale RUMER'S ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA nilHraHHPfl HUMPHRY :: Undertaking and . . :: Embalming; Company Calls answered promptly day or night. Claude Humphry, Undertaker. Hrs. Humphry, Lady Assistant Residence phone 2G0. ZBINDEN BROS,, DEAI.HKS IN Flour Feed. "Home Comfort" Flour Is Our Leader. Try It 'PHONE 10fi. WKST sim: MAIN siTHEET.. Contractor and Builder. Turning and Scroll Work and all Kinds of Shop Work Estimates Furnished GEO. G. GADSBY, Itrluk Sho Wtfet of Alllnaei) Nnttoutd Hank. Alliance, Neb. PHONE 400, . ' . Clothing For Men and Boys- The price will be lower than ou have ever known for high j,rnde, finely Tailored goods. Wc place on sale 500 pairs of Men's pants, woith $2.50, 3.50 and 5.00; sale price, Si. 50. 2.50 and 3.50. 300 Mens all wool, finely tail ored and liiiiimed, Scrqes, tlti iot and Worsted suits, goxl uni ties nt Sio, S12 and S15; sale price, S8, Sg and Su. Wc olfer 100 Men's Ovei coats regular- price, Sio, $12.50, S15 and S20; sale price, $7.50, Sn and $14. Cheap Satinet and Cheviot Overcoats S2.50, $3.50 and $5. We have about 150 Boys' and Children's suits. The lines are badly broken. We place the en tire lot on sale at 25 per cent less than cost to clean out. We place on sale 200 pairs Men's blue denim overalls at 40c per pair. Boys' Overalls 20c pet pair. Boys' Fleece 35 and 50c Ln derwear, 25 and 35c. Men's 50 and 75c I'ncJeruear, 35 and 50c. Engineers' and Firemen's $1.50 long gauntlet Gloves, Si. 00. Medium Gauntlets, 85c. Cheap Gloves, 20, 35 and 50c. Men's S2.50 hnd S3, all wool blue and brown Flannel shirts at Si. 75. Men's 75c work and dicss shirts, 35 and 45c. Boy's work and dress shirts, 15 and 35c. Men's Ss and S7.50 Mackin toshes, S3 to S5. Kice, per lb 5 c Raisins, per lb o'c Currants, per pkg ?2c Kvaporated Peaches 10 c Evaporated Apples ,s',c Evaporated Apricots 12 'jc Cups and Saucers per set . . . .25 c Glass Bntter Dish 10 c Glass Syrup Pitcher 10 c Fancy Decorated Cups iSauc 10 c Glass Celery Dish 10 c Profit by Attending STORE For a Full Line of... fcLtlDiCAND t 1 hancy f I Groceries I M Co Ices, Finest Teas. 3 & ior That Can't be Beat In Town,,.. 1 .1 Qwensware, g Tinware atut '' Enameled ware CALL ON. "oxts qx 5ax TcaTvi, A. D. RODGERS. Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & WOOD AlliancCt Nebraska. 'Phone ISo. 5. Snpoi FRED BRENNAN Plumbing, Steam and hot water Heating. niione, No. 356. , ALLIANCE, NEB, n i 4. , A '"V .s