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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1904)
LI.NVOI.N NED ' I ' The Alliance Herald. Official Ptibli- cation of Box Largest Circu lation of any Al liance Paper. Butte County. VOLUME XI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1904, NUMBER 52 TV I V'V L. V", t t t -h:h--x-:-.: Ranch Properties Wanted If you deshe to sell your ranch, no matter whether located in Nehraska or Wyoming, we would like to have you call or wi he and give us a description of it, together with vour very lowest price. We want the price both with and without such stock as may he on it. If your price is reasonable, we will find a purchaser for same within a very shoit time, and our charge for such ser vice will he entirely satisfactory to you. If you want to buy a ranch or some pastme land, or an irrigated farm in the North Platte Valley, we would also like to have you communicate with us. We offer for sale some excellent piopertics manv of them great bargains and vc can make you "some good pay ment terms. We also make mortgage loans on approved ranch and in tented lands. German Investment Company, J. W. GERMAN. Manager, ALLIAXXE, - - NEBRASKA -.-ii H. A. Mark arrived on today's train from Lincoln to give his illustrated lecture on Western Nebiaska at the First Baptist church this evening. Mr. Marl; has made a study of the west and has a collection of interesting views which he exhibits during the course of his lecture. J. P. Elmore arrived Monday from Missouri and after a couple of days visit with his family lett Wednesday with John Elmore for the ranch near Gillette, Wyo., where they will ship a few cars of mules to the railroad woik in Missouri. Mr. Elmore says that their new rock crushers are now in use and that their contract there will re quire another year to complete it. S ';";:::::::": E. P. Hubbell, lepresenting the Denver Type foundry, was in the city last Monday calling on members of the newspaper fraternity, Mr. Hubbell has been up in the hills in the interest of his (inn. It was he who sold Col. Wisner of Bayard the new plant with winch the Oshkosh papei will be printed. A pleasant birthday party was giv en at the Re.ardon residence last Tues day in honor of Miss Estelle Bohn, the popular lady member of the cleiical foice at the land office, and Mr. Ed Ueardou, son of Mrs. Rose Reardon, being the birthday anniversary ot the young people. Plates were laid for fourteen and the time was spent in a delightful manner. LOCAL HAPPENINGS Gcncrnl nnd Personal News of Alli ance nnd Vicinily. Orvil Kid well was down from his ranch in Nonpaieil precinct Wednes day. Division Superintendent Phelan and wife returned Sunday from a trip to Omaha. Miss Mary Wnvada came down from Hemingford Sunday evening and visit ed relatives till Wednesday. Ed Mollring sold his residence yes terday to Conductor J. A. McDonald. The consideration was $3,000. v .- . Misses Inice McCorkle and Gertrude Warren, teachers in the Emerson school, were on the sick list this week. Miss Pearl Bartz is expected home frome Denver next week. She has been studying music there for several months. Claude E. Rodgers and Erne M. Rodgers, both of Cheyenne county, were married at the couit house Wed nesday by Judge Spacht. Mrs. Keith L. Pieice and little son returned to Heiningfoul Sunday after several days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ward. Peter Saudoz of Sheridan county and Miss Elsie Raymond of Alliance were married at the Hila Grand last evening, Rev C. W. Ray officiating. The Sheiidan Post says that Gen eral Superintendent Rhodes and Sup erintendent of Motive Power R. D. Smith spent Tuesday in that city on company business. Miss Florence Rigdon who has spent the last year with her sister Mis. Rob inson and attended school left Wed nesday for her home in Oregon. Miss Vina Perry accompanied her as far as Sheridan. Mr. and Mis. Alex. M airhead left for Hemingford Wednesday at which place Mr. Muithead takes a position in the flour mills. He has not fully de cided as to whether he will move there or not. W. A. Johns and family are expect ed to arrive tomorrow from Newtown, Mo., and will become uermanent resi dents of Alliance, having secured the C. H. McKinney ranch southwest of this citv. Mr. Johns is a brother-in-law of C. C. and W. S. Coker. Master Lyle 1 ferry, son of Judge Herry icached his uth birthday last Monday and to commemorate thee event. Mrs. Uerrv invited a number of Lylc's comrades in tn nmkn mmw ) The guests were ticated to something 1 out of the ordinary in the Why of custom and decorations. On being invited into the dining room to partake of a fine re past, the lads were surprised to find everything decorated in the stylo of the Japanese. Lanterns of beautiful ori ental design cast varied-color rays of light over the room which was embel lished with the fantastical designs of the gritty little mikado. Hut the climax was reached when the bova were invited to seat themselves on the carpet and partake of delicacies after the fashion of the little yellow peril who is at present giving the Russian such a merry chase near Port Arthur. Lvle and his guests were not slow in realizing the ruse played on them and added to the mirth of the occasion by indulging in the sweets in true Japanese style. It will bo many years before the lads forget their visit to the land of the far cast and the genial time spent with their comrade, Lyle Berry. The display of holiday goods this season is ahead of anything ever at tempted by Alliance merchants and the display windows are original and exipiisiielj beautiful in design. The two windows at Rumor's are in the height of the trimmer's art. One scene is that of the sea shoie including light housemd boat, as natural as the original 'This display of green and white goods brings out nature's land scape and water scene, displaying goods to the best advantage. In the adjoining window is a winter scene, which is also attractive. All along the principal business blocks the same fine displays are in evidence lor the holiday season. Woid has been received here to the effect that Rev. J. M. McConnell, who is to become pastor of the United Piesbyterian church here, has shipped his household from Zwingle, Iowa, in care of his son, and that himself and family will arrive in time to conduct preaching services on Sabbath morning at 11 a. m., to which the public is invited. Miss Anna Wills arrived Irom Den ver yesterday. She will visit relatives and friends a few weeks and make proof on her homestead before return ing. Miss Wills says that Miss Mayme O'Donncll has a splendid po sition as stenographer with a large '.mercantile house in that city. The opening oxeicises of the M. E. Sunday school Inst Sunday morning were made doubly interesting by the assistance of the Alliance High School orchestra, composed of voung people, Mrs R. T. Watson entertained a few friends at tea last Friday evening in honor of Mr. Albert Hillebrand of Chicago who was visiting among rela tives. Mr. Hillebrand was attending to land matteis before the U. S. land office. Miss Duflicld of Lincoln has been engaged by Miller Bros., in the new china store opened by this firm. She is an adept in the handling of this class of goods, having had continued experience in the china department of Herpolshiiuer of the capital city. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vount increased the male population of Alliance last Friday by the birth of a son. Santa Clans will have to add an additional gift for the now arrival, for the good old saint of the little ones rarely over looks any of the children whom he loves so dearly. An incipient tiie, the result of live coal in a pile of ashes Jumped in the rear of the Fletcher building came near being the cause of serious results last Saturday, hut for the prompt action of George Darling, who acted the part of a fireman and sipiclchcd the same. J. 13. Kennedy took a little jaunt along the high line last Saturday and Sunday, teturning Monday morning. He visited at Dead wood during his trip. The hills are covered with snow which fell recently, and the scenery of the mountain country is now in its grandest stale. The Santa Boguc's display original and unit stands there in with presents of the little one, and rosy cheeks ster passing by. Clans decoration in window is indeed an pie alfair. Old Santa life sie loaded down every description for His happy expression attracts every young It is a fine idea. John Reardon went down t Denver last week, returning Monday morning. As was to be expected, the genial "Jack" had a find a fine time of it in the city and says he enjoyed his visit immensely. Some of the boys malic iouslystarled the rumor that "Jack'Miad deserted the freedom of hachelordom while in Denyer, but this is not true. He is too cunning a fox to he caught by the bright-eyed damsels of our neighboring metropolis. for Gbrtstmas -RaM-M-M-M--gM-HHaHWMHHHinM- You know very well that nothing would please HER more than a nice FUR. We have a fine assortment. The Horace Bop Store A howling team consisting of Messrs. Geo. Brown, Bacon, Richstein, Ridgcll and Dr. Bowman, expect to go to Den vcr some day next week to roll against against the leaguers, Rovers and Over- lands. The Allianenitna im Hint they are going in airnmst luV ,mm hut they will not be vancpiished ofi that account. 1 ne Alliance team expects to stop off at Stcrlimr and emiinst niiilnt the cracked bowlers of that place. 'W.WW The .veather man has linen irvin his best to send us a snow storm, but evidently his machine. HU-n (In. ., !.,, , gasoline, is out of whack. Once or twice (lining tile past week he succeed in scattering a few flnkn .. i, country, ijut hardly enough to track a laomi. jiowever, lie lias been more successful to the east and west of us. From Hemimrford and nUw.r ,,.; ia come reports of considerable descent of the beautiful, while in the states adjoining us to the east there has been ncavy miiB 01 snow. 1 1 . u' j n in a I 39C I 7ve FAHOUS The 1 Iome of T rir Tin Tz-it-- L.KJ VV I'MLJIO SOMETII1XU NKW DOUGLAS SHOES vith viscolized soles, water proof. $4.00 You need no overshoes with these. SEE THEM I EXTRA VALUES ! Men's Split Buckskin Wool-Lined GLOVES 50c A FINE LINE OF ZBO-STS' SXJITS New Goods, Double-breasted Styles, Only $1.50 as &-& Don't forget that you can JRWbuy a very decent SUIT JfeHieie for $5.00 We have no old, shop-worn goods in our store. We manaire to dis pose of all we buy each season. Old goods are dear at any price. We al ways show the newest goods in our line FIRST. HiITJi ifftnui r m.jyT.TiMunw.-m Douglas Shoes You know Douglas was elected gov ernor of Massachusetts. You can be in his shoes for 'i 50 Extraordi nary Values! ',KBKaMnnnniBKMMiaaananaaaaaHaHMaBHiaaHiKBnBananiaBa,BaRMaainBai if TO sold at $18.00, for the low price of Read every ITHOUT EXCEPTION this is the greatest Clothing- Event of the year. Cheviots, Vicunas, Thibets and Clays. Suits that word of it. We offer von your free choice of all the new weaves including Worsteds, bilk Mixed Worsteds, Cassimeres, We guarantee every suit to have the non-breakable front, hand-padded shoulders, hand-put-on collar; guarantee the goods fast colors and perfect fitting. Investigate these goods. No such values have ever been offered von before. mmBBmnmwmammwmmmgBMmmmmmam This offer is limited to 12 days, as we think the will all be sold in that time at this ridiculously low figure. We will be pleased to have you look and try them on. Buy Him a Suit or an Overcoat for His Present ! We have just received 39 sample Overcoats, 52-inch automobile belt coats from David, Alder & Sons way below the price, and we offer $17.00, $18.00 and $20.00 values. If 1 QQ you need a coat, you can't afford to miss this, it will save you dollars, at tfi A tlit You have all been to the circus and doubtless noticed and heard the noise of the side show man. When you acted wisely you passed up the side shows, going to the main tent It's good policy to do the same when buying clothing Pass up sideshows and come to the main clothing tent, which is THE FA MOOS of course. ONE PRICE Two Doors North of Postoffice. REMEMBER, ONLY 19 DAYS UNTIL WE GIVE AWAY THAT . Get your tickets f f IN wi,h each tlollar S J I purchase; keep f'tfil BM 1 them unt" )ou vj J 1iLJ y know who is en titled to the gold $75 5vb FAHOUS Advertisers of FACTS fi as 120 PAIRS President Suspenders In Holiday Boxes While they last, one pair to customer. 20 BOYS' OVERCOATS Made of Union Cassimcre $1.02. Forio days onl 2 ONE LOT OF 50c TIES 4 - in - hands NOW 25C ALL SILK INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS ViT SPECIAL, I9C Men's Heavy, Fleece-lined UNDERWEAR Regular 65c value Chy now only t5 JS OICKAT STITF For 10 l).i Only Suit Cases mike an ideal -Mas Gift. Genuine leather lit,ht and dark colors $5, $6 and $7 jrinely much ami IliiMicd Corduroy Work Coats 81 Bur collar, blanket P5 littnrl nnlii ,W""I "4IJ $3.22 Just in - another case of HOYS' Underwear at 19c This is the third case this season. Wvcreoab very nne line rang- illL' in nrici' I'liim l.50 to 7.50 Just reccHcil tlicui AKMV and NAVY BLl'f, FlannelShirts at 5ft!.25 I Excellent Values. Shoes! ShoesI Men's good working Puritan calf, seam less Shoes $2.25 9 ', : 1 Something New in O VERCLOTH ES i-Sf See those new Union Suits, jackets and pants all in one. $HStt2ZKHEKreB2QE5fi