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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1904)
The Alliance Herald. Official Publi cation of Box Butte County, Largest Circu lation of any Al liance Paper. k VOLUME XI. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! FRIDAY,. DECEMBER 9, 1904, NUMBER 51 $-Vv-'NvvnVnv CHRIS' HAS "l ':"..!"X"I,vX"X"X"X,,XX c m .13 are showing a handsome line of Books, Vases and Novelty China ware, Dolls and Toys. Fancy Neckwear, Shopping Bags and Furs make fine gifts, and we will gladly show you our line. The HORACE BOGUE STORE TRADE WINNER. &-vynWvsv'UAvv'UAnAwNyv Friday is Fresh Fruit Day nt Glcnson's Delicacy Store. Nov. n-tf Money to Loan. $2000 to loan on approved security at 10 per cent interest Dec. 23t G. L. Mofkatt. Avoid Risk and Terrors or Operation for disease, by using Dr. Moses S. Hotch kiss' perfect specific for inflammation, Cure for all diseases, acute or chronic,. Paralysis overcome in from 2 to 4 months puiting patient on feet. Equal relief for rheumatism and all other chronic diseases This specific is a never-failing cure for diptheria. perspiration induced inside of C hours and improvement shown in acute cases inside of ten days. Specific single bottle $1.00, doz. $5. 00; Doz. $10.00. 15 years successful experience. Write for particulars and circulars, Frank McFarland, 49-4 Grawford, Neb. Closing Out at Cost. Our entire stock of Children's Hats nnj cloaks nt Regan's. I.ndlcs' Wnlsts and Wrappers nt UcRim's Ladies when in Alliance do not fail to call at Regan's where you will find the most complete line of Millinery and Ladies' Furnishings at the vdry lowest prices. Co-Lon-Co. Dr. Allen, dentist, opera house. Forest Lumber Co. make a specialty of manufacturing dipping vats. Dr. Koons, dentist, Norton block. Office upstairs See Humphrey for picture framing, up holstering and furniture repairing. Hurold H. Miller, M. D., physician and surgeon, office and residence 321 south Seventeenth strcat, Lincoln, Neb. Geo. G.' Gadsby will take clown screen doors and windows and store them till spring when they will be re paired, painted and put up again. He will also make and put up storm doors and windows. Phone 400. o-iO tf Go to the Alliance National Hank to deposit your money. Oct. 7-tf. Special sulc Ladles' Suits and Skirts ut Hccnn'.s. Picture framing, upholstering and furni ture repairing -C. Humphry. 7-10-tf Nearly all the ailments of the human race in these days are caused by the Blood. Stomach and Kidneys being out of order. There is not a case on record than Cp-Lon-Co hasn't cured. Ask your druggist. LOCAL HAPPENINGS General and Personal News of Alli ance and Vicinity. Simon Sprv wns n Crawford visitor yesterday. , Look over Geo. Darling's stock be fore making selections for Xuisih gifts. The Ladies' Union will meet with Mrs. Edward Jackson ne.t Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sampy and Mrs. John Sampy were Alliance visi tors Wednesday. W. 1). Ktiuicr purchased the Dor rington tesidencc Wednesday, the eon- Straws show which way the wind blows, and the general advertising of Alliance merchants in today's issue of Tin; llMtAMi is an indication that Clnistmas, tin happiest day of all the year to mankind and more especially the little onus, will soon ho hero. I Thcie's the ever reliable Famous with its storeroom lull of fine presents ad- vet Used in a neatly arranged and well written statement of what can be se- cured there for those who wish to ro- member their relatives and friends. Geo. Dai ling too has many beautiful , things to offer 011 tho last page of this ! issue, while W. W. Not ton is head- quarters this season for good old Kris I Kringlc, tho patron saint of tho little j ones and ho has advised Mr. Norton to siderntion being Si, 600. C. A. Newberry spent Saturday at ', sce to il t,lnt cvcr' owe in Box Butto Chadron and while there sold some of , co""ty should be remembered at his store, wheic a great stock is on hand l to be sold out at tho lowest pi ices pos- I .!!.!. I.- 1 H-.1I-. .. 1 ,1.... . aiuiv. r it:u muuiing lias somcwiiug to say to tho ladies about the American ! beauty corsets that will be of interest. 1 Sce his ad. elsewhcie. The Horace Hogue store is also in the front ranks his celebrated dipping vats. J. H. Miller returned Wednesday from his trip to Cody, Wyo., where he was looking after his laud inteicsts. . A. Hunter has purchased the resi dence of conductor J. A. McDonald and the latter is negotiating for the ' with n holiday display and it is only to j his credit to state that no better place 1 can be found in Nebraska in which to I secure holiday present!). See the ad. j Several days ago, Mrs. Hnr'y BcaiiB j wife of Engineer Beans of this city, , lost her gold watch as a result of a 1 sneak thief's work. The matter was 'repotted to the police and Marshal ' Boon and Nightwatch Cardwell after 1 investigating came to tho conclusion that 0:10 Charles Summers, n familiar ' figure about town was the proper party to intercept in the case. The minions of the law were on the right track evi 1 dently, for on being accosted, Summers produced the stolen propeity and was ! given rush orders to leave town. Ed Mollring residence Invitations aie out for the third an nual ball of Hardstruggle lodge No. 642, B. of R. T., Friday evening, Dec. 30, in the Zbiuden hall. K. G. King of Omaha is in the city today. Mr. King has located a large number of people in Sioux county un der the Kinkaid act and today filed on a homestead himself near Ilarnsou. An alarm of fue last Monday brought the department to Norton's store, where some, irregularity in the pressure tank of the lighting plant had threatened set ions results. However, presence of mind and the prompt action of those in the store avertod all damage. W. H. Snyder has disposed of his residence property in this city to F. L. Putney, formerly of Ellsworth, the consideration being forty-six head of horses and colts. Mr. Snyder has The local organization of the Modern Brotherhood of America have made ar rangements to give a grand ball at Zbindcn hall Monday evening, Decem ber uj. Everybody is cordially invited. Refreshments will be served free and nifln nrr!)ntiniiipntcfnmnvn tn linvpnitn ....,.,. . , .. ' there is every indication to predict that soon, while Mr. Putney contemplates , f - . ,...,,,,, nf . Knrtntv -....., ,-. ....... ............ ...... v. w t'fw J Swell line of pictures and medallions at Darling's Ed Rood came in from tho cast Wednesday. Fted Nagleschneidcrand sister Anna, wero down from Hemiugford Tuesday on land business. v xv v- v Charles W. Smith and Miss May Brown were united in marriage Tues day, Rev. G. C. leffors performing the ceremony. . untieing this city hi3 home. ' in Alliance, will be a complete success. Mr. and Mrs, Philip Michael were down from llcuiingford yesterday. Mr. Michael mado Tin; Hiu;ai.i a visit and renewed his subscription. The Sotobis club will meet with Miss Ina Boll wood next Friday and the Cheese and Cracker club will bo enter tained by Mrs. H. II. Bcllwood on Thursday. Glen Hamilton returned last Sunday irom his trip to the World's fair and a visit at LnFaycttc, I nil., with his mother and brother Verne who is at tending 1'iirdim University. Arch Deacon Opo will hold services in the Episcopal Chinch next Sunday as follows: Children's service at to: a. in. Holy communion at 11: a. in. Service and sermon at 7:30 p. in, Thcr! will bo a dance in the Zbiuden hall next Monday night to which the public is generally invited. Tickets of admission will bo 50 cents. Good music will bo provided for the occasion. Tho Feast of the Imiunlctijato Con ception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was observed at the Catholic church last Sunday, Monday and Tues day, was well nttended. Rev. Father Galvin was assisted in the services by Fathei Carroll of North Platte and Father Sullivan of Sidney. Dr. and Mrs. Allen entertained a number of neighbors and friends at their beautiful home Tuesday evening. A musical recital and light refresh ments were the order of the evening's enjoyment, ine ur, ami wite arc pleasant entertainers and it is a real pleasure to be numbered among their guests, M. W. A. Rally! Wednesday Eve., Dec. 14 Details pertaining thereto will be discussed at M. W. A. hall on above ' date. All members are earnestly re quested to be present. The Woodmen will meet with the Royal neighbors from 7:30 to 8:30. A Grand Success. The ladies of the M. E. church mado a grand success of the bazaar held at the new city hall lasl Ft iday and Sat urday. There's no disputing the fact, that if the good Lord takes into con sideration strcnuousity and gettip-and dust in the domain of his vineyard hero on earth, the women will have thq best of it over tho sterner sex two to one. But that's not for us to decicTo. The bazaar was well arranged and every detail made the event a success. It is estimated that the not proceeds will bo in thelneighborhood of $300, which will go to improvement of the church property and parsonage. Tho social feature of the bazaar was likewise a success. The decorations were beauti ful and the whole building was a bow cry of beauty. The ladies of the M. E. church are to bo congratulated on their triumph, Mr. M. C. Hubbell and Miss Belle W. Smith were united in holy wedlock Wednesday, December 7, at the hqmo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Smith in this city, The wedding was a quiet affair only relatives being present. The ceremony was performed by Rev. G. C. Jcffcrs. Tho- groom is 0110 of our most prominent young ranchmen and his bride is an accom plished young lady who has won Mrtnv friends by her amiable disposition, The Hkkald joins the manv friends nf Nfr. and Mrs. Hubbell in wishing' them n 1 happy and prosperous journey through life. '" ' 1 I f " " - in. P'"' 3ve FAflOUS The 1 lome of LOW PRICES SOMETHING NEW DOUGLAS SHOES with viscolized soles, water proof. $4.00 You need no overshoes with these. SEE THEM 1 EXTRA VALUES ! Men's Split Buckskin Wool-Lined GLOVES 50c A FINE LINE OF BO"STS' SUITS New Goods, Double-breasted St les, Only $1S0 a ft- Don't forget that you can teY-biiy a very decent SUIT rrrheto for $5.00 ggprT1BffKaraZg.lligBSBEBffigl wo Wo have no old, shop-worn goods in our store. We manage to dis pose of all wo tiuy oach season. Old goods are dear at any price. We al ways show the newest goods in our lino FIRST. $StfrfMlJf:X3.,VAl AWmXBSrAWfrilWK.WM4 WW 96 A I CM I m I ffJuuf fc"" PA pn Douglas Shoes You kin w DouJ is ele-rted gov ernor of Massachusetts. on can be in his si oes for. 'J 50 ESEXHEKESSSEKSHE Extraordin Values! ary 7ITT1 ITH0UT EXCEPTION this is the greatest Clothing Event of the year. Read every m word of it. We offer you your free choice of all the new weaves including Worsteds, Silk Mixed Worsteds, Cassimeres, Cheviots, Vicunas, Thibets and Clays. Suits that sold at $18.00, for the low price of We guarantee every suit to have the non-breakable front, hand-padded shoulders, hand-put-on collar; guarantee the goods fast colors and perfect fitting. ' Investigate these goods. Xo such values have, ever been offered vou before. This offer is limited to 12 days, as we think the will all be sold in that time at this ridiculously low figure. We will be pleased to have ou look and try them on. Buy Him a Suit or an Overcoat for His Present ! 1 David, Alder u $15.22 We have just received 39 sample Overcoats, 52-inch automobile belt coats from David, Alder & Sons wav below the price, and we otter $17.00, $ib.oo and $20.00 values. Ii )ou need a coat, you can't afford to miss this, it will save ou dollars, at... Vou have all been to the circus and doubtless noticed and heard the noise of the side show man. When you acted wisely you passed up the side shows, going to the main tent It's good policy to do the same when buying clothing Pass up sideshows and come to the main clothtnc tent, which is HE FAMOUS of course. ONE PRICE Two Doors North of Postofl'ice. REMEMBER, ONLY 19 DAYS UNTIL WE GIVE AWAY THAT 0"l V wi,h eac1' loliar J "" J purcliahe. keep ft ffi l) "em u,mi you vJ J iiUr y know who is en titled to the gold $7 5 Suit Cases niakoan idojlX Mas Gift". Genuine 1' i'lui h.,ht and dark r jlorH $5, $6 and $7 II ii i y rnJil"! d lln'vlii'il il22SBE2aimSOT2l Corduroy Work Coats as Bis collar, blanket ,"4 linr-il imlv $3.22 laaaffisasjawxazK Just in another case of BOYS' Underwear at 19c Tins is the third case this season. pys'Overcoals Vei finr hue rang ing in price from 1.50 to 7.50 lust rooeli l'iI tliL-in 3n?fm2JHr ARMY and NAVY BLUE iFIannelShirts 25 Ish oesl Shoes! M Men si i i wui Mil Puritan calt, ant-if--. Muic- i rn Hi t a -. .. Hi gw ruriMu cair, ant- u H if . Sluic s 92 ni in. ta m m Kxr client Values S u0 H JBwrwywHtWrMTHPaMa uKHsKatwztfsaaausx asretaxasnTrTrTir-niirnrTTiTiii 5vc FAHOUS Advertisers of FACTS I Ml J 120 PAIRS President Suspenders In Holiday Boxes Wbilc thev last, one "fr pair to customer., ..5V so BOYS' OVERCOATS Made of Tnion Cassimere 39 $1 For io days onh ""'"iijiTnrifWM iiiiiiiiiM ii in ONE LOT OF 50c TIES 4 - in - panels NOW 2.SC s ALL SILK INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS in iiii Olllj SPECIAL, !9C iiwasBmSuSSSSi3vS!SSSiJiSSSSS3Sl s Men's Heavv, Fleece-lined UNDERWEAR Regul now on lilCKAT STUM' Tor 10 U.iys Only r- wftitfliwffK!itirrii:Tffiirr'rra ar65c value OQ mlv GC Something New in O VERCLOTH ES See those new Tnion Suits, lackets and pants all in one. I i5iH38R?SKS HK255!2Emm 73fc5tattftf